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Chapter 102 I, Thor, Not Insane

Thor sat in the driver's seat, looking confused.

Bai Ye felt extremely relieved.

Because Thor's hands are enough to hold the steering wheel.

As for his legs, they really couldn't touch the brakes and accelerator.


Bai Ye knew that some disabled people could drive a car to get out without legs. Could it be that Thor, who had legs, couldn't drive a car?

As long as your thinking does not slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties!

He believed that Thor would be able to overcome this small difficulty.

Thor was a little helpless.

Because the matter seemed to be right, after all, he was the one who insisted on pestering Bai Ye to find Thor's hammer.

Then open it.

It has driven a spaceship before. Although he is not used to driving such a primitive means of transportation as a car, he can barely understand the logic and can drive it.

Bai Ye huddled in the back seat and prepared to sleep.

When he wakes up, New Mexico should not be far away.

What, what if Thor gets into a car accident?

He said this as if his Thunder Fruit elementalization was a vegetarian, so even if there was a car accident, he would be fine.

The next day.

County mental hospital.

Thor struggled to open his eyes. He felt that his whole body was sore and weak, his mind was dizzy, and his experience was extremely poor.

"what happened?"

Thor shook his head and tried to wake himself up.

Where it enters the eye.

It is a display of a hospital.

The room was very neat and bright, but it had a pungent smell of disinfectant.

He was wearing a hospital gown.

"Damn mortals, how dare you blaspheme the gods!"

Thor gritted his teeth, and when he got his beloved Meowth Hammer back, he must make it look good to these mortals.

He was about to get up.


The room was pushed open, and a blonde beauty who looked like a nurse walked in.

"No. 38, take medicine!"

The female nurse had a rather aloof appearance. She stood in front of Thor's ship and cast a downward glance, giving people a sense of intimidation.

"No. 38?" Thor frowned: "I am Thor, the God of Thunder, the son of the great King of Gods Odin, not No. 38! Who is your king? I need to talk to him."

"Sure enough, your brain is seriously ill, and you still think you are Thor?" The female nurse glanced at Thor and said, "It seems that I have to give you a double dose!"

She mixed the medicine and handed it to Thor:

"Just take the medicine and take a nap and you'll be fine."

"I'm not sick!" Thor said impatiently: "I don't want to eat!"


The female nurse slapped her face, and then showed a gentle smile:

"Be good and take your medicine!"

Thor reacted and became furious instantly:

"How dare you hit me? I am Thor, the God of Thunder..."


The female nurse slapped her again and continued to smile gently:

"Be good and take your medicine!"

Thor was slapped until he lost his temper, because after being anesthetized with an electric baton, he was also injected with several injections of sedatives. Now, he could not avoid the slap of the female nurse in front of him, let alone fight back.

"Look, UFO!"

Thor suddenly pointed outside the window and said.


The female nurse quickly turned around

No UFO was seen.

Come back.

The hospital bed was already empty.

Thor ran away.


Thor hid in the corner, panting rapidly.

Without the blessing of Thor's divine power, Thor couldn't help but feel sad for a moment when he was in this state.


A sharp object of gold and iron was pressed against Thor's throat.

"If you dare to scream, I will kill you!"

A rich man's voice sounded:

"It's not called blinking."

Thor felt the coldness in his throat and couldn't help but blinked hard.

A young man, also wearing a hospital gown, emerged from the darkness.

"Who are you?" Thor couldn't help shouting: "It's okay to kill or cut into pieces, why do you want to humiliate me like this?"

"Shut up!" The tall, thin, and somewhat pale young man shouted in a low voice, "Answer whatever you ask, or I'll kill you!"

"All right."

Thor was helpless. He was a swordsman, and I was a fish. After losing his divine power, Thor could no longer ignore everything. He was forced to have no choice but to try and find another way to solve the problem.

Just like on Sakaar, when he had nothing, he would coax Hulk and Banner to eat both sides.

The young man coughed and said, "How can a homeboy calm down his girlfriend quickly?"

Thor thought for a moment: "Prick her with a needle?"

Young man: "Two girls, A is big but ugly; B is good-looking but not big. Which one do you choose?"

Thor thought hard for a moment: "B during the day, A at night?"

"Damn it! I finally waited for a normal person!"

The young man put down the pen that was pressed against Thor's throat and showed an excited smile:

"Fortunately I didn't give up!"

The young man introduced himself. His name was Herbert Doyle:

"Hey, why haven't I seen you before? New here?"

"I don't know either!" Thor said: "They want to imprison me, and I want to break out of their encirclement to find my hammer, and then..."

He scratched his head, unable to recall his last memory:

"I ended up here out of nowhere!"

"And he was forced to take medicine by a female nurse!"

"She is not a female nurse at all!" Herbert Doyle pulled Thor to squat down, then carefully looked around, and then said in his ear: "She is a mental patient with severe nurse delusion. Don't do it."

Take her medicine, there is shit in her medicine, and the shit is poisonous!"

He sighed: "I have been treated as a mental patient and have been locked up in this mental hospital for more than a year. I have been trying to find a way to escape!"

"Great!" Thor said, "Can you take me with you?"

"At three o'clock..." Herbert Doyle took out a black cloth and covered his face: "See you or see you!"

Thor finally made it through the night.

The wait finally came for Herbert Doyle.

The two men, with black cloths covering their heads, walked cautiously through the corridors of the mental hospital, as if they were thieves.

There are indeed many abnormal people in mental hospitals.

At this point, there is actually a crazy man dancing ballet in the corridor.

Thor and the two hid in the corner, waiting for the lunatic to finish dancing the ballet before moving on.

Walk through a corridor.

Come to the corner.

They saw another lunatic, wearing a police officer's hat, directing traffic in the middle of the aisle.

The two of them tiptoed around the lunatic and quickly escaped.

Came to a room door.

Herbert Doyle opened the door with Thor and walked in.


The blonde beauty who asked Thor to take medicine during the day was ignored. Cana Rivas, armed with two electric batons, had been waiting for him for a long time.

As soon as Thor and the two men stuck their heads out, two electric batons were struck on them.


The two men's bodies twitched and fell down.

The next day.

Thor yawned and woke up from his sleep.

But he saw the beautiful nurse Kana standing in front of his bed again.

Thor was startled: "What do you want to do?"

"Be good and take the medicine!"

Kana placed the prepared medicine in front of Thor again.

"Why do you have to force me to take medicine?" Thor emphasized seriously: "I'm not sick! You are the one who is sick!"

"Am I sick?" Kana sneered: "Listen to that nonsense from Herbert, right? How to make your girlfriend calm down quickly, two girls, B during the day and A at night, right?"

"You...you actually eavesdropped on our conversation!"

Thor was angry.

"These two questions have been asked to everyone here since the first day he entered the mental hospital."

Kana said.

"What do you mean?"

Thor asked blankly.

"Like you, he has severe delusions and a split personality, which is why he was sent here. He has been unwilling to cooperate with treatment and has serious violent tendencies. He even beat his attending physician as mentally ill!

Kana shook her head: "His condition is getting more and more serious now, and what about you? Do you also feel that we all want to harm you?"

"Ah... I don't care if he has paranoia or split personality, I don't have it anyway!" Thor said categorically: "I am a normal person!"

Kana hugged the bear with both hands: "If you answer two tests correctly and one is correct, I will believe that you are not sick!"


Thor responded without hesitation.

"The first question is a small test."

Kana stretched out a finger towards Thor:

"What time is this?"

"Isn't this too childish?" Thor said helplessly: "Can you change it to something more difficult?"

"Don't say so much, just cooperate with my little test."

"Okay, that's one!"

Kana stretched out a second finger:

"What time is this?"


She stretched out her third finger again:

"Very well, what is one plus one equal to?"

Thor only looked at Kana's fingers and blurted out:


Kana said: "You are a typical confused person!"

"No, no!" Thor quickly denied: "I confused you!"

"Alas!" Kana looked at Thor with pity: "Okay, in that case, let's start the next question."


Kana: "You say 'rat' three times with me, rat, rat, rat."

Thor: "Rat, rat, rat."

Kana suddenly asked: "What are cats afraid of most?"

Thor said without thinking: "Rat!"

Kana sighed: "Look, you still don't admit it? You are a typical confused person!"


Thor felt a little confused.

"If you don't answer any question correctly, you are sick!" Kana said: "You have never thought about it. In fact, you think you are Thor, the God of Thunder. It is just a fantasy that exists in your mind. In reality,

Are you just a fat nerd with no power?"

"This is impossible!" Thor retorted without thinking: "I have been Thor, the God of Thunder, for thousands of years!"

"No psychopath would think that he is a psychopath. Your symptoms are understandable." Kana said: "You are too immersed in your own world. If you take the medicine obediently, you can recover and be discharged from the hospital soon. Otherwise, you will just

The condition will become more and more serious! I would like to remind you that when the delusion is serious enough to be like that of Herbert, he will eliminate the dangers around him at all costs."

Thor looked at the medicine left by Kana and couldn't help but ponder:

"Am I really crazy?"

"Hey, what are you doing?" Herbert Doyle knocked the medicine out of Thor's hand: "Have you been fooled by that crazy woman? You are not a psycho, and neither am I. We have to hurry up


Thor looked at Herbert Doyle suspiciously and moved a few inches away:

"Are you lying to me?"

"You actually believe that crazy woman?" Herbert Doyle said with a kind heart, "Do you think I lied to you?"

Thor: "Okay, two questions..."

Herbert Doyle sneered and said: "One plus one equals three. Cats are most afraid of mice, right?"

Thor looked at Herbert Doyle in surprise.

"How the hell do you really suspect that I'm sick?" Herbert Doyle said angrily: "This is a consistent trick of that bitch. I have heard these two questions more than 800 times. She

Am I telling you that I have paranoia and split personality? Think about it carefully, if I really wanted to harm you, I would have killed you that day. Why did I take you to escape?"

Thor thought about it and realized that he was right. Herbert's pen could have penetrated his neck at any time that day:

"It was so dangerous! I almost got tricked by that woman."

"Do you believe me this time?"


"At three o'clock in the morning, the same place?"

Thor high-fived Herbert Doyle.


The two of them covered their heads with a piece of black cloth. As they passed through the corridor, they encountered a ballerina psycho and a traffic police psycho. After a near miss, the two of them hid in a room.

Herbert Doyle walked ahead to survey the situation.

Thor suddenly discovered that this was the archives room.

He looked through the files curiously.

Not long after, he found the files of Herbert Doyle.

[Name: Herbert Doyle]


【Weight: 61kg.】

[Symptoms: Severe paranoia and split personality, accompanied by violent tendencies, which has turned his attending physician into a psychopath...]

"What are you looking at?"

A sudden voice sounded in Thor's ears, making his body tremble.

Look back.

None other than Herbert Doyle.

Herbert Doyle glanced at the file in Thor's hand, his eyes changed instantly, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face:

"I didn't expect that I would be discovered by you after hiding for so long..."

Before Thor could react, Herbert Doyle grabbed Thor's neck.

Thor, who had lost his divine power, still had residual tranquilizers in his blood, and was so weak that he was unable to stop Herbert Doyle from choking his neck.

"Damn it, am I, the God of Thunder, Thor, going to die in the hands of a psychopath today?"


Thor heard a burst of thunder and lightning, and saw Herbert Doyle fall down. The female nurse Kanna was standing behind Herbert Doyle holding an electric baton.

Kana: "Are you okay?"

Thor became weak and passed out.

The next day.

When Thor woke up, he saw the female nurse Kanna again.

"you're awake?"

The female nurse helped Thor up:

"Are you okay?"

Thor covered his neck: "What's going on?"

"At this point, let me tell you straight. In fact, you are the doctor in charge of Herbert Doyle." Kana said: "You were beaten like this by him. You are not a thunder god at all.

Thor is just an ordinary psychiatrist."

As she spoke, Kana showed Thor a medical record.

Thor took it and took a closer look, and found that he had not just entered this hospital, but had been there for more than two years. After various treatments, his condition did not get better, but became worse and worse.

It's getting more serious.

"Ah this..."

Thor really didn't feel confident at this time.

Could it be that...the once majestic Thor, the God of Thunder, was really just a figment of my imagination?

"Be good, take the medicine. You'll be fine after taking the medicine." Kana handed the boiling water and medicine to Thor: "You must be strong. Your disease can be cured. Wait until you are cured.

If you do, you can leave this hellish place!"

"thank you!"

Under Kana's persuasion, Thor took the boiling water and medicine doubtfully and swallowed it in one gulp.

As soon as Thor swallowed the medicine, he felt something was wrong and covered his throat.

The female nurse Kana also immediately changed her face, condescendingly looking at Thor with an indifferent expression:

"You are the most stubborn patient I have ever seen. You finally took the medicine!"

"Number 39!"

A doctor in a white coat opened the door and walked in, followed by security personnel:

"You pretended to be a nurse again when I wasn't paying attention, right? And you tampered with the patient's medical records? Take it away from me quickly!"

"What! What do you want to do? Let me go!"

"Female nurse" Kana struggled desperately, but how could she escape from those tough security personnel?

"Let me go, I'm a nurse!"

The male doctor looked at Thor who was lying on the hospital bed and starting to twitch: "No. 38? No. 38? How are you? No. 38? Can you see clearly?"

He held out a finger: "What is this?"

Thor's eyes turned white, his body kept twitching, and he was foaming at the mouth:

This chapter has been completed!
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