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Chapter 1 Dimensional Live Streaming System

Chapter 1 Dimensional Live Broadcast System

In the boundless starry sky of the universe, a prosperous country is quietly suspended in it.

In the majestic Asgard Castle, countless people of Asgard are gathering excitedly in the splendid hall.

Today is the day when Thor Odinson, the eldest son of their great father of the gods, was crowned king. The entire people of Asgard were invited to participate in this grand ceremony and witness this great moment together.


Looking at Thor, who was wearing a flying-winged helmet, holding Thor's hammer high, and shouting excitedly around him, God King Odin, who was sitting high on the throne, pursed his lips.

He was dissatisfied, but still did not reprimand him.

After all, today is the big day for his enthronement ceremony, and Odin doesn't want to dampen his son's enthusiasm.

Looking at Thor who took off his helmet and knelt down on one knee, the King of Gods, who had been sitting for a long time, slowly stood up and slammed the handle of the Eternal Spear on the ground.

With a "dong" buzz, the castle that was originally filled with cheers and screams instantly fell silent.

"Thor Odinson, my heir, my eldest son."

After hearing Odin's words, Loki next to him pursed his thin lips slightly and closed his eyes to avoid others noticing the disappointment in his eyes.

But at this moment, a ripple in space suddenly appeared from Thor's body in front of him. The next moment, Thor, who was still kneeling on one knee, disappeared from everyone's eyes, as if he had never appeared before, leaving only the figure on the ground.

The Winged Helmet and Mjolnir stood on the ground, marking the location where its owner had just been.


Odin's only remaining eye widened, and he couldn't help but take a step forward, looking at the place where Thor disappeared, an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

With his strength, it is natural to see that the reason why Thor disappeared was not because of some magic, but more like a rule. But because of this, it further demonstrated the power of the person who took action.

Who is it! He actually has such strength to kidnap his son from in front of him.

There was also an uproar in the main hall, with countless people looking at the place where Thor disappeared with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Where is Thor? Why is he missing?"

"Father of the gods, what exactly happened just now."

As the noise around him rang out, Loki, who had just closed his eyes, opened them again and immediately discovered the fact that Thor was missing.

Looking at the three warriors of Asgard and the female warrior Sif with excited expressions, Loki subconsciously took a step back. Just as he was about to say that this matter had nothing to do with me, he saw a huge rectangular holographic projection screen unfolding in the hall.

In the blue sky, a private jet was flying smoothly, but even the roaring engine could not cover up the rock music playing in the luxurious cabin.

Inside the steel cabin, several flight attendants with hot bodies were dancing happily, and the neon light illuminated two men opposite them who were drinking and chatting.

"...I got up in the morning and put on this uniform. Guess what I saw?..."

The slightly fat black officer James Rhodes drunkenly put his right hand on Tony Stark's shoulder, grabbed the wine bottle with his left hand and danced, gibbering excitedly and shouting: "I saw all the people in the mirror.

Wearing this uniform, surrounding me behind me..."

However, the ears of the mustachioed man sitting next to him did not seem to hear his friend's endless shouting. Most of his attention was focused on the stewardesses opposite him. At this moment, he stretched out his hand to push his friend Rhodes's

He raised his shoulders and raised his brows slightly: "Man, you can have another drink yourself. My mind is a little messed up now, don't you mind..."

But the drunken Rhodes couldn't hear the perfunctory tone in Tony's mouth. Instead, he straightened up even more excitedly: "No, you can't be messy now, just listen to me!"

Rhodes just raised his left hand holding the wine bottle in front of Tony Stark, but before he could speak, Tony sitting in front of him suddenly shook, and then disappeared completely from his eyes, leaving only his brain.

Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes, who had been paralyzed by alcohol, sat there dumbfounded. After a while, he came back to his senses and patted his forehead: "God, I must be drunk."

In a remote slum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a man who looked to be in his thirties and wearing a gray vest was carefully operating some crude-looking machines with glasses on.

After a series of complicated procedures, Banner finally polymerized the liquid in the dark yellow rubber tube and dripped it into a clean small glass bottle.

Looking at the light purple liquid in the transparent bottle, he finally let out a long breath. He pricked his thumb with a needle anxiously, took out a drop of blood from it, smeared it on the glass slide, and then used a dropper to smear it on the glass slide.

He put a few drops of the lavender medicine into his blood and put it under the microscope he had worked so hard to find.

Under the magnified view of the microscope, Banner watched as his green blood cells finally returned to their normal red color, and his heart couldn't help but speed up its beating speed.

But before his watch could sound the alarm, the cells that had turned into normal dark red expanded again and turned green again.

With a slight sound of glass shattering, the cover glass covering the blood was broken into pieces by the swelling blood, announcing the failure of the experiment.

"Damn it!"

Banner roared angrily, punched the table hard, sat on the chair dejectedly, and covered his face with his hands.

But before he could complain, his extraordinary five senses noticed that there seemed to be a strange power in the air around him.

With a slight explosion, his body disappeared from the narrow and dirty room.

In an unknown white space, four figures suddenly appeared in the same posture as when they disappeared.

Tony landed on the ground in a sitting position, and the moment his butt came into contact with the ground, a sense of pain entered his mind, which restored a lot of clarity to his alcohol-baptized brain.

After drinking the remaining wine in the glass in one gulp, he slowly got up and looked at the other three people who appeared in the space, his brows couldn't help but frown.

Two of the three people were pretty normal. One was wearing a suit and sunglasses, with a very high hairline. He looked like a Wall Street stock investor, but the pistol in his hand showed that he was not an ordinary person.

The other one was wearing a gray-white vest, with wheat-colored skin and dirty pants. He looked like an ordinary factory worker.

But that abnormal one...

Tony looked carefully at Thor who had stood up and kept turning his head to look around. He looked at his gorgeous reflective armor and the windless red cloak. He scratched his beard, and then looked at the two people in his eyes.

The relatively normal two people clapped their hands and said, "Okay, guys, although I admit that your method of kidnapping me from my plane was great, I have to say that you have offended the wrong person."

"There is an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel on my plane. When he finds out that I am missing, your organization will have to face the wrath of the United States and the military. Maybe your leader will step down."

"So, before my friends and I get angry, I suggest you cooperate and send me back."

Phil Coulson regained his sight after a brief dizziness. Listening to Tony Stark's conceited talk, he turned his head and smiled, then took off his sunglasses and put the pistol back in his pocket.


Although he didn't understand why he suddenly disappeared from a group of agents and appeared here, he was well-informed and had already developed a lot of resistance to these unbelievable things.

As for Tony’s warning…

"Believe me, Mr. Stark, the US military still has no control over our organization!"

Phil Coulson said with a flat expression, and then showed a formulaic smile and stretched out his hand to Bruce Banner who was still looking around: "I have admired your name for a long time, Dr. Banner, I didn't expect to see you here.

your turn."

Bruce Banner looked at the short agent in front of him in surprise. After hesitating for a long time, he reached out his hand to shake him gently, and asked hesitantly: "Do you know me?"

"Of course, you are a top scholar in the field of positrons and negative electrons! Especially your understanding of gamma rays." Phil let go of his hand and added in his heart: And we have been paying attention to you for a long time.

"Who are you? Come out!"

Thor looked up at the white sky above, clenched his fists and roared: "How dare you sneak up on me, Thor Odinson, during my coronation ceremony and disrupt my coronation ceremony."

"Come out, you worms hiding in the gutter and playing with dark magic. I'm going to break your necks and smash your heads into powder with a hammer!"

Thor's eyes turned to the three Earthlings standing aside, raised his left hand and shouted angrily at them: "You three must be the lackeys of these worms, let me tear you apart first..."

After saying that, the angry Thor strode towards Coulson and Banner who were standing together, grabbed Banner's vest, raised his fist as big as a casserole, and was about to point it at his face.

Beat it down.

["Warning, warning, all fighting is prohibited in the system space. Please stop your aggressive behavior, otherwise you will be subject to mandatory punishment."]

At the same time that Thor made an attack action, an emotionless mechanical sound rang out. The next moment, countless barrel-thick thunder suddenly emerged in this vast white space. After several refractions, it bombarded the ground fiercely.

He landed on Thor who was in an attacking posture, and knocked him away directly, hitting a transparent wall and sliding to the ground awkwardly.

The thunder struck dozens of times in succession until Thor stopped struggling and stopped completely.

Seeing Thor's tragic situation, the three Tonys who originally wanted to express their opinions suddenly became quiet. They looked at each other and each took a few steps away.

Then, the mechanical sound sounded again.

[Dimension live Q&A system has been launched]

[Current topic: Marvel]

[Thor Odinson has joined the live broadcast room]

[Tony Stark has joined the live broadcast room]

[Phil Coulson has joined the live broadcast room]

[Bruce Banner has joined the live broadcast room]

[This system will randomly select characters from the multiverse to enter the live broadcast, and randomly broadcast certain major events in the past and future of a certain audience in the live broadcast room]

[During the live broadcast, the system will randomly ask questions to the audience in the live broadcast room. Those who answer correctly will receive live broadcast points and random rewards. 】

[With live streaming points, you can watch the past or future related to yourself on demand.]

【After the live broadcast ends, everyone is free to leave. 】

[The first live Q&A will start in one minute.]

[The fateful connection between the four viewers in the live broadcast room was detected, and the content played was "Avengers 1"]

[I wish you all good luck in answering the questions!]

The new book is about to start. I pray for everything. Thank you very much to all readers.

(End of chapter)

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