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Chapter 43 Guessing the Secret of Ancient One

Chapter 43 Guess, Gu Yi’s secret

(The computer was kicked to the ground by a cat last night and broke into pieces...it took a day to repair)


The mages of Karma Taj took a breath when they saw this. They were not only shocked by the power of time contained in the Eye of Agamotto, but also by Strange.

"Only a mage apprentice, trying magic for the first time, can control this unknown power so skillfully. What kind of monster is this Strange?"

"With such a talent, only Casillas can compare with it in Kamal Taj. It's a pity..."

Everyone's eyes turned to Casillas again, and Casillas, who had been trying to erase his sense of existence, suddenly started to sweat.

It’s really not me who betrayed Master Ancient One! What a shame for you!

What a pity, I have absolutely no intention of betraying Kamal Taj, why do you still turn your eyes to me again and again.

Among the people present, only Master Gu Yi's expression did not change, and he just nodded secretly.

As expected of the person who can succeed him as the Supreme Mage in the future, his talent is truly unique.

Strange, who was in the live broadcast room, was so shocked that his mouth opened wide when he saw this magical scene.

Is magic so amazing? It can actually turn back time.

And is my magic talent really so good that I can cast spells just by learning them?

"I'm thinking, if Strange uses magic to reverse flow on his hand at this time, will his hand be cured?"

Tony suddenly spoke at this moment, causing Strange to come back to his senses immediately.

Yes, with the Time Stone, you can completely restore your hands to their previous appearance.

Peter Parker: "Guys, I have a bold idea. If Master Strange takes the Time Stone to find Thanos and just turns his hand like this, wouldn't Thanos be turned into a baby by him?


Master Modu: "I have to say that your idea is not bold, but naive."

"With Strange's little magic power, even if you give him the Time Stone, he won't be able to stop Thanos at all. Thanos will probably tear him apart before he even gets close."

Reed Richards spoke again at this time: "When you put it like this, I am even more curious about what is the special point of this Thanos, and why the Ancient One Master is unwilling to personally deal with Thanos."

Master Modu looked at the slight smile on Master Gu Yi's face and guessed that she had no intention of explaining, so he had no choice but to say in the chat channel: "There may be some secret masters who are inconvenient to tell us."

[Video continues]

[Seeing his masterpiece just now, Strange's eyes suddenly lit up, and he placed the Book of Cagliostro on the table. Under the rotation of the time magic circle, the pages that had been torn out actually came out of thin air again.


[Looking at the content on the new page, Strange also had a look of surprise on his face. 】

["Dormammu...Dark Dimension...Eternal Life..."]

[While Strange was reading the content on the page with a shocked face, a mirror space made up of multiple prisms suddenly appeared in front of him. Each prism was full of cracks, printing out the chaos between them.



[Mage Modu and the Administrator King also came here at this moment, interrupted Strange's magic with a loud shout, and reprimanded him severely. ]

["Time manipulation can create time branches. Once the unstable dimensional space is opened, space paradox and time loop will occur! Do you want to be locked in a repeated infinite loop of time and never be able to escape?"]

"So, are the fragments of images that are constantly reflected in the mirror space just now, are there timelines of possible events?"

Tony Stark pondered and tapped Strange with his finger: "The Ancient One said that timelines in different directions form a multiverse, but when you just used time magic to control the Apple, there was no such reaction in the real world.

But when you read those torn pages, the time and space in front of you showed signs of collapse. In other words, after reading those pages of magical knowledge, you created a new multiverse with your own hands?"

Reed Richards: "I have a bad feeling. In those scenes, I saw several Stranges with different expressions, so could it be... that one of them is actually Strange?"

Became a villain?"

Bruce Banner: "It's not impossible. People's minds have never been able to guess. What's more, the multiverse inherently means differences and differences. Is it inevitable that one of the Strangers will be convinced by eternal life and go astray?


"What?" Strange looked at everyone's doubts about him and spread his hands speechlessly: "Guys, do you just not trust me so much? Do I look like a villain?"

Rocky: "Proud and arrogant doctor, why do you have the illusion that you are a good person? Little brat, tell me what you mean, just with his attitude when he performed the surgery, do you think he is a qualified doctor?


Peter Parker: "Uh... are you going to be honest? Well, if my loved one was on the operating table and the doctor behaved like this, I would call the police."


[Seeing the unmistakable expression on Strange’s face, Master Wang and Master Modu solemnly told him about the responsibilities of the Master.]

[The mages are responsible for protecting the earth from the demons of other dimensions. In order to do this, the mages built three temples on the earth. 】

【New York Temple, London Temple, and Hong Kong Temple.】

The eyes of a certain one-eyed director in front of the screen suddenly lit up. He quickly wrote down the message just now and prepared to start from the New York Temple to find an opportunity to contact these mysterious mages.

[At the same time, Strange also asked about Dormammu. 】

[After a brief hesitation, the king informed Strange of Dormammu’s true identity.]

["So, those pages of the book that Casillas stole..."]

[The king nodded: "What is recorded above is the ritual of summoning Dormammu and drawing power from the dark dimension."]

"Casillas defected to Dormammu?"

In the main hall of Karma Taj, everyone was shocked when they saw the news told by the king on the screen. There was even a magician who summoned a magic circle and looked at Casillas, who was sweating profusely, with a serious look on his face.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, fellow mages, I have absolutely no intention of seeking refuge with Dormammu. Master Ancient One, please believe me!"

Casillas quickly turned around and knelt down to the ancient mage, repeating assurances in his mouth.

Looking at the panicked Casillas, the ancient mage waved his fan gently, dispelling the magic of other mages present.

"Anxin, fellow mages, Casillas is my proud disciple, and I have been paying attention to his future. At least, when I just checked his future, I saw that he will not betray. Besides, I also

As I said, the images above are just what happened in the multiverse, please don’t bring them into our world.”

The mages looked at each other in shock when they heard this. Although they were unwilling to do so, they still followed the instructions of Master Gu Yi.

"Thank you, Master."

Casillas breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head and continued to look at the screen, thinking in his heart that this live broadcast system should be ended quickly, so as not to harm him anymore...

However, it backfired.

[The scene turned, and as the dull bell rang, the expressions on the faces of Administrator Wang and Master Modu moved, and Master Wang blurted out directly: "London."]

[The next moment, the door to the London Temple opened, and a mage ran over in panic. But the moment he rushed out of the portal, a strong force pushed him out of the portal and fell to the ground.

He lost his voice, and there was a transparent sharp blade stuck on his back.】

[Strange quickly turned his gaze to the passage of the London Temple and saw a middle-aged man standing opposite, and Master Mordo's call also informed him of his name. ]


[The next moment, Casillas waved his hand down hard, and the magic bullet he condensed was violently smashed down by him, hitting the ground and causing a huge explosion. 】


[The concussive shock wave blew Strange away, hit another passage directly, and was teleported to the new temple. When he walked out of the gate in a daze, he was surprised to find that he had arrived in New York. ]

[But before he could find anyone else in the temple, Casillas led his subordinates to chase them. 】

[During the chaotic battle, Strange temporarily repelled several disciples of Casillas, and was recognized by the magic floating cloak. Under the command of the cloak, Strange finally used the torture device on the wall.

Controlled Casillas.]

[But the already crazy Casillas did not think that he was wrong at all, and always insisted that only by catering to Dormammu can humans and themselves be immortal. He even told Strange that the Supreme Mage Ancient One was

Secretly, he makes himself live longer by absorbing the power of the dark dimension.】

[Listening to his "speech", Strange was in a daze, but at this moment, one of Casillas's men sneaked up on him and threw an air blade into his chest. 】

"This, this is impossible..."

Master Modu's eyes widened in disbelief.

The Ancient One Mage has been fighting against Dormammu, and even defeated him several times. She is obviously the guardian of the earth, how can she draw power from the dark space.

"It's you, it's you who is talking glibly and slandering the Supreme Mage."

Mordo suddenly turned his head and looked at the dazed Casillas. Golden sparks shone on the stick in his hand, and he drew it directly at Casillas.

He could not tolerate the ruin of the reputation of the ancient master who took him in and taught him magic, nor did he believe that she betrayed all mages and joined the army of the Lord of the Dark Dimension.

"That's enough, Mordo!"

The ancient mage closed his eyes and waved his fan again to save Casillas: "What he said is not entirely wrong."


At this time, it was the turn of other mages present to be shocked and looked at Master Gu Yi in disbelief.

(End of chapter)

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