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Chapter 111 Two Tsundere Love and Killing Mothers

Chapter 111 Two arrogant people fall in love and kill each other, mother

Just as the live broadcast room was discussing the mage's fighting style in full swing.

In Asgard, in the room where Odin was, Frigga pushed open the door and entered.

"Father of the Gods, I just saw the guards of God's Domain beginning to gather, and there were even many fully armed teams dispatched."

After Frigga came in, she looked at Odin sitting beside the bed with a worried look on her face: "Is there any new threat?"

Odin waved his hand and did not tell Frigga the reason, but just motioned for her to sit next to him.

Then, the old Odin took Frigga's hand and looked at the screen again. When Frigga saw the familiar son on the screen, she also shouted in surprise: "Loki? This time it's Loki."

s future?"

[While the female Loki was killing people, Loki finally crossed the portal and came to TVA. Looking at the familiar corridors around him, Loki understood the plot of the female Loki after a brief daze. 】

[Loki found his dagger confiscated by TVA from the weapons cabinet. Loki searched all the way and finally caught up with the female Loki at the end of a corridor. 】

[Raising both swords and pointing them at her, Loki said directly: "I have a few questions to ask...are you really Loki?"]

[But female Loki didn’t want to talk nonsense to him: “Are you really free to do anything? You’re blocking my way!”]

[The two people who didn't like each other immediately fought together, but just like before, Loki was no match for the female version of himself. 】

[While the two were arguing and fighting, support from TVA also arrived.]

[Ramona brought two time guards to stop their fight. Seeing that they seemed to be rushing over, the female Loki quickly put the knife on Loki's neck and threatened loudly: "If you dare to come here, I will

Just kill him.”]

[Hearing her threat, Ramona immediately laughed angrily and said nonchalantly: "Please."]

[After saying that, they rushed over again holding long sticks that glowed orange.]

[Seeing this scene, Loki's eyes flashed, and he directly took out the time controller from the female Loki's arms, opened a portal, and teleported them both out. 】

[This time, they were teleported to an unknown place, and in order to compete for the only controller, the two fought again. 】

[Female Loki was the first to grab the controller, but she was surprised to find that the power of the controller was exhausted. 】

[And with the help of his stunned skills, Loki used illusions to successfully snatch the controller away from her hand. 】

[Seeing this, the female Loki immediately shouted angrily: "Give it back to me, you don't even know how to charge it."]

[But Loki snorted disdainfully: "Of course I know, you are not the only technology-crazy Loki."]

[And upon hearing his name, female Loki once again showed an expression of disgust on her face: "Don't call me that!"]

[Loki felt a little confused: "Technology maniac?"]

["No, it's Loki!" Female Loki's expression became very ferocious. 】

Wanda: "Hey, isn't this young lady Loki? Why does she hate this title so much? Is there any hidden secret?"

New Peter: "Is it possible that we all misunderstood her and that she is not actually Loki?"

Extraordinary Peter: "No, have you forgotten? The title just mentioned was that she is a variant of Loki. If I guessed correctly, maybe this name brought a bad memory to her, so she

Want to get rid of the bad luck this name brings?"

Thor: "You're talking nonsense. My father gave him the name Loki. Do you mean to say that my father doesn't know how to name him?"

Extraordinary Peter: "Well, Mr. Thor, we are just discussing now, don't be so excited..."

Loki: "Ignore him, he's just a muscle maniac."

In Asgard, Frigga looked confused as the two Lokis were facing each other on the screen. She turned to look at Odin beside her: "What does this image mean? There are two Lokis in our world."


Odin shook his head: "I haven't understood the specific situation yet. It is said that these are Lokis of the multiverse."

"These?" Frigga keenly caught Odin's words: "Could it be that... there are other Lokis?"

[Just when the two were about to continue their attack, a small meteorite smashed through the room they were in. The two quickly stopped the confrontation and walked out of the door. When they looked up, they found that meteorite fragments of various sizes were constantly falling from the sky.

, like a purple meteor shower coming.】

[Seeing this scene, the female Loki quickly cursed Loki as an idiot, because this doomsday is the most dangerous doomsday stored in her controller. 】

[The two were complaining to each other while helping each other avoid the falling meteorites. Soon, they rushed into a house. 】

[But just after he breathed a sigh of relief, the female Loki's expression changed, revealing an ambiguous look, she came in front of Loki, and touched Loki's neck with her hands shining with green light. 】

[Loki slowly raised his head and looked at the weird-looking female Loki in front of him. He couldn't help but frown and asked, "What are you doing? Do you want to possess me?"]

[Loki suddenly sneered: "It's useless!"]

["Why, just because you are a magician?" Sylvie roared in displeasure. 】

["No, that's because my mind is too strong!" Loki pointed to his head proudly. 】

["Okay!" Seeing that the possession magic was ineffective, the female Loki drew out the knife again, seeming to want to continue fighting. 】

[Loki sighed speechlessly when he saw this: "Do we really want to do this now? Fight again?"]

[Although female Loki put away the knife, she still asked Loki where he hid the time controller.]

[Loki interrupted helplessly: "In my heart."]

["Okay, then I'll dig it out now!"]

[Loki sighed again after hearing this: "Okay...it's really funny...it's so cute..."]

"Tsk tsk~"

Tony Stark couldn't help but smacked his lips when he saw this: "This is not a fight, this is completely flirting! Loki, to be honest, you two seem to be a good match."

Strange: "Yeah, there's a word for it... Oh, by the way, tsundere. In my opinion, both of you are tsundere."

Wanda: "A man and a woman, tsunderes falling in love and killing each other, my God, please lock your CP, thank you!"


Extraordinary Peter: "I remembered that Mr. Loki told me yesterday that no woman is qualified to win his favor in these long years, and this female Loki should not be with Mr. Loki.


Tony: "No, no, no, kid, you are mistaken, what if Loki is a 'narcissistic' person!"

"Please be a human being! Do you think I am you? All you think about is women?" Loki snorted disdainfully and crossed his arms: "Besides, although this woman is a little scheming, she still can't.

That’s all, someone who only knows how to use force to solve problems, what’s the difference between this and Thor?”

Reed Richards: "Then if you really fall in love with the female Loki, doesn't it mean that you can also fall in love with Thor?"

"Damn it, your brains are poisonous, right?"

Loki couldn't help but cursed: "Put away those ridiculous thoughts in your mind."

[After learning which doomsday they were in, they chose a direction to seek a large amount of energy that could recharge the time controller. On the way, the female Loki told him that she had changed her name - Sylvie.

[The two found a lonely small house and learned from an old lady that there was a train near the town that could take them to the Ark escape spaceship. ]

[The two agreed that there was a powerful power source that could charge the controller, and then they caught up with the train that was about to leave without hesitation. 】

[Seeing the long queue of people, Loki turned into a guard and lied that Sylvie was the prisoner named by his boss to be escorted. He escaped from the ticket check, got on the train, found a seat and sat down.

[And on the train, the two finally had an open-hearted conversation. 】

[Loki told Sylvie that his magic was taught by Queen Frigga, and at Sylvie’s request, he described his mother to her: “She is the Queen of Asgard, she is

Very good and very noble.”

[Sylvie smiled when she heard this: "Are you sure she is your mother?"]

[Loki shook his head: "No, actually she is not, I was adopted... hmm? Did I leak the secret? I'm sorry!"]

[But to his surprise, Sylvie opposite him shook his head indifferently: "It's okay, I know I was adopted."]

["What? Did they tell you?" Loki was shocked and looked at Sylvie in disbelief. ]

["Of course, didn't they tell you?" Sylvie raised her eyebrows, with a look of "I see" on her face. 】

"It seems that even if Loki knows that he is adopted, his fate will not be much better!"

Bruce Banner sighed: "Perhaps, his fate is really destined to be this way."

Loki's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't speak. He just squeezed the hand holding the future notebook a little tighter.

[The two continued to chat. Speaking of his mother, Loki's face seemed to light up: "When I was young, my mother would do some little magic for me. It seemed difficult, but she told me that I

It’s okay, because…”]

[Loki paused and lowered his eyes: "Because she thinks I am omnipotent..."]

[Speaking, Loki raised his left hand, released mini fireworks from his palm, and said to Sylvie: "She is the kind of person who can give you confidence and make you believe in yourself."]

Listening to Loki's words in the video, Frigga in front of the screen silently covered her mouth, her nose became sore, and some tears welled up in her eyes.

Since the appearance of the dimensional live broadcast system, the Loki shown in it is either withdrawn or evil, and even attempts to assassinate his father. This makes Frigga very uncomfortable. Even after reading the spoilers of yesterday's brother-in-law fight,

Frigga once lost confidence in this live broadcast system.

She was afraid of seeing something she shouldn't see again, afraid of seeing the scene of their father and son fighting each other again, so she didn't stay here today.

But unexpectedly, just after returning, she saw Loki revealing his true feelings, which made Frigga very happy.

(End of chapter)

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