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Chapter 3 3 Secret Weapons

Chapter 3 3 Secret Weapon

Bunas is a small town by the sea. This town has a pier. Many nearby fishermen come here to convert their day's catch into cash. So most of the time there are people coming and going here, and it seems pretty good.


Tang Mo's weapons workshop is located on the edge of this town, relying on coal dug from the nearby mountains and purchased iron to produce a variety of products.

The best-selling item has always been the long sword. Most of the mercenaries and city guards in the kingdom actually use cold weapons, and the long sword is their best choice.

Secondly, there are non-military products, such as hoes, agricultural tools, iron pots and kitchen knives. These items may not seem profitable, but they are another major source of income for this weapons workshop.

This is the current situation, a fact that Tang Mo is unwilling to admit, but must face - this place is more like a blacksmith shop than an arsenal!

Originally, such a blacksmith shop could barely maintain its existence and continue to survive safely. However, recently, the relationship between the Kingdom of Leyte and the Kingdom of Susas on the northern border has become tense, causing the price of steel to begin to soar.

As the clouds of war enveloped the land, people began to become nervous, orders began to decrease, and people began to cautiously wait and see how the situation would change - all of which made it difficult to operate the Tang's Weapons Store.

After staying up all night without rest and dragging his tired body back to his own territory, Tang Mo was too tired to continue talking.

It wasn't that he didn't want to stay in the city for one night before coming back, but that he really couldn't afford the accommodation money. So he and Roger traveled all night and returned to the workshop at dawn.

"Ha..." Tang Mo opened his mouth and yawned while slumping down on his chair. The account book on the table was open, and the page he turned to when he left was still there.

An inkwell and an old-looking dip pen stood alone in one corner of the table, and in the other corner was a gas lamp.

When using this thing in a room, you have to open the window. It is dangerous but very cheap. At least until Tang Mo comes up with a tungsten electric light, this thing will definitely not be eliminated.

He is not like those aristocratic gentlemen who have money to buy expensive candles. Maybe he can in the future, but now he is definitely one of those poor people.

This office is actually Tang Mo's bedroom, which has a single bed and a large wardrobe full of messy things.

When wages could not be paid and the workshop faced bankruptcy, Tang Mo chose the latter between selling the workshop and selling the house. He kept the workshop and sold the beautiful house where a happy family of three once lived.


Things were going to be extremely bad before he came through time travel. The entire workshop didn't have much liquidity, but luckily, luckily he came!

"It's not my style to sit back and wait for death like this, Roger! We should try again. If we go to the royal city, is there any way to see the king?"

"Impossible, how could the king receive a commoner for no reason?" Roger beat his stiff calves and shook his head at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo was stunned for a moment, then looked at the new rifle leaning against the wall, and asked in surprise: "Isn't there a reason for this?"

"Cyric's people will not let us see the king. I can even say responsibly that once our technology is known to the other party, they will imitate it immediately without hesitation, and then use the price to easily squeeze us out.

." Roger continued shaking his head.

"Okay! I haven't slept all night. You should go and rest first." Tang Mo sent old Roger out of his room, then twisted his neck twice and said something to the young apprentice who was peeking his head not far away.

Waved: "Have you finished the things I arranged before I left?"

"Yes, sir." After hearing Tang Mo's question, the young apprentice ran over and handed a part in his hand to Tang Mo like a treasure.

It is a cylindrical part, slightly smaller than a fist. Those familiar with it can tell at a glance that it is a revolver's cartridge chamber.

Tang Mo looked at the smooth bullet chamber with an excited smile on his face. The last part of his secret weapon was finally completed!

He returned to his room, sat back at the table, opened the drawer, and took out an oil paper bag inside. After opening it, a mess of parts appeared in front of him.

Fighting back his sleepiness, he began to assemble the parts, splicing seemingly unrelated things together. Sometimes, he would use a small hammer to hit rivets to firmly connect the movable parts.

Of course, things were not as easy as he thought. By the time the revolver was nearly completed, it was already ten minutes past noon.

When he picked up the revolver from the table again, it was already a truly finished product.

Tang Mo held the pistol straight, crossed the crosshair through the gap in the rear sight, and pointed the muzzle in the direction of the door.

Whether it is a needle gun or the revolver in his hand that has never appeared in this world, they are actually the result of the joint progress of guns and ammunition.

Tang Mo made mercury fulminate by himself in his simple laboratory, and produced this more advanced and stable ignition device in small quantities.

With this thing, the firing structure of the flintlock gun becomes too cumbersome, because mercury fulminate can be easily processed into a brand new firing device: the "flash cap".

The reason why Tang Mo was able to master all of this was because he traveled through time with a computer in his arms. After coming to this world, he inexplicably had a supercomputer in his mind that could search for any information online.

With the help of this "golden finger", Tang Mo improved the weapon based on the existing technology - hence the needle gun, and the one he has now has almost overturned the entire industry.

Revolvers of the era.

Today's firearms can only fire one shot at close range, which severely limits the tactical use of firearms in complex situations.

Therefore, like many old movies, most weapons of this era are equipped with both firearms and cold weapons such as long swords.

Who would have thought that a weapon to break this shackles had already appeared and was already in Tang Mo's hands?

The terrifying firepower that can fire six shots in a row, as Tang Mo's secret weapon, is enough to give him a certain ability to protect himself when facing any enemy.

This weapon uses paper fixed-loading ammunition, and its rate of fire and loading are faster and more convenient than all existing weapons. When facing a flintlock gun, the time it took for the opponent to fire three shots was enough for Tang Mo to have this weapon.

A pistol fired 12 times - this kind of firepower density is definitely enough to be described as terrifying.

Just when Tang Mo was about to put the bullets he had prepared in advance into the pistol to try, a little boy wiped his oil-stained hands with his apron while standing at the door and looking into the room: "Boss

!Someone is looking for you! He said he came to buy a gun."

Tang's Weapons Workshop is said to be a workshop, but in fact it is larger than a small factory. As the saying goes, although a sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs, and it is this small business that I am talking about.

There is a smelting and metallurgical workshop here, which can produce suitable steel. There is also a production workshop for forging and grinding.

Of course, because I had repaired muskets before, there were also some woodworking equipment and machinery and corresponding operators, plus a few women who cooked for these workers' apprentices, which was really a lot of people.

Except for the apprentices, everyone depends on Tang Mo for food. Of course, these people are also very skilled. Many of them are independent craftsmen in their positions. This is the main reason why Tang Mo decided to continue working with them.


What is the most expensive thing these days? Talent! After more than ten days of contact and work, Tang Mo feels that these workers can definitely be regarded as the talents among talents!

It was with the help of these skilled workers that Tang Mo was able to complete the design and manufacture of the needle gun and dare to challenge the arms giant Cyric who stood in front of him!

After passing through the manufacturing workshop, beside the hot furnace of the smelting workshop, Tang Mo saw the man who had traveled a long way.

One of them, Tang Mo recognized at a glance, was the guard who stood next to Baron Stella when he tried the gun.

"Sir!" Tang Mo, who recognized the other party, stretched out his hand and gave the other party a symbolic shake: "Welcome to the Tang's Weapons Store."

"My name is Wes! We met at Baron Stella's before." Wes introduced himself: "I chased you all the way, but I didn't expect you to rush back here overnight."

Tang Mo Tang Mo signaled the workers who were watching to continue working, then turned to look at Weiss and asked with a smile: "So, what are you doing here after chasing me all the way?"

"I'm here to buy weapons." When Weiss heard Tang Mo ask, he immediately replied: "I'm interested in that one..."

"K1 type fast gun." Tang Mo reminded.

"I'm very interested in that K1 fast gun." Weiss took off his gloves: "In other words, one of my regular customers... will definitely be very interested in the K1 fast gun."

Tang Mo nodded slightly: "This is good news for us. Can we talk about this regular customer of yours? I always need to know who to collect the balance from, right?"

"Hahaha!" Weiss laughed loudly, and then nodded: "I used to work for Count Ronin Fisherow, and later I was employed by Baron Stella... But compared to that dude, I am still more

I like Count Fischereau more."

He paused and continued: "You know, the relationship between our kingdom and the Kingdom of Sussus has become increasingly tense recently... At the northern border, Earl Fisherow's territory has become in danger. The pressure of war

He must be prepared, but the earl, who loves his people like his own son, does not want to conscript civilians to die."

"It is regrettable that by relying only on a well-trained standing army, the Earl has to face the dilemma of lack of troops. Therefore, he urgently needs some ways to solve the current problem." Weiss said: "I think

, the K1 gun in your hand may be the answer."

"Then you have really found the right person!" Tang Mo snapped his fingers and pointed at Tang Mo: "Believe me, the K1 gun's rate of fire is three times that of the Cyric flintlock! Invasion of the Earl's Territory

People will understand what the oncoming steel storm means!"

"I have no doubt about this, so I quit my job and came here to find you... I hope you can go to Beiling with me. Bring your new weapon! The count's reward is not low, 500 gold coins...

I'll take 30%." After Weiss finished speaking, he looked at Tang Mo, waiting for his decision.

"Twenty percent." Tang Mo thought for about ten seconds, but finally couldn't let go of such a big temptation and was ready to take a risk.


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(End of chapter)

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