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Chapter 28 Who is the Hate

Chapter 28 Who is the abomination?

Looking at Banner who had returned to normal on the screen, both Coulson and Tony exhaled in the live broadcast room.

Both of them knew how terrifying Banner looked when he lost control after his transformation. After seeing him transform just now, they both felt nervous for him. After all, they recognized Banner from where they were just now and the familiar streets.

The current location.

Harlem, New York.

Tony put his right hand on Banner's shoulder and said jokingly: "But I really admire you, Banner. It was so dangerous just now, but your girlfriend even jumped on you to comfort you without thinking about her own safety.

Such a good partner, do you think your previous escaping behavior was too selfish?"

Banner nodded sheepishly, but the expression on his face was still a bit reluctant: "But my situation is a bit special. Anger, excitement, and similar emotions may affect my heart rate changes. Once my heart rate accelerates, I may

I just can’t control myself.”

"That means your mental endurance is still too poor." Tony pointed out his problem without hesitation: "When I was in school, I had interactions with some classmates from China, and I learned a saying from them, the mountain collapses.

It will not change color in front of you."

"When you reach this level, I don't think you need to worry about this aspect."

Coulson interrupted at this time: "I have some doubts. In this future image, Dr. Banner is with his girlfriend, but in the longer future, when Loki invades the earth, Banner

Dr. Na appeared alone in India again, what happened in the meantime?"

[In the room, Dr. Stern was talking excitedly about what had just happened: "This is the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life."]

[Betty helped Bruce sit on the sofa speechlessly, completely unable to understand Stern's excitement: "Don't be so excited, okay? We have to discuss what just happened."]

[Hearing Betty’s reminder, the excited Stern finally came to his senses and carefully helped Bruce analyze his situation, and at the same time leaked a piece of news:]

["My experimental samples never survived, of course, it may be because they did not get the nucleic acid chain..."]

[Hearing this, Bruce, who was still calmly lying on the sofa to rest, immediately sat upright and asked Stern with a serious expression: "Wait, what did you just say?"]

["They did not absorb the nucleic acid strands." Stern thought Bruce was asking about the reason for the failure of the experimental sample, so he replied naturally. 】

["No, no, no, you said experimental sample..." Bruce Banner asked again in confusion: "What experimental sample?"]

[Dr. Stern hesitated for two seconds, and then waved to the two of them mysteriously: "Follow me."]

[At the same time, General Ross's team also arrived near the building where the three of them were, and began to prepare intensively in the nearby area. ]

"Seeing Stern's performance just now, I don't think this guy is the kind of villain mad scientist who often appears in comics, right?"

Peter Parker suddenly spoke in the chat channel: "Could this experimental sample be your DNA, Dr. Banner?"

"That's impossible!" Banner shook his head: "The laboratory where my DNA was stored was destroyed in the accident a few years ago, and if there is really still my DNA left, General Ross will not be satisfied.

The world is looking for me.”

Coulson interrupted him and said: "Could it be that Dr. Banner gave you the blood on your own initiative? Otherwise, why would you come all the way from Brazil to find him?"

Banner hesitated for a few seconds and shook his head uncertainly: "Probably not, I shouldn't be so reckless...wait..."

Banner's eyes suddenly widened: "How did you know that I was in Brazil? There were your agents around me?"

After Banner revealed the organization's surveillance operation, Coulson didn't have any nervousness or embarrassment on his face. He just nodded with that kind smile and replied: "Believe me, doctor, we really have no ill intentions towards you, even

I also helped you drive away some people with ulterior motives."

Thor clapped his hands at this time: "Ha, I've heard this before. The female agent in the video just now said the same to Banner."

Several people present rolled their eyes. It is estimated that only the 'simple' Thor would believe the lies told by an intelligence organization.

[The camera turned and Dr. Stern brought Betty and Bruce to a white room. In this room, countless bottles of blood and blood bags were placed on the shelves. Bruce and Bruce walked slowly between the shelves with frowning eyes.

Move and listen to Stern enthusiastically introducing what he has done.】

["We must destroy these!" While Dr. Stern was looking forward to the future, Bruce Banner suddenly interrupted his reverie seriously. 】

["What did you say? Destroy it?" Stern seemed to suspect that there was something wrong with his ears. ]

[Bruce's expression was serious, even nervous: "We have to destroy everything here tonight,"]

["Are you crazy? We can win the Nobel Prize with this!" Stern advised Bruce in disbelief: "This is the sacred fire of Prometheus, the three of us..."]

[Banner interrupted him anxiously: "You have no idea the power of this thing. It is too dangerous and we can't control it at all."]

[Current video paused]

[Q&A begins]

[Question: Among the characters who have appeared, who was finally injected with Banner’s blood and became the new Hulk Abomination?]

[A: Thunderbolt General Ross]

【B: Emil Blonsky】

[C:Samuel Stern]

【D:Betty Ross】

[Please start answering! Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 100 live broadcast points and random rewards. 】

[Random rewards may come from any multiverse, and failure to answer questions will trigger unknown penalties. 】

"Before answering the question, I have a question I want to ask!"

Tony Stark paced back and forth with a weird expression: "Why do both Thor and Banner have questions during their spoiler live broadcasts, but there are no questions at all in my spoiler live broadcasts? Am I any worse than them?"

"Is this discrimination?"

Everyone looked speechlessly at Stark, whose focus was on outer space, and curled their lips in disdain.

Nick Fury: "I don't think there is any doubt in this. After all, you are too simple. Apart from women, the only thing left in your mind is alcohol. This system doesn't want everyone to waste their brain cells studying you, either.

Normal choice.”

Wanda Maximoff immediately gave a silent thumbs up to the "straight-spoken" black braised egg.

"Shut up, you vicious spy chief. At least I won't spend all day sending people to spy on others and pry into their privacy!" Tony retorted disdainfully.

Coulson retorted at this time: "Mr. Stark, SHIELD is not monitoring you. We are just observing all hidden dangers that may cause turmoil in the world."

"Really, but I think the hidden dangers of world turmoil seem to be caused by you." Banner interrupted: "For example, the invasion of Loki and Thanos was caused by your development of the Cosmic Cube, wasn't it? And this one

Is it true that SHIELD wasn’t involved in the research on the super soldier serum?”

"Well said, Doctor!" Stephen Strange echoed: "I can't help but suspect that this all-pervasive organization can even spy on you in Brazil, so our privacy may also be

They are violating."

Seeing that several people were quarreling again, Thor quickly clapped his hands to attract the attention of several people: "Hey, guys, shouldn't we come up with answers to questions now? Why are we quarreling? What's the dispute about? Wait a minute

After you get out, wouldn’t it be nice if you find a place to have a fight?”

Loki couldn't help but hold his head when he heard Thor's mindless suggestion: "My stupid brother, do you think everyone is as violent as you? Why is your first reaction to dealing with things always to hit him?

Where’s one?”

Thor said unconvinced: "Why, won't my method work? I think if someone opposes me, wouldn't it be enough for me to smash his head with a hammer?"

Odin sat on the throne and listened to Thor's extremely stupid speech, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Sure enough, this guy is really not a king now. He is even more impatient and violent than Hela was back then.

You still have to exercise.

"I also think it's better for everyone to calm down. The system questions haven't been answered yet." Peter finally pulled the attention of others back to the screen, and then continued: "But this question is also very confusing. I

I feel intuitively that all four answers may be the correct answers.”

Reed Richards: "I think the first option can be eliminated. This General Ross seems to be the person in charge of the military. He was the one who just sent that Blonsky to the test bed. Such a person rashly goes

It should be impossible to test Banner's blood, and there is no reason for him to try it. After all, there are too many people in the army who can do experiments."

"When Stern described Banner's physical symptoms just now, he seemed to mention the influence of Betty Ross, Banner's girlfriend, on the Hulk's transformation. In addition, she knew Banner's condition very well. In this way,

, the possibility of her receiving Banner's blood injection is even lower, so I think the answer is either B or C."

"And that Stern looks like a mad scientist. With such a power-obsessed lunatic, I think it's very possible that he could secretly inject Banner's blood."

"So I choose C."

(End of chapter)

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