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Chapter 69 Medicine


It was almost Yin time when Xia Mingzhong rushed home from Nanqin. As expected, Shen Hui stayed up all night, and there was a bright light on in the room, waiting for him, who was returning late.

Whenever he comes home late, this light will always be on.

Xia Mingzhong said many times that there was no need to wait for him, but next time, this lamp would still silently guard the night with its owner.

After entering the door, Xia Mingzhong took off his coat and hung it up as usual, and said lightly: "You can rest assured now, go to bed quickly."

Shen Hui sat quietly at the table. She did not get up and help him do this and that as usual. She did not move until Xia Mingzhong took off her shoes and changed her clothes.

Xia Mingzhong noticed something strange about her, looked at her strangely, and said, "What's the matter?"

The house was quiet. This was a life that Xia Mingzhong was accustomed to. Not only him, but Shen Hui had also long been accustomed to this home that was so quiet that no one could feel the warmth at all.

But no matter what, this is still their home, the home where the two of them live together and sleep together day and night.

Shen Hui's expression was very complicated. She struggled with her thoughts for a long time before speaking, "Mingzhong, where have you been?"

"Huh?" Xia Mingzhong didn't expect that she would take the initiative to ask about his whereabouts. After they got married, Shen Hui was very self-aware and would never interfere in his affairs or ask about his whereabouts. Xia Mingzhong was surprised, but still said: "Something's wrong , went out for a trip."

Shen Hui lowered her eyes and said, "It's not the prince's business, right? He almost never assigns you tasks at night."

Xia Mingzhong sat beside the bed and said, "What's wrong? Is there anything going on at home?"

"It's okay." Shen Hui shook her head gently and said, "There is nothing wrong at home, everything is normal."

Xia Mingzhong said "Oh" lightly, couldn't help but yawned, and said: "Go to bed quickly, it's very late."

As he said that, he pulled back the quilt and prepared to sleep. Unexpectedly, Shen Hui called him again: "Ming Zhong."

"Huh?" Xia Mingzhong felt that she was really weird today, and couldn't help but look up again, and saw Shen Hui biting her lips, frowning and lowering her eyes rather sadly. It took a long time before she finally said with difficulty: "Mingzhong, you go to Nanqin. Is it done?"

This question caused a slight expression on Xia Mingzhong's originally calm face. He didn't know what kind of expression he made, but he just felt a kind of embarrassment from the bottom of his heart that he had done something secretly and was discovered.

"Well, something happened, and it happened to be over at Nanqin's side." After Xia Mingzhong said this, he felt a little guilty. He had no intention of deceiving Shen Hui about anything. It was not because of the deep relationship between the couple that they promised each other. The promise of mutual honesty and deep love between husband and wife was just that he never put Shen Hui at the forefront of his heart. It didn't matter even if Shen Hui knew about what he had done or what he was about to do.

He doesn't care what she thinks. What she thinks is her business and has no influence on him. Shen Hui also has a tacit understanding and will never interfere in his affairs.

Xia Mingzhong didn't know why he answered like this, but other than this answer, he couldn't think of any better answer.

Shen Hui sighed, silently walked to the bed, took off her shoes, climbed onto the bed, and lay down quietly.

"Mingzhong, can you hug me?" Shen Hui's voice was muffled. She had always been gentle, virtuous, dignified and self-respecting. This was the first time she made such a request.

"You said you didn't want children, so I listened to you. But now, I am your wife, Mingzhong. We lie on this bed together every day, but why do I always feel lonely?"

Xia Mingzhong felt Shen Hui move beside her. She curled up her body into a ball, looking thin and pitiful.

After all, he owed her something. After getting married, he never touched her. Although they were called husband and wife, they never had the reality of being husband and wife. Shen Hui didn't say it, but it didn't mean that she didn't take it to heart. \./hand\./machine\./version\./no\./error\./first\./issue~~

Xia Mingzhong turned around, raised his hands, and wrapped his hands around her stiffly because he was at a loss. Only then did he realize that her cold body was trembling slightly.

He hugged Shen Hui, and Shen Hui felt a touch of warmth. It took a while for her body to become less cold. She asked again: "Is your sick friend feeling better? I asked someone to buy some tonics. , do you need to get some more?"

"Yeah." Xia Mingzhong closed his eyes and said, "If there is, it will be troublesome. (The next page will be more exciting!)

You can pack some more and I’ll bring them to him next time I have time.”

Shen Hui took a shaky breath and said with a hint of crying in her voice: "Is he still not getting better? Isn't it better after taking medicine for so long?"

Xia Mingzhong was already very tired. His mind was groggy and his voice was light and fluttering. He sounded softly above her head: "His health is very, very bad. On rainy days, he will be sore all over and find it difficult to get off the ground. On windy days, He will cough again and have a splitting headache... His body can no longer bear any exposure to wind and sun... He may have to rely on tonic for the rest of his life."

Shen Hui kept breathing silently as she listened to his words, fearing that she would sob out of control.

"That's really worrying." Shen Hui moved her lips and said, "Mingzhong, I will always pay attention to see if there are any good nourishing things. When you are free, visit him more often."

Xia Mingzhong was so tired that he was about to fall asleep, and he responded vaguely: "Well, okay."

The next day, when Xia Mingzhong woke up, there were already large and small packages of medicinal materials and supplements on the table.

There was a noise outside, and when he walked outside, he saw Shen Hui leading her servants to move some things. She herself had her hands free, carrying three tied black-bone chickens.

"Why are there so many things?" Xia Mingzhong walked over and took the black chicken in her hand.

Shen Hui wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "I went to buy these early in the morning. You can take them all with you."

Xia Mingzhong looked at a lot of things on the ground and said, "Isn't this too much?"

Shen Hui carefully sorted out the scattered supplements on the ground and said: "No more, no more, these are daily consumables and they are eaten very quickly."

Xia Mingzhong said: "Well, okay, I will go and deliver it if I have time in the next two days."

He went into the house to wash up briefly, changed his clothes, and was about to go out when Shen Hui stopped him again.

"Ming Zhong." She was not as reserved and hesitant as last night, but said cheerfully: "Actually, you don't have to hide anything from me, I know everything."

Xia Mingzhong turned around and saw Shen Hui smiling at him and saying warmly: "The sick friend you mentioned is none other than Jiang Xian, right?"

"I'm very happy that you can meet him again." Shen Hui said: "If you can see him, it means that the knot in your heart has been resolved, and he is also willing to see you, which is good. The thing is, you two are very good friends, aren't you?"

Shen Hui carefully stacked the boxes of supplements on the ground and said, "Mingzhong, if you want to visit him, just go there openly. We are the ones who have wronged A Xian. If you want to atone for your sins, you should bring a share of mine with you." From the bottom of my heart, I want to follow you to see him...but it seems I can't. What if I irritate him again...Anyway, just tell me what you need, and I can still help."

Xia Mingzhong felt his eyes were hot and his throat was dry. He cleared his throat and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you, Ah Hui."

Xia Mingzhong went to the Sixth Prince's Mansion. As soon as he entered the door, he saw King Ying drinking morning tea. He walked over. King Ying frowned unconsciously, covered his nose with his hands, and said: "Well, it smells so strong. You have taken the medicine." ?Why do you smell like medicine?"

"No." Xia Mingzhong smelled his sleeves and said, "Ah Hui bought some tonics for the family. I haven't touched them. How can they have such a strong smell as you said?"

Prince Ying shrugged and said, "Isn't the smell strong? It may be that the new medicine I drank recently tastes too strange and makes my nose too sensitive. Everything I smell smells strong."

Xia Mingzhong asked: "Did you change the medicine again? Why didn't you tell me earlier? I asked Ah Hui to help find the right one."

Prince Ying picked up the teacup, smelled the aroma of the tea, and said: "No need, I recently found a herb farmer in the suburbs of Beijing. The herb farmer died some time ago, and all the stalls were handed over to his daughter. I think There are quite a lot of kinds of medicinal materials there, and I still take those medicines when I come back and forth, just as doing something good and helping that family."

"Oh, by the way, the daughter of the medicine farmer will come over in the afternoon to deliver the medicinal materials." King Ying warned: "At that time, you can go and keep an eye on it in person. There are some medicines that need to be stored carefully. I don't trust the people below. "

Xia Mingzhong said: "Yes."

After King Ying finished his morning tea, he went in to rest. Xia Mingzhong was sitting in the front hall, waiting for the medicine farmer's daughter to deliver medicine, because it was too late to go home last night. (The next page will be more exciting!)

It was late, I really didn't have a good rest, my mind was still groggy at the moment, Xia Mingzhong sat for a while and fell asleep without realizing it.

Not only did he fall into a deep sleep, but he also had strange dreams. For a while, he dreamed that he was running and running in the deep mountains and wild forests, with countless ferocious forest beasts chasing him behind him. He had nowhere to hide and could only fly into the trees, but The man-eating beast actually started to gnaw at the tree roots one by one, and the tree was crumbling. Xia Mingzhong could only watch the tree fall from the tree, and he also fell down from a high place...

Xia Mingzhong felt his legs weaken, and he came to a spring in the mountains. The clothes on his body were already stained with a lot of blood. He was looking for a place with water to clean the blood on his body. When he saw the spring in front of him, He happily walked over and saw that there was blood in the mountain spring. It was blood that had just flowed out and was still bright red in color.

He walked forward and found a man in the spring, face down and back up, soaking in the water. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Curiosity prompted him to go over, and just as he was about to reach out and turn the man over to see what was going on, he heard calls one after another:

"My lord? My lord! Wake up, my lord."

Xia Mingzhong was suddenly awakened by the call. When he opened his eyes, he found a young woman standing there. She was wearing a light yellow shirt and a grass green skirt. All her clothes were made of the cheapest fabrics.

Seeing that he was awake, the woman said, "I'm here to deliver medicine to the palace."

Xia Mingzhong wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said impatiently: "Just stop at the door to deliver the medicine. If anything happens, the servant will come in and let you know. Why did you run in without permission?"

The woman innocently said: "I stayed at the door for a long time, but I didn't see anyone, so I had no choice but to go in and look for someone."

Xia Mingzhong walked out of the front hall and went to the door. Sure enough, there was no one at the door. The boy guarding the door didn't know where he had gone. He had no choice but to say: "Wait for me for a while. I will get a pen and paper to record this cart of medicinal materials."


But the woman stopped him and said with some pride: "Don't be anxious, sir, I've already prepared it." As she said that, she took out a piece of paper from her sleeve and handed it to Xia Mingzhong, which listed in detail the types and medicinal properties of all the medicinal materials.

The quantity, the writing is not pretty but it is neat, and the list is very beautiful.

He is a careful person.         w_/a_/p_/\_/.\_/c\_/o\_/m

Xia Mingzhong couldn't help but look at her a second time and asked casually: "Are you the daughter of that drug farmer in the suburbs of Beijing? What's your name?"

The woman quickly responded: "Yes, my father used to be responsible for transporting the medicinal materials. Now that he is no longer here, it is left to me. My name is Jin Chan. If you need anything later, just ask me."

This chapter has been completed!
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