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Chapter 70 Green Plum

This time Jin Chan delivered a whole cart of medicinal materials. The order from the Sixth Prince's Mansion was huge, so she brought extra snacks and helped unload and organize the goods. She was busy until almost sunset before driving the carriage back.

Before leaving, the weather was about to change. Xia Mingzhong sent her out of the door and said, "Miss Jin Chan, please go back quickly. It will be difficult to leave when it starts to rain."

No matter what I was afraid of, it turned out that there was a heavy downpour just before I had gone far. The road to the outskirts of Beijing was not easy to walk. In this heavy rain weather, the road was muddy and bumpy, and the horses refused to go.


Jin Chan got off the carriage and was hit by endless rain. No matter how she tried to comfort the horse, the horse only moved slowly. After all, it was unwilling to go on the road.

She looked in the direction ahead. She was familiar with this place.

Just looking at it from a distance made Jin Chan's heart skip a beat. He found some clothes in the carriage and put it on his head, then ran in that direction through the mud and water.

Because of the thunderstorm, it was still very early, and the sky was already dark, with endless dark clouds covering the brightness.

The door of Xiang Lincheng's mansion was suddenly knocked, and several calls came from the door: "Lincheng, Lincheng, are you there? Lincheng."

Xiang Lincheng opened the door himself. When he opened the door and looked at the person, he couldn't help but frown and said, "It's so late, what can I do?"

Jin Chan didn't expect that Xiang Lincheng would open the door. She put down the clothes on her head and said, "Why isn't Yuezhi opening the door? Is it a servant in the mansion?"

Xiang Lincheng was silent for a moment and said, "Didn't we agree that we should try not to meet each other again in the future?"

Jin Chan's hair was all wet from the rain, and the raindrops were dripping down from the ends of her hair. Her plain face was full of water marks, and her clothes clung to her body tightly, making her look extremely pitiful.

She stretched out her hand and wiped the rain off her face casually, and said: "I didn't come to see you specially. I went to deliver medicine to the palace today. It's a big list." She said with joy on her face, "I just helped them sort it out.

I have been doing this for a long time, and I just wanted to go home when I finished, but it suddenly started raining heavily on the way."

This is indeed an unexpected situation. If Xiang Lincheng has no response, he can only deal with it silently.

Jin Chan twisted the water on her clothes and said, "Lincheng, don't worry, I have something to do now and I won't trouble you anymore." She raised her head, looked at Xiang Lincheng seriously, and said:

"Dad is gone, so there shouldn't be any trouble coming to you anymore."

Xiang Lincheng said, "That's not what I meant."

Jin Chan's face turned pale from the cold because she was wet all over. She shrank her arms and said, "Lincheng, I will remember your help for the rest of my life. I will also listen to your words and live my own life seriously.

I'm working hard to make money, and I will pay you back the money I owe you slowly."

She smiled bitterly and said, "Don't worry, the money won't be repaid."

Xiang Lincheng's eyes darkened and he said, "I don't mean to urge you to pay back the money. It's just that you are overthinking it."

Jin Chan breathed a sigh of relief into his hands, rubbed them again, and said: "I know, you are doing it for my own good, and you think about everything for me. It's my fault, and I've been troubling you. What's the solution?"

Problems that cannot be solved will only come to you."

"Can you let me in for a sip of hot tea?" Jin Chan smiled brightly like a child and said, "It's really cold."

This smile made Xiang Lincheng feel dazed for a moment. He suddenly remembered that many years ago in Mo Yun Academy, he was ill and had a high fever. He suffered for a long time. When he finally woke up, the first thing he saw was this smile.

At that time, Jin Chan smiled so innocently and beautifully, making him feel like a spring breeze.

Now that things have changed and Jin Chan is someone else's wife, he can still see the smile that was once engraved in his heart.

Xiang Lincheng hesitated for a moment and then said: "Come in."

Xiang Lincheng didn't feel so comfortable when Jin Chan came in this time. It felt like there was something blocked in his chest, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Since he was scolded by his brother Xiang Ju'an last time, Xiang Lincheng gave all the servants in the mansion a long vacation when he returned here. For the time being, he didn't need anyone to serve him, he just wanted to be alone and quietly.

He and Jin Chan were the only two people in the house at the moment.

Xiang Lincheng wanted to find some clean clothes for her to change into, and found one. (More exciting on the next page!)

I couldn't find the circle either. It didn't seem very appropriate for Jin Chan to wear his own clothes.

He opened the door to the backyard room, went in and saw several neatly stacked women's clothing, and couldn't help but be stunned.

It was prepared for Guan Jiyu when she was invited to the house during the Lantern Festival a long time ago.


Xiang Lincheng's hand unconsciously touched the pile of clothes until Jin Chan, who was waiting at the door, asked him: "Have you found it?"

He took his hand back and was about to leave, saying calmly: "No. I'll go look in Yuezhi's house again to see if she has any clothes that she didn't take away."

Xiang Lincheng found a set of clothes in Yuezhi's house, showed them to Jin Chan, and said, "Only Yuezhi is about the same height as you, so you should be able to wear her clothes."

Jin Chan took the clothes he handed over. The tentacles of the fabric were not too delicate, but it was just right for people who needed to do things.


She smiled lightly and said, "Thank you."

Jin Chan walked to another guest room, took off all his soaked clothes, and put on Yuezhi's outfit.

There was a bronze mirror in the room. She looked at herself in the mirror, then looked at the clothes on her body, and murmured thoughtfully: "Oh, it is very suitable..."

"How is it? Is it okay?" Xiang Lincheng's voice sounded outside the door.

Jin Chan quickly walked over and opened the door, smiling and saying: "You have always had good taste. When I wear Sister Yuezhi's clothes, it really looks like I wear my own clothes. They fit perfectly."

After saying that, she pointed outside and said in surprise: "It's still raining?!"

Xiang Lincheng nodded, looking at the rain outside which showed no sign of stopping, and said: "Where is he? You have sent so many medicinal materials to the palace, does he trust you to go alone? What's more, it's raining so hard and it's so late.

If you didn't go back, wouldn't he come out to find you?"

Jin Chan's face quickly darkened. She twitched her lips unnaturally and said, "I'm taking over my father's stall. Where I want to go is also my own business. I don't expect him."

Help me, why are you telling him this?"

Xiang Lincheng stood with his hands behind his hands, pondered for a moment, and then said slowly: "But you two are one family after all, so why bother living as two families like this..."

Suddenly there was a roar of thunder in the sky in the distance. When the thunder subsided, Jin Chan twisted his neck and said bitterly: "What kind of husband and wife are he and I?!"

Xiang Lincheng turned his head, looked at her expressionlessly, and said only eight words: "The orders of the parents, the words of the matchmaker."

Jin Chan snorted coldly, and tears suddenly came out of her eyes. Big tears dripped from her face one by one. She looked sad and helpless and said: "But now that my father is gone, what reason do I have to continue to guard this place?"

Where are the names of husband and wife?" She smiled helplessly at Xiang Lincheng and said, "Lincheng, actually I have been depressed for a long time. I don't know what I should do now..."

Xiang Lincheng silently took out a handkerchief, handed it to her and said, "Don't cry."

Jin Chan took the handkerchief, held it in her hand, and sobbed: "Lincheng, do you know? The thing I regret most in my life is this marriage... This is what my father forced me to do.

, you all know, you all know, no one knows how painful it is, Lincheng, I want to escape day and night!"

She stepped forward, leaned her forehead gently on Xiang Lincheng's shoulder, shed tears weakly, and said, "What do you mean by living like this? If I can't know and stay with the one I love, I will

What's the point of living like this..."

This question also made Xiang Lincheng feel confused. He could only pat her back gently and comfort her: "Chan'er, the road of life is like this. If you take a wrong step, you will be wrong every step of the way. There is nothing we can do

, just let nature take its course..."

Jin Chan leaned on his shoulder, shook her head slightly, and said: "But I don't want to let nature take its course, nor do I want to resign myself to fate. Lincheng... please help me, I seem to be stuck in a quagmire, I can't help it

I can't get out even if I try hard enough, can you give me a hand? Can you give me a hand?"

Xiang Lincheng didn't answer her again.

Jin Chan waited for a long time before slowly raising his head to confirm what his expression was.

Xiang Lincheng's face was solemn. He seemed to want to escape her probing gaze, but he had nowhere to escape and could only force himself. (The next page will be more exciting!)

He faced her and said, "Chan'er, I'm sorry."

Jin Chan froze on the spot for a long time before speaking with difficulty: "What... does this mean?"

Unstoppable tears fell from the corners of her eyes again, and she said, "Xiang Lincheng, what do you mean by this?"

Xiang Lincheng blurted out without thinking: "I may not be able to help you anymore. I have someone I like, Chan'er. I'm sorry. Now I just want to do my best to protect her."

After hearing this, Jin Chan suddenly cried like a child, unable to control herself. She knocked her head on Xiang Lincheng's hard chest and cried bitterly: "Are you even going to leave me alone?

How can you keep your word? You said it yourself. No matter what happens, you will always be behind me!"

Xiang Lincheng let her cry. He frowned tightly and just repeated: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Jin Chan cried for a long time before she slowly stopped. She raised her head, sniffed, raised her head and asked him: "The person you mentioned is the girl Guan who was in the house that day, Guan Jiyu, right?"


Xiang Lincheng nodded and replied: "Yeah.                                                      /                                               Generation since your hand. by."

Jin Chan smiled and said: "It's good. She is so good. Xuli's future first female general, standing with you, is really a good match." She lowered her head and laughed at herself: "Unlike me,

I come from a humble background, and even if I read those military books a hundred times, I still won't be able to tell anything about it."

Xiang Lincheng looked at her deeply and said, "Chan'er, no matter where a hero comes from, the light in each hero is earned by himself."

Jin Chan said bitterly: "I understand." She looked at the heavy rain outside the eaves and said: "Then I won't disturb you, I'll leave first."

After saying that, she walked decisively into the heavy rain, too stubborn to look back.

Under the dim sky, Jin Chan's figure gradually faded away. Xiang Lincheng did not hold back or pursue her, but just sighed helplessly...

Just let her be...

In the east, the border camp.

Guan Jiyu sneezed several times in a row. Looking at the heavy rain outside, he rubbed his nose and said, "Why do you keep sneezing? Someone is scolding me?".

Jiang Yingnian came over and said: "You must have done something bad, right? You have to be careful not to be struck by lightning~"

"Bah!" Guan Jiyu said angrily: "Have you done too little harm? If I want to chop you, I'll chop you first, right?".

This chapter has been completed!
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