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Chapter 116 Mobius, whose three views are shattered, fucks himself?

Chapter 116: Mobius, whose outlook is shattered, has sex with himself?

[Loki lied that the female Loki had appeared in his world a long time ago and made a plan with him. It seems now that this plan was very successful. 】

[And this time criminal Loki will be abandoned by Loki himself at the end of all plans. 】

["Then I have to tell you good news. You don't have to do it yourself. She has already been cut." Mobius spread his hands and continued to ask: "Then, if I really let you go...


["Wait~" Loki suddenly raised his hand and interrupted Mobius: "What did you just say?"]

["Suppose I let you go?"]

["No...at that time, she died?"]

[Hearing this, Mobius explained nonchalantly that because Sylvie killed two people and was unwilling to enter the time prison, Guard B-15 directly cut her.]

[When Loki heard this, he immediately felt that all his strength had been drained from his body. He sat on the chair with a numb and sad face. After a long time, he tried hard to put on a stiff smile and said with a smile: "Okay, I finally got rid of it."]

"Tsk, tsk~ At this moment, the demeanor of the God of Trickery has completely disappeared. You have fallen directly into the trap of this mortal interrogation."

Tony shook his head: "This future variant of yours seems to have a weak mental capacity, and your trick design is also a mess."

Loki did not object, but sighed leisurely: "After all, after witnessing the death of his mother, the passing of his father, the destruction of Asgard, and even his own death in one day, this guy did not collapse. I think

It’s already pretty good.”

"When I saw the scene of my own death, my mind went blank for a long time."

"It's really weird to see your own death scene!" Phil Coulson suddenly interrupted: "It's even more uncomfortable to see your murderer jumping around in front of your eyes all day long.


Loki: "..."

[Although Loki tried his best to suppress his emotions, his regretful expression with a bit of loss and sadness fell into Mobius's eyes, and he immediately understood something, and he dropped the pen on the notebook in surprise.

["No, look at your eyes, you like her! No wonder you have no clue about the connection incident on the Lada satellite. The two of you were busy dating at the time... Oh my god, it was the end of the world!"

[Mobius looked weird, he had never seen such a scene before: "Two time criminals with the same identity, especially you, can actually have such a sick and twisted romantic relationship! This is too confusing, this will

Breaking reality, no wonder there is such an accident in the timeline."]

["And at this moment, my reality has been completely shattered by you. You are simply a shocking narcissist. You actually fell in love with yourself."]

[Loki listened to his complaints silently, and warned with a serious expression: "Her name is Sylvie."]

At this moment, the live broadcast room, which had been quiet just now because of Loki's explanation, was once again filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

From the beginning to now, Loki in the live broadcast room has been speaking hard. He denied that he would fall in love with the female Loki variant, and insisted that this was just one of his evil plans in the future. But just now, after hearing Xi

After Erwei died, the Loki variant in the video did not give him any face in the live broadcast room, and slapped him hard on the face with what was called a "self-slap".

Thinking of this, Strange couldn't help but laugh and shook his head: "Even the employees of TVA have never seen this shocking romance. Rocky, how can I evaluate you better?"

Tony laughed so hard that he was out of breath and beat his chest hard: "Let me just say, you are a 'narcissist', and I am not wrong at all."

Because the universe is different, Reed Richards's discussion was also more free-spirited: "Speaking of which, if you are really together in the future, how will you get along? I mean, wouldn't it be weird to have sex with yourself?"

Master Modu finally couldn't stand it when he saw this: "Fuck yourself, you are such a talented scientist, are you mocking what kind of plant Loki actually is?"

Thor Odinson also spoke in the chat channel at this time, wanting to help his brother out: "Shut up, you mortals, my brother is free to like whoever he likes, when will it be your turn to make irresponsible remarks?

, please be careful, otherwise when I regain my strength, I will come to you to settle accounts with Thor's hammer, and let you taste the wrath of Odin's son."

Wanda: "Don't make trouble, Hammer God. I know your brother dumped you, which made you very unhappy, but after all, you still have Jane Foster."

At her reminder, Thor suddenly remembered the image of himself and Jane kissing in the video. His throat suddenly stopped, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and retorted: "Stupid little witch, what do you mean..."

Extraordinary Peter: "Well, Mr. Thor, she means that you already have Jane Foster as your girlfriend, so you and Mr. Loki can't..."

"That's enough! Shut up, everyone!"

Loki yelled, interrupting everyone's speech: "Okay, okay, I admit that my mutant's feelings are a bit confusing, but please don't escalate matters of the multiverse to an individual level..."


Seeing Loki's angry look, everyone couldn't help laughing again.

"You have today too, Loki!"

[After confirming that Sylvie was not dead, Loki also breathed a sigh of relief. Under Mobius' questioning, he once again revealed the fact: "The Guardian of Time should be overthrown. Listen, Mobius

, If Sylvie is right, this organization has been deceiving you."]

[But Mobius curled his lips disdainfully: "It's starting again. In the past 10 minutes, you have told at least 50 lies. And you are still lying now, trying to make me believe your girlfriend."]

["She is not my girlfriend!" Loki sighed helplessly. 】

["What you want to call her is your business. After all, that is the female self that makes you fall in love at first sight..."]

[But before he finished speaking, Loki arbitrarily interrupted him and told him the truth: "You are all time criminals! Everyone who works in TVA is. The time guardian did not create you,

They just kidnapped you back from the timeline and erased your memories."]

["Sylvie came into contact with your memories through possession."]

[Mobius was stunned and listened quietly to Loki's story.]

["So, before this, you have your own past, maybe you have your own family, your own life."]

[After listening to Loki's words, Mobius was silent for a long time, then he lowered his voice and said: "That's really good!"]

[Seeing his expression, Loki knew that he had not heard a word at all. He lay on his back on the chair in disappointment and kept shaking his head.]

[Sure enough, Mobius manipulated the controller without hesitation, reprimanding Loki for saying that everything he said was a lie, and that he had no patience and must end this case now.]

[As he spoke, he summoned the two guards outside the door.]

[When being dragged up from the chair by the guards, Loki complained disdainfully: "You know, there are many liars in TVA, and you are the biggest liar among them."]

[Mobius, who was still controlling the controller, said without raising his head: "Really? Are you saying that I lied to your girlfriend about her death?"]

["No, no, no, I'm grateful to you for that. I mean you deceived yourself."]

[The red prison door opened. Loki left these words without hesitation and walked in without looking back. This time, he did not struggle at all. 】

"Oh my God, it's rare for Mr. Loki to tell the truth, but this uncle doesn't believe it?"

Extraordinary Peter held his head in his hands with a worried look on his face: "Doesn't that mean that Mr. Loki will suffer in vain next time?"

"Believe it? Don't believe it?" Loki smiled slightly: "No one will trust others, except puppies."

"And if you look at Mobius's face at the end, he actually believed it. However, the facts I told him were too shocking, and he just didn't accept it for a while... or in other words, he didn't find a reason to convince himself.


"It doesn't matter that I'm trapped here, but the seeds planted by my transformation and Sylvie are about to sprout."

"Because the smarter a person is, the more he thinks. Even a lie may cause turbulent waves in his heart, let alone what I just said was half-truth and half-lie."

Captain America raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Are you so sure?"

"Of course!" Loki spread his hands: "I have done this kind of thing tens of thousands of times, there is nothing surprising, and now, what I have to do in the spoiler is to use Mobius to remove this surprising thing.

The waves spread into the hearts of everyone at TVA, and then caused a tsunami that caused landslides and earth-shattering."

"By then, it will be easy for me to overthrow the Time Management Bureau!"

Falcon: "Are you too confident? Like before I went on the mission, no matter how smooth our strategic drills were, when we actually went on the mission, there would always be surprises of one kind or another. Just like what you planned here

It's so good, but in fact it may not play out as you imagined in the spoilers."

At this time, Star-Lord joined in the fun with a sneer on his face and said, "That's right, some guys seem to have planned so many tricks, but none of them succeeded in the end!"

Loki raised his eyebrows when he heard this. The evil black wheel on his left hand flashed with light, and the illusory projection of the evil star god Saron appeared beside him.

"Saron, do you remember this guy's face? After you leave the live broadcast room, go find this guy in the universe, destroy his spaceship for me, and then throw him to a deserted planet."

Star-Lord's eyes widened in horror and he looked at Loki in disbelief. Is this guy a madman? Everyone was joking online. Why the hell are you chasing me along the network cable to kill me?

Can’t afford it?

"Yes, my lord, are you sure you don't want me to crush this ant?"

But no matter how broken Star-Lord's heart was, Saron's cold and indifferent voice still rumbled in the live broadcast room.

(End of chapter)

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