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Chapter 111 More and more perverted rewards

As the screen shone brightly, a small and exquisite girl appeared on the screen!

And her face...is exactly what Nezha looked like before!

[Nezha the Third Prince with Three Heads and Six Arms]

[End of this inventory]

[Important people on the list will receive a certain amount of rewards!]

Just when everyone was looking forward to the next development, the screen suddenly went black again!

The conclusion suddenly appeared, and it was suddenly cut off. Countless viewers in all the heavens and dimensions felt as uncomfortable as if they had eaten something!

And at this moment, there are a hundred thousand cold jokes in the world.

With the disappearance of Tai Er and the end of the video inventory, Li Jing's expression became more and more serious...

In the last scene...what's going on with that Nezha who looks like he's holding two papayas?!

Could it be said that Tai Er Zhenren will help Nezha retrain his body? Is he still a girl?

Why is this so exciting?

And at this moment, the screen that had disappeared appeared again, and a logo like an email slowly appeared!

[You have a new email, please check it carefully!] Naturally, this news could not be hidden from Nezha and Mrs. Yin, and they glanced at it unconsciously!

The next second, everyone's screens directly merged into a huge screen, which hung into the sky!

Under everyone's attention, Li Jing clicked directly on the email without hesitation!

The emails on the screen shattered and formed new handwriting again!

【Congratulations on getting...】

[House upgrade permissions! Note: This is a permission left by a certain system! Any house can be upgraded! Please explore the other functions on your own!]

"Why is there still a system? Hey! Things are getting weirder and weirder!"

Li Jing immediately complained!

However, under the expectant eyes of Madam, Nezha, Fulu Xiaojingang, and others, Li Jing still received the award!

"Wait? Fulu Little King Kong?! Who are you? And why do I know you are called Fulu Little King Kong?" Li Jing was confused, looking at the handsome man standing next to him, he immediately doubted his life!

"No need to be offended, I'm just here to observe." Fulu Little King Kong waved his hand, indicating that there is no need to make a fuss!

Li Jing shook his head, and there was no doubt in his heart... This is a kind of natural trust!

On the screen, the reward has turned into a stream of data and penetrated into Li Jing's body!

The next second, Li Jing suddenly found that the screen in front of him had changed a little. It seemed that a new function had been added, and this function was not available on other people's screens!

Housing Management Office!

[Please select the property under your name for house binding]

Li Jing: "..."

"Then let's bind it to the Li Mansion in Chentangguan," Li Jing said without hesitation. He only had such a property in his name! What a redundant question!

Along with Li Jing's voice, a brilliant light instantly enveloped the entire Li Mansion, and then disappeared without a trace!

The housing management office that was originally empty on the screen has an additional option [Chentangguan Li Mansion: 1]

[The house authority has been upgraded to the first level! Obtained the ability House will never be destroyed. Note: Nothing in this world can destroy this house!]

Looking at the explanation on the video and this strange setting, Little King Fulu tilted his head slightly, took a deep breath, and a blazing flame spurted out of his mouth!

But this flame, which is enough to melt steel, cannot destroy the window screen of Li Mansion!

"It seems to be true..." Fulu Xiaojingang was also a little unbelievable. As the manager of the multiverse, there are things that he can't understand...

At this moment, Nezha suddenly exclaimed: "Daddy! Look, there seems to be a plus sign at the back!"

The sweet voice immediately called Li Jing back from his distraction! He looked at the location pointed by Nezha! There was indeed a plus sign behind Li Mansion that lit up slightly!

But Li Jing hesitated. He didn't know what would happen if he ordered this thing. He couldn't tell whether it was good or bad!

But Fulu Little King Kong on the side patted him on the shoulder: "Brother Li, don't worry! With my many years of experience in playing games, this guy must be a plus for upgrades!"

Li Jing also nodded when he heard this. He is no stranger to games!

After all, when Nezha was born and had his face changed, Li Jing was very proficient in dressing up games! Moreover, tablet computers existed in the Shang Dynasty in this world! There was even Suning.com!

And with the big administrator protecting him, Li Jing finally let go of the big stone in his heart!

The finger points to the plus sign!

Suddenly, the screen changed again! That one naturally turned into two!

[Chentangguan Li Mansion: 2]

[The house authority is upgraded to level two, and you gain the ability to love each other and become a family! Note: As we all know, there are endless multiverses in the dimensions of the heavens, and there are also various Nezha Li Jing in the endless world... This ability has a chance to be exposed to other worlds.

The Li Mansion in Tangguan coincides with each other and achieves the achievement of loving each other and becoming a family!】

"Well~ as we all know, as we all know your brother-in-law! What does it mean to have a chance of overlapping with other worlds!" Li Jing directly raised the table!

"Ms. sir, maybe you can meet another Li Jing? The other Nezha?"

Li Jing: "...why do I feel so scared?"

Fulu Little King Kong: "Things are getting interesting!!"

Nezha: "Nezha from other worlds? I hate it. I'm really looking forward to it!"

And at this moment, the long-awaited Nezha reward finally arrived!

On the screen, an email spanned countless worlds and reached Nezha's eyes!

[You have a new email, please check it! 】

With his previous experience, Nezha clicked on the email without hesitation after Li Jing nodded!

【Congratulations on getting...】

[Nezha chat group! Note: This is a chat group that connects countless worlds. It is said that only the third prince of Nezha can enter]

Looking at these lines of words on the screen, Li Jing wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. Could this be the QQ group? The video in front of him was quite interesting!

But at this time, a screen that no one could see appeared in front of Nezha! The penguin, which had been wrapped in a red scarf, staggered to the center of the screen!

The next moment, it actually spoke human language!

"This is the Nezha chat group! From now on you are the group leader~ Look at how stupid you are! I will be merciful and help you write the group title!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the penguin in front of him turned into a puff of smoke and floated to the chat group slogan!

In just a few seconds, a poem written in ink appeared on the group slogan!

[The strange treasure spirit bead fell into the dust, and the true god escaped from Chentang Pass.

Li Gen was executed at the foot of the Jiuwan River, and he was so angry that his Xiaolong tendons twitched.

Ao Guang was dressed in front of Baode Gate, and Qian Yuan appeared in his second form.

After three pursuits, Li Jingfang recognized his father and was secretly taught a fire-pointed spear.

The turban on the top is shining brightly, and the hydrating robe is bundled with tiger and dragon patterns.

The gold bricks are unobstructed everywhere, and the circle of heaven and earth is mixed with Tianling.

Xiqi succeeded in many battles and ensured the Zhou Dynasty's eight hundred springs.

Entering the east, the five passes are the front, with the guns spread out and the flags spread out in an unparalleled manner.

The lotus incarnates the incorruptible body, and the eight-armed Nezha can be heard everywhere.]

This chapter has been completed!
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