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703 What the people want

The environment in the office is quite good, and the rain outside has nothing to do with the dryness of the room. The water column on the edge of the window and the tea in the water cup, one hot and one cold, seem to complement each other so well.

Although there are many things to do, more than three times more than normal, it is actually a very comfortable thing to be able to sit in a room and handle official business in this weather.

This is just a small, inconspicuous office in the hinterland of the Tang Dynasty, and the person working in it is just a small consul.

There are several levels of consuls in the Tang Kingdom. There are consuls in small towns, and there are consuls in big cities, but each consul is responsible for different areas.

Above the consuls in big cities, there are also senior consuls, who also call themselves consuls, but their administrative level is already very high.

Once an entire region is established, there will be higher-ranking officials. They are the feudal officials in the traditional sense, and they are the capable ministers and officials of His Majesty the King who govern a region.

"The 20th flood peak has passed, and the dams in this area are still strong." After seeing the contents of the report document, the consul nodded slightly with satisfaction, which meant that his work was not bad during the flood period.

Troops are still stationed on the dam, people are returning to their homes, the rain is reducing, and everything seems to be returning to normal.

Then he would organize manpower to build dikes again, clear roads, restore destroyed residential houses, and then take advantage of the opportunity to find some crops to stop losses and cultivate them.

Every item is a challenge for him, and every item requires his command and implementation. It is related to the economic recovery of a region and cannot be careless at all.

He should make full use of these free labors before the troops leave, and there should be no problem in asking them to help restore power before leaving.

After all, these troops have been stationed here for some time. The people trust these troops very much, and these troops have also received many favors from the people.

Whenever the troops are busy on the dam, the common people are responsible for cooking and delivering water. The two sides are definitely close friends, and repairing some telegraph poles is definitely a trivial matter.

Once the power is restored in the town, the school can resume classes as usual. With the school housing students, the human resources in the town can be freed up to resume production.

This is a top priority. As long as there are manpower to start working and resume production, the cement factory in the village can start work. The cement produced can speed up the repair of the dam and speed up the construction of houses.

After a virtuous cycle, the entire town can recover from the damage of the flood, and then it can help surrounding villages.

He needed to arrange every detail, so he grabbed the official seal in front of him and stamped his official seal on a plan.

"Lord Archon!" One of his subordinates knocked on the door and walked in. He shouted awkwardly, and then he didn't know where to start.

"Just tell me if you have anything to say." The young consul ordered as he began to read the second report and began to think about whether the purchase of 30 trucks was in line with the subsequent reconstruction plan.

The man thought about it for a moment, then reported the report: "A vicious group fight broke out in the town."

"A fight started? What's going on? Why?" The consul raised his head and looked at his men with worry and asked.

Now that the disaster has not completely passed, it is really a headache for him to have such a vicious incident occur at a time when the country is in the midst of a national crisis.

The subordinate immediately explained: "What happened is that a dozen or so refugees who came from nowhere came in the square and said that because the king was ignorant, lustful and cruel, the gods would send disasters to punish the country."

"Ah?" The consul was stunned for a moment, and then he became acutely aware that things were certainly not as simple as the other party said.

Sure enough, the other party continued: "There was an old lady passing by who couldn't stand listening anymore, so she asked where these ugly people came from. The other party didn't answer, but said that this was a disaster sent by the gods to punish the Tang Dynasty. As long as it was overthrown

The king's brutal rule can stop disasters and wars."

"This is a premeditated spread of rumors..." The young consul stood up and said with a gloomy face: "Where are these people?"

"In the end, the old lady quit. When the flood came, she was carried by our soldiers to escape the danger. Her house collapsed, and she is still living in a tent of our National Defense Forces." The subordinate continued: "

Then the yelling started.”

"As soon as the old lady yelled, all the neighbors and villagers gathered around. When everyone heard what the old lady said, they all said that Your Majesty is unparalleled in kindness and virtue, and the two sides started arguing." After he finished speaking, he spread his hands.

: "As a result, we are noisy and the people in our town are stupid..."

Well, he thought about it. Since he took over this small town, he has discovered that the people of Zheng State are actually simple and honest, and they are reasonable and accept death. They are definitely the best people in the world.

If you are stupid, you will feel that you have never quarreled with the other party. If you have not quarreled with the other party, you will feel that you have suffered a loss. It seems that it is not the temper of the Tang people to not get back the loss, so they use some traditional methods to determine the winner. It is absolutely understandable.


"Our people didn't suffer, did they?" The consul raised his eyebrows, and the first sentence he asked was not about illegal matters. There was no way, the people were simple and honest, and it was all because of his good teaching.

"How can it be possible? We only got five people on board and fought fifteen on the opposite side. We knocked them all down in just a few blows..." The subordinate was proud of himself. He was also a simple man after all.

The food of the people in the Tang Dynasty has improved, and they have three meals a day. Recently, they have received a variety of canned fruits and luncheon meat from the army's supplies.

In other countries, these shank-clad migrant workers would definitely be good candidates to serve as soldiers to kill the enemy, but in the case of Tang, they are just average.

It might be a bit exaggerated to say that one player can defeat several players, but one player can defeat two players from other countries. This is definitely a basic operation, and there is no need to show off.

"Five?" The consul's tone was unkind, as if he felt that there were fewer people on his side and was afraid of suffering some hidden disadvantage.

"Yes, there are only five of them. The more than a hundred who rushed up from behind could only kick them to the ground. They even stepped on several shoes and lost them. The slow ones didn't even intervene." The subordinate shook his head regretfully.


"You didn't kill him, did you?" The consul's attitude changed instantly. There was a hint of worry in his satisfaction, as if he felt that there was something wrong with a murder in the area under his jurisdiction.

"How could that be possible? The folk customs in our small town are simple and simple, and everyone is usually a well-educated and respectable person." The subordinate said seriously: "Although it looks a bit ugly, I guarantee that you can still breathe."

The consul then felt relieved and ordered: "You are under my watch, don't cause any trouble, hand it over to the security department for interrogation, and get to the bottom of everything. Your Majesty's reputation must not be blasphemed!"

"I understand!" The man lowered his head slightly and left the office.

On the river embankment, in the drizzle, a man pretending to be a refugee mysteriously squeezed next to a group of shirtless men who were taking a temporary rest.

He looked left and right, and lowered his voice to a man who was already tired and a little drowsy, and said in a low voice: "You were arrested to do hard labor, right? Let me tell you...this Tang Dynasty is so perverse, and the king is nothing...


The man who heard this raised his eyebrows and looked at the other person with a weird smile on his face: "Keep talking..."

As soon as the man spoke a few words with beaming eyes, he found that there were a group of men with strange smiles on their faces around him.

They were all bare-chested, wearing only thick orange-red vests. Their muscles were twisting and turning. Except for the sound of the rushing river and the sound of rain, the surroundings were eerily quiet.

"Have you buried him?" A lieutenant looked at the major next to him. The major finally couldn't help but grinned: "This is the first time I have seen such a brave man. Okay, let him be buried."

"You, you! What are you going to do!" The man panicked and asked loudly.

"Let you clearly understand that we are the National Defense Forces of the 1st Battalion of the 1st Regiment of the 7th Motorized Infantry Division. We are not just hard laborers." A soldier walked forward with a smile, and his muscles were really scary.

"Hit!" I don't know who shouted, and then I heard the muffled sound of a fist being slapped on the cheek. The man didn't even say a word for help, and was pushed down in the muddy water by a group of men.

"Well done, old man. This is the first time I have seen such a shameless guy!" The local fellow who came to deliver water looked at the scene of beating people over there and said while handing the water bottle to a soldier.

"You haven't seen it. A few years ago, someone came to your place and scolded Zheng Tong. How could you be so angry?" The soldier asked with a smile while drinking water.

The old man shook his head and laughed: "How can it be possible? Ten years ago, someone scolded Zheng Tong in front of me, and we all followed suit. But our King is different, he is a good king! We

These common people pray morning and night, hoping that our Majesty will become emperor."

"It's a matter of time." The soldier drank all the hot water in the kettle and handed the empty kettle back to the old man: "Thank you, sir."

"Hey! You are here to help us, old man. I can't thank you enough! Come back and chat. I will bring water to those boys. I am tired of beating them, so I have to rest..." The old man waved his hand.

Carrying the pole, we walked down the embankment.

As I walked, I heard him shouting: "Boys over there! Take a break, take a break! Let me kick the old man and have a good time. Stop and take a break. It's not too late to drink some water and start playing again!"

This chapter has been completed!
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