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Chapter 974 Who can be the king?

On the second day after capturing Goyang City, the Xia army did not immediately launch an attack on Bukhan Mountain.

The same goes for the third day.

The fourth day, the fifth day...

It was not until five days later that the Xia army began to prepare again for the attack.

It's not that Xia Jun is slacking off, but because...

The first spring rain in Chongzhen ten years has come.

Although it was later than usual, the rain was very heavy.

Flash floods broke out, roads were washed away, and everything between heaven and earth was wet.

The sudden change in weather became the main culprit that hindered the Xia army's attack.

What a purely firearms army fears most is rainy days.

Xia Jun had no choice but to stay and wait patiently for the rainy day to pass.

Although the spring rain was delayed, the North Korean troops stationed on Bukhan Mountain were not having a hard time either.

They only had simple fortifications on the mountain, leaving many people helpless in the rain. Especially in the trenches, the water was up to their waists.

The poor North Korean soldiers could only trudge through such an environment, but could not find a clean place to rest.

The worst part is that the road up the mountain has been interrupted due to heavy rain, and the transportation of food has also become a problem.

Starting from the third day, North Korean soldiers had to save food and could only eat one meal a day. And because they could not light a fire in rainy days, they could only eat cold and hard dry food.

Compared with the North Korean defenders, Xia Jun's life was not greatly affected.

The troops stationed in Gaoyang City all have houses to live in, which can be well protected from wind and rain.

The troops stationed outside the city all set up tents. Not only that, they also set up stoves with iron stoves and iron pipes connected one by one.

Soldiers can cook and eat while hiding in the tent, and the thick smoke generated will be discharged outside through iron pipes without being disturbed at all.

Huddled on the mountain, watching the smoke rising from the Xia Army's camp at the foot of the mountain and the aroma of food wafting far away, all the Korean soldiers were envious.

On the fifth day, the rain finally stopped.

Although the road was still muddy, time was running out and the Xia army had to launch an attack.

At the joint operations meeting, Nie Dapeng decided to repeat his old tactics.

"Although Bukhan Mountain blocks our way to Hanyang, there are no enemies in Hanyang. We can use the Han River to transport troops to the back of Bukhan Mountain, and then attack from both sides. It is said that the defenders' food and grass are stored at the west gate.

If we attack here, the defenders will never be able to stand on the mountain."

Through the battle in Gaoyang City, Xia Jun mastered the technique of jumping combat without any teacher.

According to the traditional combat concept, since Beihan Mountain lies in front of Hanyang, we can only attack from the front. After occupying this place, we can advance to Hanyang.

But in Xia Jun's eyes, the Han River has become a smooth road.

There is no problem at all in transporting troops across Bukhan Mountain through this wide waterway and then emerging on the back side.

After all, Xia Jun had already accomplished the feat of transporting 40,000 troops across the sea at one time. Transporting a regiment of troops at this time was simply child's play.

The highest peak of Bukhan Mountain is about 600 meters high. The terrain is rugged and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

But this place is already directly north of Hanyang, and it is completely unable to stop Xia's army.

Therefore, Li Enze deployed all the remaining troops in the southern section of Bukhan Mountain.

These are low hills of about 200 meters, and the open space in the middle is connected by trenches, forming a total of five lines of defense.

These lines of defense extend from Bukhan Mountain to the Han River and are Li Eun-taek's last resort.

If it were just a frontal attack, these scattered highlands, with the cooperation of complete fortifications, would cause a lot of trouble to the Xia army.

But if some troops are sent to go around and attack from behind, the defenders will be vulnerable to the enemy and will never be able to resist.

"I think Commander Nie's proposal is very good. Let's implement it accordingly."

Zuo Menggeng personally made the decision. No one from the First Marine Division had any objections, and all units immediately went to the battlefield.

Just when Zuo Mengeng was about to move forward with the army, Fu Xinyuan walked up.

"Your Highness, all North Korean officials have arrived."

Zuo Mengeng turned around and saw Jin Shangxian, Shen Qiyuan and others walking quickly with very eager expressions.

Obviously along the way, they have seen that Incheon, Gimpo, and Goyang were all recovered. So can Hanyang be far behind?

The thought of occupying the capital of North Korea and such a major victory made all the North Korean officials excited, and the stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

Before this, they were all charged with rebellion. But from now on, they will firmly hold the title of righteousness.

Now that even Hanyang has been liberated, is it still far away to completely eliminate Li Zhu’s puppet regime?

"Your Highness, the restoration of Han Dynasty is imminent, and it is not far away that North Korea can return to the right path. Please tell me how the country should be governed."

The attitude of Jin Sangxian and others was very respectful, as if Zuo Mengeng made all the decisions.

Zuo Mengeng did not show any joy, but said very solemnly: "We, the Xia Kingdom, are here only to help North Korea reshape its orthodoxy. How the country should be governed is your own business. With all the wise men gathered together, I believe there will be A perfect strategy.”

These remarks made North Korean officials ready to take action.

Does Xia State really not interfere in North Korea's internal affairs?

If that's the case, wouldn't they still be able to maintain their authority and continue to be superior?

However, after experiencing so much suffering, Kim Sang-hyun and others did not get carried away. There was still a huge problem in front of them.

"Li Zhu betrayed the country and abandoned the people. He has committed such heinous crimes that he can no longer be the master of Korea. After discussion, my ministers and others have decided to propose a new king, and please give your permission."

By now, it is certain that North Korea will become a vassal state of the Xia Kingdom. Therefore, the change of throne in North Korea must be certified by the Xia Kingdom just as it was recognized by the Ming Dynasty in the past.

Kim Sang-hyun and others are also expressing their loyalty to Xia Guo in this way.

Zuo Mengeng seemed to agree with this approach, but asked: "Do you have a suitable candidate?"

This order made Kim Sang-hyun and others feel embarrassed.

Shen Qiyuan thought carefully and said: "The Korean royal family has been thriving for more than two hundred years, with branches and leaves, and many bloodlines. If you search carefully, there will definitely be someone who is in line with the destiny."

Zuo Mengeng disagreed.

"The royal families who are closely related by blood have all fled to the north with Li Zhu, and they will not be able to escape the blame in the future. The blood of the other royal families has long been weak, and they have rashly established themselves as masters. Is it possible to obey the public?"

Kim Sang-hyun and others are struggling in every possible way, and it is obvious that they are also troubled by this problem.

Seeing that they couldn't come up with any effective method, Zuo Mengeng laughed.

"Spring plowing is about to begin, and the suffering people must be comforted immediately. I hope you will work together to come up with a solution as soon as possible, so that North Korea will not continue to be turbulent and the people will continue to suffer."

Zuo Menggeng didn't comment on who could become the new king of North Korea.

But his words still put pressure on everyone.

This chapter has been completed!
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