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Chapter 909 Tsushima Sea Battle (12)

Shang Kexi's combat method is completely opposite to Zuo Hua's.

In order to kill as many enemies as possible, Zuo Hua hid his strength at the beginning.

Although the Japanese suffered heavy losses just through shelling, they still felt that they had an opportunity and spread out their formations.

Only then did Zuo Hua launch his rocket launcher to clear the ground.

No, it's washing the sea.

The Japanese were unprepared and were immediately routed by the rocket launchers, losing their fighting spirit.

I'm glad but I can't do this.

His troops are too few, and not all ships have rocket launchers.

Moreover, he had no room for maneuver and could only fight to the death without retreating.

Seeing the Japanese fleet entering within one thousand meters, he immediately shouted: "Send out all the artillery fire."

In his fleet, only the Cangshan ship was equipped with a rocket launcher. As for the Centipede ship, it was too small and had no space to carry it.

As a result, due to insufficient numbers of rocket launchers, they cannot create the amazing effects that the main fleet can.

But even so, the Japanese were still confused when they saw the rockets flying across the sky.

I have never seen this thing before and have no idea what it is.

Then when the rockets exploded in the fleet, the Japanese finally understood how terrifying this thing was.

Seeing the ships being blown up one after another and the sea areas bursting into flames, Shimazu Hisakei felt cold all over and hurriedly gave the order.

"All the ships go around, spread out their ranks, and outflank them from left to right."

He didn't know that the rocket launcher was great to shoot, but it was troublesome to load it.

Shang Kexi had no other choice but to command the fleet to meet them. At the same time, he ordered the artillery of each ship to freely search for targets and fire freely.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching, and the accuracy of the artillery is getting higher and higher.

From time to time, a Japanese warship was destroyed, which made the Japanese people feel numb. They could only pray silently that such terrible artillery would not hit their heads.

The artillerymen had tried their best to load the rocket launchers, but they could not keep up with the development of the war.

The distance of one thousand meters can almost be reached in the blink of an eye when the two sides are running towards each other rapidly.

Soon, the two fleets got mixed up.

Although the Japanese warships did not have artillery, because they had shortened the distance, the Japanese soldiers on board attacked them with firecrackers.

From time to time, people on the Xia Army side were hit by fire cannons and died on the spot. Many people were beaten so hard that they could not lift their heads, which seriously affected the combat efficiency.

Of course, Xia Jun's musket counterattack was also very sharp.

The Japanese still followed their past combat experience and filled the deck with people in an attempt to create the effect of a volley of muskets. However, with such a density of people, the soldiers of the Xia army did not need to take careful aim at all. They just fired roughly.

You can hit people.

Except for the sailors who sailed, steered, and paddled, everyone on Xia Jun's side was involved in the front-line battle.

The breech-loaded artillery shows its superiority at this time.

Basically, one shell can be fired in a minute, and because the distance is close enough, it is easy to hit.

What is also troublesome is that because the distance is too close, the firing angle of the artillery often flashes past, and you have to find the target again.

The Japanese knew that they had more people, so they wanted to make full use of this advantage and kept driving the warships towards the Xia army in order to engage in a boarding battle.

Xia Jun knew better that firepower was its strength, so the Centipede boats, which lacked firepower, cruised outside the Cangshan boat. Once Japanese people collided with them, they would take the initiative to greet them and take on the task of engaging in battle.

Under the protection of these centipede boats, the Cangshan boat worked hard to project firepower.

The battlefield was in chaos, and Shang Kexi was unable to command effectively.

He simply acted as a gunner.

I don’t know how many shells were fired. Anyway, I was exhausted and out of breath, but my spirit was extremely high.

"An enemy is coming!"

The sentry exclaimed.

Shang Kexi was shocked. He followed the instructions and discovered that two Guan ships had actually broken through the Centipede ship's defense and were heading straight towards his ship.

The angle at which these two ships were approaching made it impossible for the artillery to hit them.

He was also anxious and shouted: "Has the rocket launcher been loaded?"

But there was a cry in the gunner's answer.

"Squadron leader, the rocket launcher can't hit."

Shang Kexi looked at it in astonishment and discovered the problem.

It turns out that in order to maintain stability, the barrel of the rocket launcher must be tilted upward. If it is hitting a target hundreds of meters or thousands of meters away, there will naturally be no problem.

But now that the enemy has rushed within 100 meters, if the rocket launcher barrel cannot be pressed down, it will definitely not be able to hit it.

Watching the two ships getting closer and closer, the Japanese soldiers on them were wielding swords and claws. Just by visual inspection, there were at least four or five hundred of them.

Once these two ships get close to each other and fight hand-to-hand, the soldiers on their own ship will definitely be in danger.

How to deal with it?

At the critical moment, Shang Kexi's eyes suddenly focused on the thin iron bars binding the rocket launcher barrels.

This kind of iron bar is about two fingers wide and as thick as dough. It is used to bundle twelve rocket launcher barrels together and play a fixed role.

Shang Ke groaned happily, picked up the ax next to him, pointed it at the thin iron bar, and chopped it down.

Click, click, a few crisp sounds, and the thin iron bar was broken by him.

The barrel of the rocket launcher immediately scattered everywhere and even hit people.

Shang Kexi ignored it and picked up the barrel of a rocket launcher and carried it on his shoulder.

The barrel and the shells weighed at least more than a hundred kilograms. He was considered very strong, and he was able to carry it alone.


The soldiers were all dumbfounded, not expecting him to be so brave.

"Why are you still standing there? If you don't want to die, hurry up and light a fire."

Finally someone reacted and held a torch to the fuse.

Amidst the harsh sound, the rocket roared out of the gun barrel and headed straight for the ship that was already thirty meters away.

When carrying the rocket launcher on his shoulders, Shang Ke was delighted to find that it was actually easy to aim at a close target.

Sure enough, after the rocket popped out, there was no deviation at all and it directly hit the enemy's ship.

In the roaring explosion, the ship turned into countless fragments, and then the surrounding sea turned into raging fire.

The violent explosion wave even spread over, pushing Shang Kexi back.

Only then did he scream.

When everyone looked around, they discovered that his right cheek, neck, and palms of his hands were all scorched black, and even smoking.

Apparently he was burned by the intense heat when the rocket was launched.

Shang Kexi couldn't care less about his injuries.

"Come again!"

But this time the soldiers already understood his intention.

"Squadron Captain, I'm coming."

Some soldiers rushed forward, picked up other barrels and carried them on their shoulders.

And with him setting an example, the soldiers have time to take better protection.

They wrapped the rocket launcher's barrel in several layers of thick canvas before carrying it, without worrying about being burned.

Another rocket ejected from the chamber, blowing up another ship on the spot.

When the crisis was over, Shang Ke laughed wildly, as if he was crazy.

"Tell all the ships to fight like this. We will definitely win this battle!"

This chapter has been completed!
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