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Chapter 908 Tsushima Sea Battle (11)

"Withdraw! Withdraw quickly!"

The sea of ​​hell and fire completely defeated the Japanese people's will. Shimazu Mitsuhisa was still okay, but Date Hidemune was about to go crazy.

He watched helplessly as his fleet fell into a sea of ​​flames.

The one he sent out, the one he favored the most, who was obedient to him between the beds and made him ecstasy, was now covered in flames and was writhing back and forth on the deck desperately and staggeringly. Immediately

His body swayed and he fell backward into the sea.

The rolling sea water was wrapped in a large ball of flames floating around, like the underworld fire of hell.

"Date-kun, we cannot withdraw our troops. Success or failure depends on this."

Although Shimazu Mitsuhisa was also feeling cold, the Satsuma clan had already invested all its strength in the battle and could not afford to lose.

This is his first battle after returning to the Satsuma Domain. If it ends in failure, it will be a huge blow to his leadership of the Satsuma Domain.

Date Hidemune didn't care what he thought.

"Shimazu-kun, the situation has come to this. If we continue the fight, I'm afraid the entire army will be wiped out."

"No. I have other preparations. If we wait a little longer, victory will definitely belong to us."

Shimazu Mitsuhisa tugged on his sleeve and tried his best to keep him.

On the frontal battlefield, the first column fired all the rockets and had no time to reload the second round, so it continued to leave the battlefield in the southwest direction.

Because the command center did not give an order to retreat, the chaos of the Japanese fleet gave the second column the opportunity to do the same thing.

Zhang Keda was not polite and shot down all the rockets as soon as they met.

The unlucky one this time was the Choshu Domain on the right.

The Choshu clan was very brave in fighting on land and was the force that Toyotomi Hideyoshi relied on most at that time, but it was much weaker at sea.

In this expedition, the Choshu clan took out all their family property.

As a result, two-thirds of the troops were lost on the spot under a rocket attack by the second column.

How could the ship being dragged behind dare to move forward? It turned around desperately, no longer caring about cooperating with other fleets.

Mitsuhiro Maori didn't even say hello, and directly led the remaining ships to retreat all the way to the mainland.

He didn't want to fight such a battle.

The situation worsened further.

"Shimadzu-kun, can't you make a decision yet?"

Seeing that Mitsuhiro Mouri had run away, Date Hidenune almost went crazy. He didn't want to die here, he wanted to go back and inherit the family business.

"Wait a moment, my surprise troops will be here soon."

Before Shimazu Mitsuhisa finished speaking, the sentry suddenly shouted: "There are ships coming from the south, a lot of ships!"

When Shimazu Mitsuji heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"My surprise troops have arrived, it's time for us to counterattack."

It's a pity that he laughed too early.

The sentry's cheers soon turned into exclamations.

"Enemy ship! It's an enemy ship coming! Our flank is under attack."

On the sea due south, a black spot gradually turned into a group of black spots, and then turned into overwhelming black.

Countless Cangshan ships and Centipede ships are rushing toward the Japanese fleet at great speed.

On the Cangshan ship at the front, a swarthy guy was standing at the highest point of the mast, with a wanton and wanton smile, like a devil returning from hell.

"Rush forward and destroy these Japanese pirates, leaving no one behind."

This person was officially sent out by Zuo Hua to intercept the Japanese troops, Shang Kexi.

Three hours ago.

"What the fuck, others are fighting fiercely over there, are we being exiled?"

After receiving the order, Shang Ke reluctantly gathered the reconnaissance fleet and headed south to search for the location of the Japanese soldiers.

It’s just that the sea is so vast, where can I find a moment?

He felt indignant when he thought that the frontal battlefield was in full swing and everyone else was constantly making meritorious deeds, while he was far away from the battlefield blowing the cold wind.

Fortunately, he still remembered his duties and did not delay his actions.

Dozens of ships spread out in all directions, covering the sea to the south.

But where exactly is the Japanese fleet?

Just when Shang Kexi was wondering whether the Japanese had any surprise soldiers, a sentry on a centipede boat in the front right suddenly waved colorful flags violently.

"Enemy fleet discovered!"

The military situation quickly spread among the fleet, and everyone couldn't help but become nervous.

Shang Kexi jumped up, picked up the telescope and looked towards the south.

There is a small island there, lying across the sea, slightly blocking the view.

Then he saw an Anzha ship emerge from behind the island, followed by a second ship, a third ship...

By the end, I couldn't count how many there were. It was estimated that there were at least several hundred ships.

"Damn it, these Japanese pirates are really cunning. Fortunately, the minister has a clever plan, otherwise we would be in danger in this battle."

The people below are not so relaxed.

"Squadron Captain, there are so many enemies, how can we fight them?"

Shang Kexi's face was full of ruthlessness, without any fear.

"How else can we fight? Of course we have to go up to them. Tell the ships that they will not retreat until we fight to the death. Our main force is behind us. We cannot let a Japanese ship pass, even if we die."

The order for a decisive battle was issued from his flagship, and all the Xia army warships quickly raised the red flags of the sun and the moon.

This is the national flag of Xia, and once it is raised, it means not giving in.

Although there are only more than 80 small warships, the enemy on the opposite side is more than six times that of our own, and the warships are also bigger. However, these Xia soldiers are well aware of their heavy responsibilities and have decided to protect their flanks to the death.

The leader of this Japanese army was the veteran of Satsuma Domain, Shimazu Hisakei.

As Shimazu Tadahashi's most trusted person and the most experienced general of the Satsuma Domain, Shimazu Hisakei can be said to be very scheming.

The surprise troops he led did not act hastily, but drew a large circle on the sea.

Even though he knew that doing so would delay the time to enter the battlefield, in order to ensure surprise, Shimazu Hisakei ignored everyone's objections and still made such a choice.

This strange force even went around to the direction of Jeju Island, intending to raid the Xia Navy's retreat from the west.

However, when he rounded the island, he saw the Xia Kingdom fleet intercepted in front of him, Shimazu Hisakei was shocked.

"These Xia people are so careful, and all my calculations were in vain."

"Lao Zhong, how should we respond?"

Shimazu Hisakei had already counted the number of enemies he faced and became confident again.

"Charge forward, defeat this enemy group first, and then go to reinforce the feudal lord."

The Japanese army did not think that a mere eighty small boats could stop them, so they immediately set up their formation and pressed towards Shang Kexi's headquarters.

Shang Kexi is facing a lot of pressure at this time.

This is different from the frontal battlefield. You can maintain the distance from the Japanese fleet through rotation and use the ultra-long artillery range to bully the enemy.

What Shang Kexi's department has to do is to resolutely block the attack. There is no way to retreat, let alone avoidance.

No matter how many enemies there are, they can only fight head-on.

At this time, any strategy is useless. Even if you want to command, you can't start.

At a critical moment, I'm glad I didn't panic.

He personally ran to the cannon and stared at the approaching enemy ships.

At this point, weapons are their biggest reliance.

This chapter has been completed!
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