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Chapter 712 No one is a hero

"This is Nanjing. We have to fight, but we can't fight hard."


When the decision was handed to Zuo Hua, he made a decision quickly.

The fight must be fought.

Such a large fleet traveled a long distance and finally reached the gates of Nanjing. If they didn't fight, they would be looked down upon by the people in Jiangnan.

But we can't fight in a big way, let alone conquer Nanjing.

Then the Ming court will definitely turn the tables.

Even if the Ming Dynasty did not lift the table, losing Nanjing would mean losing the sacred land of Jiangnan.

Without the support of Jiangnan's finance and taxation, the Ming Dynasty center in the north would definitely collapse immediately.

Without the Ming Dynasty to suppress the rebels in the northwest and stop the Liaodong Jurchens, Shandong would have to take over all the troubles.

But Shandong's strength is not yet able to deal with a larger chaos.

Development takes time.

Strong power also needs to be accumulated bit by bit.

Everyone in Shandong now has the same attitude, which is to build walls high, accumulate grain widely, and slowly become king.

You must never let yourself become the target of public criticism.

Therefore, it was necessary to deal a certain blow to the Ming Dynasty, but not to death.

This degree needs to be carefully grasped.

Zuo Hua played very skillfully.

Under his order, the fleet lined up on the river, with the black muzzles aimed at the city wall of Nanjing.

After a while, there were thunderbolts and smoke dispersed.

The city walls and land of Nanjing were all swept away by the storm.

Bricks and stones flew apart, buildings collapsed, the earth shook and mountains shook, and people's hearts also collapsed.

The officers and soldiers who were guarding the city wall in fear immediately turned around and ran as fast as they could.

Xie Sheng, Zheng Sanjun and others were so frightened that they fainted and peed. They completely lost the demeanor of high-ranking officials and ministers, and even had to be carried by servants and subordinates before they retreated from the city wall.

The whole of Nanjing was in chaos.

Especially those aristocratic families, distinguished ministers and officials gathered their bags and rushed out of the door.

All the major gates in Nanjing City were blocked by the flow of people.

In order to fight for the road, they trampled the dead and wounded on each other, which far exceeded the artillery bombardment of the New Army.

Standing on the boat, Zuo Hua and others could not see the situation in Nanjing city.

But after seeing a shelling, not even a ghost could be seen on the Nanjing city wall. Everyone was very puzzled and didn't know what happened.

There were obviously artillery on the city walls of Nanjing, but in the end they didn't even fire back.

Zuo Hua scratched his head and hesitated for a long time.

"Send someone to send a message to Songjiang and report the situation here. In addition, the fleet disperses and takes a look around. If there are any officers and soldiers who want to resist, just attack directly."

After issuing the order, Zuo Hua stationed himself on the Yangtze River outside Nanjing.

The chaos in Nanjing lasted until evening.

Seeing that the new army did not enter the city, people's mood gradually stabilized and order was gradually restored.

The people who were about to flee thought for a moment and all went home, but they all closed their doors tightly for fear of disaster.

"What a shame! It's so shameful! There is not a single warrior in the ancient capital of the Ming Dynasty. How can we go to see Taizu and Shizu?"

Xu Hongji stamped his feet and roared, the sound shook the roof tiles, and he severely criticized all the civil and military officials.

Of course he is qualified to say that.

Because just when everyone was busy running away, he didn't run away.

He is still guarding the city of Nanjing.

This does not mean that he is loyal and does not care about death.

It was because he knew that even if the new army entered the city, he and the Duke of Wei would still be safe and sound.

Who said we are friends of Shandong?

But compared with him, those Nanjing civil and military officials who were like lost dogs were completely humiliated.

It was just a round of shelling, but no one dared to stand up and resist. They all packed up their belongings and fled with ordinary people.

Everyone was so scolded by him that they couldn't hold their heads up, and they were all ashamed.

But now that the army is approaching, they still have to find a way to deal with it.

"Lord Lu, you should be in charge of the military formation. What to do now is entirely up to you."

After hearing Tang Dazhang's words, Lu Weiqi wanted to kill him alive.

Isn't this just putting him on the fire?

"Now we have no soldiers, no generals, no generals. Even if we want to defend the city, how can we defend it?"

Lu Weiqi's angry eyes swept back and forth over the distinguished ministers.

None of these gadgets can be used at the critical moment.

Honorable ministers, my eyes are watching my nose, and my nose is watching my heart. I myself stand tall and motionless. I spit on my face and dry myself, and my conduct is profound.

I can't scold you all you want, but I won't get you killed.

My ancestors shed blood and sweat for the Ming Dynasty, so when you come here, you should enjoy it.

If you want me to work hard, then what kind of salary do you officials get?

Seeing that Xun Chen was so thick-skinned and refused to accept the move, Lu Weiqi felt dizzy and simply lay down.

Seeing that the situation was frozen and the army outside the city was still watching with eager eyes, Xie Sheng had no choice but to think of a way.

"The enemy outside the city now is Shandong Zuoni. They haven't attacked the city yet, so I'm afraid they have other plans. It is said that Qian Muzhai and Zuo Mengeng had an old relationship. In my opinion, why not invite him?

Come forward and send an envoy to the enemy's army to find out the true situation, so that we can prescribe the right medicine."


This is a good idea!

Anyway, it's other people's fault, it has nothing to do with us.

Everyone praised him for his kindness and quickly sent someone to invite Qian Qianyi to come over.

Qian Qianyi was also among those fleeing during the day.

Unfortunately, he didn't make it, and the blocked roads forced him to return home.

Now that he was invited here, when he heard the reason, Qian Qianyi wanted to pretend to be sick on the spot.

However, the bright eyes of the people around him made him realize that this method was not feasible.

"Mr. Mu Zhai, the safety of millions of lives in Nanjing depends on your hands. You are the world's cultural sect, respected by everyone. Please brave the dangers and save the people of Li from the fire."

Xie Sheng and others were given big hats one after another, and Qian Qianyi really didn't give Qian Qianyi a chance to refuse.

"I have been favored by the local people for a long time. At this time of crisis, I have sacrificed my life for righteousness. I don't want to be second to others."

Unable to refuse, Qian Qianyi had to say some nice words and took over the job.

Early the next morning, accompanied by his servants, he walked out of the city gate fearfully and walked all the way to the riverside.

"Minister, there is someone holding a white flag on the shore."

When Zuo Hua heard this, he looked over and smiled immediately.

"Hahaha, even Qian Muzhai can come as an envoy, which shows that there is no one in Nanjing."

He ordered: "Take him over."

A small boat was separated from the fleet and sailed to the shore. Only Qian Qianyi was picked up. As for Qian Qianyi's servants, they were not allowed to board the boat at all.

Qian Qianyi had no choice but to bite the bullet and appeared in front of Zuo Hua.

"Haha, it turns out it's the second general from the left who is in front of you."

When he was in Linqing, Qian Qianyi met Zuo Hua.

It's just that Zuo Hua was Zuo Mengeng's servant at that time, and Qian Qianyi didn't take him seriously at all.

Unexpectedly, time passed and that humble servant turned into a majestic general.

Seeing Zuo Hua in a beautiful uniform, standing tall and surrounded by numerous guards, he was actually more imposing than all the civil and military officials in Nanjing.

Qian Qianyi, an old minister who had lost his power, felt extremely sad.

This chapter has been completed!
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