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Chapter 29 Bronski, Already Crazy

Chapter 29 Already Crazy Blonsky

Reed Richards has been peeking at the screen since he entered the live broadcast room, but he couldn't stand the knowledge of Spider-Man Peter, who lives in New York, and has fully understood the function of this live broadcast room in the chat channel.

And he was also very interested in getting rewards for answering questions.

After all, someone in the live broadcast room received a strong reward for answering the question correctly. So what kind of reward will he receive if he answers the question correctly?

Do you have any US dollars to take?

The future leader of the Fantastic Four, Reed, immediately thought of money. After all, he was already in embarrassment at the moment. His experiment was about to be unable to proceed due to lack of a large amount of funds.

But the next moment, he slapped his face in frustration.

There is such a powerful system, what more money do I need? Wouldn’t it be better to just let the system complete the research for him?

[Ding~ Reed Richards has finished answering and is making a decision...]

[Reed Richards answered incorrectly.]

[Get an immediate punishment. After the live broadcast, you will be deprived of your five senses for a whole day.]


The cold voice of the system broke his beautiful fantasy. Reed's eyes widened in shock. It was too cruel to deprive him of his five senses for a day.

"I really want to trade punishment with this guy!"

Thor listened to the sound of the system and murmured with envy in the live broadcast room, making Tony Stark nodded in agreement.

Especially Tony, after going out, he not only faced the shrinkage of his industry, but also struggled with the problem of male virility. You know, today he specially arranged several hot stewardesses on the plane.


The two fellow sufferers couldn't help but sigh.

"If C is wrong, then I choose B, Emil Blonsky." Banner raised his hand and said: "From that person's eyes, I saw the desire and pursuit of power. Such people take desperate risks.

It’s also possible.”

[Ding~ Bruce Banner has finished answering and is making a decision...]

[Bruce Banner answered correctly and was awarded 100 live broadcast points.]

[Get random rewards...soul control.]

[After possessing this skill, the host will be immune to all soul attacks and can be compatible with abnormal personalities in the body. In other words, at this moment, you can switch back and forth between Hulk and Bruce Banner at will, and control it as the main personality


The cold system sound fell in Bruce Banner's ears, but it was no less than a magnitude 9 earthquake, leaving him silent for a long time.

So, the problem that had troubled him for five years was solved so easily?

From now on, will he never be bothered by the Hulk again?

Banner raised his hand tremblingly, patted his ears, and after confirming that there were no auditory hallucinations, he sat down on the ground.

This wandering life of escape is finally coming to an end!

[Video continues to play]

[While the three people in the room were arguing, General Ross's team had already been deployed around them. The sniper also set up his gun on the balcony opposite them. He listened to the instructions coming from the command car and aimed at the station.

Banner behind the glass window.]

[However, because Banner's position was really good, the snipers were completely unable to capture him, so they had no choice but to report the news that he was unable to snipe on the communication channel. 】

[Hearing this, Bronski, who was still waiting below the building, immediately rushed in.]

[Seeing that Blonsky's position had changed, the female adjutant quickly informed General Ross of the news, which made General Ross very unhappy. Because he was worried that the belligerent Blonsky would anger the Hulk, Ross ordered Bronsky on the channel

You are not allowed to go in because Betty is still inside.]

[However, Blonsky turned a deaf ear to Ross's order. After being injected with the super soldier serum, he jumped up to the high-rise building with a strong body. 】

[Bruce in the room is still arguing with Stern, unaware that they are in danger.]

[Seeing Bruce Banner's body exposed due to excitement, the sniper seized this unique opportunity and shot out the anesthetic in the gun, knocking Bruce to the ground. This shocked Stern and let out a cry


[Betty quickly removed the anesthetic from Bruce, but before she could hold Bruce, she was knocked away by Blonsky who rushed in.]

["Where is he? Where is he?" Blonsky roared in a low voice while slapping Bruce wildly, trying to force Hulk out. 】

[The alarm sound of the watch recording the heartbeat is getting louder and louder, but as Bruce becomes weaker, the alarm sound of the heartbeat gradually slows down. 】

"This guy looks like he has a big grudge against you!"

Tony pointed at the pale Bronski on the screen and reminded Banner: "Do you want me to help you deal with this kid when you go out later?"

Banner shook his head, still immersed in the trance of regaining his freedom, and said generously: "It's okay, he is just a poor man who was confused by power."

[Seeing that Bruce was almost unconscious in his hand, and the Hulk didn't even come out, Blonsky's angry elbow hit Bruce completely unconscious.]

[The scene turned, Bruce Banner, who had regained consciousness, was tied to a stretcher and fainted. General Ross had been waiting outside for a long time. After seeing them, he threatened Bruce and said: "If you dare to destroy Hao

Gram, I will let you go to jail for the rest of your life.”]

[However, after what happened just now, Bruce guessed that Hulk might have really been eliminated, and he didn't care at all about Rose's threat. ]

[Betty also had a fierce quarrel with her father Ross because of this incident, and then the two got on the plane together, looking at each other and smiling.]

"This lady really dares to love and hate!" Strange suddenly said in the live broadcast room: "Most people cannot speak out as bravely as your girlfriend when faced with such a powerful father."

The talkative Peter also agreed: "Yes, Dr. Banner, your girlfriend is so great. Even if you disappear for several years, she is still willing to accompany you."

Banner licked his lips in embarrassment. Although he didn't say anything, the happiness on his face was still evident.

[Dr. Stern, who stayed in the room, was being questioned by the female adjutant. While he was still explaining that Banner could not be copied, Blonsky attacked from behind and knocked down the female adjutant. 】

["Why are you always hitting people?" The frightened Dr. Stern screamed, but the next moment, looking at the gun pointed at his head, he couldn't help but keep silent. Under Bronski's threat

Next, his mad scientist idea coincided with his and agreed to inject Blonsky with Bruce Banner's blood.】

[At the same time, the plane carrying Ross, Banner and his party finally took off. 】

[Unlike the seriousness of the surrounding soldiers and General Ross, Bruce and Betty sat here and looked at each other as if they had nothing to do with them. 】

[The scene changes. Dr. Stern is holding a large jar of Banner's blood sample that he copied and placed it on the machine. Blonsky was lying on the recliner just now and started the injection. ]

[With the continuous illumination of a green light, his body quickly expanded like Banner, bursting through his clothes, and turned into a new Hulk.]

[It’s just that compared to Bruce Banner, who is still like a human, his shape is more terrifying and ferocious. Especially the spine behind it is stretching and stretching like bone spurs. 】

[Dr. Stern saw its terrifying appearance at this moment, and still kept chattering and wanted to ask Blonsky to lie back on the seat, but he was randomly punched by the transformed Hulk, and knocked down the Blonsky.

An instrument for collecting blood.]

[A drop of blood slowly dripped down and penetrated into Dr. Stern’s brain from the wound on his head.]

[Feeling his head continue to twist and swell, Dr. Stern’s face showed a sinister and evil smile.]

"Isn't this doctor also infected by Bruce Banner's blood?"

Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards looked at Dr. Stern's evil smile on the screen and slapped the table in annoyance: "I guessed it right too."

Strange looked at Reed's complaints in the chat channel and shook his head slightly: "You guessed that this doctor was infected, but this doctor did not turn into the Hulk, and he hated this name. It sounds like he just

That ferocious-looking Hulk."

Peter Parker: "It's a little late for us to discuss this now. I'm more worried about whether this Hulk is powerful. And Dr. Banner can't transform now. Has the Hulk just disappeared? Who is it now?

To stop this Hulk called Abomination?"

New York's good neighbor, the future Spider-Man is already worried about the country and the people. After all, this Hulk looks more violent and crazy than the Hulk transformed by Dr. Banner.

(End of chapter)

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