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1706 pale

The Tang army kept advancing along the border from the west, and the troops deployed by the elves could only keep retreating. Flix was unable to prevent the retreat of the troops, because the troops in his hands did not have much combat effectiveness.

The 4th Army was defeated by the Tang Army in Saint-Lô and has not recovered yet; the 5th Army also suffered heavy losses before, and now it is natural that the defense lines stationed by these two units will collapse at the first touch.

But what makes Flix feel sad is that his troops discovered a new designation of the Tang Empire on the front line... This is more frightening than a partial defeat.

A new group army of the Tang Empire, the 10th Army Group commanded by a general named Allen, has appeared on the battlefield.

This means that the Tang Army has more combat troops and the total force on the front line is more... This is definitely not good news for the coalition forces that are constantly retreating.

Allen's 10th Army is not the main force. This unit is also mainly infantry, and its combat effectiveness is actually average. However, this is generally mentioned in the sequence of the Tang Empire. At the world level, the combat effectiveness of this unit is

Still very impressive.

With the addition of this force, the battle situation near Rewind Port was immediately reversed. The Elf 7th Army retreated about 30 kilometers, completely giving up the bridgehead for counterattacking Rewind Port.

At the same time, the troops of the Tang Army began to advance horizontally along the border between the elves and the dwarves, occupying a large area of ​​territory and ensuring the safety of the vicinity of Shengluo.

After this battle, the weather conditions have become quite bad. Yongdong Port received its first snow of the year, and the mining area further north was also disrupted by a heavy snowfall that disrupted the production rhythm.

The sudden snowfall seemed to give the top leaders of the coalition forces a glimmer of hope in reversing the war situation. Flix immediately called Yang Mu I and reported his opinion: the war situation would stabilize after winter, and it was a good time to stabilize the front and repair fortifications.


In his opinion, after three months of buffering adjustments, the coalition forces can regain their strength and launch a more secure defensive war in the coming spring. As long as they rely on some large cities to block the Tang army's onslaught and rely on street fighting to consume the Tang army's effective strength, this

The war seems to be going on.

Yang Mu I agreed with this view. He also believed that once winter came, the battle situation would be more favorable to the coalition forces. It was absolutely impossible for the Tang army to come from a long distance and not be affected by the weather.

In fact, the Tang Army's logistics transportation and air support were indeed affected by bad weather, and the offensive in some areas was indeed suspended due to climate problems.

However, the impact of the cooling on the Tang Army is actually not as great as the coalition leaders imagined. On the contrary, the coalition forces are also suffering from headaches due to the sudden drop in temperature.

Dorne's southern troops are suffering now. They don't even have serious winter clothes, and they can only survive by looting in the city of Ironforge. This situation makes them very passive, and their combat effectiveness has dropped by several levels.


The dwarves also have a similar problem. They do have some winter clothing reserves, so the situation is much better than Dorne, but it is only better than Dorne.

About one-third of the troops can only solve the problem of winter clothing by themselves. The troops are also very short of fuel, and most of their cars have even been abandoned.

There was no other way. In order to ensure the troops had supplies for the winter, no unnecessary waste was allowed. The transportation task could only be left to ox carts and horse carts, and most of these vehicles were requisitioned from farmers in the south.

"It's snowing!" A dwarf soldier squatting in the corner of the ruins raised his head, stretched out his hand to catch a snowflake falling from the sky, and muttered softly.

He really didn't know whether this kind of thing was good or bad for him: Tang Army's planes rarely appeared these days. This was definitely good news for the dwarves, but they themselves were short of food and clothing.

I really don't want winter to come so soon.

"Yeah, it's snowing." He could clearly see the white mist he breathed out, and another dwarf soldier sighed and agreed. He only had a sweater on him, and snowing was simply a weird thing for him.


The snowy weather was fine, and it wasn't that uncomfortable physically. After the snow stopped, the biting cold would spread and torture every unlucky soldier.

The problem that followed was hell for less well-supported troops: Soldiers' shoes quickly became soaked, and soon their socks froze to their feet.

Soldiers with mild symptoms will suffer from beriberi, and most of them will have localized skin ulcers. In more serious cases, toes may even need to be cut off or even amputated.

Design military boots rationally and scientifically, and organize soldiers to dry and replace them frequently. After each mission, they must take off their shoes to take care of their feet... These things are obviously not something that the dwarf troops who stick to the ruins around Ironforge can do.

In order to keep out the cold, many dwarf soldiers put on their raincoats. In order to facilitate fighting, they also tied their armed belts outside their raincoats. This kind of attire made them look very funny.

But there is no way, whether it looks good or not is no longer important to these dwarf soldiers. They just need to survive and survive desperately.

Many people even tear up their single clothes and stuff them into military uniforms to add a little warmth to themselves. Some people also tear up papers and do the same thing. They rush into places like libraries and collect whatever they can find.

All the books were torn into pieces and crumpled into balls and stuffed into clothes.

The situation is not that bad now. If the weather is colder, the troops will burn the books, papers, and furniture and wood they have found to keep warm. For the entire city, the situation will become even more embarrassing at that time.


"It's snowing!" The prime minister walked out of the basement door and wrapped his coat tightly. His hands were cold. After all, he was old and his blood circulation was not good... But after his hands touched the snowflakes,

I still felt a bit cold.

He didn't know if this snow was a good sign for the Ice Empire. He only knew that this place would soon be covered with heavy snow, and many of the ferocious ruins would not be visible clearly.

At least because the temperature has dropped, the corpses all over the city will not immediately emit a pungent stench; because of the collapse of the water supply and drainage system, the excrement trapped in the streets and alleys no longer smells bad; the possibility of the plague has also been reduced to close to

Yu zero...

This snow is like a paper framer, covering up all the ugliness in the world, leaving only a pale future.

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