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Chapter 215 Mary Joa

Chapter 215 Mary Joa

"That's the Red Earth Continent."

"Captain, how do we get there? Should we take the route to Fish-Man Island?" Charlotte Brynn looked at the Red Earth Continent and asked.

"No, let's fly there directly." Yota shook his head. "You can go see Fish-Man Island later, but I still want to see what Mary Qiaoya looks like."

"Fly over?" Charlotte Brynn was slightly surprised, "What about our ship?"

Runti snorted. "Idiot Sanyan, the Blue Dragon Fruit has the ability to fly with the island, let alone such a ship."

After hearing Runti's taunt, Charlotte Brynn's three eyes suddenly turned red and glared at her. Runti was unprepared and was immediately attacked by the illusion. She screamed and fell to the ground.


Yang Tai twitched the corner of his mouth and ignored the two incompatible women. He roared to the sky and turned into a giant dragon. With a flick of his tail, the flame cloud wrapped around the hull of the ship and flew directly up.

Holy Land Marie Gioia.

Today is still a very "peaceful" day. If you ignore the miserable slaves there.

A group of Dracos were still at Mary Joa's place, whipping slaves and having fun, until they saw the shadow cast in the sky.

"What is that?" A celestial dragon with a runny nose looked at the sky, his mouth wide open and his eyes shining.

"Dragon, it's a dragon, it's a flying dragon!"

For a moment, the whole Mariachia was boiling.

And in the sky at this moment.

"Is that Mary Joia down there? She is really beautiful." Bryn looked down and said excitedly.

"What are those guys doing?" Runti frowned. "Do they want to shoot us down with pistols?"

Marie Joa's Tianlong and her bodyguards all raised their guns and fired them into the sky. Of course, the result was a lonely fight.

Not to mention the altitude of thousands of meters, ordinary firearms have already lost most of their power at that distance. Even with the level of those Tianlong people, they couldn't hit them.

As for the bodyguards of the Tianlong people, as personal bodyguards, they must have learned close combat skills such as iron blocks. They are not snipers, and their firearms skills are just the same thing.

Moreover, the fact that the Tianlong people are brainless does not mean that these bodyguards are also stupid. The giant dragon and the boat flying over in the sky are obviously not opponents that are easy to provoke. If they are really provoked and let him fall, he may not

If we attack the Tianlong people, the unlucky ones will definitely be our bodyguards, so we can just forget about it.

"Captain Yang Tai!" Violet, who was trembling slightly, walked to the bow of the ship and shouted to the giant dragon pulling the ship in front.

"What's the matter?" Yang Tai turned around and asked directly, because he was in the dragon state, his tone was like thunder.

"Can you go and save those slaves!" Violet's face was pale at this moment, and there was faint anger in her eyes.

Yota was stunned for a moment, and then thought of Violet staring at the fruit. Apparently she must have used the fruit's ability to see something, and then she became kind.

Yota really doesn't care much about rescuing slaves or anything like that. If he really sees it like Violet did, he might be angry, but if he doesn't see it, he doesn't want to dwell on it.

After all, although the years of compulsory education and social systems in his previous life gave him a certain moral bottom line, the social atmosphere in his previous life also made him more indifferent and selfish, and he did not want to care about things that had nothing to do with him.

But since Violet has already spoken, Yota is ready to move a little.

For a time, with Yang Tai's breathing, the entire sky gradually changed color, strong winds suddenly rose, lightning and thunder thundered, and the entire sky above Mariejoia was covered with dark clouds.

"What's going on? Why is there a storm in the sky above Mariejoia?" The Dracos below were still acting stupid, and many bodyguards already felt that something was wrong.

You know, Mariejoia is on the Red Earth Continent. Although it is a lower place on the Red Earth Continent, it is at least several kilometers higher.

Even if it rained at this altitude, it would usually be a gentle drizzle. Mary Joa had almost never experienced such a terrifying storm.

Otherwise, how can this place be called a holy place? The most terrifying thing in the pirate world is some meteorological disasters. The reason why Mariejoia can become a holy place is largely because the weather here always remains at a sunny or windy level.

, or the state of gentle breeze and drizzle.

"It was made by that dragon, right? It can actually affect the weather?"

The development method of Devil Fruit is often related to the owner's imagination. The animal type is the most monotonous to develop, but if the imagination is big enough, like the fantasy beast type, flowers can still be developed.

For example, the way Yota develops is slightly different from Kaido. After all, he was born in a flower gardener. When he thinks of dragons, the image in his mind is that of making wind and rain, thunder and lightning. Therefore, the blue dragon fruit developed by Yota is

It has a certain ability to influence celestial phenomena.

As the balcony's ability was activated, the clouds became thicker and thicker, and finally the entire sky turned black, and then a terrifying storm poured down from the sky.

Some of the Celestial Dragons who were still not giving up and were chasing Yang Tai's transformation dragon were caught in the heavy rain. Only then did they come back to their senses, cursed and prepared to go back. However, at this moment, Yang Tai had already taken advantage of the bad weather to quietly survive.

falling from the sky.

The black mist flowed slowly. Due to the weather, many people had not yet reacted. It was not until they discovered that the original slaves suddenly disappeared into the black mist that they became surprised and alert.

"Careful! Those slaves are gone."

"Something is wrong with these black mist, someone is attacking!"

A group of bodyguards immediately started shouting, and tightly protected those Tianlong people who were shouting randomly and had no idea what the depth was.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether those slaves died, lived, or were rescued. At most, they were reprimanded. If something went wrong with the Celestial Dragons, their entire family would be killed.

At this time, as everyone observed carefully, they finally saw a figure faintly in the black mist. Only a black figure and a pair of lavender eyes could be seen. Whether it was a bodyguard or a Celestial Dragon, just seeing these eyes

He immediately stopped.

"Go ahead and bring all the slaves here." Yang Tai said in an indifferent voice.

After listening to Yang Tai's words, both the bodyguards and the Tianlong people honestly left directly to find slaves.

At this time, not all the Tianlong people that Yang Tai met were still staying at home. Yang Tai randomly found a guard to act as a guide, and began to deliver the reincarnation eye illusion package to each house.

This chapter has been completed!
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