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Chapter 107 Joining TVA's Controversy Again

Chapter 107 Joining TVA, sparking controversy again

ps: Since the word Time Administration or Time Variation Administration is too long and the word count is low, it will be changed to "TVA" in the future.

After hearing Thor's words, Dr. Shavig asked in shock: "You mean, your brother just lied to everyone about that notebook?"

Thor glanced at Dr. Eric Shavig and was surprised by his excited reaction: "What does this mean? My brother has only met these guys a few times. Why should I trust them? Keep some secrets.

Isn’t it normal? What a fuss.”

All right.

Professor Shavig sighed silently. He was actually taught by the arrogant Thor how to behave, but he couldn't refute it yet.

[Video continues to play]

[The screen changed, and a team of time guards arrived in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA in 1985.]

[At this moment, a cheerful medieval costume event is being held in the small town, but the time guards have no intention of paying attention to this. After checking the traces of the time criminals, they broke into a large tent directly. 】

[But just as they were searching separately, a hand poked out from the darkness, its fingertips shining with green fluorescence, and touched the temple of the leading C-20 female guard, confusing and controlling her, and joining forces with them both.

, and eliminated the remaining three time guards who had not yet reacted.】

[Then, the mysterious figure wearing a hood walked out, carrying the bundled time reset device, dragging the female guard who was stunned by him, towards the opened golden portal. ]

[Shortly after this small team disappeared, the Time Management Bureau also received the news, and the female time guard No. B-15 who arrested Loki introduced the details. 】

["After entering the timeline of 1985, C-20 lost contact with her team. We used enough living halos to prove that the other party was Loki, but we still don't know which Loki it was.


[At this moment, Loki, who was wearing the uniform given by Mobius and standing in the TVA team, suddenly spoke with an affirmative look on his face: "Let me clarify, no matter who it is, this Loki is definitely a low-level one.


[The female time guardian smiled slightly when she heard this, and did not reply directly to Loki. Instead, she said: "Let me see your back."]

["Huh?" Loki looked at his coat in confusion and turned around in a circle without knowing why.]

[At this moment, everyone saw that there was a word printed on his back: "Time Crime"]

[The hidden laughter of everyone rang out around them, seeming to remind Loki that he is still just a time offender. 】


In the live broadcast room, Loki's eyes narrowed dangerously. He looked at himself being teased by TVA on the screen and snorted in displeasure.

[The black female guard joked: "I don't want everyone to forget your true identity after you go out."]

[But in response to TVA's ridicule, Rocky retorted: "Really? I am your only life-saving straw to catch the murderer."]

[Seeing that the two people seemed to be quarreling again, Mobius quickly stepped in to stop him, started to move the props in his hand, and said to everyone:]

["What we are looking for is a Loki time criminal, which is a replica of this guy. It is a type of prisoner that we are all familiar with. After all, TVA has cut this guy many times..."]

[As he spoke, he used the instrument to project countless mini images of Loki, with their numbers on them, such as Frost Giant Loki, Hulk Loki, Athlete Loki...]

[As the projection continues to change, the look on Loki's face becomes increasingly ugly.]

"Is this all me?"

Loki's face in the live broadcast room was also extremely ugly. He did not expect that in this multiverse, there would be hundreds of him who had been brutally murdered by TVA.

Bruce Banner sighed helplessly: "It seems that no matter which universe he is in, Loki cannot escape his tragic fate!"

"Rebel Wizards!" Reed Richards also joked: "I didn't expect that all Lokis in the multiverse would not be willing to be restrained and chose to embark on the path of time criminals. Is this a commonality among Lokis?"

[However, Mobius did not notice Loki's expression, but continued to talk about the magic that Loki possessed, but when he reached the end of his story, Loki added: "There is also the copying spell.


[Looking at the puzzled looks on the faces of the people around him, Loki began to introduce his genius magic, and also analyzed the difference between creating illusions and creating clones. 】

[It can be seen that Loki is very proud of the magic he invented, and even asked seriously at the end: "Of course, you should know all this information about me, right?"]

[Everyone fell silent, Mobius’s face also dropped, and he began to allocate teams. 】

[And when they heard that Loki was also going to participate in the operation, the others immediately expressed their confusion. Mobius could only sigh: "There is no way, no matter which Loki is this time, we have never been able to find him.

So this time we have to call in our experts.”]

[Loki blinked proudly after hearing this, took a deep breath, pointed at himself with his finger: "That's me!"]

[Subsequently, except for Loki, the other guards put on their equipment and headed to the location where the C-20 team disappeared, continuing to hunt down Loki, another time criminal. 】

[Walking on the road of the town, Loki asked Mobius curiously, asking why they couldn't come directly before the incident happened to prevent Loki from being committed at that time.]

[But Mobius said that the connection event will affect the time flow, causing this time branch to continue to extend and develop, and they must first solve it along this changed time branch before they can bring it back to the true sanctity


[After speaking, Mobius also complained about Loki not studying knowledge seriously, but Loki said harshly because the TVA teaching materials were too torturous.]

[Hearing his complaints, the time guard behind him also raised the time reset device strapped to his chest and asked Loki: "Then what is this thing, do you know?"]

[Loki looked back and replied smoothly: "The resetter erases the scope of influence of the branch timeline and lets time heal all its wounds. This sounds like the phrase 'decompose everything around'

A nicer way to put it.”]

"Wait, this means that this TVA organization will only appear when the timeline branches?"

Tony snapped his fingers: "It's like workers trimming branches of saplings. If the sapling grows normally, they won't appear, but when the sapling grows an extra branch or grows crooked, these guys will

Will it pop out and be corrected?"

"Then I still have the same problem!"

"Why do they think the little tree is crooked? Is it just based on the ridiculous script written by the time guardians? And is there only one so-called sacred timeline?"

Hearing his question, Strange closed his eyes and pondered for a while, and tentatively replied: "There must be more than this one. Let's boldly assume that you also saw me secretly learning time magic in the previous video.

The time rift in the void and the projection inside show that the multiverse is real, and according to TVA, if the timeline we are on is the sacred timeline, then these multiverses should have been destroyed by them and should not exist.

That’s right.”

"And they can only appear in the timeline after the time connection event. It sounds too strange and not as powerful as they describe."

Bruce Banner also asked at this time: "Then...how to explain those infinity stones?"

Master Modu: "Those infinite gems must be fake. How could they be destroyed by ordinary weapons? Moreover, even if they are destroyed, they cannot be so without fluctuations. They are one of the six original powers of the universe."


Phil Coulson: "So, these guys are just a group of...liar organizations that have gained higher levels of technological power?"

There was silence in the live broadcast room for a while, and then New Peter said: "Listening to your description, I thought of a name you mentioned before - Observer."

Wanda also agreed: "Yes, it sounds like it does meet the requirements of an observer. Didn't Master Mordo say that they have technology that is difficult for humans to achieve? And they also like to observe various events that occur in the universe.

, maybe they are doing something secretly!"

In Kama Taj, seeing Wanda’s speech, Master Gu Yi shook his head slightly.

Although the Observers are powerful, they have always kept their promise and will not interfere with everything in the universe. This style of behavior is completely opposite to TVA, and there are very few existences in the universe that conform to this TVA style of behavior.

The most famous ones are OAA or Nexus Beings.

Just like a certain Chaos Wanda on the future timeline.

But for such existence, they can change everything in the universe on their own, so why do they have to go to such trouble to establish such a strange organization?

Master Gu Yi frowned, feeling that things had become difficult for a while.

Often the unknown is the scariest thing.

[Video continues]

[After entering the tent, the time guards briefly analyzed the scene, and then prepared to rush out of the tent and seize the time to arrest the time criminal, but at this time Loki lied and claimed that he understood something. ]

[He was talking nonsense for a while, holding everyone back. It was not until Female Time Guard B-15 discovered that the peak value of the connection signal had risen to the red line that he made his request out of the blue. ]

[That is, after catching the time criminal, we must ensure not to cut him off, and let him meet the time guardian. 】

[At this moment, everyone was finally convinced that this guy had discovered nothing at all and was just bullshitting!]

[Angrily, he asked his subordinates to reset the timeline. Female Time Guard B-15 led the team out of the tent with an angry look. 】

[The camera moves down. In the time reset device placed on the ground, the golden liquid gradually turns deep purple. After a burst of light flashes, the golden light spreads from the bottom of the reset device to the surroundings, cutting out everything around it that does not belong.

The items in this timeline include the dead time guards and their weapons and equipment.]

(End of chapter)

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