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Chapter 103 A man is still a teenager until he dies

After Thor's gastric lavage was performed, he lay on the bed in the mental hospital, with two lines of clear tears unknowingly left in the corners of his eyes.

I, Thor, the son of the great Odin, was actually deceived by two psychopaths. I believed what the other person said and almost killed myself.

It seems that he was right to be demoted to the mortal world by his father, because at this moment he fully proved that he is not worthy of being called a god, let alone the king of Asgard. Which king would believe the words of a lunatic?

"I'm so stupid, really!"

Thor came with his lifeless eyes open and said.

But I thought about it quietly for a while.

Thor also felt that this was not all his fault.

Because he had a quarrel with the old man at home, and suddenly he was hit by a hammer and fell off the Rainbow Bridge. How could he know where he was and what the situation in the mortal world was like!

And because he was in a hurry to find a hammer, he was sent to a mental hospital by a group of doctors. The person he saw when he woke up was a psycho who pretended to be a nurse. Later, he met another psycho who stabbed his girlfriend. He was preconceived.

Impression, I didn't give myself any time to think at all.

Besides, the acting skills of these psychopaths are too strong. It can even be said that they are the experientialists among the experientialists. There are no flaws in their acting skills.

If you didn't know the details of these psychopaths in advance, if you were a normal person, you would probably be fooled by them.

Thought for a long time.

Thor said firmly:

"I have to get out of here as soon as possible and find my hammer!"

He has calmed down now and quickly grasped the main conflict. Only by finding his beloved Meowth Hammer and regaining his divine power can he do other things.

But he is too weak now. He was shocked with an electric baton and given a sedative. He was also poisoned by the psychotic woman named Kana. It is probably very difficult to break out of this mental hospital on his own.

How to do it?

After thinking about it, Thor realized that this was probably the only way to prove that he was not crazy.

He was originally a normal person, but because of a misunderstanding, he was treated as a psychopath and sent here. So, as long as he shows his normal side to the doctor, he can probably leave here through normal channels.

Thor is still very smart, but he used to rely on the power of the God of Thunder to get ahead recklessly. But when he uses his brain, he should not be underestimated.

Soon, Thor organized a systematic rhetoric for himself.

His name was Thor, but he was not the God of Thunder. It was just that that night, he was drunk, had a car accident, and was hit. Later, he had a dream in a coma, and dreamed that he became the God of Thunder.

Well, when he was examined by the doctor, he was still drunk, so he went to the hospital.

Ever since.

After Thor yelled, he called someone and took Thor for a test.

Went to the medical room.

Thor walked in and saw that there were multiple doctors in white coats and patients in different postures in the room.

The security took Thor to sit on a bench.

The tests must be done one by one.

The person sitting next to Thor is a middle-aged man with a big beard, his eyes are dull, and he keeps chanting:

"Find a rubber band, make a slingshot, and hit your glass~ Find a rubber band, make a slingshot, and hit your glass..."

Thor sighed, feeling that he had done something wrong to be on the same stage with these lunatics.

Unknowingly, the person doing the test was the person next to Thor.

Was called over.

Thor's sharp eyes saw the nameplate on the doctor's chest, Boris Doyle.

"Hello, Samir!"

Boris Doyle greeted the bearded middle-aged man very gently.

He was already very familiar with this patient named Samuel Walker, who was a frequent visitor here.

Samir: "Get a rubber band, make a slingshot, and hit your glass..."

Dr. Bailis was not angry either. He took out a copy of "FHM" magazine, flipped through a few pages, and handed it to Samir:

"Samuel, look, what is this?"

Or to put it another way, a man is still a boy until he dies. When Samir saw the beauties in the magazine, his eyes immediately straightened and he almost shed tears:

"Beautiful, so beautiful, I like..."

"Speak from your heart!" Dr. Bolis smiled and said, "Samuel, what are you thinking about now?"

There was light in Samir's eyes: "I want to take off her top!"


The female nurse standing behind Dr. Bailis couldn't help but spit.

Dr. Bailis tilted his head and said in a serious tone in a low voice:

"This shows that he already has the thinking of a normal person. There is no greenness in the brain of an ordinary neurotic. Samir has this idea, which proves that our treatment of him is effective!"

Heart of beauty in everyone.

Youth is the first driving force of human beings. It represents the continuation of genes and comes from the instinct of biological survival...

As a professional psychiatrist, Dr. Bellis does not shy away from these issues, but faces them head-on.

"Take off her top." Dr. Bailis continued to ask Samuel: "Then what?"

Samir: "I, I take off her shoes, take off her socks..."

The smile on his face became more and more shy.

Dr. Bellis: "What happens next?"

Samir was very embarrassed and continued: "I took off her pants..."

Dr. Bellis: "What happened next?"

"I'll take off her pants!"

Samuel suddenly buried his head in Dr. Bailis's arms, looking shameless in front of others.

The female nurses all turned red with embarrassment.

Dr. Bailis pressed forward step by step: "What happened next?"

Samir: "I'll take out the monkey rubber band from her pants, and I'll make a slingshot to hit your glass!"

Dr. Bellis: "..."


Thor burst out laughing all of a sudden.

The order was all fine at first, but unexpectedly there was a sudden change in the style of painting.


Neurosis is neurosis.

It is different from the way ordinary people think.

Dr. Bellis' face, originally full of expectation, suddenly turned dark.

He looked at the female nurse who was suppressing a smile, and said slightly annoyed:

"What are you doing standing still? Why don't you take me out quickly! From now on, this Samir will increase the dose of medicine for me!"

Samir was taken out.

Next it was Thor's turn.

Dr. Bailis has good professional ethics. He was angered by Samir just now, but now he has regained his peace when facing Thor.

He picked up a red apple in one hand and a hundred-dollar bill in the other, placed them in front of Thor's eyes, and asked:

"Do you want an apple, or a hundred dollars?"

Thor got the apple from Dr. Bailey, took a big bite, and chewed it wildly.

The female nurse shook her head slightly.

It seems that this neurosis is still not cured.

Dr. Bellis looked at Thor: "Don't you know that a hundred dollars is much better than an apple?"

Thor chewed the apple: "I know, but I know even better that you will never give me a hundred dollars."

Dr. Bailis nodded happily:

"I don't think there's any big problem with him."

Between apples and a hundred dollars, the person who chooses apples is a fool, but this is the first level.

Knowing that Apple is harmless, but a hundred dollars is very important, so choosing Apple is on the second level.

From this point of view, Thor's logical thinking is very clear.

Dr. Bellis asked again: "What if I really give you a hundred dollars?"

"Of course I'll choose one hundred yuan."

Thor stretched out his hand and stuffed Dr. Bailey's one hundred dollars into his pocket.

He actually wanted to peel it and said, "A hundred yuan is certainly much more delicious than an apple."

But after thinking about it, I decided not to make such a joke, otherwise it would be more difficult to escape from here.

New Mexico.

The place where the meteorite fell.

With loud music, as if they were having a party, a group of speedsters with tattoos on their bodies and gold chains around their necks gathered around the meteorite crater and were extremely happy.

They even have BBQ and beer here.

Ever since the hammer in the crater fell from the sky, people kept coming to the center of the crater and trying to pull it up with their hands, but no one could move it.

This has become a spectacle in New Mexico, attracting people around to hear the news.

Meteorites are very valuable, more valuable than gold.

And will the hammer in this crater be more valuable than ordinary meteorites?

It's a pity that this silver-white hammer seems to have roots underground and no one can shake it.

"Get out of the way, I'm coming!"

An old man with gray hair and dressed as an old cowboy came over.

"Old Stan, you want to try too? Are you afraid of missing your waist?"

"My waist is very good. After a long period of maintenance, the engine oil is almost overflowing. But for you guys, the oil tank has been empty for a long time, right?"

Old Stan stepped forward and tied the iron rope to the hammer.

The other end of the iron rope was tied to his car.

"Just watch it!"

Old Stan stepped on the accelerator.

The iron cable connecting the back of the pickup truck to the silver hammer in the crater instantly stretched into a straight line.

The pickup truck roared crazily, its four tires scraping the ground desperately, trying to pull the hammer out.


There was a roar, and the hammer was not pulled out. Instead, the back of the pickup truck was thrown out.

The silver hammer in the crater remains motionless.

"This damn hammer can't even pull a truck?"

While this group of people were talking about each other, they didn't see many black SUVs stop behind them.

"Hey, everyone, this is not something you can touch."

Colson came over with someone and smiled.

"You don't think it's just a magnetic storm, do you?"

In the small rented warehouse, Dr. Selvig and Jane discussed.

Dr. Selvig is a talented physicist who has done extensive research on gamma rays.

And Jane is an astrophysicist.

The two conducted physical research on the "Rainbow Bridge" phenomenon observed last night.


Jane pointed to the Rainbow Bridge celestial phenomenon recorded by scientific instruments on the computer and said excitedly:

"The lensing effect at the edge is consistent with the characteristics of the Einstein-Rosen bridge."

The Einstein-Rosen Bridge is theoretically the connection point between two space-times, that is, a wormhole.

Asgard's Rainbow Bridge is indeed the Einstein-Rosen Bridge to a certain extent.

"And Eric, what do you think this is?"

Jane placed another developed photo in front of Selvig.

Selvig: "Stars?"

Jane: "Yes, but this is not our star. Unless the Ursa Minor is on vacation, it is a star somewhere else."

——Well, in fact, Jane and the others used scientific instruments and passed through the Rainbow Bridge passage, and by coincidence they took pictures of the star distribution map of Asgard.

"Hey, look at this."

Daisy also made a discovery.

Among the photos they posted on the blackboard, there was a blurry figure printed in mid-air on the Einstein-Rosen Bridge.

"This is impossible!"

Selvig said in disbelief.

Could it be that... the crazy man they met last night probably crossed the Einstein-Rosen Bridge?

From another time and space, we came to the present earth.

Oh my god, this is enough to shock the entire scientific community.

Moreover... he said that he is Thor, the God of Thunder, the son of Odin, the King of Gods. Isn't that true?

Selvig immediately shook his head.

How could there be a God of Thunder who was stunned by an electric baton?

"I guess we might have to talk to that Thor?"

Jane was also a little in disbelief.

But as Conan Doyle said, eliminate all impossibilities, and whatever is left, even if it is impossible, is the truth.

If there really is a person who crosses the Einstein-Rosen Bridge and she can understand this research thoroughly, she may even win the Nobel Prize in Physics.

You know, Jane is a scientific madwoman.

Jane picked up her clothes and was about to take Daisy and Selvig out.

But suddenly, several SUVs and trucks appeared in front of Jane's warehouse.

"I am Agent Phil Coulson, a Level 6 agent of SHIELD."

Coulson showed Jane his SHIELD ID and said:

"Miss Jane Foster, your scientific instruments, atmospheric data, and image records have all been requisitioned for homeland security!"

"Hey, you can't do this!" Jane said anxiously: "I don't even know what SHIELD is!"

"Sorry, if you have any concerns, you can complain to my superior."

Coulson waved his hand.

The SHIELD agents who followed Coulson immediately took action, entered the warehouse as if no one else was around, and then very professionally moved various scientific instruments that originally belonged to Jane.

"Jane, calm down!"

Selvig stopped Jane in time.

Jane is young and doesn't know about SHIELD, which is normal, but he does know how powerful SHIELD is. In terms of power and dominance, he is probably higher than the FBI and CIA. There is no way to argue with such a violent machine.

If you use it, you may injure yourself.

Colson said: "Miss Jane Foster, what happened last night may be much more serious than you think, so you must leave it to us to handle."

He took out a check, handed it to Jane, and said:

"This should be able to make up for your loss."

"Shit!" Jane said angrily: "Maybe the price of these instruments is indeed not enough for your check, but there is also my years of research effort in it. You can't just buy it out with money, my years of research effort!

I am suing you for violating my constitutional rights - the sanctity of private property!"

Coulson: "Sorry, Miss Foster!"

Jane: "I will soon be able to figure out something amazing. Maybe I will win the Nobel Prize in Physics next year. And everything I know about this phenomenon is recorded in these scientific instruments."

Now, you can’t take it just when you want!”

Colson always had a gentle smile on his face, like a mask.

He stood in front of Jane, spitting on his face.

But the manpower he brought quickly moved Jane's warehouse almost empty.

Colson nodded towards Jane:

"Thank you for your cooperation!"

He turned back to his SUV.

About to leave.

Jane couldn't help but despair for a moment.

These bunch of bitches have ruined all her years of hard work!


A Chevrolet Camaro blocked the S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicle's path.

Bai Ye's head popped out of the car window, showing a dangerous smile:

"Colson, you guy, you actually took advantage of my absence to steal my girlfriend's things. Isn't that too much?"

This chapter has been completed!
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