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Chapter 891 Integration

"This article is like a magical weapon coming to the world. Ghosts and gods can change things and serve as millions of soldiers."

In the assembly hall in Busan, Zuo Menggeng marveled at the message written by Kim Sang-heon.

Everyone present also spread the praises one after another, and everyone was inspired and their morale was high.

"I don't dare to praise you, Your Highness. This is what I should do as a minister of the country."

Facing Zuo Menggeng, Jin Sangxian's emotions were very complicated.

It is true that this outstanding man is too young, not even as old as his son.

But now it has occupied half of China, and the Tiger and Ben troops under its command are even more invincible.

Not only was Zuo Menggeng young, but the people in Xia State were also young.

Compared with these energetic people, Kim Sang-hyun just feels old and weak.

But when he thought that North Korea could be saved, he became excited again.

"Now that you have jumped out of prison and risen to a higher level, I believe that with your efforts, North Korea will be able to usher in a new life."

Jin Sangxian, Shen Qiyuan and others quickly expressed their humility.

"North Korea's rebirth from the ashes depends entirely on the salvation of the higher country. From now on, we will only obey His Majesty's leadership, work hard with our lives, and dare not refuse."

Now that Zuo Mengeng has arrived, he naturally becomes the leader of everyone.

Everyone from top to bottom of the Xia army and North Korea must listen to him.

After all, he is the lord of the kingdom above, and according to etiquette, even the lord of North Korea must lower himself to half a rank in front of him.

This is why Zuo Menggeng rushed to Busan in person.

If he doesn't come, Kim Sang-hyun, Shen Ji-yuan and other North Korean officials will definitely have more friction with Xia Jun and everything will be discordant. If the conflicts get out of hand, it may affect the overall war situation.

And when he came, he was the Dinghai Shenzhen, which immediately made all conflicts disappear without a trace.

"Mr. Jin, Mr. Shen takes the overall situation into account, which is admirable. In this case, I will take charge of the overall situation. The ugly words are ahead. From now on, no matter who dares to disobey orders, he will be punished by military law."

Everyone stood up one after another and said yes with a solemn expression.

This means that from this moment on, everyone in Busan becomes one.

After taking the initiative, Zuo Mengeng began to make arrangements.

"Bai Qi, you are responsible for commanding all armies and taking charge of Busan's defensive operations. All armies must obey your orders. If there is any violation, there is no need to report it and handle it on your own."

Bai Xiaoqi was extremely happy.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, Busan is safe."

The army currently in Busan, in addition to the Xia Army's Fourth Division and two militia regiments, there are also North Korean rebels. The North Korean army who came with Kim Sang-heon and others is about 10,000 people.

This number of troops is more than enough if we are not looking for offense but only defense.

Some of the North Korean generals present secretly looked at Bai Xiaoqi and remembered the coach's appearance firmly in their minds.

This person will be able to decide their life and death for a long time in the future, so they don't dare to offend him.

After the military arrangements are completed, the next step is the political.

"Busan will be our long-term base. North Korea's original political system is no longer in line with the actual situation. In order to maintain the stability of Busan, a strong government needs to be formed."

Zuo Mengeng's remarks were recognized by everyone.

Nowadays, the population of Busan has skyrocketed.

In addition to the locals, there are also a large number of people from Gyeongsang Province, Jeolla Province, Chungcheong Province and even some people from Hanyang who have migrated here, which has already crowded the entire Busan.

If such a large population is not handled properly, it will cause catastrophe.

Zuo Mengeng started to point generals.

"Prime Minister, please take charge of the overall situation and ensure the stability of Busan."

Wang Yun bowed his hand.

"Leave it to my subordinate."

Zuo Mengeng looked at Jin Shangxian and Shen Qiyuan again.

"Mr. Jin and Mr. Shen are capable ministers and are familiar with the local area. They can form the highest administrative body together with the king and the prime minister to temporarily take charge of all civil affairs in Busan."

Neither Kim Sang-hyun nor Shen Ji-yuan had any objections to this arrangement.

Although they were both high-ranking officials in North Korea, how could they be higher than Wang Yun no matter how high they were?

Wang Yun is a member of Xia's cabinet and the actual deputy prime minister, so he must be above the two of them.

Zuo Mengeng is very concerned about the situation in Busan.

"Now that there is a huge influx of people, how will you arrange it?"

Kim Sang-hyun thought for a while.

"It's winter right now, and if the people don't have a place to live, they won't be able to make it through it. It's too late to build houses. The only solution for now is to evacuate these people as much as possible and let them live together with the locals. No matter what, we can survive the cold winter."

Let’s wait until this winter.”

Zuo Mengeng didn't quite agree with his proposal.

"I have seen with my own eyes the situation of the local people. Even their own survival is a problem. If these people from other places are connected to their homes, it will definitely increase the burden. By then, the situation will be worse."

The North Korean and Chinese officials looked at each other, but they didn't expect Zuo Menggeng to even care about this.

Zheng Yun thought about it over and over again, but didn't know any better way.

"Your Highness, I wonder what your holy will is?"

Of course Zuo Mengeng had already had an idea, but he still acted like a polite corporal.

"I have some humble opinions, which may not be in line with North Korea's customs. Whether they are true or not, please refer to them."

He raised his finger and pointed at the beautiful and vast courtyard at his feet, and said: "I have seen that there are many such luxury courtyards in Busan. If the houses among them are vacated to house the people, can we solve more problems?

A question of human habitation?”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in North Korea was shocked.

Shen Qiyuan hesitated again and again.

"Your Highness, these houses are all in two groups. They are the residences of scholar-bureaucrats. They are not places where low-class untouchables can take a look. If they live together, they are afraid that the ignorant untouchables will bump into the nobles. Furthermore, when Your Highness is here, the ministers should be

The great people of the kingdom have prepared the best residence, so they must not give it to the untouchables."

Zuo Mengeng's face looked ugly.

"Since in your eyes, ordinary people are all untouchables, why do you care if they were kidnapped by the Manchus and made slaves? They are all untouchables anyway, so what difference does it make where they are?"

This fatal question left everyone in North Korea speechless.

Maybe they didn't understand what they were doing.

Zuo Mengeng pointed at himself again.

"I am alone, I can sleep no more than three feet away, and I cannot live in so many houses. By refusing the resettlement of ordinary people in my name, are you doing this for my sake, or are you trying to ruin my reputation?


At this time, Jin Sangxian and others were all frightened, and they all wanted to throw themselves to the ground. But they suddenly remembered that before today's meeting, officials from the Xia Kingdom had given a stern warning that kneeling was absolutely not allowed.

Everyone was sitting on their chairs and twisting around in panic.

But then I remembered that I once advised the king to consider public opinion and care for the people. For this, I was even punished by the king many times.

Now that a king who really cares about the people has appeared, shouldn't it be a great blessing?

This chapter has been completed!
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