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Chapter 973 Conquering Gao Yang

The attack of the 3rd Marine Regiment was already very fast, but the 4th Marine Regiment was even faster.

After all, with the cover of naval warships and the plains everywhere we go, it can be said to be no difficulty.

In addition, Gaoyang City is right on the edge of the Han River and is completely within the range of naval guns, making it even more convenient for the Fourth Marine Regiment's attack.

"I think we should not rush to attack the city. We should first cut off the enemy's connection so that they cannot coordinate with each other. This will prevent the enemy from increasing their troops."

Nie Dapeng, commander of the Fourth Marine Regiment, came up with a combat plan based on the terrain and enemy deployment.

Li Enze also knew that Gaoyang City stood on the plains. Except for a small hill inside the city, there was no danger to defend it. Therefore, he deployed most of his troops on the mountains east of Gaoyang, and could also respond to the situation at any time.

Send reinforcements.

If the Fourth Marine Regiment directly attacks the city, and the North Korean army keeps sending reinforcements, it may become a war of attrition.

Once the connection between the inside and outside of the city is cut off, Goyang City will be isolated and helpless. Once here, the 1st Marine Division can establish an advance base and advance all the way to Hanyang.

"Then we must capture this place. Then the enemy flanks on the mountain will be threatened and they will never dare to come down to support the city."

Political commissar Luo Shuilin was also a veteran general and immediately discovered the key nodes on the battlefield.

His finger pointed to the east of Goyang City, Xingzhou Mountain City, close to the Han River.

This is a small hill, only 100 meters high. But its location is very important. From here, you can easily outflank the defenders' retreat to the north.

"Then how about you lead the 16th Battalion and capture this place?"

Luo Shuilin had no objection and turned around to inform Tang Wenhuan of the battle plan.

"You can finally stand alone. I'll ask the navy to cooperate with you."

Tang Wenhuan was very happy to see that his subordinates had a completely correct battle plan. This meant that the First Marine Division would have more and more generals, and its scale would definitely become larger and larger.

After receiving his request, Huang Fei personally led the fleet out and cruised to the river near Xingzhou Mountain City.

Of course, Li Enze knew the importance of Xingzhou Mountain City, so he deployed 500 troops on it, hoping to use his condescending advantage to defend the place.

If it were just cold weapons, or traditional muskets and artillery, the North Korean army might actually be able to hold on.

After all, right behind Xingzhou Mountain City, across a small river, there are more than 3,000 soldiers and horses who can reinforce at any time.

But it is a pity that the North Korean defenders encountered the Xia Army's thermal weapons that were ahead of their time.

The navy's artillery fire directly destroyed the defenses above and below Xingzhou Mountain City, effectively covering the landing of the 16th Marine Battalion.

Most of the North Korean soldiers on the mountain were killed, and the remaining ones did not dare to stay any longer and fled eastward. As a result, some of them drowned while swimming across the river.

The 16th Battalion occupied Xingzhou Mountain City without any effort.

Now if the defenders wanted to reinforce the city, they could only come from the north.

However, the Third Marine Regiment attacked very quickly and had already occupied the commanding heights in the north. All kinds of guns and artillery were condescendingly guarding the road leading to Gaoyang City.

It is absolutely impossible for the defenders to pass through this road unscathed.

After receiving the news that Xingzhou Mountain City had been successfully captured, Nie Dapeng officially launched an attack on Gaoyang City.

The three battalions in his hands were deployed in three directions: east, south, and west. Regardless of priority, they were all for the main attack.

All artillery pieces belonging to the regiment were evenly distributed among the three battalions. Although the firepower seemed to be diluted, due to the limited long-range weapons of the defenders, it would not have much impact on the Fourth Marine Regiment.

Zuo Yong and Tang Wenhuan intended to train regiment-level officers like them. In the same way, Nie Dapeng also attached great importance to training the following battalion and company-level officers.

Everyone knows that the Xia army will become larger and larger in the future, and the need for talents and generals will be a bottomless pit.

The sooner we reserve talents, the better we can seize the opportunity for future military expansion.

After Huang Fei supported the battle of Xingzhou Mountain City, he turned around to help siege the city.

The walls on the east and west sides of Gaoyang City suffered multiple fire attacks and soon became dilapidated.

Pei Chongxun, who was guarding the city with tens of thousands of soldiers, almost collapsed.

"Blow the trumpet and ask for reinforcements, otherwise the city will not be able to hold."

The frightened players' horns of the defenders resounded across the ground, but were quickly suppressed by Xia Jun's charge.

That high-pitched and loud charge makes people's blood boil, and can suppress all ghosts and monsters in the world.

The soldiers of the Xia Army jumped out of the trenches one after another and rushed towards Gaoyang City.

Li Enze was far away in the mountains, so of course he saw the danger in Gaoyang City, but he had nothing to do.

The loss of Xingzhou Mountain City made him dare not send troops rashly, so he could only concentrate his forces to take back this important place.

However, at this moment, the attack and defense changed hands, and it was the Xia army's turn to guard it. Under the blows of various guns and artillery, the North Korean army attacked five times in succession but failed, leaving corpses on the ground.

The battle against Gaoyang City was the one in which the Xia army suffered the most casualties.

After all, the city here is very strong. Even though it was bombarded by heavy artillery and naval guns in turn, Xia Jun even used explosives. However, the city wall only suffered many damages and still stood firm.

Xiajin's soldiers could only climb up the city and then engage in hand-to-hand combat with the defenders.

Many casualties were caused by encountering the defenders' bows and arrows while climbing up.

Of course, as long as the archers of the defenders dared to show their heads and fire arrows, they would surely die under the Xia army's musketry.

But when the soldiers of the Xia army set foot on the city, the battle became one-sided.

In order to successfully seize the city, the Fourth Marine Regiment used trench sweepers, also known as revolving shotguns.

The top of the city was similar to a trench, with narrow terrain and densely populated areas. Under random fire from shotguns, large areas of the defenders were cleared.

This makes it easier for subsequent troops to board the city.

There were more and more Xia troops on the wall, and the firepower became more and more fierce. As a result, the defenders could not stand at all, and they were driven off one after another.

But in terms of fighting will, the defenders of Goyangseong were completely unable to compare with Incheon.

After seeing that the city wall was lost, the defenders of Gaoyang City chose to surrender one after another and did not resist to the end.

After an hour and a half of fighting, Gaoyang City completely changed hands.

At this point, the battle lines of the 3rd Marine Regiment and the 4th Marine Regiment were connected, and the only thing standing in front of them was Bukhan Mountain.

Just one day after the war started, the casualties exceeded 8,000, and Gaoyang City and all the outlying strongholds were lost. This made Li Enze wake up from a dream, and he couldn't help but start thinking about his retreat.

The Xia army's attack was orderly.

After capturing Gaoyang City, they did not rush to attack, but rested on the spot.

At the same time, he began to clear out the local forces in the city, and completely took control of this gateway to Hanyang.

This chapter has been completed!
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