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Chapter 110 Nezha! If you don't wake up at this time, when will you wait?

Nezha was stunned. He had never seen Li Jing lose such a temper since he was born!

And at this moment, a long BGM suddenly sounded in the video...

BGM——Written to Dad!

At this time, Li Jing's eyes were red and his breathing was getting heavier: "Xiao Zha Zha - although you always photograph daddy against the wall, even though your ration is the total amount of the whole house..."

"But no one has ever hated you or thought you were a trouble!"

"No matter what happens!! You will always be daddy's...most beloved child."

Accompanied by a very emotional BGM, it fits the scene very well.

Li Jing's choking voice, coupled with the BGM, made countless viewers feel sour... I was laughing so happily before, but now I feel so uncomfortable...

Li Jing's eyes were filled with Nezha, and there was no room for other dark clouds in the sky. The thunderous thunder seemed to have disappeared from her world at this moment!

At this time, Nezha bit his lower lip lightly, and big tears fell from the corners of his eyes...

"Daddy, I am really happy to be your son in this life!"

“Nezha is really very happy!!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Nezha slowly stretched out his right hand, and endless bright golden light condensed in his right palm!

Seeing his movements, Li Jing's lips trembled, and his whole body began to shake uncontrollably...

"Forgive the child for being unfilial. Nezha can only repay the kindness of your upbringing in the next life..." Nezha slowly raised his right hand full of golden light and put it in front of his face...

Seeing this, Li Jing subconsciously raised his hand, wanting to catch Nezha: "No..."

"No! Nezha!!!!!!"

Li Jing's body suddenly moved and rushed towards the place not far away, and the teardrops scattered in the air were extra conspicuous, shining brightly in the endless golden light!

At this time, the BGM happened to reach that sentence...

【It was you who taught me to stand upright...】

In the picture, following Nezha's movements, a huge blue spherical object soared into the sky from Nezha's body! It disappeared in the blink of an eye!

With his actions, the dark clouds above Chentangguan were also directly dispersed, and the mighty aquarium army in the sky disappeared...

It seems that except for the King Kong Barbie lying on the ground, there is nothing to prove the disaster just now!

The dark clouds dissipated, the sun shone on the earth again, and the people in Chentangguan all smiled!

The devil boy comes to the world.

The demon boy Nezha, who was also Nezha, had a face full of confusion at this time, and big teardrops crossed the dark circles of his eyes and fell to the ground!

For the demon boy Nezha, who was born not long ago and has been bullied since he was a child, sacrificing himself for the people of Chentangguan is completely unthinkable...

Just when the devil boy Nezha was puzzled, a strong hand directly pulled the devil boy Nezha into his arms...

After struggling to pull out his head, Li Jing hugged Nezha tightly with a gloomy face, silently, but if he looked closely, there were still tears in his eyes.

In the video, Nezha's experience reminded him of his own child, who would also suffer a catastrophe in the near future... It is the so-called tribulation curse from Taiyi Zhenren's mouth!

The so-called Heavenly Tribulation Curse is to destroy Mowan, and Mowan is his own son Nezha!

I saw Mrs. Yin coming over at this time, spreading her arms and hugging them tightly...

"No matter what happens in the future, your parents will never let you bear it alone. Just like what Li Jing said in the video... no one has ever hated you and never regarded you as a trouble!"

As soon as he said this, the devil boy Nezha plunged his little head into Li Jing's arms. His little body trembled slightly. His father's arms... were so warm...

Not far away, Taiyi Zhenren's plump face showed a big smile. True love exists in the world, and this is something that God cannot have!

At this moment, Master Taiyi suddenly remembered Nobita’s previous inventory...

Human beings may have really evolved a heart that no other creature has...


A world of 100,000 bad jokes.

"There is a destiny in the universe, and Nezha and Ao Bing have their own connection." Master Tai Er shook his head. In fact, he had long known that Nezha would be in danger of death.

This is also preparation for the future Lotus Dharmakaya. Although the whole world is inexplicably messed up, the general direction will not be wrong!

Li Jing shook his head: "Master, I just hope that Nezha is safe and sound."


Master Tai 2 turned his head sharply and looked at Li Jing. After a moment, he sighed helplessly: "Oh, not bad~ Then we can just avoid this from happening."

After saying these words, Master Tai Er disappeared out of thin air...

At this time, the figure of Master Tai Er in the distant area suddenly appeared here like the moon in the mirror.

"Oops, sprinkle some water! It's already in such a mess anyway, it's just an accident that this video appears."

As soon as he finished speaking, a top-notch handsome guy appeared next to Master Tai 2: "You should still teach Nezha, there is no need to worry about other things."

Master Tai 2 nodded. You are the administrator of the multiverse, you have the final say!

List of gods.

The three strange-looking children who were still in a cave were bursting into tears!

I can't help it, the atmosphere in the video is so powerful, and it just so happens that all three children have no parents!

"Wuwu... Nezha... What a good father!" Lei Zhenzi cried with tears streaming down his face!

Yang Jian next to him patted Lei Zhenzi's wings, "Feitian baby, we will find our parents one day!" Yang Jian was also full of tears, and what was even weirder was the tears slowly flowing out of the third eye on his forehead!

Only Nezha squatted on the ground and covered his face. Li Jing and his father in the video were basically two people. His father would not say such touching words!

He can only talk about monsters, beasts, aliens, and belittle himself as nothing...

"Okay, three-eyed baby, flying baby! This video is almost over! It's time for us to set off again!"

At this time, Chentang Guanzhong.

Li Jing and Shen Gongbao disagreed with the deep love between father and son in the video, even though they were both Li Jing!

"This Li Jing is really good at playing with people's hearts! He used the so-called deep love between father and son to manipulate the entire Chentangguan people into applause!"

Li Jing said in a cold voice: "In this way, the Dragon King's army will retreat without a fight, and the traitors can be eliminated without using swords and guns. Many people in Chentangguan will also admire his profound righteousness!"

"It can be said that it kills three birds with one stone, it's wonderful."

Shen Gongbao next to him laughed even more when he heard this. Obviously, he thought so too!

Moreover, in a certain room in the Li Mansion, Yin Shiniang had already burst into tears, which further strengthened her idea of ​​going out to find Nezha!

But at this moment, the scene did not end!

The scene originally fixed at the moment when Nezha fell suddenly changed!

On the dark screen, I could faintly hear someone calling!

"Nezha? Nezha!"

At this moment, the picture looks like the eyes are struggling, trying to open their eyes!

At this moment, the shouting voice suddenly became sharper! It seemed to hit people's hearts directly!

"Nezha! If you don't wake up now, when will you wait?"

This chapter has been completed!
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