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Chapter 448 Old Testament Paradise (two in one)

Naturally, Tathagata's embarrassment could not be hidden from the Jade Emperor. After getting into a ball with everyone present, the Jade Emperor waved his hand directly: "What are you doing, Lord Tathagata, standing there?"

The Tathagata also instantly showed an extremely kind smile, and the Buddha's light flashed as if there was great wisdom contained in it.

"The poor monk Sakyamuni has met all fellow Taoists"

Looking at Tathagata sitting over, the Jade Emperor gently waved his hand and pulled the white jade wine bottle up as if there was an invisible thread.

Very skillfully, he poured a pot of wine. The wine was like a white line, exuding a terrifying and fairy aura, and at the same time it contained a wine aroma that made everyone obsessed.

Although in theory, both Ultron and Observer have no bodies, their energy bodies or mechanical bodies at their level do not affect anything they can do.

What's more, neither the jade liquid nor the wine in Rick's hand are simple things. At least in the original world, they are top-notch items!

And Fang Luo looked at Tathagata sitting next to him and felt a little curious. Is Sakyamuni, the great wisdom of the ancestor of Buddhism, going to break the precepts and drink alcohol?

The next second, Tathagata picked up the wine glass and drank like a self-punishment!

At this moment, Fang Luo realized that the so-called Buddhist rules only restrained the young monks below!

Damn it, it turns out that those who make the rules don’t need to abide by them!

Thinking of this, Fang Luo subconsciously took a sip of the Feizhai Happy Water in his hand...

"What is this fellow Taoist drinking?" The Jade Emperor was obviously stunned. He looked at the dark liquid in Fang Luo's hand and kept bubbling up with doubts in his eyes.

"Coca-Cola in 1982"

Fang Luo put the cigarette on the table, and then put the Coke over casually.

While everyone was chatting, the train was going very fast, and soon the door of the No. 1 carriage opened again and Little King Fulu slowly walked in...

And the moment he walked in, Little King Kong's expression stiffened...

Looking at the various bosses surrounding each other not far away who had different shapes but whose aura did not belong to them at all, they kept saying something.

And they both had a cigarette between their fingers...

"Is it the way I opened the door that was wrong?" Little King Fulu was confused.

At this time, under the leadership of Rick, everyone began to shout loudly, without any of the forcefulness of the past, and this carriage even looked a bit like a bar!

After all, to Rick, isn't that what a group of friends drinking together should look like?

"You know nothing! Technology is the primary productive force in all worlds! I can mass-produce strong people like you, so you still don't understand?"

Rick burped and slapped the table hard.

Seeing such a gaffe, Rick Tathagata took a strong drag on the cigarette in his hand, and then blew out a smoke ring made of the Great Sun Tathagata.

"Fellow Taoist, it is undeniable that technology is very scary, and it is also very convenient, which can greatly improve the mortals in the lower world."

After learning about the concept of technology from Rick, Tathagata was very surprised. Objects that had no spiritual power before could be endowed with abilities like gods!


Whether it is airplanes, cars, high-speed trains, or ships and submarines, in the eyes of Tathagata, they are the ultimate inventions across the century!

Not to mention things like mobile phones and computers, and these things are extremely low-end items in Rick's eyes! The various magical props he learned from Rick made Tathagata even more greedy.

At this time, Tathagata looked at Rick extremely seriously: "But, humans without faith are very scary!"

The Rick in front of him just didn't have any faith. He was so terrifying that even Tathagata didn't dare to underestimate him.

Then the Tathagata clasped his hands together and closed his eyes slightly, holding the cigarette between his fingers: "Amitabha, my Buddha can save countless sentient beings from suffering, and all living things can enter my Buddhist gate in the West!"


Rick glanced at Tathagata and then stopped looking at him. Buddha? He has different ideas from me!

"Hahaha, Mr. Rick does not need to pay attention to the Tathagata." The Jade Emperor laughed twice to smooth things over: "The technology is wonderful. Heaven has been silent for countless years and needs entertainment. I wonder if I can exchange the treasured items in my hands for the knowledge in your hands.

Woolen cloth?"

As soon as these words came out, not only Rick, but also the Observers and Ultron cheered up.

Just from chatting for a while, they already knew the identity of the Jade Emperor!

The world in which the Jade Emperor lives is a terrifying mythical universe, and it is not yet clear how terrifying it is.

But just because the Jade Emperor can enter Car No. 1 is enough to show that the Jade Emperor is at the same level as them! Even stronger than them!

And the Jade Emperor himself is the ceiling of that universe! He is known as the co-lord of the three realms, the Jade Emperor, the Lord of all things, the Lord of the Universe, and other titles!

Even the items brought out by such characters are helpful to them to a certain extent, right?

What's more, in terms of technological knowledge, it's not just Rick who can come up with it!

The observer has observed so many universes, and in his eyes, the technological level of some universes is not inferior to that of Rick!

And Ultron, not to mention being an artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark, the technological knowledge he controls comes from Tony Stark!

At least the top of the earth...

At this time, the Jade Emperor also noticed the little Fulu King Kong who had just arrived. He nodded and took out a shimmering bamboo slip from his sleeve.

"This thing is a method of cultivating immortality"

The method of cultivating immortality…

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of everyone present lit up slightly!

The new cultivation system will bring new power to their world, and a big tree will branch out with new branches and leaves.

Even Little King Kong Fulu, who has Pangu Tathagata in his own world, also became very interested. After all, the world he lives in is a mess!

There is no serious method of cultivation! There is a complaint about energy collectors...

The Jade Emperor was aware of this, and he could only make vague guesses by reviewing the videos.

The bamboo slip in his hand was gently opened, and the terrifying aura of heaven faintly appeared on it, and the words on the bamboo slip were even more surrounded by the aura of supreme heaven!

This aura was grand, sacred, and terrifying, making everyone present couldn't help but frown.

And those few words that seemed to be written by Heaven were successfully recognized by everyone...

"Tiangang 36 Changes"

Before he finished, the Jade Emperor took out two more bamboo slips.

"Dharma, Heaven and Earth"

"Celestial Vision"

Looking at these magical powers, Fang Luo is a little excited. After all, these things are still relatively expensive in the origin mall!

The abilities of each of these three magical powers are at the tenth level of the original Yuan Dynasty, which means that this is already one of the top skills at present!

Of course, it's just a little bit exciting...

After all, there are countless more terrifying magical powers in the Origin Mall than these, such as the Taoist Transformation of Freedom, the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, and the Devouring Heaven and Earth.

Wait wait wait.

Looking at the Jade Emperor who had transformed into a businessman, Tathagata looked a little embarrassed, as he said that the foundation of Buddhism is so different from that of heaven!

However, Tathagata will naturally not let the Jade Emperor enjoy the fruits of victory in other worlds alone. After all, if the Jade Emperor is allowed to bring back these things alone, the things that Buddhism gained from traveling westward will probably have to be returned...

"Oh, by the way, fellow Taoists, I have the last one here."

The Jade Emperor suddenly slapped his forehead, and then took out something from his sleeve...

This time it is not a bamboo slip or the like, but a simple scripture.

There were a few big characters written on the writing, emitting supreme golden light, and it seemed as if people could hear countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas chanting sutras in their ears.

And when Tathagata looked at the words on this scripture, his expression instantly changed from embarrassed to stiff...

Sutra of Great Sun Tathagata??

Good old Jade Emperor! I helped you take care of the monkeys back then! Now you actually took out my property and sold it?

What's even more outrageous is that you sold it in your own name! Doesn't it have anything to do with renting from me?

"Your Majesty...this..."

At this time, the Jade Emperor seemed suddenly enlightened and patted the Tathagata on the shoulder: "This is provided by the friendship of Buddhism. The author of the Sutra of the Great Sun Tathagata is the Tathagata."

Tathagata: "? Courtesy provided?"

But now, Tathagata can only stay with the smiling face. After all, he can't quarrel with the Jade Emperor on such an occasion.

That's too embarrassing!

We can only wait until we return to our original world before troubling the Jade Emperor!

But the Jade Emperor had a smile on his face, and he was laughing wildly in his heart.

Tathagata, Tathagata, in recent years, the power of the West has become more and more powerful, suppressing the heaven in terms of incense and belief. When this tour group is over, the West will also usher in the end!

And just when the Jade Emperor was about to make a deal, a cold voice came from not far away.

"Didn't you ask me first before the transaction? Old man, how do you know that my king's things are not as good as theirs?"

The Jade Emperor's expression froze and he slowly turned his head, only to see a wolf demon not far away who was less than one meter tall looking at him with a fierce face.

'A wolf demon at the tenth level of the Original Origin? Are the demons in other worlds so strong?'

But a smile appeared at the corner of Rick's mouth: "Big Big Wolf, long time no see."

Big Big Wolf glanced at Rick disdainfully: "Don't get too close to me! I'm going to decide on these immortal cultivation techniques!!"

Seeing this arrogant attitude, Ultron's eyes gradually cooled down, and the six infinity stones on his chest were also glowing slightly!

The supreme aura belonging to the universe gradually expands, and the power that is enough to make the entire universe tremble only makes other people take a second look at this moment...

"You are just a low-level creature, but your words are so evil. You should be erased!"

And Big Big Wolf rolled his eyes at him. It's really ridiculous! No one in this world except the little sheep from Yangcun can make me, the Big Big Wolf, give up!

The time gem on Ultron's chest flashed, and the time of the entire train was instantly frozen!

Of course, no one else was affected except Big Big Wolf, and the observers were covered in a shimmering light, completely ignoring the power of time.

Not to mention the Jade Emperor and Tathagata, the time and space in the world they live in have extremely high status, and it is undoubtedly a fool's errand to use time and space to influence them.

And Fulu Little King Kong was already sitting next to Fang Luo, eating melon and watching the show. Rick's pupils were constantly trembling. If you look carefully, there is a machine inside that is so tiny that it is almost impossible to observe!

It was this machine that allowed him to ignore the fluctuations of time.

The Gray Wolf that was mainly targeted was not frozen in time for long, and the Gray Wolf escaped directly after almost a second.

"Freeze time?"

Big Big Wolf took out the spray and sprayed it twice on himself, and then the time field was instantly broken!

"What is that?" Ultron frowned slightly, knowing that he could not do anything to the beast in front of him.

"This?" Big Big Wolf raised the spray in his hand: "I'll name it...um...let's call it Time Spray!"

It looks like the name was just given!!

Little King Kong couldn't help but complain.

And Rick also frowned in a rare way, because he couldn't see through the ingredients of the time spray.

"How did you do it? What is the composition of this thing?" With the curiosity of a scientist, Rick asked directly.

And Big Big Wolf seems to have a certain fondness for Rick, at least not that much hatred.

The so-called time spray in his hand is not that important, it is just a small prop, so Big Big Wolf directly said: "Two wolf hairs, a mouthful of saliva, just put it in the bottle and shake it."

Rick: "!!!"

Rick's mouth twitched sharply and then he laughed nonchalantly. Sure enough, he shouldn't have asked!

Don’t you still know what Big Big Wolf looks like? If you just ask like that, Big Big Wolf won’t tell you...

But isn’t it a bit too much to talk nonsense like this?

Although he felt that Big Big Wolf had gone too far, the smile on Rick's face became stronger and stronger: "It's interesting, Big Big Wolf."

"Call me Big Big Wolf!!"

Little King Kong…

This familiar tone.

There are more and more people, and even the highest-class No. 1 carriage has more and more people after traveling to countless worlds.

Half an hour later.

The whole carriage became very lively. Within this half hour, the God of Tom and Jerry World, the Star Dragon King of League of Legends Universe, and the Director Nobi of Doraemon World also arrived one after another!

The train quickly passed through countless worlds, but this time it stopped in nothingness.

Through the window, you can see that everything outside is white, and the gentle light seems to exude endless kindness, and it seems to be deliberately tempting others.

"This feeling..."

Everyone present looked at God at the same time. This light gave people a feeling that it was somewhat similar to God.

It's all that gentle, holy light, all-encompassing feeling.

Even God in the world of cats and mice feels the same way. This place seems to be his roots. Just looking at the light outside gives God a sense of comfort that he has not seen for a long time.

It's like returning to the mother's arms, returning to the fetal state.

The door of Car No. 1 slowly opened, and a huge eyeball appeared outside the No. 1 train!

The moment He appeared, everyone present was shocked in their hearts!

They know this thing!

He had appeared in the library before!!

Old Testament Angels!

As the door opened, the sound of the Bible began to echo outside the train. At this moment, everyone no longer felt the sacred feeling, but felt like a cat scratching the glass with its nails.


"A train travels through the endless world, but now it stops outside the kingdom of heaven."

The voices of Old Testament angels echoed in the air, and the strange sacred feeling left everyone present speechless.

Even the most arrogant Big Big Wolf calmed down at this moment.

The milky white light outside the window became stronger and stronger, even reaching a dazzling state!

The figure of the Old Testament angel also shrank rapidly, and soon turned into an adult-sized shape! However, the wings full of eyeballs did not change at all.

The pressure emanating from the soul and consciousness of quietly floating into the train made everyone present feel a little numb!

I didn't feel this way when I watched it through the live broadcast before. Now that I have come to this mysterious place, the strength of the Old Testament angels seems to have made a qualitative leap!

Even Fang Luo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

'It seems that in the entire Old Testament heaven, only the angel in front of me still retains consciousness. What exactly happened here?'

This chapter has been completed!
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