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Chapter 55 The Strange Old Man Peter vs. the Lizardmen

Chapter 55 The strange old man, Peter vs. the lizard man (second update)

[After receiving the notice, George Stacy also hurriedly returned to the New York Police Department from home, and set off with his men to the Brooklyn Bridge. 】

[After hearing the sirens in the distance getting louder and louder, Peter didn’t have time to say goodbye to Gwen and jumped directly from the upstairs to where the bridge was.]

[This time, Peter decided not to be a gangster who avenges himself as Chief George said, but decided to become a real New York hero. 】

[He continued to send out spider threads to lift up the cars that were pushed off the bridge by the lizard men, preventing them from falling into the water. ]

[And just as he was approaching the lizard man and preparing to stop him from continuing to cause destruction, he heard a man's scream:]

["Someone help, my son is trapped in the car."]

[Peter heard his cry, and after a brief hesitation, he gave up tracking the escaped lizard man, and instead ran to the little boy's father's car, and rescued the child Jack from the car that started to burn. ]

[Handing the child in his hand to his father on the bridge, the exhausted Peter looked at the father and son embracing each other excitedly, and suddenly felt a strong sense of pride welling up in his body. ]

[This sense of pride also made him say his name seriously and excitedly when asked by a passerby’s father: “I am Spider-Man!”]

Looking at the father and son who reunited after the disaster in the image, and then listening to himself on the screen slowly saying Spider-Man's name, Peter's heart suddenly surged. He was originally afraid of seeing Dr. Connors turn into a lizard man.

It disappeared immediately, and in my heart I was even eager to be bitten by the mutated spider and immediately turn into Spider-Man to fight for justice.

Is this the feeling of happiness after helping others?

Is this what Uncle Ben and Dad have always insisted on?

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

This sentence suddenly appeared in Peter's mind, and the phantom voices of Uncle Ben and his father even appeared in his ears.

[But Peter's support last night was completely insignificant in the eyes of Chief George. Even the next day, he announced in front of reporters that they would issue a wanted warrant to arrest Spider-Man. ]

[This made Peter, who was eating, lose his appetite instantly, which also strengthened his determination to stop the lizard people. 】

[And by chance, Peter also discovered the true identity of the lizard man, which should be Dr. Connors. After seeing the mutant mouse Fred in the laboratory, he strengthened his suspicion. 】

[After discovering this secret, Peter quickly went to find Gwen’s father, George Stacy, but faced his anxious report, Sheriff George didn’t believe him at all.]

[However, after driving him away, Chief George still subconsciously asked for information on Kurt Connors. 】

"Are the American police in your world such useless people?"

Tony looked at the screen showing Peter being kicked out of the police station unhappily: "After such a big vicious attack, these American police should monitor every abnormal situation. In the end, someone came to the door with the answers. These

The police did nothing?"

Strange snorted disdainfully when he heard this: "Do you think everyone is you? Those government departments revolve around you, a rich man? For us little people, most of the results of reporting crimes to the US police are like this."

Phil Coulson immediately came out to advertise: "So the existence of SHIELD is necessary. Our mission is to monitor these supernatural events."

Tony chuckled: "Come on, don't forget. In the video played before, Loki and Thanos were brought here by you. In addition, the Cosmic Cube is still in your hands. I think if you don't have the level,

If you come to study the Rubik's Cube, why not give this thing to me, my technology is at least much more advanced than yours."

Nick Fury said unhappily: "So, you think you are smarter than all of us?"

Tony snapped his fingers and said with a matter-of-fact expression: "I think no one should question this, right? If you have the guts, you can also make a steel armor!"

[Peter, who was kicked out of the police station, was walking on the street in despair. As he was walking aimlessly, he saw several lizards heading towards the sewer opening, and he also saw a pile of newspapers on the ground. 】

[There is a piece of news on the cover of the newspaper: ‘Rewards to those with evidence’]

[After seeing the news, Peter suddenly had an idea in his mind.]

[Just as he said, he quickly found the largest sewer in New York, used spider silk to build a net, and relied on this to sense the direction of the lizard man, and started a battle with it. 】

[But the lizard man who had increased the dose of the drug was more powerful this time and seriously injured Peter easily.]

[Seeing that he was no match for the lizard man, Peter quickly escaped along the current, but he also forgot that his camera was left where it was.]

[The Lizard Man looked at the name "Peter Parker" on the back of the camera and howled angrily. ]

[The angry Dr. Connors was very annoyed that Peter came to investigate him. He injected the medicine again, rushed into Midtown High School through the sewer, and started a big battle with Peter. 】

[During the battle, the Lizardman demonstrated its powerful regeneration ability. Even if its tail was torn off by Peter, it could grow back in just a few seconds. ]

Strange looked at the regeneration screen on the screen with his mouth wide open, squinting his eyes in disbelief: "This is too exaggerated, and the regeneration ability of this potion is too terrifying."

"I think this ability is not given by the medicine." Reed Richards pondered for a while before speaking: "Lizard-like reptiles already have a certain ability to regenerate, and the medicine should only strengthen the regeneration in their genes.

It’s just ability, otherwise how can you explain that Dr. Connors still looks like he has a broken arm every time after the transformation is released?"

"Anyway, Dr. Connors went astray after all... It's a pity." Peter sighed, and when he looked at the screen on the screen where he and Dr. Connors were fighting in the library, he suddenly screamed: "Wait a minute.

Wait, guys, does this old man look familiar to you?"

Everyone's attention returned to the screen. After seeing the librarian wearing headphones, everyone's eyes froze.

"this person……"

Master Mordo, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly shouted: "Isn't this person on the bus? In Strange's future, when we were fighting the fallen Casillas in the mirror space, we once ran into a

There was a bus, and I clearly saw the old man sitting in the bus reading a magazine."

After seeing his news, everyone immediately remembered that scene.

"It's not just the bus. When we did the first live broadcast, I don't know if you still remember that after our battle with Rocky in New York, there was an interview with the public."

Tony Stark squinted his eyes, and a look of memory appeared on his face: "I remember that the old man also expressed his opinions to the camera at that time."

Banner: "You're right, Tony, he said at the time that he didn't believe in superheroes."

"But...we are not from the same world?"

Peter clapped his hands in confusion: "Even if the world is different, will there still be people who look the same?"

"Parallel universe... will the appearance be the same..."

Reed Richards pondered for a moment, then laughed: "So, our variants will look so similar even in different universes. It seems quite interesting, maybe in yours

There is still a person who looks like me in this world."

Seeing Reed Richards's speech, Coulson couldn't help but interjected: "Does this count as our cross-universe meeting?"

[After the battle, in order to prevent Dr. Connors from hurting others again, Peter ignored his own injuries and went to the sewers to track him. At the same time, he communicated with Gwen on the phone and asked her to prepare a serum to relieve Connors.

Doctor "lizardization".]

[Soon, Peter found the image left by Dr. Connors in the secret base in the sewer. 】

["As a scientist, I have spent my whole life creating a world without weaknesses and rejections. I strive to create stronger human beings, but it is in vain."]

["Human beings themselves are weak, pathetic, and cowardly creatures. If this is the case, why should we still be human?"]

["We can become faster, stronger, and smarter. This is my gift to you..."]

[On the computer screen, Dr. Connors revealed his plan. It turned out that he was going to put a lizard-changing potion on the roof of the Osborne Building and launch it into the sky, turning everyone in the city into lizard-men.

Carroll watched Dr. Connors describe his plan on the screen and frowned slightly: "Is this guy crazy? If the potion really spreads, then the entire New York will be destroyed by those crazy lizard people."

When Nick saw his old friend speaking, he also said in the chat channel: "I didn't expect that the Earth in this other world would be so dangerous. If there is our SHIELD there, we can definitely nip the danger in the bud!"

[On the other hand, the police also tracked the lizard man's location and quickly sent a team of special police to capture it. However, bullets had no effect in the face of the lizard man's regenerative ability. Even the team of special police

They were all plotted by the lizard-men, and in the green spray, they collectively turned into ferocious lizard-men.]

[At this moment, Gwen finally arrived at the Osborne Group and was busy preparing the serum that Peter wanted, but Peter also called at this time. ]

[Because Connors was coming here, Peter wanted Gwen to leave there quickly, but the stubborn Gwen did not listen to him and chose to evacuate other people in the building. ]

"Your little girlfriend is also a brave person!"

Loki smiled slightly and praised: "An ordinary human girl can be so calm in the face of danger. She is much stronger than you. Peter, I am very curious about what she would look like if she became Spider-Man!



Peter was stunned for a moment, and then he realized it. Thinking of the scene of Gwen wearing a Spider-Man uniform and swinging on the streets of New York, he couldn't help but shuddered: "That scene... I can't imagine it anyway."

The third update will be a little later, I’m going out to watch a movie!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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