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Chapter 115

Chapter 115

[Video continues]

[Seeing Loki who was in a familiar environment, he completely let down his guard, with his hands on his hips and a look on his face.]

[But just as he was shaking his legs easily, a woman's voice suddenly came from behind him. ]


[Loki turned around and saw the familiar person. He immediately shouted with joy: "Sif, it's you!"]

[But there was no happy expression on Sif's face. Instead, she held up her cut hair angrily and cursed as she walked: "You cunning, cowardly, miserable worm, this is a good thing you did.



[Seeing Sif getting closer and closer, and the hair in her left hand, this familiar scene suddenly gave Loki an ominous premonition.]

[Sure enough, the next moment, a powerful and heavy slap hit Loki's face. 】

[Sif angrily complained: "I hope you know that you deserve to die alone forever."]

[The pain on his face reminded Loki that this was the real world, not a fantasy, and then he laughed and looked around: "Okay, a prison made of bad memories? It's too cliche!


[But after hearing his complaint, Sif didn't say anything, but gave Loki a hard knee on a part he couldn't talk about, and then followed up with a hard uppercut, knocking Loki to his knees on the ground.

"Oh, man!"

In the live broadcast room, seeing this cruel scene, almost all the men trembled, and some part of their bodies ached with Loki on the screen. At the same time, expressions of sympathy were also shown on their faces.

Set your sights on Loki.

Loki:...Is it really okay for me to be executed in such a public way?

Bruce Banner: "Speaking of which, besides Ragnarok, this is probably the most famous incident involving Sif in Norse mythology."

"Tsk, tsk, no matter which world it is, Loki will inevitably attack Sif's hair?" Strange complained curiously: "Did Sif give you a violent beating next?"

"No~" Loki shook his head: "I remember that after that, I just went to take a shower, then had a nice glass of wine, and the matter was over."

"So simple?" Tony asked in disbelief.

"Of course it's that simple!"

Captain America asked curiously: "Then what is TVA's purpose of locking you here?"

Loki shrugged: "Who knows, you dare to torture me on this matter, it's really ridiculous."

[Loki in the video also had the same view, disdainfully provoking Mobius outside the punishment space. 】

[But just when he had just relieved the pain between his legs, Sif's voice sounded again behind him. ]

[The same angry words, the same powerful slap... In Loki's disbelieving eyes, the same familiar knee hit the same spot again. 】

"Damn..." Loki took a breath and couldn't help but cross his legs. The long-lost memory resurfaced in his mind, and the pain at that time also fell back into his sensory perception across the long river of time.


Is this TVA so cruel? Time loop?

Tony couldn't help but take a breath, and patted Loki's shoulder sympathetically again: "It's so pitiful, the infinite foundation under the time loop must be very painful!...Pfft~"

At the end of the sentence, he suddenly couldn't help laughing.

"Unlimited sex? No, no, no, I think unlimited sex is more appropriate to describe it!"

Reed Richards couldn't help but rub salt into the wound and said: "Speaking of which, as a frost giant, your self-healing power should also be very strong. Then I have a question. If Fairy Sif keeps giving you fatal blows like this,

J, will your egg explode?"


Loki looked at the screen speechlessly: "Damn, I remember you said you were a scientist, right? Are you studying the toughness of eggs?"

At this time, Strange walked to Loki's left side with emotion and put his hand on his left shoulder: "Don't worry, in fact, I have also endured this kind of pain in the future..."

Nick Fury sneered: "That's different, Master, you use the time loop to save the world, this guy is just being punished."

[Next, no matter how Loki explained it, Sif appeared again and again and gave him a hard slap, a knee and finally a hard punch, which made Loki more and more desperate. 】

[On the other hand, Mobius went to Judge Ramona's room with full of doubts. He wanted to apply to talk to Sylvie to find out what was going on with the strange peak of connection events...

…By the way, in his heart, he still wanted to ask what Sylvie did to C-20.】

[But no matter what he said, Judge Ramona did not agree to let him see Sylvie. In response, Mobius had no choice but to leave the room. 】

[In the corridor, he met several other time guards guarding outside Sylvie's cell, and he also made some jokes about them.]

[And just as he was about to leave, the B-15 black female guard suddenly caught up and asked Mobius, did Loki say anything to him? 】

["Of course!" Mobius nodded: "He said TVA cheated on me."]

[When the B-15 female guard heard this, she immediately frowned and showed a strange expression, but Mobius did not understand her expression and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"]

[But the female guard did not answer him directly, she just shrugged: "I'm just doing my duty."]

"It seems that when Loki's girlfriend possessed the black woman, she also helped her retrieve some memories, but the time guardian was smarter and hid his emotions."

Carol looked at B-15's expression on the screen and immediately understood her state. She crossed her arms and nodded in agreement.

Back then, when she was mentally stimulated by the Skrulls and activated some of her previous memories on Earth, she behaved in the same way.

Loki nodded after hearing this: "This is the true method of trickery. I only need to plant a seed, and then quietly wait for it to sprout and push out the gaps in the hearts of those people."

At this time, Star-Lord jumped out unwilling to be left alone: ​​"Haha, are you still playing your boring tricks at this time? Don't forget, now you are locked in a time prison, being beaten over and over again.


Loki turned his head indifferently and said mockingly: "As long as you care about me, why don't you think about yourself. Without your magical blood, will you be able to survive the next time you get beaten?"

"After all, I only suffer in the spoiler images, but you can easily lose your life in reality!"

Although Rocky in the live broadcast room was still arrogant, in the video...

[Loki, who was beaten one after another, finally couldn't bear it anymore and admitted his mistake to Sif and begged for mercy. His sincere attitude also made Sif lose her anger and stretched out her hand to pull Loki up from the ground.


[However, Sif still used a cold tone to rebuke Loki like a curse: "You will be alone, and you will be so lonely forever."]

[After saying that, Sif left here without looking back, and Mobius’ figure also appeared at the door. 】

["Okay, Loki, are you ready to talk?"]

[The two walked out of the time prison, and Mobius asked Loki to explain what he had said before. 】

[But Loki asked TVA to let him go, otherwise he would not tell, which made Mobius laugh at him again. His behavior was like a cockroach's survival instinct.]

[Then, Mobius changed the subject and asked Loki how long he had been working for the female Loki, but this made Loki feel very unhappy.]

["Me, do something for her? Please..." Loki snorted disdainfully. 】

[Mobius waved his hand after hearing this: "So, since you are not working for her, what is your relationship, partner?"]

[This question suddenly silenced Loki, but he soon rejected Mobius's guess and listed a series of Sylvie's bad habits. 】

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that, Loki, you obviously don't care about her, but you can still tell all her shortcomings in your heart. Tsk tsk, are you really going to carry out your tsundere character to the end?"

Wanda laughed and laughed at Loki again.

Reed Richards also said: "Isn't this the character of Rocky? A typical person who speaks out but is upright."

New Peter: "When you say that, I also think of some male and female classmates around me. The way they express their love is to find trouble for each other and cause trouble for each other. Maybe Sylvie and Loki belong to such a couple.

They obviously have feelings, but they just don't mean what they mean."

Ant-Man Scott suddenly interrupted: "Actually, that's not right... Didn't you say that Loki has never been in love? Suddenly a beautiful girl with a similar personality broke into his world.

It’s normal to fall in love. Besides, when you fall in love for the first time, isn’t it a normal reaction to be a little nervous?”

"Nonsense, who told you that you will be nervous when you fall in love for the first time? Have you ever been in love before?" Mr. Wonderful Reed snorted disdainfully. He was very calm when he was in love with Susan.

"Me? My daughter has been born, and you ask me if I have ever been in love?"

Even in prison, Scott Lang couldn't help but laugh out loud. This guy didn't look like a scientist, he looked like a construction site brawler.

[Mobius nodded: "I guess you won't find a partner unless it's profitable. Of course, in the end you will still choose to betray again."]

[Loki was very dissatisfied with his evaluation and declared that it was just a normal means to achieve his goal. ]

[The continuous nonsense has made Mobius completely lose patience with his behavior of changing the subject. He once again asked what caused the connection incident on the Lada satellite. ]

[But Loki claimed that he would not tell Mobius, because as long as he said it, Mobius would not give him a chance to explain and would directly cut him. 】

[Seeing Loki's refusal to cooperate, Mobius sighed and took out the time controller again: "Then, say hello to Ms. Sif for me."]

["Wait, don't do this, wait..." Seeing him take out the controller again, Loki couldn't help but feel sore in his chest, and raised his hand to stop Mobius's movements. ]

[Then, seeing Mobius sitting down again, Loki spoke again and started making up random things.]

(End of chapter)

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