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Chapter 2 Live Broadcast of the Future Avengers

Chapter 2 Live Broadcasting the Future, Avengers Alliance

The mechanical sound rang in the ears of the four of them, and they spoke for a long time.

After the emotionless voice disappeared, Tony and the four others were stunned, even Thor, who was half disabled after being struck by lightning.

Thor, whose whole body was charred and black with white smoke, was so embarrassed that he pushed himself up from the ground. He refused to admit defeat and spat out a mouthful of bloody spit. However, recalling the powerful and vast thunder just now, he was no longer stupid.

Talk back.

It was obvious that the opponent was stronger than him, and it was crushing.

Thor had only experienced this kind of power from his own father.

Of course, they didn't know that at this moment, through the big screen in the sky, everything in this live broadcast room was clearly in the eyes of all the people in Asgard.

Especially the announcement just made by the system was heard clearly by everyone in Asgard.

At this moment, shock and horror swept over all the people of Asgard, especially when they saw Thor, the God of Thunder, who had been severely injured in the live broadcast room. Everyone was whispering to each other and exclaiming.

"Live broadcasting your past and future? Live broadcasting in the past was easy, but how is this possible in the future?"

"What the hell is that multiverse? I've never heard the Father of God talk about it!"

"Oh my God, how could Thor be so seriously injured? Is he okay?"

Earth, an abandoned military base.

After Coulson disappeared, Melinda immediately ordered all agents to leave the scene, dialed Nick Fury's video call, and turned the camera to the big screen that appeared after Coulson disappeared.

Listening to the voices coming from the screen, both Hei Ludan, who had seen a lot of storms, and Melinda, the famous cavalryman, were all shocked and speechless.

And while the two of them were still stunned, the emotionless mechanical sound sounded again.

[Starting to invite special viewers to join the live chat group. Specially invited viewers will not enter the live broadcast slot this time. 】

[Loki Odinson joins the live chat group]

[Nick Fury joins the live chat group]

After seeing his name added to the live chat group, Nick Fury cut off the video with Melinda.

After the four people in the live broadcast room listened to this voice, before their brains had time to react, they saw two large screens spread out in the white space. One was black and there was no movement for the time being. The other

A series of scrolling barrages appeared from the bottom.

[Tony Stark: So, is this a new type of brain neuron linking technology? I suddenly discovered that as long as I think, the words in my consciousness can be spoken here! 】

[Phil Coulson: Boss, have you entered this live broadcast room too? 】

[Nick Fury: Coulson, don’t panic, this is probably a new technology of aliens, you should observe it carefully. 】

[Thor Odinson: Hey, Loki, I didn’t expect you to come in too. How is your father after I disappeared? 】

[Loki Odinson: My father is fine, but we saw you were struck by lightning a bit badly! Everyone is mourning for you!]


Everyone in Asgard saw that my majestic God of Thunder was struck by lightning?

Thor's heart, which had finally calmed down, was stabbed hard by a knife again.


Thor roared low, but thinking about what Loki said just now that everyone is watching this screen, he immediately suppressed the anger in his heart. He is the king of Asgard and cannot lose his dignity.

It's definitely not because I can't do anything about the mastermind behind it.

[Future image starts playing - "Avengers 1"]

Seeing the words on the screen, Coulson in the white space and Nick Fury, who was sitting in the office and looking at the screen, frowned.

They proposed the Avengers Plan, and they know the details best. Is the future Avengers Alliance a successful product of the Avengers Plan?

[In the darkness, a gloomy voice sounded, and a blue cube appeared on the screen slowly rotating. 】

["The Cosmic Cube has awakened."]

【"It is wandering in a small human world."】

【"Human beings try to harness its energy."】

["It's a pity that only our allies know how to master the secret of the Rubik's Cube."]

[A hand wearing a black robe handed a scepter to another person's hand.]

["Let our allies be the pioneers! We Chitauri will follow closely behind"]

[The camera turns to reveal rows of ugly, heavily armed alien soldiers wearing masks.]

["The earth will be dominated by him, but the entire universe will belong to you."]

["What power can human beings have to resist? They can only wait for death~"]

After watching this video, the expressions on the faces of the three humans in the live broadcast room became extremely serious.

According to what the mechanical voice just suggested, these are our futures?

Aliens, invading earth?

Nick Fury in front of the screen also narrowed his eyes and unconsciously opened the second drawer on the right. On the cover of the half folder that was revealed, the huge word "Avenger" was printed on it.

Thor, whose body was aching at the side, couldn't help but widen his eyes after the figure who took the scepter appeared, and blurted out: "Is that Loki?"

"Loki? Who is that?"

Coulson keenly caught Thor's voice and turned to look at him doubtfully: "Do you know the person in this image?"

"He's my brother!"

After Thor said something, he fell silent.

He was puzzled as to how his younger brother could be involved in this video.

Even Thor, who is very nervous, can recognize Loki, not to mention the people of Asgard. At this moment, they all focus on the high platform, standing next to Odin, the father of the gods.

On Loki.

Even Queen Frigga looked at her naughty little son in surprise.

Only Odin, who was holding the Eternal Spear, frowned.


Odin, who possesses omniscience and omnipotent wisdom, knows this race. A long time ago, this race all surrendered to the Mad Titan Thanos and became one of the most powerful main forces in his dark order. But how could Loki fight with these dark forces?

Stir together?

Loki felt the surprised gazes from all directions, his face couldn't help but twitch a few times, and he shook his head crazily in his heart.

Just kidding, how can I be a pioneer?

But...according to what the voice in this image said, as long as I help this force conquer the earth, then I can become the master of the earth?

[Video continues to play]

[Soon, the one-eyed Nick Fury, who was wearing a black leather jacket that blended perfectly with his skin, jumped out of the plane, and was greeted by Phil Coulson, an agent in black clothes wearing sunglasses. ]

[Inside the base, Professor Eric Shavig is testing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. As he operates, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube seems to be stimulated, constantly emitting fluctuations]

[After a while, a ray of blue light shot out, and a half-crouching figure was teleported to the opposite side of the Rubik's Cube. 】

[As the camera moved up, Loki, who was pale and looked very haggard, raised his head and grinned with a sinister smile. 】

[The next moment, under the fire of light bullets and flying knives, Loki brought down all the guards in the base in an instant. 】

[Even the skilled Hawkeye Barton completely gave up resistance and put away the weapon after being stabbed in the chest by the scepter.]

[Seeing this, Nick Fury immediately grabbed the Cosmic Cube and put it into his suitcase. 】

[But before he could escape, Loki behind him suddenly called out to him. 】

["Putting down the box, I crossed the distant galaxy just to come for the Universe Rubik's Cube."]

[Looking at Nick who turned around, Loki stood up straight with a proud expression and introduced himself: "I am Loki from Asgard, and I shoulder a glorious mission."]

(End of chapter)

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