Turn off the lights
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Chapter 4 4 Who is not a smart person

Chapter 4 4Who is not a smart person?

"Deal!" Weiss also thought for a moment, then nodded and agreed to Tang Mo's bargaining price: "But...if you encounter robbers or other troubles on the way there, I cannot guarantee your safety."

"I'm an adult." Tang Mo didn't expect the other party to protect him at critical moments. They hadn't established enough trust yet.

In fact, Tang Mo was more worried that this seemingly powerful man would have the intention of killing people and stealing goods along the way, so he looked at the other person and continued to add: "I will bring my people with me."

"Actually, I came here for two purposes." Weiss said noncommittally: "The first purpose is to promote the cooperation between the Earl and you."

"Another purpose..." He lengthened his voice, looked at Tang Mo and said, "I'm also very interested in you, what do you think? Do you need a reasonably capable mercenary to serve you?"

"Aren't you from Count Fischereau?" Tang Mo did not answer his words, but raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, looking into the other person's eyes.

"No, no, no! I am a free man, sir." Weiss made an innocent gesture: "Count Fischereau gave me gold coins, and I will naturally do things for Count Fischereau. After seeing you,

I think you are a person with great potential, and if you are willing to give me gold coins, I will be more willing to offer you my loyalty."

"Your loyalty is so cheap." Tang Mo curled his lips and complained.

"Maybe." Weiss tilted his head disapprovingly: "However, as long as I accept the money, I can still guarantee my loyalty."

"It depends on the situation. If Count Fischereau is really willing to purchase my weapons, then I think it is appropriate to give you a reward." Tang Mo did not finish his words. He neither agreed nor rejected Weiss's desire to join.


"It doesn't matter, Lord Tang Mo." Weiss bowed slightly, then turned and walked out: "I'm going to feed my horse first... It ran away all night, my poor little pony..."

In the evening, Tang Mo, who had only slept for more than three hours, knocked on Roger's door. This man, who looked a bit like Uncle Tang Mo, had just gotten out of bed at this time.

"Beiling?" Roger met Tang Mo's gaze with some surprise, and reminded Tang Mo to pay attention to safety issues: "The northern part of the kingdom is vast and sparsely populated, and the road there is not easy to walk."

"I've seen the map. There are iron mines, coal mines, copper mines and various minerals over there. Most of the materials we purchased were shipped from there... If we can communicate with Count Fischereau

If we cooperate, all difficulties will be solved." Tang Mo stroked the fixed-load revolver on his waist with his hand, full of confidence in his new weapon.

"Then old man, I'll go with you!" Roger thought for a moment, and then said, "When will we set off?"

"We'll leave tonight." Tang Mo touched the revolver on his waist and said to Roger, "We have to hurry up, otherwise the workers will all go hungry."

"Then let's go!" Old Roger didn't waste any time and turned back to find his clothes. Tang Mo knew that he still had to prepare the carriage, so he went to the stables to find Weiss.

The composition of the three-person team was not complicated. Weiss served as the coachman and was responsible for driving on the road. Tang Mo and Roger were recuperating in the carriage.

This time, due to time constraints, Tang Mo was not able to prepare another exquisite box, so he could only temporarily make an ordinary wooden box to contain the carefully carved K1 rapid gun sample.

When Tang Mo got in the car, he saw the flintlock pistol on Weiss's waist, and a long sword on the other side of his waist. This is almost the highest weapon configuration for a ranger who walks alone in the rivers and lakes. It can be seen from these details

It turns out that Wes should be pretty good at it.

"I didn't expect you to travel late at night. To be honest, the road between Beiling and here, that is, the vicious forest, is not so easy to walk at night."

Weiss lit the gas lamps hanging on both sides of the carriage and warned the old and young people who were about to get on the carriage: "The thieves there have no moral integrity, and they are extremely poor. They will steal everything."

"You'd better pray that we can reach Beiling safely." Tang Mo raised his head and looked at Weiss at the carriage driver's seat: "Otherwise, your 20% will be wasted."

After he finished speaking, he got into the carriage, followed by Roger and closed the door. A smile appeared on Wes's face and he shrugged indifferently. Then he shouted loudly and swung the reins with both hands at the same time.

He urged the two fast horses to gallop towards the road that stretched to the end of his sight.

The carriage left the town at 10:00pm, and flew towards the north under the last rays of the sun. The road was not very smooth, so the carriage swayed slightly with the potholes on the road.

Tang Mo fell asleep after getting into the carriage. He had been running around for too long in the past two days, so he needed to find time to rest.

The vicious forest lingers in the north-central part of the Kingdom of Wright, stretching all the way to North Ridge. This forest has complex terrain and a vast area, and it breeds countless lives. It is precisely because it covets the minerals in North Ridge that the Kingdom of Susas plans to use a war

Annexing North Ridge, reshuffling the border between itself and the Kingdom of Wright to the line of the Vicious Forest.

There are not many roads across this forest, and they are often not smooth. Bandits who rob the road often appear in this area, so most of the time the caravans traveling together will travel together.

Tang Mo and his party did not waste time waiting for the other caravans to gather before passing through the forest, because there were more than a hundred people in the workshop waiting for him to bring back good news.

Soon, when the sun finally dipped below the horizon, the vicious forest stood at the end of the road like a giant beast with its bloody mouth open.

On both sides of the road, there were caravans that had gathered to set up camp. None of them planned to pass through the forest at night, so they stopped at the edge of the forest, lit a bonfire to rest for the night, and set off together again at dawn tomorrow.

The carriage with two gas lamps on was speeding past the road between the caravans. When the carriage began to slow down slightly, Weiss swung the whip again, cracking the air and making a crisp sound.

His eyes, which didn't look very sharp, were staring ahead. Under the illumination of the gas lamp, he could only vaguely see the road conditions within a dozen meters in front of him. In this era, driving at night is actually very dangerous. This kind of danger

from all aspects.

The road ahead was getting narrower and narrower, and even Wes had to control the carriage to slow down. He tapped the carriage carriage twice with his hand, and waited until the small window under his feet was opened from the inside.

Then he warned: "The road conditions here are not very good. Our speed has dropped! There may be danger, so be careful."

"The moon is really beautiful tonight." Tang Mo praised in the carriage. He had slept all the way until now and just opened his eyes. The bumpy journey for three or four hours helped him regain some energy.

As the carriage continued to move forward, the two gas lamps became more and more conspicuous in the dim forest. On a high ground, a pair of eyes were staring at the people flying in the forest, disappearing and appearing.

Those two weak lights.

As the saying goes, the two lights that seemed to be very close to the eyes were half an hour later when they were really close.

On the rugged mountain road, a strong man stood up suddenly, took aim at the man driving the carriage with his bow and arrow.

Weiss was driving the carriage on the road, and suddenly felt a chill approaching. His sixth sense from many years of traveling in the world made him instantly vigilant, and he subconsciously tightened the reins.

"Dang!" A powerful bow and arrow was nailed to the carriage of the carriage, and the feathers at the tail of the arrow were still trembling uncontrollably.

Attacking a fast-moving carriage is an imprecise matter, and whether you can hit it depends entirely on luck. What's more, there are not many Robin Hoods these days who practice archery painstakingly, hoping to hit the target with a hundred steps.

Bandits use bows and arrows mainly because they can't get muskets, they can't make bullets in the deep mountains and forests, and there are no parts to maintain them, so bows and arrows that are easier to repair have become the first choice.

However, due to moisture and poor storage, these bows and arrows are often not very accurate. The ability to hit a target the size of a carriage is almost the limit.

Wes had to stop the carriage because there was a fallen tree across the road. This kind of roadblock was easy to make in the forest, just saw down a big tree on the roadside.

When he got off the carriage, he reminded Tang Mo and Old Roger in the carriage: "Robbers! Don't come out. It's too dark to see how many people there are."

"Whoosh!" Another feather arrow came with the roar of the wind and was nailed to the door of the carriage. Tang Mo found a suitable angle in the carriage and looked around through the somewhat turbid glass: "Can't you see?

To the target, but there are at least two people."

The first feather arrow struck from the diagonal front, and the second feather arrow struck from the direct left. The position difference was quite large, so it was impossible for one person to attack continuously.

They could only use the light of the gas lamp to see clearly about ten meters away. The other party was hiding in the darkness and could hide their figure very well.

But Tang Mo knew that turning off the lights would actually make them more passive. The other party had been active in this kind of place all year round, was familiar with the terrain, and had a lot of experience in night fighting. He and Old Roger were not used to it.

Therefore, Tang Mo said to old Roger behind him: "Take out the gun given to the count, load it... keep an eye on Wes..."

He didn't trust Wes yet, so he immediately thought of letting Roger prepare for the battle while keeping an eye on the newcomer who was closer to them.

Taking the K1 gun from Old Roger, and standing at a convenient position, Tang Mo carefully opened the latch of the carriage door, and then carefully pushed the door open.

The one-meter-long K1 gun was not easy to operate in the carriage compartment. Tang Mo could not open the door to let Roger beside him lose the cover of the door, nor could he operate it completely inside the carriage.

So he could only poke out the muzzle of the rifle from the crack in the door, and was ready to shoot over his shoulder. In fact, under this environment, it seemed more reasonable for him to take out the pistol, but that was his secret weapon.

He wasn't going to let Wes know unless it was absolutely necessary.

(End of chapter)

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