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Chapter 758 Commander's Palace (1)


In the courtyard, Wang Siyi used a scimitar to make flowers. The light of the knife shimmered and the snow shadows filled the sky, which was so beautiful.

Zuo Xuanyan looked attentively and kept waving her little hands, very excited.

Children always change quickly.

In just a few months, it has already grown, and it looks so sculpted and polished that it is really endearing.

Now this little baby has become the biggest treasure in the commander-in-chief's palace, and everyone's life begins to revolve around her.

Even when Wang Siyi came back for vacation, she had to perform martial arts for her.

After the play was over, Wang Siyi came over and held Zuo Xuanyan in her arms, feeling very curious.

"Good girl, when you grow up, mother will teach you martial arts."

Zuo Xuanyan didn't understand either, and she bounced up and down in Wang Siyi's arms, giggling non-stop.

Seeing this scene, Xu Ruolin really had a headache.

"This girl, when I read her a story, she won't stop crying. She gets very happy when she sees you playing with knives. I wonder if you are my biological child?"

Wang Siyi laughed loudly and took a few bites on Zuo Xuanyan's cheek.

"Of course my daughter from the Zuo family must be able to catch tigers in the mountains and catch dragons in the sea."

Seeing her daughter and Wang Siyi having fun, Xu Ruolin didn't know who to talk to about her depression.

"Hey, eldest niece, look, what did uncle bring you?"

Zhang Haogu came up to him with a mean smile on his face, holding a shining white jade horse in his hand.

Obviously this is a gift for Zuo Xuanyan.

But seeing his face, Zuo Xuanyan immediately burst into tears.

"Hey, girl, I am your father's sworn brother and your most beloved uncle."

Zuo Xuanyan didn't listen and cried even harder.

Zuo Mengeng mocked: "Look, look, even children know you are not a good person."

"Second from the left, you have to have evidence for what you say. Why am I not a good person?"

As a result, Wang Siyi was unhappy.

"Which kind of good person do you think you are? Which kind of good person takes my father to a brothel?"

Zhang Haogu made a big blush and defended himself again and again.

"My aunt, I really didn't take Uncle Wang Shi there. He is the elder, he gave the order, what can I do? You can't blame me for this."

But when it comes to brothels, Zhang Haogu gets excited.

"Hey, second from the left, I saw the songs and dances you created last time, and I thought they were promising. So I contacted Director Li, asked her to be my teacher, and taught a batch of them. Now I am partnering with Wang Shishu

I run a performing arts company that specializes in performing for various events, celebrations, weddings and weddings. Don’t tell me, it’s very popular and makes a lot of money.”

Zuo Mengeng's head was full of black lines, and he knew that this guy was only good at this.

But at least what he and Wang Shizhong did was considered serious business.

While they were talking here, Mr. Huang came over.

As I walked, I looked at it with lingering eyes, quite reluctant to let go.

"I have lived in this house for more than ten years, and I am already used to it. If you want to go to Jinan, just go there. I have nothing to do here."

Zuo Mengeng couldn't laugh or cry.

"We are all far away in Jinan, so how can we rest assured if my mother is alone here? Besides, Ruolin is still busy with official duties, and the children will still need your care in the future."

Mrs. Huang also knew that her family would not be able to leave her alone in Linqing, but it was difficult to leave her homeland, so she nagged her.

On that day, Zuo Mengeng and his family packed up and started moving to Jinan.

After one year and eight months of construction, the brand-new Commander's Palace has been completely completed and ready for move-in.

Prior to this, most of the functional departments in Shandong had been relocated.

Before leaving, Zuo Mengeng handed over the house to Lao Qintou.

"Old Uncle Qin, if you don't want to leave your hometown, we won't force you to do so. This house is generally quite complete. From now on, you can live here and enjoy your happiness. If you want to go back to Zhuangzi, it's not too far.

I’ll just go with you.”

The person who is most reluctant to leave his hometown is actually Lao Qintou.

He is over seventy years old and has lived here all his life. Every plant and tree in his hometown has been integrated into his bones and his soul.

Once he leaves here, his life will have no meaning.

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Zuo Menggeng stopped insisting and left Zuo Mansion for him to live in.

Outside Linqing City, standing on the roadside, watching the Zuofu family go away in the distance, Old Qintou murmured to himself.

"No matter where the young master goes, his roots are still here. The old man has to look after him. Only with roots can a person stand firm and go far."

Linqing to Jinan is only a day and night's journey along the waterway.

Finally the family arrived at their new residence.

Hou Xun, Li Banghua, Zhang Zongheng, Huang Zongxi and other civil and military officials have already gathered here. Even if they are congratulatory guests, they are here to visit.

Zuo Mengeng expressed his gratitude to one person first.

"Mr. Nanyuan, thanks to you, the Commander's Mansion can be built so well."

The person Zuo Menggeng thanked was the famous garden architect Zhang Lian.

This person is very famous in the history of Chinese architecture. Wang Shimin's Lejiao Garden and Nanyuan in Taicang, Yunheng Cottage and Xijiao Garden by Li and his son in Songjiang, Fushui Villa by Qian Qianyi in Changshu, etc. are all his masterpieces.

Therefore, when it was decided to build the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion, Xu Ruolin overcame all objections and invited this powerful man over.

Under the auspices of Zhang Lian and with the blessing of Zuo Menggeng's ideas, it can be said that the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion is the first of its kind in Chinese architecture.

Hou Xun and others are just curious.

It was obvious that they had all made up their minds. After visiting, they would definitely absorb good things from the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion and then use them to build their own residences.

Zhang Lian was radiant after receiving Zuo Mengeng's thanks personally.

"I have been building a manor all my life, and I thought that I was very skilled in my skills. I never thought that I would benefit a lot from the commander-in-chief. It is I who should be grateful. The commander-in-chief is a good teacher and friend!"

Seeing that the famous Zhang Lian admired Zuo Menggeng, everyone became even more curious about what the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion was like.

The auspicious moment has arrived, and everyone is looking forward to it. Zuo Mengeng finally speaks.

"Open the door and welcome our distinguished guests."

People from the Ministry of Internal Affairs had already taken over the place. Under Zuo Mengeng's order, the main door of the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion slowly opened, revealing the tip of the iceberg inside.

Considering security issues, the main entrance of the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion is made of fine steel and plated with brass, so it looks glittering and noble.

And such a gate cannot be destroyed even if it is bombarded by the New Army's infantry artillery.

Due to its special structure, even a battering ram cannot do anything.

Inside the main entrance, close to the wall, there are tall sentry towers on the left and right.

The sentry stood on it and had an unobstructed view of the five hundred meters directly ahead. Anyone who wanted to get close could not hide it from the sentry's eyes.

This area is a small square, but it is not open to the public.

Only people from the Commander-in-Chief's Office, as well as staff from the Cabinet and Legislative Council opposite, can move around here.

The fence of the Commander-in-Chief's Mansion is made of reinforced concrete. Although it is not heavy, it is absolutely strong and reaches a height of twelve meters.

Not only was there a sharp barbed wire fence, but tall and dense trees were planted there, so that no matter how high you stood, you couldn't see what was going on.

These things are all insisted upon by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There is only one requirement, the safety of the commander's family is more important than anything else.

This chapter has been completed!
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