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Chapter 890 War is coming

After accepting the surrender of North Korea, Huang Taiji's troops returned to North Korea

Dorgon will stay in North Korea for a while, waiting to escort Prince Chang Zhaoxian, Lord Fenglin and other North Korean hostages.

The changes in North Korea cannot be hidden from Dorgon's eyes.

"My lord, I heard that there is a rebellion in North Korea."

Dorgon went straight to the Korean palace. No one could stop him, and no one dared to stop him.

Seeing his palace being entered and exited by outsiders at will, Li Zhu's heart was bleeding.

He had no choice but to put on a smile.

"They are just some thieves who cannot see the situation clearly. I have sent troops to encircle and suppress them. They will be calmed down soon."

Dorgon observed Li Zhu's expression and wanted to see some clues.

However, Li Ju was also a master in politics, and his calm appearance prevented Dorgon from noticing anything.

When leaving the palace, Dorgon looked at the particularly deserted Hanyang and asked, "Has the royal city of Korea always been like this?"

Zheng Minshou said quickly: "I have never been to Hanyang, but I heard that it is very prosperous here."

Dorgon pointed at the empty street.

"So where did everyone go?"

Zheng Mingshou understood.

"I will go check it out immediately."

The news that Dorgon came to question him quickly spread among North Korean officials.

"Your Highness, if you don't tell Prince Rui about this, will it cause trouble in the future?"

Jin Liu is as timid as a mouse and doesn't want to take responsibility.

Cui Mingji has always been thinking about Li Zhu.

"As long as Marshal Du can put down the rebellion as soon as possible, this matter will not cause any trouble."

Can Jin Zidian quickly put down the rebellion?

The monarchs and ministers in the court did not know that his condition at the front line was not very good at this time.

After receiving Li Zhu's order, Jin Zidian gathered his troops and headed south.

It took him five days to reach Gumi.

This place has entered the territory of Gyeongsang Province and is the base camp of the Westerners Party.

Of course Jin Zidian knew how powerful the Westerners were, so he did not underestimate the enemy, but was very alert.

However, the situation he faced was completely unexpected.

"Marshal, I have searched all around and can't see anyone."

"The final vanguard has approached Daegu, which is also deserted."

Many situations were reported one after another, making Jin feel numb.

He knew that Jin Sangxian and others had rebels in their hands, and he was not too afraid.

After all, North Korea's most capable military is now in his hands.

But the scariest thing is not seeing anyone along the way.

You don't know where the enemy is, so you must always be cautious. But if your nerves are tense all the time, who can stand it for a long time?

The most important thing is...

"Marshal, we don't have much food and grass. We must report to Hanyang immediately to deliver food and grass to us."

The most serious consequences of not being able to see people appear.

That means it is impossible to collect food locally.

Jin Zidian's army had been stranded in Miyuan for more than two months, and the food and grass they carried had been almost consumed.

This time when we went south, we originally thought that we were fighting on the mainland and to suppress unpopular rebellion, so it should be easy to collect food and grass.

But reality gave him a loud slap in the face.

Along the way, they didn't see many people at all. All the towns they passed were like ghost lands. Since there were no people, where were they going to find food?

Once the more than 30,000-strong army is cut off from food and grass, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jin Zidian was not very good at fighting, but he cherished his life very much.

"Immediately report the situation here to His Highness, and you must also send out scouts to search in all directions. No matter what, you must find people. It's freezing, where can the people hide?"

Jin Zidian's idea was destined to fail.

He thought that the nearby people had believed the rumors of rebellion and had all hid in the mountains. The weather was so cold that the people would not be able to hide for long.

However, in fact, when they heard that the monarch wanted to arrest the people and send them to the Manchus as slaves, the people were all very frightened.

When Kim Sang-heon and others went south, many people packed up their belongings and followed them to Busan.

Today, both sides of the Nakdong River are extremely busy.

Countless wooden boats ferried back and forth to help North Korean people cross the river. In some places where the river was frozen solid, people swarmed in like ants.

"Lord Judge, I am Lieutenant General Bai Qi, commander of the Fourth Division of the Xia Army. I welcome your return."

When Bai Xiaoqi looked at Jin Shangxian, the other party was also looking at him.

Bai Xiaoqi was very curious about this scholar-official who could figure it out at the last moment and dared to resist the monarch.

I didn't expect that there are brave men among Koreans.

He didn't know that Kim Sang-hyun was even more shocked.

Because in Jin Sangxian's eyes, Bai Xiaoqi is too young and looks almost like his youngest son.

However, such a young man is already a general and the person in charge of the entire Nakdong River defense line.

Jin Shangxian saw with his own eyes that tens of thousands of Xia soldiers had set up a strict defense line here.

Although we still don't know how powerful Xia's army is, seeing all the soldiers holding muskets and countless artillery behind the fortifications makes people feel very safe.

"General Bai, we have brought back tens of thousands of troops. With your country's army, we should be able to win, right?"

On the road to rebellion, Kim Sang-hyun's heart is always hanging on.

He knows very well what will happen if he fails.

At this time, as a leader, the only person he could seek peace of mind with was the Xia Kingdom.

Bai Xiaoqi did not give him an answer on the spot, but looked at the swaying North Korean troops with great helplessness.

"Lord Judge, with all due respect, these armies are of little use. I need to reorganize these armies, eliminate the old, weak, sick and disabled, and then train them rigorously before I can put them on the battlefield."

Hearing that Bai Xiaoqi was going to take action against the troops he brought, Jin Shangxian was quite reluctant.

"Although these armies cannot be compared with the heavenly army, they are our own army in the end. They will fight bravely to resist the faint king."

Bai Xiaoqi didn't want to argue with him, but took out the voucher.

"This is an order from my Highness, King Xia, to formally take over all the troops in Busan. Lord Lijian, please remember that everything we do is to protect Koreans from becoming slaves and to live a healthy life for generations to come.


Facing the order signed by Zuo Menggeng, Kim Sangxian was under great pressure.

The situation was like this, and he didn't know how to argue.

Bai Xiaoqi didn't have time to delay, so he took action directly.

"Zhang Guanhua, Mr. Li!"


Two officers of the Korean rebel army immediately came out.

Bai Xiaoqi assigned tasks to the two of them.

"Your subordinates are all Koreans and are more familiar with each other. Therefore, from now on, the Korean rebels will be responsible for leading all North Korean troops. You must screen all soldiers, select qualified soldiers, and train them from scratch. Remember

There is not much time left for you. I want to see that these North Korean soldiers can master basic combat skills in a month at most."

The difficulties were great, but Zhang Guanhua and Li Yuanlao did not bargain.

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

Seeing that Bai Xiaoqi did not arbitrarily control the North Korean army, but handed it over to the North Korean rebels, this somewhat balanced the mentality of Kim Sang-hyun and others.

After all, the Korean Rebel Army was also established with their support, and the vast majority of the army is composed of Koreans.

When they think about it, all this is still within control.

Bai Xiaoqi did not give them too many opportunities to explore, but said: "Everyone, His Royal Highness King Xia has arrived in Busan and is waiting for your arrival."

When they heard that Zuo Menggeng had come in person, Jin Shangxian and others were shocked, but at the same time they were extremely encouraged.

Since Zuo Mengeng came in person, it means that Xia Guo attaches great importance to North Korea's affairs.

At this moment, they finally saw the dawn of Korea getting rid of the enslavement of the Manchus.

This chapter has been completed!
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