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Chapter 594 Dealing with trivial matters

"I'm finally back... I almost didn't trap myself in negative space. When I used the cosmic baton, I didn't think twice and made up for all the gaps in space. How should I come back? I never thought about it.

Never thought about it."

In the main universe, with a huge crack, Yang Tai came out again.

Fortunately, the negative space and the main universe have already formed a certain connection, so Yang Tai can crush the space there and form a space channel to walk through. Otherwise, he would just be floating there! Unless he continues to travel through the world, otherwise

You have to stay there for the rest of your life.

The space there is completely void, and the last matter has been absorbed into the dark space by the Yangtai. It is to the extent that even if you search the entire universe, you cannot find a grain of soil.

The place where he appears at this moment is exactly where the negative space in the original universe is connected. After all, the space here has been broken, so it is easiest to tear apart.

Because of the sudden disappearance of the space-time channel, there are still many Zerg here exploring.

Although Yang Tai was small, his energy index was frighteningly high, which naturally alarmed these Zerg races. A large group of Zerg warships and large bugs came towards Yang Tai in a menacing manner.

With a sneer, Yang Tai opened his mouth and blew gently. The entire void seemed to be filled with storms, and even bursts of space folds appeared. What stood in front of Yang Tai, whether it was a space battleship or something like a Zerg,

Everything turned into powder in an instant.

After blowing a breath, almost all the enemies within half a light-year were wiped out. At least hundreds of millions of Zerg died. Yang Tai felt a little proud of his current strength, and then felt a little annoyed.

"It's a shame, it's a shame. We should absorb all of these guys and convert them into chakra."

Nowadays, after Yangtai's dark space has absorbed the divine tree or world tree that has evolved to its limit and has become spatialized, it can completely convert the life forms sucked into the dark space into chakra, although it is not a chakra fruit, but a chakra fruit.

Kradan, but it makes no difference anyway.

The accumulation of chakra is endless. Although the hundreds of millions of Zerg now provide chakra, for Yang Tai, it is not even a drop in the bucket, but he still feels a little bit at a loss.

Besides, the chakra transformed by the Zerg has no meaning to Youta, but it can be given to the Scarlet Witch to eat. If it doesn't work, you can also strengthen it for your subordinates.

On the next journey, Yang Tai directly activated the power of the Dark Fruit to the maximum, and without caring about it, he jumped directly in time and space to the places where the Zerg were the most numerous.

In one breath, he used the dark space to absorb countless Zerg. It was not until many large Zerg gathering areas seemed to have received the news and began to disperse. The benefits were too small that Yang Tai stopped killing.

Most of the chakra was absorbed by Yota himself, and some of the remaining chakra was made into chakra pills by him, ready to be given to the Scarlet Witch and his men.

When he returned to the earth, he already had hundreds of chakra pills in his hand. Each chakra pill was made up of almost a billion Zerg life forces, and its effect was no less effective than chakra fruits.

The war at this moment is almost over. The Zerg have suffered several major blows in succession. First, the Zerg Emperor died, and then they were completely invaded by the negative space home, and then they were killed crazily by the strengthened Yangtai, and their strength was greatly reduced.

.Even if they are united together, I am afraid they can only be worth a cosmic empire.

It's just that the Zerg have tenacious vitality, evolve quickly, and have a strong reproduction rate. Even if they are scattered, there is no hope of completely wiping them out in a short time.

However, for the three major cosmic empires, it is easy to suppress these scattered Zerg under a certain number.

Therefore, today's Zerg has changed from a mountain-like natural disaster to a serious problem, and from a serious problem to a scabies disease. The so-called multinational coalition has also been completely disbanded.

Basically everyone goes back to their respective homes,

Everyone went to find their own mothers, and the superheroes of the earth also came back through Asgard.

On the contrary, Yang Tai can be said to be the last one to return among all the people.

After returning, Yota gave all the chakra pills he had to Scarlet Witch, told her the effects of the chakra pills, and asked her to distribute them herself.

With Scarlet Witch's physique, she can only eat these chakra pills slowly one by one. Yota estimates that she has eaten hundreds of pills. Scarlet Witch will almost be able to directly challenge Sithorne who is not at her home court.

Whether she wins or not is another matter. Sithorne's attempt to snatch her body is basically hopeless. The chakra enhancement is very comprehensive. Yang escape strengthens the physical body, and Yin escape strengthens the spirit. It's not like in American comics.

Most of the enhancements will leave some flaws and shortcomings.

Unless Scarlet Witch commits suicide and directly breaks into Sithorne's dimension, she can be said to be very safe here on Earth.

Yang Tai really wanted to try the strength of this god of black magic. But after thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have no way to break the dimension, and the dimensional demon could be said to be immortal in his own dimension.

Even if this Sithorn is put down 100 times, it will have no practical significance at all.

Although Yota has already overcome all of Superman's flaws through his evolutions, no matter what, his magical resistance cannot be as strong as his physical resistance.

At most, the physical resistance is 100 and the magic resistance is 95. Comparatively speaking, dealing with the dimension demon Sithorn is not a sure thing.

If this Sithorn is the only monster in the multiverse level and all universes, then even the current Yota cannot say that he will definitely win.

Therefore, after much thought, Yota finally gave up the idea of ​​seeking death in his heart and did not go to Doctor Strange to ask how to get to the dimension where Sithorne was.

On the other hand, Yang Tai asked about the location of the ether particles from Asgard, and then borrowed the power of the space gem to directly take out the ether particles from the seal and gave them to Scarlet Witch Wanda.

Wanda's abilities are originally well matched with the reality gem of ether particles. It can be said that now that Wanda has ether particles, she has truly been promoted to the strongest level on the entire earth. Looking at the universe, she can be regarded as the top power.

Or, if the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit comes to the earth again this time, it will probably be knocked off its head.

Yota heard from Odin that the Purple Sweet Potato Spirit was collecting the Infinity Stones. Unfortunately, Yota was already preparing to leave here with the Space Stone. If Thanos wanted to collect the Infinity Stones, he should wait until he develops the ability to travel through time and space.


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