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Chapter 495 Enjoy the king to the fullest!

Time soon came to the next day. After Long Aotian's explanation, Hunshi and others also understood Long Aotian's purpose and plan!

It is nothing more than using various public opinions to crush the hearts of the people of the motherland. According to Long Aotian's analysis, although the people of the motherland have relatively strong power, their hearts are fragile!

Unlike people like them who have experienced countless life and death catastrophes, the people of the motherland are super warriors born of technology. Their childhood life has distorted the character of the motherland.

Naturally, he is extremely fragile. Even Long Aotian's character is much stronger than that of the people of his motherland!

It's just that the people of the motherland are very similar to Long Aotian, and that is their egocentric character! Everyone in the world is like an ant, but I am equal to the sky.

Team Hunshi used advanced technology to directly invade global big data, and countless comments about the cruelty of the motherland were spread around the world! There were even videos of the motherland massacring innocent people!

Although most people do not believe that the kind and loving people of the motherland can be so cruel, with the irrefutable evidence of the video and the deliberate push of well-intentioned people, the people of the motherland are already facing criticism from public opinion!

"How could it be so cruel? I don't believe it! This video must be fake!!"

"I've said it before, these superheroes don't regard us ordinary people as human beings at all. You don't believe it! Look! There are already four or five videos of just massacring people!"

In the video, the motherland used heat rays to massacre people from all over the world! However, previous reports of those massacred people turned out to be caused by natural disasters and terrorist attacks!

A large amount of negative information was pushed by Team Hunshi. With artificial intelligence, they created millions of fake accounts and distributed them in various countries in an instant!

In a certain building, four members of the Hunshi Team are conducting a full-scale attack on the network, and at the center of their world is a little girl in red whose eyes are flowing with data!

It looks like it has been attacked, which is very ominous!

"Red Queen, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Pangzhi asked while typing on the keyboard. This Red Queen was redeemed with points in the Lord God Space!

The Red Queen's voice was very mechanical and indifferent: "The data field has been invaded! The danger level is yellow! The invasion target has been locked and the opponent's identity has been detected!"

"The other party is the Data Man of the Walter Group! An intelligent life form that can travel through the Internet!"

When the four members of Team Hunshi heard this, they immediately felt bad. They had already determined that there were definitely a lot of supernatural people in this world, but they didn't expect that there would be people with superpowers who could travel through the data network!

Just as they were about to ask the Red Queen to open the firewall, the data flow in the Queen's eyes suddenly faded...

"The danger has been eliminated and the target has been killed."

There is no comparison between a superpower activated by Compound No. 5 and the artificial intelligence gathered by human civilization such as the Red Queen. One is a superpower who can walk in network data, and the other is an artificial intelligence that truly controls the data network!

I understand everything!

In a mental hospital.

A man in black attire suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then the blood was painted directly into green data and disappeared...


A voice came from the empty room, and the other person seemed to be everywhere.

Data Man, who was vomiting blood, covered his chest with fear in his eyes: "Transparent... transparent person, the other party... the other party..."

The transparent man grabbed Data Man's shoulders and exited the stealth mode directly. The naked transparent man's eyes also flashed with anxiety!

The people of the motherland have issued a death order and must find out who is behind the scenes! It doesn’t matter if Data Man is dead, it’s too much to say it without finishing it, right?!

And Data Man's body has a faint mosaic, looking on the verge of being broken, tremblingly looking at the transparent man who has been talking to each other...

"That's what you said!" The transparent man was instantly ignited with anger. This kind of movie plot wouldn't appear here!

In the end, Data Man didn't answer Transparent Man's question, and Jian Shuo's body instantly turned into countless data! The huge amount of data flow directly enveloped Data Man!

This kind of visible and intangible thing made Transparent Man subconsciously let go of his hand, and Data Man fell directly to the ground and his body turned into data and merged with the data flow!

When the data flow dispersed, Data Man's muscular body had disappeared, replaced by a baby who looked like he had just been born!

The transparent man took a deep breath, and suddenly felt a trace of fear in his heart when he looked at the baby on the ground!

This seems to be directly forcibly formatting Data Man! Just restore the factory program from scratch?

On the other side, the people of the Walter Group have received the news that Data Man has been formatted!

"Damn it! Those who have this kind of ability are definitely not ordinary people!"

In a state of rage, the eyes of the motherland have emitted a red light! That is his famous stunt, heat ray!

The people of the motherland in this state directly made the superheroes such as Deep Sea and Starlight dare not speak.

At this time, Queen Maeve once again projected a message on the big screen, which clearly described the brutal behavior of the motherland and the condemnation of people from all over the world!

The most eye-catching one is that a certain folk superpower actually wants to openly challenge the people of the motherland! He also said that if he can defeat the master of the motherland, he must confess his crimes!

And that superpower calls himself Long Aotian!

News of this challenge quickly fermented under the impetus of an unknown force, and in just a few hours it became a hot search topic around the world!

Countless people are clamoring for the people of the motherland to come out to fight, although most of them are just joining in the fun...

After all, they don’t think that this so-called Long Aotian can defeat the people of the motherland! You must know that the people of the motherland can overturn a 100-ton cruise ship with their bare hands!

A person with super powers who can instantly fly with an airplane at an altitude of 10,000 meters. He has supernatural abilities such as clairvoyance, lasers, etc.!

They didn't believe that Long Aotian, whom they had never heard of before, could beat a being of this level!

When the people of the motherland saw this news, they were suddenly stunned. Long Aotian?

He instantly took out his magic phone and sent a message directly to the group!

[Group owner from the motherland: @龙AO天, have you come to my world??]

As soon as the message was sent, Long Aotian replied instantly.

[Long Aotian of Tianxuan Continent: Go through a world and show it to me]

After the message was sent out, the people of the motherland immediately gave up their thoughts... After all, even he couldn't travel through the world, let alone the other little scum in the group!

So does that mean that the person named Long Aotian is just a coincidence?

At this time, Queen Maeve suddenly said: "The company has already done all the public relations. As for Long Aotian, we don't need to pay attention to it at all."

The people of the motherland felt that what Queen Maeve said was very reasonable. They stretched out their hands to hug Queen Maeve into their arms. Just as they were about to say something, the locomotive beat them to it!


"Then why don't we take action on this Long Aotian? Showing the strength of the motherland in front of the world will increase the possibility of our Super Seven team entering the military, right?"

The locomotive laughed mischievously: "It can't be that the people of the motherland are afraid of this so-called Long Aotian, right?"

In the past, the locomotive would never dare to talk to the people of the motherland like this, but now there is Long Aotian standing behind the locomotive!

Wouldn't it be easy for a being that spanned a distance of 200,000 light-years to defeat four people of the motherland in an instant?

As soon as the words fell, the locomotive was lifted up by the neck in an instant! The people of the motherland looked at the locomotive with red eyes. Although they couldn't see the eyes, they must have been furious!

"When will it be your turn to mock me?" The motherland man punched the locomotive away without saying a word, and the heat rays from his eyes shot directly through the locomotive's legs!

The locomotive, famous for its speed, loses all its power when it loses its legs!

Locomotive endured the pain and quickly apologized, almost forgetting that the twisted character of the people of the motherland might really kill him on such an occasion!

Starlight, who had just joined the Seven, ran over to hold the locomotive, her eyes still filled with innocence and confusion, as if she had not figured out why the people of the motherland suddenly beat up the locomotive like this.

"Starlight, come here!" Queen Maeve ordered somewhat coldly.

"Ah?" Xingguang was stunned.

"I suspected that the locomotive had surrendered to the enemy, so I disabled his legs first so that he could not escape." The motherland put on that hypocritical smile again.

"You're stupid..." Before the locomotive could finish his words, he was directly dissuaded by the eyes of the motherland. He knew that if he just endured it like this, he would probably be fine. If he had to fight, he would probably be killed on the spot!

The motherland man smiled and touched Xingguang's head: "Don't worry, if the intelligence is really wrong, I will heal his injuries myself."

Then, the motherland man looked at the projection again: "But one thing Locomotive said is right. How could I be afraid of a so-called Long Aotian?"

"Maeve, I accept this challenge! Don't blame me if Swordless Eyes accidentally kills Long Aotian."

The word "accidentally" is used very strongly. It is obvious that the people of the motherland have made up their minds to kill Long Aotian!

The news that the people of the motherland accepted the challenge spread quickly. The place of the battle was a huge football field! There were nearly 100,000 spectators sitting around it!

Soon the entire football stadium was filled with spectators, and everyone was looking forward to this massacre without any suspense!

The other six members of the Super Seven appeared one by one, and even Locomotive's legs were successfully recovered from injuries using compound No. 5. The six people catered to all the audience with smiles on their faces!

Everyone looked at the drones that were constantly shooting in the sky with the most amiable smiles on their lips!

And there are also some big names in the audience, the top brass of major groups, hidden superpowers, super hackers, protagonist groups, and international stars.

And while everyone was discussing, a figure suddenly fell from the sky! The people of the motherland stepped on the football field hard! The powerful force directly dented the land several meters around!

"Oh!!! People of the motherland!!"

"Look! What a powerful force! This is the divine power that humans should truly control!"

All kinds of fanatical fans screamed, no one in this world is more famous than the people of the motherland, a real superhero will definitely crush all the international stars who make movies!

Not to mention that under the operation of powerful groups, the image of the motherland has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, protecting the people, saving crashed planes, and criticizing evil organizations!

Of course, there are also some questioning voices besides fans, undoubtedly questioning the authenticity of those massacre videos and the response of the motherland!

Of course, the people of the motherland simply ignored these questioning voices and raised their arms to respond to these enthusiastic fans!

"Our superhero motherland has arrived at the scene! I wonder where the mysterious Long Aotian is?!" The commentator is very capable of stimulating emotions.

At this time, the people of the motherland were also a little confused. They were not the last to arrive this time?

Does Long Aotian really regard himself as the protagonist? Does he regard himself as the finale?

Although there is still a smile on his face, the hearts of the people of the motherland are already full of impatience! He just wants to kill Long Aotian quickly and go back to sleep.

"Long Aotian, aren't you afraid? But it's normal. After all, this is a battle involving reputation and life and death."

The voice of the motherland is small but reaches everyone’s ears.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly flashed with a strong golden light! A sense of sacredness descended from the sky!

Everyone looked up and saw a monster with a griffin's head and a lion's body hovering in the sky, its hair like sunlight releasing endless light under the shroud of the sun!

Three different colors of sapphire blue, flame yellow, and ice crystal blue are condensed in the eyes, creating a dreamy and sacred feeling, just like a mythical beast from heaven!

Such a strange creature appeared in this world for the first time! And almost everyone recognized this creature immediately!


But the gryphon in front of them gave them a much stronger feeling than the one in the biochemical records!

"It...is that a person?" a passerby suddenly said in shock.

Only then did everyone see a person sitting firmly on the back of the griffin! That person's long hair was like ink draped over his shoulders, his eyes were like stars, and his handsome face was like the most satisfying masterpiece in the world!

Even the top fashion models in the world are not as perfect as this man!

In addition, this man is riding an extremely sacred griffon at this time, which makes it full of mystery!

He is simply the leader of the Griffin Knights in online novels, the legendary Western God of War! He is the kind of being who can conquer the world without any magic and only with force!

Compared with it, the people from the motherland who fell from the sky looked so ridiculous.

"Long Aotian?"

The people of the motherland were extremely angry at this time. He had already recognized the person in front of him as Long Aotian in the chat group!

"Didn't you say there's no way to travel across the world? You lied to me!"

The people of the motherland only dare to say this in their hearts. With so many people present and the live broadcast happening around the world, he dare not say anything nonsense!

Long Aotian sat on the griffin and looked down upon the people of the motherland like a god: "People of the motherland! You massacred innocent people! You are in vain for your reputation as a hero! Today, I, Long Aotian, will seek justice from you on behalf of the people of the world!!"

Long Aotian stood directly at the pinnacle of morality in one sentence. He was not fighting for himself but for ordinary people around the world!

At this time, Long Aotian's live broadcast room was already filled with barrages!

In terms of pretentiousness, he belongs to Long Aotian. Although he has few resources, he still pushes his pretense to the extreme! This deeply shocked Batman and others!

[Gilgamesh rewards ten planes! The whole world celebrates!]

[Gilgamesh: Long Aotian, please enjoy this king! I am very satisfied with this battle of beasts]

This chapter has been completed!
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