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Chapter 91 Captain: I am 25 years old, pretending to be like the wind is always with me

Chapter 91 Captain: I am 25 years old, pretending to be like the wind, and always by my side

After a long silence, Tony sighed slightly, closed his eyes for a few seconds and then opened them again, his eyes becoming firmer: "I was too insensitive, I'm sorry, Miss Maximov!"

After glancing at Loki and Super Peter, Tony struggled for a while and apologized frankly: "I'm sorry, I was overconfident last time and rejected your guess... You are right, Obadiah is indeed me.

Traitors around me."

Extraordinary Peter scratched his head shyly: "It's okay, Mr. Stark, I was just talking nonsense."

Loki also snorted softly: "As a mortal, you don't have the ability to see into people's hearts. With your arrogant character, it's normal for you to misjudge the wrong person."

"..." Tony gritted his teeth and complained with disgust: "To be honest, sometimes I really want to punch your fair face."

Strange then asked: "Now that you know what Obadiah did, what do you want to do when you go back?"

Tony sneered: "How to do it? He owes me a life, of course he has to exchange his life for his life!"

"Excuse me!" Captain America couldn't help but said after hearing this: "I think you can calm down. After all, the United States still has laws, and you can take his evil deeds to justice."

For the son of an old friend, Captain America felt that it was necessary to guide him in his behavior to prevent him from going astray in the future.

At least you can't take away other people's lives casually, otherwise what's the difference between you and the madman Thanos just now?

But when he finished speaking, Steve suddenly felt that the live broadcast room seemed to be much quieter. It could even be said that the expressions on the faces of the other six people were extremely strange.

"Please, who can share their knowledge with this ninety-year-old gentleman? I almost couldn't help but laugh out loud!" Tony couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Resort to the law? Do you really think so?

Will Obadiah be sent to jail? Let me tell you, if he is really investigated or detained by the police station, I bet he will walk out of the police station in less than fifteen minutes."

"Understood?...Forget it."

Tony shook his head: "What's the use of telling you this? After all, you have been out of touch with the times for too long."

[Video continues]

[Tony was still sulking when he returned home. He was adjusting the screws on his arm armor while watching the news on the TV about the Freedom Fighters, a KB organization. 】

["...The woman next to me is waiting for news about her husband, after he was kidnapped by rioters..."]

"Isn't this Dr. Ethan?"

The young man's memory is naturally very good, and Peter recognized the owner of the photo at a glance. It was Ethan who died to protect Tony in the previous Gang 1 image.

Tony's eyes widened in surprise. When Ethan died in the video, wasn't it that his family members...

Then, Tony came to his senses.

It turns out that Ethan's family is not dead, he just lied that he was alone in order not to burden himself.

"Ethan, Ethan, you are really..." Tony couldn't help but sigh, and blamed himself for being too careless. After rescuing Ethan, he didn't confirm with him whether his family was still alive.

[Listening to the broadcast in his ears, Tony Stark’s inner anger became more and more intense, and finally he couldn’t help but shoot a shock wave from his palm, smashing the workbench to pieces.]

[Seeing the effect of his blow, Tony nodded with satisfaction, and then put on tights.]

[The black mechanical floor extended, and under the control of Jarvis, Tony put on the Mark 3 armor like clothes.]

If they had seen Tony wearing a steel armor for the first time before, several people in the live broadcast room would have exclaimed in admiration, but since seeing Tony's nano armor, except for the newcomer Scott, everyone has no idea about this.

The relatively "original" way of dressing armor has long lost its excitement.

Even the extraordinary Peter, who had always admired the steel armor before, just pursed his lips when watching this scene, and a trace of undetectable envy flashed on his face.

Look at others, and then look at yourself, it is true that poor people rely on mutation, and rich people rely on technology!


Tony was stunned for a moment: "What am I going to do in this future? Instead of thoroughly investigating Obadiah, I actually put on my armor and fight first?"

Loki sneered when he heard this: "Isn't this normal? It's so in line with your playboy behavior."

Strange helped Tony with his analysis: "I think it doesn't matter. Since we already know that something is wrong with Obadiah, it won't be too late for Tony to deal with him when he comes back!"

"Are you sure?" Loki tilted his head, with a look of excitement on his face: "Believe me, Master, you still think too highly of this Tony Stark."

[Wearing armor, Tony quickly flew to Afghanistan and happened to encounter a gang of freedom fighters burning, killing and looting in a local town. ]

[Just when this group of KB elements were about to shoot and massacre ordinary people, Iron Man fell from the sky with a bang.]

[After a brief period of shock, the KB member closest to him came to his senses and took the lead in raising his gun and firing wildly at Iron Man.]

[But the bullet hit the steel armor without leaving even a trace, and even he himself was punched away by Iron Man.]

[Tony succeeded in one blow and then accurately knocked away three nearby people with his palm cannon. Then he turned around gracefully, but was surprised to find that the remaining armed thugs had taken hostages and roared in fear at him.


[Seeing the women and children being held hostage, Iron Man slowly put down the palm cannons in his hands. With his fingers shaking, the armor's targeting system locked onto all the thugs in front of him. ]


[The shoulder armor was opened, and dozens of bullets were fired from the armor, accurately killing the thugs holding guns, without injuring any civilians. ]

[Seeing Iron Man annihilating his men with ease, the bearded thug was so frightened that he quickly took out his satellite phone.]

[But before he could finish dialing the number, Iron Man pulled him out from behind the wall and threw him to the angry civilians.]

【"He is at your disposal!"】

[After leaving these words coldly, Tony controlled the steel armor and flew into the sky again.]

Captain America watched Iron Man neatly eliminate all the thugs, and couldn't help but nodded in praise. This scene was also seen by Tony on the side, and he immediately joked to Captain America: "Hey, this old man

Aren’t you going to teach me a lesson? I just killed a dozen people in succession!”

Steve Rogers turned to look at Tony, looking at the narrow expression on his face, and naturally knew that he was making fun of himself, but Captain America still explained seriously: "The situation is different. Although I don't kill people, but in

There are no immortals on the battlefield, not to mention that you are facing a group of extremely vicious thugs. If you don't take action, more civilians will die as a result."

Looking at Tony Stark, who had a surprised expression on his face because of his words, Captain America chuckled: "I participated in World War II, you don't really think I'm that kind of brainless and stubborn, do you?"

All right……

Tony slapped his forehead speechlessly, he was actually despised by this "old man".

"Also, don't call me an old person. At least my physical age is still 25 years old! And you... I think you are almost forty years old, right?"

Hearing the captain's retort, Tony Stark's expression froze and he cursed Shet secretly.

[Iron Man, who had just taken off, used the remote locking system to aim at the Jericho missiles deployed in the valley in the distance. ]

[For his masterpiece, Stark naturally knew the power of this thing, and just when he was about to deal with this terrifying missile, a loud "bang" suddenly sounded, and a spark exploded from Iron Man's body, directly

Blast him to the ground.]

[The camera zooms out and it turns out that a tank hit Iron Man.]

"How lucky you must be to be able to shoot so accurately..."

Extraordinary Peter said in surprise: "According to your flying speed, Mr. Stark, even after the mutation, I dare not say that I can hit you with one shot, but this tank can actually knock you down from the sky accurately... This is too much."


Strange: "Isn't it possible that the person driving the tank is also a person with super powers? Or is the tank's aiming system actually a high-tech product?"

"Ahem~" Tony coughed awkwardly, interrupting their speculations: "I think this guy is just a blind cat who met a dead mouse. If he lets him shoot me again, I will definitely

You can get out of the way easily."

[The shot down Iron Man carefully poked his head out of the hole he made. After confirming the location of the tank, he slowly stood up. 】

[Although he does not appear to be seriously ill, you can still see many wear and tear on the steel armor on his body. 】

[The tank that lowered its muzzle again aimed at Iron Man and fired a second cannonball, but this time, Tony just turned sideways and easily avoided the bombardment. ]

[Then he raised his right hand, and a small missile was shot out, flying rapidly in the direction of the tank.]

[After shooting the missile, Iron Man turned around confidently and walked in the opposite direction without looking.]

[After three seconds, only a bang was heard, and the entire tank completely turned into a ball of fire, and was blown up into the sky by the missile.]

"Yes, that's it! I said I can definitely dodge the next shot." Tony took out the brown glasses from his pocket and put them on, then smoothed his hair with a coquettish look on his face: "And a real man never looks back at the explosion.


Star-Lord raised his eyebrows at this time and warned: "I suggest you don't get too carried away. Maybe Obadiah will send someone to hunt you down later."

Tony opened his arms indifferently, as if he was facing a storm: "Come as you like, it doesn't matter! As long as he is prepared to be beaten by me."

Scott Lang looked at the steel armor on the screen that turned combat into art, and asked excitedly in the chat channel: "Here, did you make this thing, Stark? This is too cool."

Mechas are a man's romance, especially Scott, who has a master's degree in electrical engineering. He has a special love for mechanical things. After seeing Tony's handsome armor, he was immediately moved by Tony's previous recruitment.


The requirements are not high, just get me a suit like this!

(End of chapter)

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