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Chapter 112: Slapping TVA in the face really is a scam

Chapter 112 A slap in the face, TVA is indeed a scam

[The conversation on the train continued. Only then did Loki learn that Sylvie’s magic was completely self-taught. This shocked him and wanted to discuss how to use this magic with her. 】

[But at this moment, the train attendant came over and interrupted their conversation and asked them if they wanted wine. Rocky immediately took down both glasses without politeness.]

[After taking a sip of wine, the topic of the two jumped again and talked about love. 】

[Loki was also curious and asked Sylvie about her love life, and learned that the other party actually had a long-distance boyfriend who was a postman in a certain apocalypse, which made the atmosphere between Loki and Sylvie a bit awkward. 】

[After all, it is his own transformation. Knowing that the other party has a boyfriend, it is indeed difficult for Loki to change his mind. 】

[At this time, Sylvie also asked Loki if he had anyone he was in love with.]

["What about you, you are a prince, and the other party may be a princess." Sylvie smiled and raised her eyebrows and asked: "Or maybe it is another prince?"]

[Loki also smiled slightly and raised his glass: "Maybe it's both, I'm the same as you."]


A wolf howl suddenly came from the live broadcast room, and everyone was shocked and laughed.

Stark even grabbed his lower lip and whistled.

In front of the screen, Wanda laughed excitedly like a rotten girl and screamed: "Ah ha, Loki, you've been exposed. You even admitted that you like the prince."

"As we all know, there are only two princes in Asgard, Loki and Thor!" Strange couldn't help but chuckled: "So Mr. Loki, do you really have feelings for your brother that go beyond that of a brother?

Oh, by the way, you are not blood brothers yet!"

Looking at the demons dancing around him, Loki sighed speechlessly: "Does your head make you look taller? Can't you tell that I'm trying to deal with her?"

Loki's expression was extremely calm. When he heard himself say this on the screen, he knew something was going to happen and quickly wrote in his future notebook: "In five seconds, everyone will give up the discussion about Loki."

."This sentence.

Then, he continued to explain calmly: "Besides, Asgard governs the nine realms, and there are many kingdoms on each planet. Is it any wonder that there are several princesses or queens of the daughter kingdom in those kingdoms?

?Is there only one Thor in the Nine Realms who is a prince? Don’t make me laugh!”

Under the magical effect of the future notebook, everyone temporarily accepted Loki's explanation and did not pursue the matter further.

This made Loki couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Thor, the god of thunder, suddenly spoke in the chat channel again: "Great, brother, I'm relieved that you are not interested in me. It almost scared me to death just now..."


Can I say bad words?

Fall in love with you? I must have such a twisted mind and blind eyes...

[The train continued to move forward, and after a while, Sylvie couldn't resist the sleepiness and fell asleep.]

[And when she finally woke up slowly, she was surprised to find that Loki had lifted his disguise magic, put on the time criminal's clothes again, and started singing and dancing in the crowd. ]

[Seeing Sylvie wake up, Loki raised his glass to greet her, then drank it all in one gulp, happily smashed the glass to the ground, and shouted: "One more glass."]

[Seeing that Loki was already a little drunk, Sylvie quickly pulled him aside and asked him why he was so unrestrained.]

[But Loki, who was already a little drunk, waved his hand and said to Sylvie through his drunkenness: "As for the question you just asked, I thought of the answer."]

[After brewing for a few seconds, Loki used magic to create a dagger. With an inexplicable look on his face, he slowly spoke: "Love is like a dagger. It may be far away. It may also be close at hand. You can tell it through

How wonderful it is to see yourself through it..."]

["Until... it makes you bloody, but in the end, when you reach out for it..."]

[Sylvie slowly raised her hand and touched the dagger, but the moment her hand was about to touch the dagger, a green light flashed and the dagger disappeared from Loki's hand. 】

["It becomes a phantom." Sylvie pursed her lips slightly: "Love is like an illusory dagger? Your metaphor is too bad."]

["Doesn't it make sense? Damn it, I think it makes sense!"]

"Loki, you're making a bit of a double entendre!"

Tony Stark chuckled: "You saw yourself through the reflection of the dagger. I'm afraid you're talking about Sylvie. It seems that no matter how hard you talk, you can't stop your transformation from falling."

The fact.”

"But this confession poem is really good!" Tony said at the end and gave Loki a thumbs up.

Loki gritted his teeth in displeasure. Although he didn't want to admit it, it was obvious that he on the screen seemed to be attracted to Sylvie.

Thinking of this, Loki suddenly became helpless and furious, wishing he could rush into the image and beat up his future self.

He is indeed a waste, but he is obsessed with his other self. Are you crazy?

[At this moment, a passenger called a small group of soldiers and walked into the carriage. Since they did not have a ticket, the two of them had a disagreement with the soldiers and started fighting. Since Loki was still drunk, he did not check for a moment.

He was thrown directly out of the window by the soldiers.]

[Seeing Loki being thrown out, Sylvie remembered that the time controller was still on him, and immediately screamed, following Loki and jumping off the train. 】

[However, because Loki fell so hard, the time controller was completely destroyed into pieces, which made Sylvie let out an angry roar in displeasure. ]

[Seeing Sylvie sitting on a small mound and sulking, Loki quickly stepped forward to comfort her.]

[But Sylvie desperately told him that according to the course of history, the Ark was destined to be destroyed, the entire planet would be destroyed, and everyone would die. 】

[But Loki feels that the reason why the Ark was destroyed is because they are not on it, and now, they can hijack the Ark and leave the planet. ]

[Sylvie had no other choice but to accept Loki's ridiculous proposal and walk with him to the location of the Ark.]

[On the way, in order to be lazy, Loki asked Sylvie to possess him, so he could save some energy and walk the road of two people alone. 】

[But Sylvie said that possession magic does not have such ability, and then she explained her own possession magic to Loki seriously. 】

[It turns out that as long as she physically comes into contact with those with weak minds, she can immediately control their hearts. But if the other party has a strong mind, then Sylvie must find their past memories and create a memory of them.

Fantasy space, thereby trapping their minds.]

[Loki looked incredulous when he heard this. In his opinion, Sylvie is more qualified to call herself a magician than he is.]

[Sylvie smiled slightly and compared the C-20 that she had stolen the Time Guardian information from before. She said that she was the kind of person with a very unstable mind because everything in her mind was covered up, so she hoped

Erwei can only successfully trap her by finding her memories from hundreds of years ago before she joined TVA.]

[Loki suddenly stopped when he heard this and looked at Sylvie in surprise: "What? What did you say? Before joining TVA?"]

[Sylvie said matter-of-factly: "Yes, she is just an ordinary person on earth and likes to drink margaritas."]

["Ordinary people?" Loki repeated in disbelief: "But they told me that everyone working in TVA was created by the Time Guardian."]

[Sylvie frowned: "This is ridiculous, they are all time offenders like you and me."]

[Loki was shocked again when he heard this, turned to Sylvie and asked: "They don't even know?"]


After hearing Sylvie say that TVA employees are actually time offenders, everyone watching the live broadcast was stunned for a moment.

Loki slapped his palm hard and made a "snap" sound: "Sure enough, I knew that these guys are a group of liars. What they say about maintaining the sacred timeline and being guardians of time are all lies!"

Tony Stark also nodded: "Now, we have finally unveiled their false veil and got a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of this mysterious organization... I now have a guess. The technology and strength that TVA has shown so far,

Even I can’t catch it, so is it possible?”

"TVA is actually an organization from the future. The so-called sacred timeline is the historical record handed down by them?"

Bruce Banner's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Tony, what you said is very possible. Everyone actually knows that the true history of some events has always been open to question and unclear. Therefore, it is very likely that the truth was covered up by TVA.


Reed Richards: "It seems that the people behind TVA are definitely not the time guardians, but some scientists from the future? They modify history to be the most beneficial to them for their own ambitions."

"And such a project is very huge, so this also explains the significance of the existence of TVA. It is like a cycle. They arrest time criminals, and after they block their memories and brainwash them, the time criminals become their lackeys, and then go

Capture new time criminals...until history no longer changes and develops in the direction most desired by the mastermind behind the scenes."

Strange: "In this way, Tony's previous metaphor is correct. TVA is like a nursery worker. They repair the tree of history until they can pick the fruits they want."

Loki's face gradually became gloomy: "I suddenly understood why they acquiesced in what Tony Stark and his friends did, and why they tolerated the Avengers' traveling through time."

"You mean?" Captain America suddenly understood after hearing this: "They are worried that if they come forward to stop them and attract our attention, they will track their existence. After all, since we can travel back to the past, we can also travel to the future!"

Extraordinary Peter: "When I heard what you said, I suddenly felt a chill all over my body and I had goosebumps all over my body."

(End of chapter)

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