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Chapter 123 Game Rules

"Ahem." Guan Jiyu was awakened by the stench. Her throat was so dry and uncomfortable. When she opened her eyes, she saw darkness in front of her. She couldn't see anything and could only feel the coldness and clammy on her body.

She seemed to be soaking in a pool. The water in it had reached her shoulders. This was not clean water. She could imagine how turbid the water in the pool was just by smelling it. Guan Jiyu tried to move.

When she started, she found that both hands were tightly tied with shackles. She couldn't reach the hair from her mouth even if she wanted to reach out. At the bottom of the pool, there was also a pile of iron chains wrapped around her ankles.

Guan Jiyu didn't know why she was in this place. She remembered that before she fell to the ground, she saw Jiang Yingnian covering his nose with the cloth of his clothes. The cloth in his hand was stained with blood. She doesn't know how he is doing now.

"Jiang Yingnian, Jiang Yingnian?" Guan Jiyu called twice tentatively, but no one responded, and there were only a few echoes from all around.

"Zheshu? Jingcun? Are you there?"

The echo settled, and the place returned to deathly silence. "I should be the only one here..." Guan Jiyu suddenly felt lucky. If she was locked up here alone, did it mean that she was the only one caught?

Alone? Have Jiang Yingnian and the others escaped successfully?

Guan Jiyu was thinking in her mind when suddenly there was a "creak" sound of pushing the door open. The footsteps in front of her were approaching, and the light was getting closer and closer to her. Before she could react, there was a sound in this room.

Several lamps have already been lit.

Guan Jiyu had been in the dark for a long time, and she couldn't adapt to the light for a while. She couldn't help but closed her eyes suddenly, and then slowly opened her eyes.

She saw several people in golden armor standing in front of her. They were not too tall and they should be the same group of people with golden armor that they had fought with before. They looked at her like a bird in a cage, but no one spoke first.

Guan Jiyu raised his head and asked, "What do you want to do with me?"

Among these people wearing golden armor, he is the only one who does not have his elder brother's helmet. He also has the most exquisite pendants on his clothes. He should be considered the leader among them.

He took a step forward, squatted by the pool, looked at Guan Jiyu with interest, and said, "Dispose of it? Did I say I would dispose of you?"

Under Guan Jiyu's confused eyes, he stretched out his hand and pulled the giant chain hanging around Guan Jiyu's neck, and said: "Why do you only ask yourself when you open your mouth? Why don't you ask your other three friends?"

Guan Jiyu felt a chill in his heart. She was pulled unsteadily by him and staggered forward. Water splashed on her face. Guan Jiyu spat out the dirty water in his mouth and said viciously: "Catch them too."

? Where are they?"

The Jinjia leader took out a handkerchief from his arms, wiped the water drops on his hands, shook his head and said, "You are too impatient, I don't like it. Why are you always rushing to ask questions?"

"I don't care if you like it or not?!" Guan Jiyu glared at him and said stubbornly: "If I fall into your hands, you can kill or chop me into pieces, but you have to let me know where my three companions are now, right?

Even if you want me to die, you should understand that I should die!"

The golden-armored leader stood up, looked down at Guan Jiyu condescendingly, and said, "It's very simple to know where they are. I can tell you now." He clapped his hands, and a golden-armored man next to him was holding a wooden plate.

Walking over, there were three square pieces of paper on the plate.

The Jinjia leader picked up the three pieces of paper and showed them to Guan Jiyu: "Your three companions are in rooms No. 1, 2 and 3."

Guan Jiyu sneered and said: "What kind of answer is this? I don't even know where I am, how could I know where the rooms No. 1, 2 and 3 you mentioned are?"

"Don't you know where you are?" The golden-armored leader looked around the cell and said, "Can't you see that this is a dungeon?"

Guan Jiyu said disdainfully: "It can be any prison." She looked directly at the Jinjia leader and said: "Sorry, I have to rush to ask questions again. Do you think I have a chance to go to the place you mentioned?

How about taking a look at rooms No. 2 and 3?"

"Of course." The Jinjia leader raised his eyebrows, spread out three pieces of paper in front of her, and said, "You choose, you can only choose one, you can go to whichever room you choose and look at it as you like!"

"What about the remaining two rooms? When can I see them?" Guan Jiyu asked urgently.

The Jinjia leader frowned at her and said unceremoniously: "You are not only selfish, but also greedy. Sure enough, the Xuli country is full of such despicable races, so you will eventually be devoured by us and replaced by us."

It was obvious that the Jinjia leader was full of disgust, and Guan Jiyu knew what he meant by "selfishness" and "greed". She had no choice but to refute his fallacy, so she could only say: "Yes, yes, yes, yes

Yes, you are right, I am very selfish, the first thing I did not ask my companions when I woke up! I am a selfish ghost who only thinks about myself. So please, give me a chance to repent.

, let me go to all three rooms, as long as I can see them, you can do whatever you want to me!"

The leader of Jinjia ignored her nagging and said once again: "Hurry up and choose the room you choose."

Guan Jiyu was shocked in her heart, but she pretended to be nonchalant on her face. She hesitated in front of the three pieces of paper. The leader of Jinjia saw her hesitation and said, "Why do you still treat your companions differently?"

"Huh?" Guan Jiyu didn't understand what he meant.

The Jinjia leader looked even more disgusted and said: "If your three companions were equally important to you, you wouldn't have hesitated for so long. You would just think that catching any one of them would be the same. But in fact, you yourself

Look, how long have you been hesitating? There must be someone here who is the most important to you, that must be the case!"

Guan Jiyu felt guilty for a while after what he said. He quickly raised his chin and pointed at one of the pieces of paper and said, "I choose this, okay?"

The one she chose was "No. 3". The Jinjia leader picked up the piece of paper, took a look at it, and said, "I hope No. 3 brings you good luck."

The Jinjia leader winked at the people next to him, and one of them pulled the switch on the wall. Guan Jiyu saw that the water level in the pool where he was was lowered rapidly, until all the sewage drained out from the floor drain. The other Jinjiu

Person A quickly came over and opened the giant chain around her neck, as well as the chains around her hands and feet.

Guan Jiyu's whole body was sore and unbearable, and the cold pool water was so chilly that if she didn't let her out, her bones might be damaged! She rubbed her wrist and said, "Can I go to room three?"


The Jinjia leader stretched out his hand and said, "If you please—"

Guan Jiyu walked out of the room and realized that this was really a dungeon. There was a dark and humid environment everywhere. Outside was a narrow corridor. She folded her arms and hissed cold air in the golden armored man.

Under the leadership of the leader, they walked through this walkway and arrived at a giant wooden frame. The man in golden armor pulled another mechanism, and the giant wooden frame they were standing on slowly sank downwards.

"Is this another level?" Guan Jiyu couldn't help but ask.

The man in golden armor who led her glanced at her and actually answered her: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Guan Jiyu shook his head and said: "Nothing, it feels like hell, going down one level after another."

The man in golden armor looked at her again, but this time he didn't speak. Guan Jiyu could see his eyes through the mask of the man in golden armor. His eyes seemed to say: Is there any difference between you going here and going to hell?

Guan Jiyu couldn't help but shudder. The man in golden armor took her to the door of a room. There was a piece of paper with "No. 3" written on the door. The man in golden armor took out the key and opened the door, saying: "We're here.

, you go in."

She entered Room No. 3, and the man in golden armor behind her quickly locked the door. This place was more like "Prison No. 3" than "Room No. 3". Guan Jiyu saw the kidnapped people inside at a glance.

She ran over to Jiang Yingnian who was on the cross in two or three steps, shook her head and said, "Yingnian, Jiang Yingnian! Are you okay?"

Jiang Yingnian, like her, was all wet, as if he had just been fished out of the water. No matter how she shook or shouted in his ears, Jiang Yingnian showed no sign of waking up.

The voice of the golden-armored leader came from outside, "How is it? Have you finished reading Room 3?"

Guan Jiyu couldn't wake up Jiang Yingnian, and he was anxious and angry. He yelled at the door: "Why are you so anxious? I didn't tell you to urge me wherever you want! What did you do to him? I can't scream no matter how much I do.

wake up!"

There was no sound outside again. Guan Jiyu ran over and banged on the door, but there was still no response. She ran to Jiang Yingnian again and tried to wake him up again.

"Jiang Yingnian, wake up!" She stretched out her hand to feel his breath and pinched his penis several times, but he didn't react at all.

At this moment, the sound of a key opening the door came, and the man in golden armor who had just led her over came in and said expressionlessly: "It's time for you to go back."

Guan Jiyu followed the man in golden armor dejectedly, turning back step by step until he returned to the cell on the floor where she was. The pool in the cell was filled with water. Guan Jiyu understood this, so he silently walked into the water.

Jiang Yingnian was in a deep coma, so Zheshu and Jingcun were probably in similar situations. Guan Jiyu felt troubled. It was already difficult to escape from here, and the three of them still couldn't wake up.

Come on, you can't run away with three unconscious people...

After a while, the Jinjia leader walked in. He saw Guan Jiyu standing in the pool and said in surprise: "You are quite conscious."

Guan Jiyu snorted coldly: "Even if I don't walk in by myself, you will use force to force me in. I might as well take the initiative."

The Jinjia leader looked outside the door for a while, then turned around and said absently: "That's the truth."

Guan Jiyu didn't know what he was thinking, so he cast out his doubts: "Since you have captured us, you must have a purpose, right? What's the use of holding us captive like this?"

The Jinjia leader laughed at her question and said, "What's the hurry? The King of Hell doesn't come to you, why do you want to find the King of Hell?"

He took out two more pieces of paper and said, "These are the two pieces you didn't choose. Do you want to discard them?"

Guan Jiyu looked at the piece of paper with "No. 1" and "No. 2" written on it and said, "You didn't give me a chance to choose. You only asked me to choose one. How can you say I didn't choose?"

"This is the rule of the game." The golden-armored leader said amusedly: "I've given you three of them, can you still call it a 'choice'?"

After saying that, he stacked the two pieces of paper together in front of Guan Jiyu and tore them into pieces bit by bit. The pieces of paper flew in the air and fell on Guan Jiyu's head like snowflakes.

"If you don't want it, then give it up."

His voice was like a ghost, echoing throughout the cell, making Guan Jiyu shiver again.

Guan Jiyu frowned and said, "What do you mean by this?"

The golden-armored leader slowly picked up the helmet lying next to him and put it on himself. His voice became unreal through the helmet:

"The fun has just begun——"

This chapter has been completed!
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