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Chapter 126: When telling a story, remember to suppress it first!

The eve of the graduation exam for the xth class of Konoha Ninja School students, the Hokage Building, the Hokage Room.

Minato, who was posing in the same pose as a certain man named Ikari, but lacking sunglasses, was staring closely at the Konoha jounin gathered here.

"According to reliable information, the Daimyo of the Land of Fire passed away the afternoon of yesterday."

Maybe it was because of the one-day pause, but Minato opened his mouth with the words "Obaku", causing the expressions of all the jounin to become solemn in an instant.

"Lord Hokage, Lord Daimyo, how could he..."

Kakashi was the first to ask. After all, this kind of thing is not a trivial matter. In recent years, there have been conflicts between daimyo and ninja villages in neighboring countries, causing unpleasant troubles.

For example, the Kingdom of Earth is now following the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Water a few years ago is now in a state of panic between the Ninja Village and the Daimyo.

The reason is that the daimyo faction was suspected of being killed by the ninjas of the Ninja Village, which caused conflicts between the Ninja Village and the daimyo and caused mutual suspicion between the two...

It can be said that among the big countries, except for the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder, no country is currently stable.

Even countries like the Earth Country, where the daimyo trust the Ninja Village very much, have also become suspicious and alienated from their own Ninja Village due to the domestic situation in the Land of Wind and Water over the past few years, and have been continuously reducing the funding of the Ninja Village in recent years.

Then one can imagine how much impact this kind of thing has on the ninja world.

Even the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder, which trusted the Ninja Village, were also affected. The evidence is that the Daimyo of the Fire Country only allowed Gintoki to accompany the Daimyo as a bodyguard.

"Listen to me Kakashi, the daimyo-sama was overdrafted...ahem, he died of natural aging, not because he was assassinated by a ninja."

Hearing this, Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief.

"But..." Minato sighed softly, then changed the topic and continued: "It's not a problem at all. Now the daimyo's son has inherited the daimyo's position. However, facing the daimyo's still young son, in the country of fire,

The powerful princes, that is, the uncles and uncles of the current daimyo, seem to..."

"Are you trying to seize power?"

Minato nodded: "It seems like this so far. According to Gintoki's latest mission report, in just one day, the new daimyo was assassinated more than ten times. If this continues..."

Lu Jiu frowned and analyzed: "It would be really bad if it is succeeded. The country may be divided because of this."

"That's right." As he said that, Minato took out several letters from the drawer, "Originally, the Ninja Village did not get involved in daimyo matters, but now, looking at it, we can't do nothing. These are some

The letters sent by the powerful princes all express their request to let Konoha stand..."

"As for the reward, it's the so-called increased support for the Ninja Village after they come to power, right?"

As a wise man... no, as a wise man, Shikaku's brain is quite useful when it needs to be used.

Minato nodded again: "Yes, I have rejected them all in the name of Konoha. But it is not good to continue like this. At present, the new daimyo may lack prestige because of his youth, and assassinations will continue to happen, and simply

As the country's external military strength, we cannot meddle casually.

So in the end, I negotiated a plan with Gintoki and the daimyo side. That is, the new daimyo-sama and the daimyo's retainers will stay in Konoha in the name of visiting and studying until the daimyo establishes his prestige."

Shikaku nodded: "I see. In this way, it can not only protect the Daimyo, but also use the excuse of visiting and studying to block the mouths of the various princes of the Fire Country. After all, if the name is not justified, then Konoha

These princes may join forces and be labeled as holding the emperor hostage to order the princes."

"Yes, this plan can be realized thanks to the long-term trust relationship between Konoha and the daimyo. If there was no trust, the daimyo would not agree to such a thing.

Then, today we are all gathered here for two things. One is about the protection work of the daimyo after arriving in Konoha, and the other is about the mentoring jounin of the genin who are about to graduate from the ninja school..."

Then it was time for voluntary registration, and it was pretty much what Minato thought. For a job like daimyo guarding, not many people would raise their hands, and for a job like genin instructing a jounin, not many people would raise their hands!

In the end, for the sake of balance, Minato selected one jounin from each ninja clan and civilian ninja in Konoha to form the daimyo's exclusive escort team during his visit and study in Konoha.

For example, Uchiha is Shisui, Hinata is Hyuuga Hizashi of the branch family, etc.

As for the jounin to lead the new class of students, Minato chose Obito, Kakashi, Asuma and Yuhi Kurenai. The candidates were all previously negotiated with the upper management.

Looking at Kakashi who took the initiative to stay, Minato, who knew what the other party wanted to say, spoke first: "Kakashi, don't refuse in a hurry. There is a student who... really must be you."

"Teacher, why does it have to be me?"

"Tomorrow, an international student from another country will come to Konoha, and you will be the designated instructor or guardian. This matter is of great significance to both countries, so... please!"

"If it's a mission..."

Kakashi did not refuse again. Kakashi was still able to carry out this task for the sake of friendly relations between the two countries, and would not let it be because of personal emotions...


"One? Not three?"

"Well, there is only one for the time being. I originally wanted to give you three from Konoha, but... there are not enough students with enough qualifications to graduate this year..."

"Well, one is easier to worry about. Besides, if I want to share Kagura, I would rather die..."

Seeing the tired look on Kakashi's face, Minato laughed dumbly and said, "Kushina obviously likes Kagura."

"That's a devil. He has delayed her fortune. All her savings over the years have been exhausted..." Kakashi sighed helplessly, and then asked: "By the way, who is Kagura's mentor?"

Hearing this, Minato smiled mysteriously: "Don't you think it's most appropriate to let the culprit bear his own fault? Have you forgotten? Since the new daimyo is coming to Konoha, it means that that person..."

"Is he coming back? It's great, we can finally be liberated from the hands of that devil..."

"Also, although your study abroad pilot class currently only has one student, new students from different countries may join in the future, so be prepared."

"Hey, I got it."

After watching Kakashi close the door and leave, Minato breathed a sigh of relief, and then picked up a letter and photos from the Demon Country from the drawer.

The letter was written by Miroku, the shrine maiden from the land of ghosts, who is still charming today, and the photo was from Shion, the next shrine maiden who is two years older than Naruto.

The miko made it clear in her letter that her daughter wanted a young and handsome yellow-haired, silver-haired or white-haired mentor jounin, so she first excluded more than 90% of the jounin in Konoha.

Basically, only myself, Gintoki and Kakashi are left. Gintoki has already booked two new students, but he is too busy and has no time, so only Kakashi can take over.

As for the two people under Gintoki, one is Kagura, a strong-willed girl who is willing to take over, and the other is... Danzo's nephew, who understands everything.


After knocking on the door, Iruka pushed the door open and entered.

"Lord Hokage, I heard you called me."

Minato put down the information on Kagura and Shinbaji, nodded lightly, and went straight to the topic without any nonsense.

"Well, it's about the ninja school graduation exam tomorrow. These two students..."

"It's Kagura and Shimura Shinpachi. Although Kagura has not learned any ninjutsu so far and has poor theoretical knowledge, she has an innate advantage in strength. She is extremely powerful even without chakra to increase it, and her physical skills are automatic.

If you are in the same vein and your reaction speed is fast enough, you should be able to graduate as a student specializing in physical arts. As for Xinbaji..."

Looking at Iruka who looked troubled and didn't say anything, Minato hesitated to speak. He really couldn't express his request for Iruka to let Shinbaji use the back door.

This matter was brought about by Danzo himself, not just himself, but also the Sandaime and two Hokage advisors.

Of course, Minato didn't know that the Sandaime and the two Hokage advisors sacrificed their dignity to become lobbyists because Danzo lost a large sum of money at mahjong.

What's more, Danzo didn't know that in the past few years, Danzo, like A Miao, was in a state of completely forgetting Xinbaji, but this time it was just A Miao who suddenly remembered that she had a younger brother who was in school...

This chapter has been completed!
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