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Chapter 496 The strongest punch of human physique

The ring competition officially begins, because both of them obviously have supernatural powers and there are no so-called ring rules!

Almost everyone took out their magic phones to take pictures. Countless Q-version characters and various elves had their eyes turned into some kind of cameras!

The eyes of the motherland emitted red light and terrifying heat rays were sprayed out directly! Directly aimed at Long Aotian's life gate to attack!

The scorching laser beam hit Long Aotian's forehead perfectly, and Long Aotian screamed and covered his face in pain!


The painful wails made the people of the motherland very excited, and they loved to torture and kill such so-called geniuses!

After a while, Long Aotian suddenly reached out and pinched the laser beam, as if he had had enough!

The figure was like lightning, and everyone felt as if a flower in front of them had already flown upside down!

His chest sank and he spurted out blood. This level of serious injury has never been suffered by a native of the motherland since his debut!

The situation turned around so fast that no one could react. The scene was silent, and Long Aotian's actions just now were broadcast to everyone around the world through live broadcast!

Even the machine's precise camera didn't capture Long Aotian's movements, as if he disappeared from the world at that moment!

Except for the Ancient King Jin Shining and other powerful men from other worlds, almost no one in the world of black robe pickets can see Long Aotian's movements clearly!

And just when everyone thought this battle that attracted global attention was about to end, Long Aotian suddenly walked up to the people of the motherland in a very friendly manner!

He stretched out his hand and directly pulled the motherland man up. At this moment, hundreds of No. 5 compounds were directly inserted into the body of the motherland man!

Of course, this scene happened so fast that no one could see it. Even the people of the motherland themselves didn’t know when they were penetrated hundreds of times!

"People of the motherland, please fight me seriously! Don't let me go!"

Long Aotian's serious expression subconsciously made everyone think that the people of the motherland had let go, just to atone for their own sins!

The motherland himself was very confused. All his ribs were broken in an instant, and his internal organs were completely pierced by the bones! After all, the bones of the motherland are much stronger than their internal organs!

Isn't it reasonable to pierce oneself with the things belonging to the motherland?

And now that Long Aotian said such words, was he trying to humiliate himself again? Just when the people of the motherland were preparing to defend themselves, an extremely powerful force directly filled his body!

Countless gene cells began to be crazily active, and the damage they had just suffered returned to their original state in an instant, and they were still strengthening the people of the motherland at a very fast speed!

Before the people of the motherland could figure it out, the inexhaustible energy in their bodies almost burst the people of the motherland! Vitality! Vitality! Need to vent!!

The eyes of the people of the motherland are bloodshot, their brains are beginning to become unclear, and the muscles in their whole body are rapidly inflating like balloons!

The right hand knocked off Long Aotian's hand extremely quickly! The speed combined with the power instantly formed a shock wave! Just a wave of the hand directly lifted up half of the football field!

At first glance, the ground was lifted by at least one meter! Countless pieces of gravel and soil flew towards the auditorium! The speed even reached the speed of sound!

Ordinary people couldn't react at all, but at this moment Long Aotian's figure appeared in front of everyone! He blocked all the gravel like a savior!

"People of the motherland! Do you want to kill everyone here? Do you want to silence them?"

Long Aotian's voice seemed to have some kind of bewitching power, instantly grabbing everyone's attention!

"The people of the motherland really want to kill us and silence us?!"

"That's terrible! Is this still the same superhero I used to like?"

"Wow⊙ω⊙ people of the motherland, please kill me~ It must be very happy to be killed by an idol!"

"? Ouma! Then let the people of the motherland kill you quickly. Genius Long Ao is my idol! He just saved all of us!"

"You're right, that masochist hurry up and kiss my shiny ass!"

The people of the motherland forcibly suppressed the boiling power, but listening to the chattering voices of the people around them, the negative emotions were amplified countless times again!

The heat rays from both eyes shot directly towards the auditorium...

Of course, this move was blocked by Long Aotian with great effort!

However, the behavior of the people of the motherland can no longer be whitewashed. The entire live broadcast was directly covered by barrages! There were countless barrages condemning and insulting!

The out-of-control motherland people almost suppressed Long Aotian and beat him. Even the sacred griffon was severely injured and lay dying on the ground!

Long Aotian has lost his previous coolness, his clothes are in tatters and his body is as if bathed in blood, but he still stands firmly in front of all the audience!

This heroic performance directly brought tears to the eyes of all the audience, and even many temperamental people rushed to the front and yelled at Long Aotian to leave them alone...

"How could you not care?! We have flesh and blood and we are the same kind!" Long Aotian roared to the sky, his fists colliding with the people of the motherland!

The powerful force immediately formed a shock wave and sent many spectators flying out!

The executives of Walter Group were so anxious that they broke into cold sweats when they saw this scene. As capitalists, of course they could see Long Aotian's purpose and behavior at a glance!

"This man! Wants to completely destroy the people of the motherland!"

"Damn it! Where did the people of the motherland get such a strong power?"

It seems that the battle between the motherland and Long Aotian did not destroy even a football field, but their instruments detected that the aggregation of power caused by the battle between the two has surpassed the strongest nuclear bomb in mankind at present!

The heat rays emitted by the eyes of the motherland are already comparable to the temperature of the surface of the sun. Such terrifying power has not yet destroyed a football field!

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that it was probably Long Aotian who perfectly offset the opponent's power! Kakarot also used this trick in the previous battle with Beerus!

The exact same strength and angle negate the attack caused by the opponent.

In other words, it seems that the motherland is suppressing Long Aotian, but in fact, Long Aotian still has enough power to offset the damage caused by the motherland!

"This Long Aotian is just teasing the people of the motherland..." Queen Maeve gasped for air. She didn't know what to do at this moment!

Nowadays, the power of the people of the motherland has obviously been forcibly enhanced by the No. 5 compound, but even so, Long Aotian still held it in his hand and acted like a monkey!

The battle on the field was changing rapidly. Long Aotian, whose eyes were filled with fatigue at this time, was still standing in front of everyone. Seeing that the time was right, everyone in Team Hunshi immediately blended into the audience!

"Everyone! We can't let our heroes feel cold! Although we can't do anything, we can't even escape!" Zhang Han shouted with great emotion.

"But...but...but we! But we can choose the way we die!!"

Zhang Han, who successfully disguised himself, rushed out of the audience and rushed towards the people of the motherland with his small and fragile body!

The outcome was obvious. Zhang Han's body was instantly shattered! The powerful power of the heat ray directly turned Zhang Han into ashes! But this also successfully attracted the attention of the motherland...

Long Aotian also took the opportunity to punch the motherland two more times. Looking at the dust flying in the air, Long Aotian had tears in his eyes.

Gu Ying

"No! Don't be so stupid!"

The next second, after the disguise, Gin was still so aloof and cold, and without saying a word, he jumped out of the auditorium with a pistol in his hand that looked ridiculous like a toy!

"Looking for death" the voice of the motherland is very hoarse, but the heat rays in the eyes are merciless!

Seeing this scene, the remaining Hunshi team members rushed out one after another, using their own lives to disturb the people of the motherland!

And shouted to Long Aotian: "Long Aotian! You are a hero all over the world! Don't care about us, we also want to be heroes!"

Even if the people of the motherland were confused in thinking, they were still shocked by the scene in front of them, and even the movements of their hands slowed down!

"Bastard!!" Long Aotian roared very cooperatively. The bloodshot eyes seemed to contain monstrous anger, attacking the people of the motherland like a mad dog!

The other aborigines were also shocked to the point of numbness when they looked at the Hunshi team who used their lives to fight for Long Aotian's chance!

I'm afraid the same is true for the martyrs of past wars, right?

With their eyes red and their brains congested, people who originally belonged to the upper echelons of society rushed out one after another! Naturally, they would not survive, but this scene shocked the whole world through live broadcast!

Even Long Aotian's live broadcast room was silent at this time...

The people of the motherland, bathed in blood, are becoming more and more crazy now. In his eyes, these people are just ants! The death of the ants will only shock him briefly, and then they will become even more terrifying madness!

And Long Aotian also noticed that the people of the motherland are rapidly absorbing and perfecting those No. 5 compounds, and their strength is becoming visibly stronger, but unfortunately the side effects are still too great!

Just when Long Aotian achieved his goal and was about to stand on the moral high ground and deal with the people of the motherland, an accident happened...

The world of One Punch Man.

Saitama's home.

Saitama lowered his head and couldn't see his expression clearly, but the black energy coming out of his body could tell that the bald devil was furious at this time!

Genos was also shocked, looking at the people who were willing to die and couldn't say anything for a while...

"Do heroes have to control powerful forces? Aren't they heroes?"

Tatsumaki was extremely serious at this time, and suddenly remembered that there were such weaklings in his own world who had to perform the heroic act even if they died.

"No." Saitama slowly raised his head and his painting style had transformed into the ultimate form. His eyes exuded infinite light, which was not dazzling and only made people feel at ease.

Saitama stood up and looked at the people who were dying in the live broadcast room: "That's what heroes are like, power is just incidental."

Saitama bowed slowly to the live broadcast room, with a rare hint of murderous intent in his eyes!

"Such a hero cannot die again"

"I decided to use my inventory reward! The combatants are chosen by the people of the motherland!!"

Following Saitama's words, a power from the depths was instantly activated! Saitama also disappeared in the world of One-Punch Man in an instant!

At the same time, four walls of light instantly appeared around the football field! The powerful force protected the people who were going to die! And pushed Long Aotian out!

Shock flashed through Long Aotian's eyes, and he found that he could not resist this power!

The motherland is left to violently attack the wall of light!

"What's going on?" Long Aotian was filled with doubts. Is there anything else in this world that he can't fight against?

Light flashed, and a strange man with a bald head wearing tights and a cape swaying in the wind appeared inside the light wall!

There was no such thing as the old taunts and doubts. They all recognized the bald man in front of them through the video review!

The legendary bald devil, the bald caped man, Saitama!

'Why is he here? Is his inventory reward a journey across the world?'

Long Aotian suddenly became vigilant. Saitama's combat power in the video inventory was not enough to threaten him, but Saitama who had the inventory reward was not clear!

At this time, Saitama's appearance was obviously a vent, and the people of the motherland immediately focused all their attention on him!

The figure disappeared instantly, and he punched thousands of people in a row in one second! Each punch was enough to destroy a hill! And there were heat rays that were close to the surface temperature of the sun!

Countless attacks swept through Saitama! But Saitama just slowly raised his head, the anger in his eyes was unspeakable!

In his eyes, the people of the motherland in front of him can no longer be regarded as human beings. They are no different from those weirdos! They are all powerful devils controlled by their own desires!

He reached out and grabbed the fist of the motherland and threw it out, hitting the wall of air on the horizon!

"Serious Series·Speed ​​Running!" Saitama's figures instantly turned into countless figures, and the surrounding space was shattered. Saitama's running speed broke the space! He even rushed out of the latitude!

Saitama on countless timelines quickly overlapped into one under the intensity of running. At this time, Saitama's power is no longer weaker than that of a god, and time and space are like nothing!

Only Long Aotian was fast enough to see clearly. The overlapping timelines of Saitama appeared in front of the people of the motherland!

"Serious Series·One Killing Punch!!!"

The space solidified, and with this punch, Long Aotian seemed to see the universe collapse and the world reopen! This was undoubtedly the eighth level of the original Yuan Dynasty!

Although Long Aotian is confident that he will not lose to Qiyu, the power in front of him is really much stronger than the previous emperors!

It stands to reason that the eighth level of the original Yuan Dynasty controlled the rules, but the bald man in front of him broke the rules with his pure power!

The opening of the heavens allowed Saitama's power to soar again! It also gave him the desire to become stronger again!

Minced meat flew everywhere, and the people of the motherland were directly smashed into pieces by this punch! The body fragments were also involved in the cracks in space. Saitama took a deep breath and returned to his original style!

"Ah? It seems like it was too hard." Saitama's punch was indeed the strongest punch currently. It was just like an ordinary person throwing a thunder forward with force. There was no difference at all except that it was stronger.

After doing this, the air wall disappeared and Saitama was sent back to his original world again!

But Saitama's reward has quietly changed...

When Saitama returned home, he looked at a line of question marks that suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

[Complete the achievement first kill! Get the title first blood!]

[Wearing it can increase the murderous aura by 100% and make everyone terrified]

Only then did Saitama realize that his reward was not a one-time reward, but that he could challenge the strongest men in the world at will.

On the other hand, Fang Luo's video is also ready.

This chapter has been completed!
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