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Chapter 92 Face Slapping is Everywhere Why Only 50 Points

Chapter 92 Slaps in the face are everywhere, why only 50 points?

[After taking care of the Jericho missile, Iron Man turned around and left in a cool manner.]

[But soon, the US military’s radar detected his whereabouts. 】

[After listening to the report from his subordinates, Colonel Rhodes subconsciously thought of Tony, so he called him and started asking if the matter had anything to do with him. However, Tony flying in the sky denied it and even lied about being in the valley.

Running in.】

[Hearing his answer, the American army dispatched two F22s and began to attack Iron Man.]

[After a fight, Tony's armor was hit by a cannon. In order to get rid of the plane, he had to open the ailerons and hide under the belly of another plane. But this hiding was soon blocked by another plane.

The plane noticed that at the critical moment, Tony had to call Rhodes again to resolve the entanglement of the American army.]

[But while he was escaping, he still smashed another F22 aircraft, so Rhodes could only issue an explanation at the press conference on the grounds that the military exercise was a mistake. 】

[The scene turned, and a convoy of vehicles drove in from the freedom fighters' base. Obadiah got out of the car and met with the bald leader who was injured by Tony. ]

[The bald leader showed him the wound on his head, but Obadiah mocked him with disdain: "If you had killed him earlier, maybe you could have saved your face!"]

[But the bald man also replied coldly: "The money you gave is too little, it's not worth my while!"]

Bruce Banner: "This is basically a conclusion. Tony's previous attack was really Obadiah's behind the scenes."

"Speaking of which, you are really lucky!" Phil Coulson said: "We just investigated and found that Obadiah did have a lot of contact with the freedom fighter organization, and there is also a record of a video call showing that

, last week’s attack, Obadiah’s instructions to them was to kill them without mercy, no matter who the opponent was.”

Tony's eyes widened when he heard this: "You mean...Obadiah didn't send people to kidnap me, but directly wanted me to die?"

Nick Fury: "Of course, so the reason why you survived in this universe is thanks to that bald man, otherwise you would have been dead when the convoy was attacked."

"Click, click, click~"

Hearing this, Tony couldn't help but clenched his fists, Obadiah, you hide it really deep!

[The two walked into the camp, and the bald leader also showed Obadiah the Mark 1 that Tony had built in the cave. Just when he asked Obadiah for 20 such iron men, Obadiah

Badea took out a small device and paralyzed the bald head.】

[Subsequently, Obadiah not only stole the Mark 1 armor, but also killed all the freedom fighters. 】

Loki looked at Obadiah's handling on the screen and nodded with satisfaction: "I have to say, this guy is completely unscrupulous in doing things, and he is also ruthless enough. It's a pity that he has some bad luck, otherwise he might really win.


Tony sneered: "Give him two hundred years to develop, and don't even think he can beat me!"

[After Tony came back, he entrusted Pepper Pepper, who had free access to the company, to investigate the company's private transaction records. In the process, Pepper also discovered Obadiah's conspiracy to murder Tony, and quickly took all of them.

Copied to the USB flash drive, and then under the protection of the driver Happy, the two quickly escaped from Stark Company.】

[Discovering that the conspiracy was exposed, Obadiah immediately came to the company’s underground laboratory in Area 16.]

[There, Obadiah formed a research and development team, hoping to create an Ark reactor like Tony's and a replica of the steel armor. 】

[But even if the large Ark reactor is placed in front of these scientists, they cannot replicate and shrink the Ark reactor like Tony did.]

[Seeing that what he had done was about to be known to Tony, Obadiah immediately started taking action. 】

[He broke into Tony's mansion, took advantage of Tony's unpreparedness, and used the sonic device to paralyze Tony. Then when he couldn't move, he took out the Ark reactor from his chest and walked away. 】

Seeing himself on the screen, pale and slumped on the sofa after being taken out of the Ark reactor, and his breathing getting weaker and weaker, Tony opened his mouth in shock.

Loki chuckled and looked at Tony and Strange, who looked ugly: "Just now, I seemed to have heard someone very confidently say that they would take care of Obadiah when they come back and give him time to develop and beat him at will?


Strange twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Tony beside him and sighed: "It's so shameful. I've seen you in the future and I actually forgot that you are still a loser now!"

Nick Fury also laughed: "Don't forget, Strange, the Avengers plan originally gave priority to Stark, but it was because of his problems that I canceled his name."

"Take him down, I don't want to go to that Avengers Alliance!" Tony said firmly: "These are just a small setback. If you look at it, even if I take away my core, I can still beat him later."

[Video continues]

[Just when Tony was helpless to wait for death, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a box on the workbench. It was the crude reactor he had eliminated before. He originally asked Pepper to throw it away, but Pepper made it again.

I gave it to myself as a gift.]

[At this moment, this gift has become Tony’s only life-saving straw. 】

[His eyes suddenly flashed, and he crawled towards the old reactor. However, because he lost the energy support of the reactor, his heart became weaker and weaker, and he could not reach the box on the table. He could only

Leaning helplessly on the corner of the table, weakly waiting to die.】

[At the critical moment, the little robot he made slid over and helped him take down the Ark reactor, allowing him to regain his strength. ]

"Good boy, Derpy! I'll upgrade you when you get back!"

When Tony saw that he had escaped, he couldn't help but let out a big breath. The scene just now made his heart jump into his throat. Although he knew that he would survive, he couldn't help but feel nervous about it.

And seeing that the little robot he had always disliked saved one of his own, Tony decided to go back and use the source of fire to upgrade Derpy, turning it directly into a robot!

[On the other side, Obadiah also embedded the Ark reactor he snatched from Tony into the chest of the Iron Overlord he created. 】

[But at the same time, Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. also came to Stark Industries at the request of Pepper, wanting to capture Obadiah. However, because they made too much noise when they broke in, they alarmed

Obadiah, so Obadiah activated Iron Overlord without hesitation.】

[Colonel Rhodes also rushed to Tony's basement at this moment and met a pale Tony. From Rhodes' mouth, Tony learned that Pepper Potts was leading several agents to capture Obadiah. ]

[Hearing this, Tony immediately said: "They definitely don't have enough manpower!"]

[Realizing that Pepper Potts was in danger, Stark quickly began to put on his armor. Looking at his cool transformation, Rhodes looked even more excited than himself: "This is the coolest thing I have ever seen.


["Let's take action!" But Tony was not in any joking mood at this time, and directly blasted away the smashed sports car, and said to Rhodes: "Help me keep the air clear."]

[After saying that, Iron Man flew into the sky gracefully and flew towards the location of Stark Industries, leaving Rhodes alone looking at the Mark 2 in the basement. ]

【"Baby! See you next time!"】

[Leaving envious words, Rod also left Tony’s home.]

At this moment, the scene in the live broadcast room suddenly stopped.

[Current video paused]

[Q&A begins]

[Question: Facing Obadiah’s Iron Overlord, how does Tony win?]

[A: Take him to a high altitude, use the freezing armor to shut down his system, and finally let him fall to his death in a free fall. 】

[B: Defeat the Iron Overlord head-on with the Mark 3 armor.]

[C: Let Pepper overload the energy of the Ark reactor in Stark Industrial Zone, causing it to send out a powerful overload energy shock to kill Obadiah. 】

[D: Request support from SHIELD to bomb the Iron Overlord. 】

[Please start answering! Everyone in the live broadcast room only has one chance to answer. Those who answer correctly will receive 50 live broadcast points and random rewards. 】

[Random rewards may come from any multiverse, and failure to answer questions will trigger unknown penalties. 】

"Wait, what do you mean?"

Tony screamed: "Why do they get 200 points for answering questions, while my question gets 50?"


"Has your focus always been so off track?"

Phil Coulson was the first to answer: "Although I really want to choose D, but for the Iron Overlord that I just had a glimpse of, I feel that currently our SHIELD has no good way to defeat him. After all,

Weapons of mass destruction must never be used."

"As for option A, if Tony's own armor falls, he can land safely. I think Iron Overlord will not crash because of this. As for option B... haha, let's not talk about it!"

"You're going too far." Tony shouted again after hearing this: "I invented these things, why do you say I can't beat him head-on!"

[Ding~ Phil Coulson has finished answering, the system begins to determine...]

[Ding~Phil Coulson’s answer is correct.]

[Phil Coulson received 50 live broadcast points and received a random reward...memory eraser]

[The memory eraser, from the Men in Black universe, can be used to erase the memory of living things for a short period of time. Because it is an improved version, there will be no adverse reactions. However, for creatures with extraordinary power, the stronger the power, the weaker the effect. 】

The sound of the system sounded, which was considered a complete conclusion. This also made Tony fall silent immediately, but the others couldn't help but laugh.

Wanda: "Hey, Stark, why are you so tired? Recover yourself. I still like your unruly look!"

Reed Richards: “It’s so slap-in-the-face, Star-Lord even teased Tony not to get too carried away, and Tony was so confident that he could easily defeat the Iron Overlord, but in the end he relied on his secretary to blow up the Ark.

Reactors win the battle.”

Star-Lord also laughed and said: "So, don't be too presumptuous, it will be of no use!"

(End of chapter)

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