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Chapter 115: Actually, if you think about it carefully, she really doesn't want much.

(Title supplement: She really doesn’t want much, the bride price is only a million or so!)

After a private conversation that lasted no more than ten minutes, Orochimaru agreed to Minato and made a series of concessions on conditions.

As for the method Minato used to get Orochimaru to let go, the two people present felt the same as Ming Jing.

One is Gintoki and the other is Sandai.

After all, the things Orochimaru did before he became what he is now, Gintoki who was familiar with Jump, and the Sandaime who was his master belonged to Menqing, and Minato probably used this to negotiate conditions with Orochimaru.

Minato had actually known about the things Orochimaru had done in the past for a long time, but because of Orochimaru's good performance in recent years, he had not been able to point it out, let alone the fact that there was an old lake ghost in front of him who knew about it.

Minato knew that Orochimaru was of great use, and he also knew that as long as he was willing to cooperate, his contribution to the creation of the Fire Country, Konoha and even the ninja world would be n times as great as the mistakes he had made.

It's not a compromise or turning a blind eye, and it's not even a political method. It's just a very simple calculation.

Not to mention that Orochimaru is now harmless to humans and animals. When he sees a child falling on the street, he will take the initiative to help him. He often even secretly gives money to the orphanage. When he has nothing to do, he takes his wife and children to the orphanage to help.

The word "Aiwujiwu" was fully reflected in Orochimaru after he got married. Moreover, it was not entirely his responsibility in the beginning.

Genji, Danzo, is also the same raccoon dog.

But for some reason, Danzo became much more stable after the three great ninja wars, at least he didn't do anything too outrageous.

Minato had actually already made up his mind to uproot Danzo, the root of Konoha, but he couldn't find any good opportunities at the moment.

Facing the almost resentful glance Minato occasionally cast, the Sandaime just pretended to be dumbfounded.

The Sandaime knew that the Fourth Generation must also be complaining in his heart that he had left such a big trouble for him, but as far as the Sandaime was concerned, Danzo was not called the Dark of Konoha now, he was called the Fourth Hokage of Konoha Experience Resource Pack.

The third generation knew that the fourth generation was different from him, and some of his own personalities made him need Danzo when he was in power, but the fourth generation did not need Danzo that much.

Even the so-called dirty work, Minato can handle it very well, and the ninja clan in Konoha are also changing little by little.

In this case, it would be just right for Danzo to serve as Minato's experience package, which can play a role in training Minato.

Minato, the good things at the root are much older!

Wooden ninja! Mutated blood stains! Some unknown secrets investigated by the roots! A lot of money from nowhere...wait! Those good things are waiting for you to explode! Come on! Here comes Ollie!

Of course, the Sandaime would not say such words, and Minato needed to slowly understand it himself.

"Mr. Orochimaru, I'm sorry to bother you."

At the door of Orochimaru's house, Minato stretched out his hand to Orochimaru, with his trademark indifferent smile like the warm winter sun on his face.

Orochimaru stretched out his hand and shook Minato's hand, and said sincerely: "Minato, you will probably become a Hokage that surpasses all previous Hokages."

"Mr. Orochimaru is joking."

"No, according to Xiaoyu's comprehensive data analysis, Minato-sama will indeed surpass his predecessors."

Looking at Xiaoyu who said such words after the red light flashed in his eyes, Minato said humbly: "Since Miss Xiaoyu has said so, then I will try to work hard to surpass my predecessors. Also, I wonder if Miss Xiaoyu has

Are you interested in working at the Hokage Building?"

Hearing this, Orochimaru's face darkened. Why did Minato feel that he was already comparable to that old man Sandaime in terms of his shamelessness?

Are you starting to poach people now?

As for the third generation, he still showed a proud and proud expression, and nodded frequently in his heart. This fourth generation already has some of the qualities that a village chief must have.

That means being thick-skinned.

If you are not thick-skinned, what kind of village leader do you want to be?

Of course, this ability to recognize pearls with a keen eye and know people well is indeed possible.

A mechanical doll is beautiful and its brain can process data many times as fast as an ordinary person. It is a pity that Orochimaru is left with such an existence.

How about going to an office and becoming a clerk?

"No, thank you Minato-sama for your kindness, but Tama already has a job, and her free time is almost full. Occasionally, Gintoki-sama's things have to invade her body like just now."

Gintoki, who was being supported by Shikaku, complained instantly: "Hey, wait! Can you stop saying those misleading words? That's just to replenish chakra! Why does it have to be Gin-san! Besides,

You consume it too quickly! You will have to suck the silver mulberry dry once every two weeks!"

Upon hearing this, many of the men present mentally compared themselves to the woman at home, and without restraint, they mentally condemned Gintoki for being ignorant.

Only once every two weeks is not enough?

This damn thing is a living Bodhisattva!

"Well, that's really a pity." Minato said.

Hearing this, the Sandaime had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that he hated iron for not becoming steel. Why did Minato give up so easily?

This kind of talent... no, this kind of intelligence, if you don't try your best to get it yourself, it will be a pure waste, Minato!

Of course, the third generation's sensing ability is not as good as that of the fourth generation, and he has no idea that the fourth generation's back is sensing someone with a cold gaze.

It’s Kushina!

It was player Kushina who happened to be passing by and saw such a scene!

At this moment, Minato's mind was full of how to explain to Kushina when he went back tonight. If he couldn't explain well, he would probably have to sleep on the sofa again tonight.

After returning to the Hokage's room and arranging some work including the location and infrastructure construction of the Fire Nation's future-oriented scientific research institute, Minato had time to take a breath.

Gintoki, who was left alone, looked at Minato who breathed a long sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that he might have to work again.

"Yin Sang, it's really thanks to you this time."

Looking at Gintoki in front of him, Minato expressed his sincere gratitude, and couldn't help but feel grateful that he could have such a good helper like Gintoki.

"No, if you really feel sorry for me, you can treat me to a meal or give me some money."

Minato, who had selectively ignored these words, suddenly became serious.

"Yin Sang, I have a secret mission."

"Wait a minute, are you deliberately pretending that you can't hear what I just said Yin-sang?"

"You must have heard about the roots of a department in Konoha that is similar to ANBU but is much deeper hidden, right?"

"So let me listen to what people say! I don't want to thank you verbally or anything like that! You can give me something substantive!"

Minato nodded to himself: "It seems that you have indeed heard of it, so I'm relieved."

"Listen to me!


"Stop talking nonsense, Gin-san, I need you to contact Danzo and secretly collect evidence of his crime! Only you can do this, and you must be aware that Danzo is also actively trying to

Contacting you. Deliberately pushing his nephew to you is proof that he still has some delusions!"

Hearing this, Gintoki was completely defeated. He held his forehead and sighed: "Well, if you don't want to give it, don't give it. I'm tired, Gin-san. And after all, Gin-san, I'm also a ninja of Konoha. Even if I don't give it, I won't give it to you."

You have to work hard to get benefits..."

"It's great that you think so, Yin-sang."

"You really did it on purpose!"

Looking at the angry Gintoki who was no longer pretending for a moment, Minato waved his hand and said with a bitter smile: "Gin-san, the village really doesn't have much money now. We just approved so much money for Mr. Orochimaru's project..."

“There’s always enough money for a meal!”

"Gin-san, don't forget that I am a married man! And my wife is Kushina's kind!"

Looking at Minato, who looked serious as if he was announcing something serious, Gintoki fell silent.

"Okay, let's continue talking."

"I don't want to hear it anymore..."

After saying this, Gintoki turned around to leave, but was pressed by a hand on his shoulder.

"Yin Sang, please!"

Feeling the weight of that hand, Gintoki fell silent again.

At this time, the main gate of Konoha.

Idle and idle, thinking about reporting today's entry and exit to Minato, the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen walked over slowly with his hands behind his back.


The two doormen on duty stood up instantly.

"Sit down, sit down, I'm just a retired old man." The Sandaime chuckled.

"Sandaime-sama, you are here..."

"Oh, I almost forgot. Give me the entry and exit records of Konoha today. I'll bring them to Minato."

"We can do this kind of thing, but we bother you personally, Sandaime..."

"Hey - don't say that, I can only help Konoha do something like this with my old bones. I just treat it as exercise and take a walk. It's pretty good hehehe..."

In an instant, the two guards were moved by the Sandaime's spirit of selfless dedication even though he was old and frail.

After receiving today's entry and exit list from the tearful doorman and exchanging a few words, the Sandaime was about to leave when he suddenly heard a noise like a quarrel coming from outside the door.

"I've already smelled Gin-san's strong smell. It's best to get out of my way now. If you don't, I'll let you see how powerful Gin's fucking ninja is, unlike you!


Because it was a woman's voice, Sarutobi Hiruzen looked over subconsciously.

When he saw the woman holding a kunai on her forehead without a forehead protector, wearing glasses, with gray eyes, long pale purple hair, and a mole under her right eye, Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly froze.

"You really can't go in! Ninjas who don't belong to Konoha are not allowed to enter Konoha! Only strangers can enter Konoha's ninjas and the mission client who has confirmed their identity!"

After completing the mission, Sarutobi Asuma, who was stalked by the female ninja all the way to the village entrance, said in a very serious tone.

"Unidentified female ninja, although I can't beat you, this is Konoha! All of them are ninjas from Konoha! I lured you here on purpose! You are completely finished this time!"

After shouting these words again, Asuma looked back at the Sandaime who was at the door, and smiled secretly in his heart. His father was here, and he might do something detrimental to Konoha and the Land of Fire.

The unbeatable kunoichi is finished!

"Ho? Konoha ninja?" The little ape pushed his eyes on the bridge of his nose and put on a cold face, "Then let me, the current ninja leader, Sarutobi Iris, test your skills..."

Looking at the little ape taking out several kunai from his body, Asuma knew that he was no match and began to shake people.

"Old man! Come on!"


Immediately afterwards, Sarutobi Hiruzen, who came to him at some point, pulled him to the side. Because he didn't hold back his strength, Asuma fainted when he hit the door.

Looking at the female ninja who called himself Sarutobi Iris in front of him, the Sandaime trembled all over and burst into tears.

"Zi...Ziyue sister..."

“Wash inside!


Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen being kicked in the face by this strange female ninja before he finished speaking, and flying several meters away with a nosebleed, the two guards fell silent.

Then they took a deep breath at the same time.

"You started too quickly! Lord Sandaime hasn't finished speaking yet! At least listen to what he has to say, you bastard!


This chapter has been completed!
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