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Chapter 125: time biubiubiu!

Another month later.

Minato, who was flipping through Kakashi's surveillance diary of Danzo, had the same expression as last time.

Basically everything is normal!

This Danzo occasionally played mahjong and had dinners with the Sandaime and the others, and even, judging from the report, he actually started to maintain his health!

Where’s the conspiracy? Where’s the evidence? Where’s the work?

You're doing it right. If you don't do some work, how can I ban you?

"Anyway, if nothing is done, apart from the waste of some talents, it will also be a good thing for Konoha. Keep watching."

"Hi!" Kakashi agreed, and then said hesitantly: "Hokage-sama, I always feel that the roots are a little different from the rumors."

"Well, I understand. You can go out."

Years are like arrows, and time is like a shuttle.

More than...three months have passed since little Kagura came to the house, and it has also been three months since that stupid elder brother went to work as the daimyo's companion...no, he became the daimyo's bodyguard.

Perhaps because Gintoki has been away for too long, Kakashi has started to have hallucinations recently. For example, when he occasionally opens the door, he will see Kagura picking his nostrils, scratching his butt and picking his feet like the big brother he once was.

But once the door is closed and opened again, everything will return to normal, just like some kind of illusion that is difficult to prevent.

Therefore, for a long time, Kakashi mistakenly thought that it was caused by longing for his elder brother, and he never had any defense against Kagura, a little girl with hidden duplicity in her heart.


In a blink of an eye, it's the cherry blossom season when Kawa-san misses his hometown again. Because last year when Kagura came to Konoha, he just missed the school entrance season, so this year Kakashi, as the guardian, helped seven-year-old Kagura enroll early.


It can be seen that Kagura is really happy to be able to go to school with her peers, maybe because she never had such an opportunity before.

Neither Laoyang nor Earth has ever had such an opportunity.

On the day of admission, Kakashi, who took a commemorative photo with Kagura at the school gate, did not realize the serious consequences of letting Kagura go to a school full of brats.

He also didn't notice that behind a tree not far away, a certain white-haired ANBU wearing a mask could not stop trembling as he watched this scene.

Yes, this is an excited Sakumo.

Time has shot another arrow at this fanfic.

The author of Poujie used his body to block it but failed to block it.

So, time came to the second year when Kagura entered the ninja school.

At the Hatake Residence, looking at a thick pile of complaint letters, Kakashi's expression was gloomy and terrifying.

For the time being, I won’t worry about beating up the crying senior kid because of the little girl in the class. After all, what I did was right, but I just hit a little harder.

During the later class time, we ate lunches, and all the children in the class, including the teacher, treated him as the factory director as if they were still innocent and ignorant and didn't care about it.

I was sparring with others using an umbrella that kept sending out small iron balls without any sense of martial arts. I used too much force and threw the teacher who stepped forward to stop him more than ten meters away, causing the teacher to pass out. I slept in class while sleeping.

Don’t worry about failing the exam and so on...

Then there is nothing to care about.

After thinking about this, Kakashi nodded, then threw the complaint letters aside, and said with a smile: "Well, your performance is pretty good, keep up the good work, Kagura-chan. Yossi! Today, uncle will

Let me show you my cooking skills!"

"Yeah! Looking forward to it!"

Then it was the end of the third year semester.

Seeing more complaint letters than last year, Kakashi still didn't say much because Kagura behaved well at home, was innocent and cute, and didn't have any major shortcomings except that he could eat a little and the family's savings were a little tight.

"Uncle bought a cake today to celebrate!"

Kagura's face lit up with joy, "Really Aru?"

"Well, after all...it's a day worth celebrating!"

"That's great Aru!"

At the end of the fourth year, I was informed to repeat the grade for one year.

"Ahaha, it's nothing, Kagura-chan."

Kakashi's smile was a little forced.

At the end of the fifth semester, despite all the hard talk, Kagura barely managed to avoid repeating the grade this time.

"Then what..."

Looking at the piles of complaint letters on the table, Kakashi, who was also raising a child for the first time, didn't know what to say, and she was still a girl. If she said something too harsh...

You will get slapped when you go out. Yes, you may get slapped, and it will be you.

Kakashi once tried to be a little harsher on Kagura, but every time he went out, he would be slapped inexplicably, and the severity of the blow was directly proportional to his severity.

The murderer, I still don’t know who it is.

I only know that it is a man, but I don’t know why or what the purpose is. Anyway, every time it is a sneak attack by someone without martial arts ethics. Once the bag is covered, he will be beaten hard, and then... after the beating, he will run away.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Kagura asked with her beady eyes narrowed and her little finger picking her nostrils.


"You don't even have to pretend now? What's wrong with that? You've done more trouble in the past few years than your stupid dad did in school! This is no longer just naughty! There's no dinner today! Here you go!

Let me reflect on it!"

What Kakashi didn't know was that after he said that, Kagura casually mentioned it to his kind white-haired uncle who often treated him to food the next day and wouldn't let him tell Kakashi.

As a result, Kakashi was attacked on his way home alone at night, and was beaten several times with a bag covered.

"Who is it?! Come out to me if you have the ability! Do you dare to duel in person! Bastard!"

Sakumo, who adhered to the philosophy of hiding his merit and fame and letting go of trouble, ignored Kakashi, who was still angry with a bruised nose and swollen buttocks and several big shoe marks.


The author did not escape.

Sixth year...

The author did not escape.

Year 7...in progress.

When Kagura was about to turn fourteen and take the ninja school graduation exam, Kakashi also faced a big trouble of his own, but we will leave this matter for later.

Let’s talk about something new.

Xinbaji's ninja school career was bumpy. Because his sister forgot that he had a younger brother at home, he didn't enter school until he was eight years old.

After entering school, I have always been at the bottom of the class in ninjutsu, taijutsu and theoretical knowledge. I look quite honest but have no sense of presence and no characteristics.

However, compared to Kagura, the advantage of not causing trouble is particularly prominent. With this, at least he did not miss a grade before the sixth grade.

Repeating a grade didn't start until the sixth grade, and each time it was because of failing the graduation exam. The first year's graduation exam question was the Three Body Technique, and I failed without any surprise.

In the second year, I became classmates with Neji and the others. This year there was a new policy, that is, even students with Taijutsu specialties who did not know Ninjutsu could graduate.

Originally, it was very likely that Xin Baji would graduate this year, but when he competed with Xiao Li for the only graduation spot for physical arts, he failed and his glasses were shattered on the ground.

The image of the teacher holding the glasses and sending them to the infirmary in a panic is something that Xinbaji will probably never forget in his life.

Then, in the eighth year, Shinbaji became classmates with Naruto, who was six years younger than him.

This time, the class teacher was Iruka, who chose to become a people's teacher even though his parents were still alive and devoted himself to the education of the village.

Maybe it's because Iruka is a more attentive teacher. This year, Xinbaji's theoretical knowledge has improved a lot, but in actual practice... it's still not good.

After all, those who play with wooden swords in close combat cannot defeat those who swish and swish kunai and darts from a distance.

Just like someone with a real knife can't beat someone with a gun.

In short, Xinbaji may not be the strongest, but he has the most classmates since the establishment of the Ninja School. Because he failed the graduation exam for two consecutive years!

April, the day before the graduation exam.

"Thank you for your hard work today! Factory Director!" xn

At dusk, at the school gate.

Looking at the original protagonists lined up to salute Kagura, Shinbaji didn't know what to say.

By the way, they were all beaten.

Naruto, Sasuke, Kiba...etc. were all beaten severely by Kagura in daily sparring, and they were beaten without mercy at all.


The past few days have been going on and on. I even worked a night shift the day before yesterday. I really can’t stand it anymore.

This chapter has been completed!
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