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Chapter 132: A man's youth is generally worthless!

After leaving Beidou Xinxuan's hand beating, all he could think about was the store manager Ikumatsu with long brown hair, blue-black eyes, his hair tied into a bunch at the end, and wearing a white chef's uniform and a green apron.

...I didn't realize at all that I was paying for the meal in advance for all the little ninjas present.

"Kagura-chan, is it true that Ms. Ikamatsu's husband is no longer here?"

Looking at Shandai who asked such a question with an almost dull expression, more than one person present instantly became expressionless.

"Aren't you here to try ramen?" Xinbaji said speechlessly.

Kagura, who was picking her teeth and holding one hand on her belly that was even more exaggerated than a pregnant woman who was ten months pregnant and about to give birth, nodded and said casually: "Yes, I should be grateful to be able to eat Miss Ikumatsu's ramen, Aru."

, do you think you still want to take advantage of Miss Jisong’s [beep——]?”

"What a terrible statement!" Xinbaji immediately blushed and complained, "After all, I should be grateful to you! You are the one who ate all-you-can-eat ramen without paying for it!"

"Speaking of which... Miss Ikumatsu, will she dislike men who take care of children?"

Looking at the uncle who was still immersed in his own world and trapped in some kind of pink fantasy, Xinba sighed: "You should stop it. Do you still remember what you came here for? It's not to taste the taste of your opponent's ramen."


Not listening at all, he pinched his chin with his hand and frowned and whispered to himself: "I feel like we have a lot of common languages. After all, both of us are widowed and have the same profession. Having said that, shouldn't we ask first?

Calamus’s opinion?”

"Before that, I think it's more important to look in the mirror first."

Hinata, who was holding Naruto's arm tightly, had her eyes bent and a smile on her face, and said the cruelest words in a very gentle tone.

"Ahem! That's too much Hinata!" As a people's teacher, Iruka stood up at this time, cleared his throat and spoke uprightly for the uncle who slapped his hands: "This kind of thing can't all depend on appearance! The difference between two people

Feeling is the most important thing! You think so, right? Hit the boss with your hands?"

"That's right!" Hands immediately became as enthusiastic as chicken blood, and then turned around directly, "Children, uncle has nothing to give you except ramen. I can give you a message to children who are about to enter society.

, that is - when facing sudden happiness, you must bravely take the initiative to hold it with both hands!"

Having said this, he once again opened the door of Beidou Xinxuan and walked in firmly under the eyes of all the Konoha genin who either sympathized, couldn't bear, or admired.

After only a short minute, he walked out dejectedly and closed the door as if he was a new person, with his head downcast and tears in his eyes.

"It's such a short-lived unrequited love."

Xinbaji silently concluded.

"It seems that spiritual theory is useless for things like love." Shikamaru continued.

"Please don't hit the boss again and inflict secondary damage." Iruka sighed softly, and then patted the shoulder he hit, "Be patient, this kind of thing will never happen."


"But the ramen is really delicious. In addition to Ichiraku Ramen, it will be good to eat here in the future."

On the way back, Dingci suddenly said this.

Everyone nodded in approval, and even Iruka agreed in his heart that the environment was much better than Ichiraku, and the boss was more eye-catching and had a gentle personality.

It's no wonder that Ichiraku's customers have been going to Miss Isatsu recently. If it were him, he would choose Beidou Shinxuan.

At the entrance of Kabukicho Street, Iruka gave a final reminder to the students who were about to go back to their homes.

"In short, the hidden test is over, and everyone performed well except for a few people. Then, don't forget the briefing meeting at nine o'clock in the morning on the 15th, Tuesday of the next week."


Looking at the young ninjas who had graduated from the ninja school and returned to their respective homes after the disbandment, Iruka's face was filled with emotion.

Although I don't know what kind of life these little ninjas will embark on in the future, my mission is over here.

At dusk, in a very low-key house located in a corner of Konoha, Mitsuki, who had just returned home, greeted her mother and walked straight to the kitchen.

Cooking for his family seems to have become a habit for Orochimaru over the years.

Looking at Orochimaru who was wearing an apron and standing in front of the stove with long hair and tasting the taste with a small plate, Mitsuyuki didn't think there was anything strange.

"Dad, I'm back."

"Oh, welcome back."

"Also, who is my leading jounin?"

Hearing this, Orochimaru smiled faintly, put down the small plate and said at the same time: "There are many answers to things in this world that would be meaningless if they were known in advance."

"Eh? Dad doesn't know, either?"

Orochimaru didn't answer any more and concentrated on cooking a nutritious dinner for his family.

At the same moment, Gintoki, who had been away from Konoha Village for eight years and was so dumbfounded by the changes in Konoha after returning to the village that he thought he had returned to the original world, was still standing in the modern Hokage room, stunned.

Gintoki didn't hear a word of what Minato just said, about the reception and escort work of the new daimyo, about leading the Jonin team, about the team configuration...

"Gintoki? Gintoki? Gin-san!"

"oh oh."

After being reminded several times, Gin finally came to his senses, and before Minato, who looked tired, could say anything else, he took a deep breath.

"Speaking of which...is this really Konoha?"

"Ah?" Minato was stunned for a moment, then thought of something again, and smiled helplessly: "Gintoki, you haven't been back for a long time, so it's normal to feel that Konoha has changed a lot. It won't take long for you to get used to it."

"No, this change is a bit big, not just ordinary, right? The Hokage room has become the office of the modern president, right? And what is that flying in the sky? What are the traffic lights on the road? And ah... this kind of thing

Of course I'm used to it! Ah! I don't even know what I'm talking about, and I don't know whether I should say I'm used to it or not!

There is always a sense of déjà vu from the previous two years and the second chapter! It is a sense of déjà vu that everyone has grown up and Gin-san is left behind! In other words, how did such a big change happen? Is there a technological explosion? Why is Gin-san?

Has there been a big explosion in science and technology since Sanga was gone? What happened? It feels like the world view has changed!"

"Well, calm down, Gintoki."

The good old Sandaime on the side put down his cigarette bag and raised his head from the computer, and on the computer screen was the Spider Solitaire game.

"How on earth can this kind of thing make me calm down? Is this kind of thing even available now? The span of technology is too big. Also, were you just fishing, right? Come home and retire, old man

, hurry up and go home to retire before Wen Chun exposes the political scandal!"

"Huh? Leading the Jonin team?"

Looking at the three pieces of information in his hand, especially Kagura on the first piece and the glasses on the second piece, Gintoki's face was filled with rejection and disgust.

What is not worth mentioning is that on the floor nearby, an unknown creature bound by a tortoise shell and gagged with a wooden knife is not conspicuous at all.


Just because he heard that Gintoki was back, the little ape quickly rushed to the Hokage's room in an attempt to attack Gintoki but was taken away by the enemy. He made a whining sound, but it fell on deaf ears by everyone.

"Hey, hey, please spare me, Yin-san. I just finished what you think is a long-term mission, but in Yin-san's eyes, it's just a time-jumping animation with the words "eight years later" floating on my head.

, is it too much to ask Yin Sang to take on a mission that is almost like a lifelong mission?"

"You are the only one who is most suitable, right?"

Minato smiled. His more than ten years as a village chief and his age in his thirties also gave Minato a natural dignity and maturity on his face.

"No, it's totally inappropriate. After all, shouldn't it be a welcome party at this time? What's the point of directly issuing new tasks? Go to the labor department to protest, believe it or not!"

"This feeling...is indeed Gintoki..."

Looking at Minato who was showing a bit of emotion for some reason, veins popped up on Gintoki's temples: "What are you feeling so blindly about? You haven't paid me the money for the eight-year mission yet! Hurry up and get the money!"

"Gin-san, do you know that guarding the daimyo is a task that many Konoha ninjas would rush to do even if they are not paid?"

"I don't know, I don't know at all! Stop talking nonsense and get the money quickly! Give Yinsang my hard-earned money back as soon as possible!"

Taking a look at the time on the computer in front of him, Minato continued: "Okay, I originally wanted to help you, but firstly, the meeting with the new daimyo-sama is imminent, and secondly, you must really want to see him again.

We haven’t seen Kakashi and Kagura for a long time, right? So I won’t keep you.”

"Are you pretending not to hear on purpose?"

In the end, Gintoki left, carrying a box of mission gold that Minato tried his best to fool but failed.

Of course, in addition to taking away the money from these years of missions, Gintoki also left behind a sentence that made Minato start to get into trouble.

"Well, let's forget that Kagura and Shinbaji are due to force majeure in the world, and forget about the last one, Tom, who seems to have come from another set."

Although he didn't know what Tom meant, Minato knew that Gintoki was talking about Mitsuki, and what this meant was that Gintoki was not planning to take Mitsuki with him.

"It's difficult..."

Minato sighed.

Looking at the Kazu Mansion in front of him, which was in sharp contrast to the surrounding tall buildings, Gintoki felt a bit familiar from the cement-covered door.


"Go well."

Kakashi threw Kagura out together with some packages and closed the door. His ruthless look made Gintoki's emotion disappear in an instant.

"Hey, wait! Stop joking! Yin-sang, I just came back and I was kicked out again. What do you mean? In general development, shouldn't the whole family have a reunion dinner first? There is such an operation of losing a home just after returning home.

Shouldn’t it only appear in comics?”

For two full minutes, there was no response.

It was obvious that the eight years of taking care of Kagura had left a psychological shadow on Kakashi. When he heard that Gintoki was back, he didn't want to take him in for a second longer.


Hearing the sound of the door opening, Gintoki breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It scared me to death. It turns out it was just a joke. Gin-san, I..."


Seeing Sadharu being sent out and the door being closed again, Gintoki fell silent again.

"Gin-chan, your brother is so bad Aru."

Kagura, who was squinting her eyes and picking her nose with her little finger, said.

"Well, it would be really bad without you. What did you do to him? What did you do in eight years to make his tolerance for you zero?"

"Don't wrong the good man Aru, during the eight years of life with Kakashi-sensei who was like a biological uncle..." Kagura clenched her fists and shed tears unknowingly as she began to recall the past - yesterday's breakfast.

“…The egg roll was a little hard when fried.”

"How do you remember yesterday's breakfast?"

"Is dinner okay, Aru?"

"It's okay for you! By the way, have you been eating for eight years?!"

"No! There is also learning Aru!"

After saying that, Kagura grinned and pointed at the red belted Konoha forehead protector tied to her left arm.

"Gin-chan, we finally got rid of Gin's fucking curse and became Konoha's ninja Aru!"

"I can't get rid of the curse as long as you are here!"

Kabukicho, Toshi Shop, upstairs.

Looking at the house that was almost the same as the decoration of the All-Things House in Gin's fucking world, Gintoki smiled helplessly after being silent for a long time.

"I went round and round and ended up back here again."

"Yes, you will pay off the rent you owed before." After counting the money, Granny Toshi mentioned Gintoki's eight years of youth and said, "Xiaoyu, you can let me go."

"Hi." Only then did Xiaoyu, who had pinned Gintoki to the ground, let go of Gintoki, stood up, and stepped back.

"Daddy, there's no need to be so cruel, right? What's inside is eight years of Yin-sang's youth. It's just two years' rent. Do I need to exchange eight years of Yin-sang's youth for it? Isn't it a bit too much?


"Gin-chan, your brother is so terrible Aru."

Kagura, who was squinting her eyes and picking her nose with her little finger, said.

"Well, it would be really bad without you. What did you do to him? What did you do in eight years to make his tolerance for you zero?"

"Don't wrong the good man Aru, during the eight years of life with Kakashi-sensei who was like a biological uncle..." Kagura clenched her fists and shed tears unknowingly as she began to recall the past - yesterday's breakfast.

“…The egg roll was a little hard when fried.”

"How do you remember yesterday's breakfast?"

"Is dinner okay, Aru?"

"It's okay for you! By the way, have you been eating for eight years?!"

"No! There is also learning Aru!"

After saying that, Kagura grinned and pointed at the red belted Konoha forehead protector tied to her left arm.

"Gin-chan, we finally got rid of Gin's fucking curse and became Konoha's ninja Aru!"

"I can't get rid of the curse as long as you are here!"

Kabukicho, Toshi Shop, upstairs.

Looking at the room that was almost the same as the decoration of the All-in-one House in Ginfu's World, Gintoki smiled helplessly after being silent for a long time.

"I went round and round and ended up back here again."

"Yes, you will pay off the rent you owed before." After counting the money, Granny Toshi mentioned Gintoki's eight years of youth and said, "Xiaoyu, you can let me go."

This chapter has been completed!
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