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Chapter 106 Clever IQ has occupied the high ground again

Selvig looked at the image of Mjolnir that Coulson took out, and felt that... it was somewhat similar to the hammer carried on the back of Byakuya's pet Shiba Inu.

And the dog named Thor...

Selvig felt that when Bai Ye suddenly appeared in New Mexico, it was probably not as simple as just visiting Jane...

His smart IQ took over the high ground in an instant.

"Could it be that the dog named Thor is really the legendary God of Thunder? He turned into a dog because he was attacked by a witch or something, and he took this Thor with him to get back his

Thor's hammer, to break the witch's curse and restore his power as the God of Thunder?"

Selvig's mind was thinking a lot at once.

But he didn't foolishly interrupt Baiye while he was talking to Coulson.

Because the more people know, the faster they die!

Bai Ye said: "We are close to each other. I guess SHIELD can wait around the hammer. Unless Thor dies, he will definitely get back Mjolnir's hammer."

Colson felt a pain in his balls.

It seems that the earth has gotten into trouble for no apparent reason.

As the son of Odin, the Lord of the Nine Realms, what kind of situation would it be that Thor, the God of Thunder, would end up on earth?

Will it attract enemies from Asgard to the earth?

The small body of the earth today cannot withstand the intensity of interstellar war!

"There seems to be writing on this hammer?"

Jane suddenly discovered a blind spot.

She looked at the inscription on the hammer and said curiously.


Bai Ye pretended and said:

"Let me take a look..."

He touched his chin:

"Well...if I read it correctly, the meaning of this text is - anyone who can lift this hammer can control the power of storm and lightning."

"In other words, if you can lift the hammer, you can gain the power of the God of Thunder."

"What?" Coulson also looked at it quickly: "Why is there such text engraved on the exclusive weapon belonging to Thor? Isn't Odin letting others come to snatch his son's things?"

"Who knows?" Bai Ye spread his hands and said, "Maybe Odin is suffering from Alzheimer's disease?"

Anyway, Bai Ye still remembers that when Odin planned to banish his son Thor to Earth, he whispered to Mjolnir: "Whoever can pick up the hammer, if he is worthy of being entrusted, give him the power of Thor.


So the question is, what would happen if you put Mjolnir on an elevator?

"Alzheimer's disease……"

Colson and Jane looked at Bai Ye, speechless.

If Odin, the King of Gods, really existed, how could he suffer from Alzheimer's disease?

Looking at the disbelieving looks of Colson and Jane, Bai Ye couldn't help but shook his head - Alas, what a mortal's wisdom, Odin can really suffer from Alzheimer's disease, it's just a matter of sooner or later.

Selvig said: "Perhaps Odin wants his son to be alert and ready to face challenges, instead of being a means of raising a lazy good-for-nothing."

Daisy: "Then if Thor accidentally dies because of this, it will be great fun."


Coulson: "Mr. Bai Ye, you said that the words on this are that if you lift Thor's hammer, you can gain the power of Thor. So what kind of person can lift this hammer?"

Bai Ye thought for a while and said: "Probably a person with noble moral character, a pure spirit, fearless courage, full of love in the world, willing to give and sacrifice, etc. A series of positive characters, in short, a person with an innocent heart...


Coulson was confused when he heard this.

Is there really someone who can have a righteous and kind heart in all aspects without having a dark side?

According to this standard, perhaps no one on the entire earth can lift this Thor's hammer.

The innocent heart should be a fantasy person that only exists in novels and movies!

Even if it is Coulson's idol, Captain America Rogers, he cannot guarantee that the captain can fully match this kind of character.

"Well, I think these qualities are tailor-made for me, so if I try, I might be able to lift Mjolnir."

Bai Ye said again.

Colson: "..."

He glanced sideways.

If even you, a guy like you, can be considered innocent, then all of us SHIELD agents can be considered as such! Even the director might be able to do it.

If the standard for lifting Thor's hammer is replaced by the scum and shameless people in this world, then you must be indispensable just now, right?

Bai Ye stared at Colson: "What is your look like? I feel like you are offending me!"

Colson was helpless, who are you? Don’t you have any clues in your heart?

Bai Ye: "Well, let me ask you, have you definitely tried to lift Mjolnir? Have you lifted it? No, right? Don't think that others are the same as you if your own moral character is not up to par! We are not

the same!"

Colson was really speechless.

Because he really tried to lift Thor's hammer, but couldn't lift it at all, so according to Bai Ye...

"Mr. Bai Ye, let's change the topic." Colson said: "You said that Thor, the God of Thunder, is on Earth at the moment, so can you provide some relevant information to facilitate our search?"

Bai Ye said: "I don't know, I have never dealt with Thor."

Jian was about to speak but stopped.

She suspected that the blond man she hit before was the God of Thunder, right?

Because that guy claimed that he was Thor, the son of Odin, in the hospital.


If he was really Thor, how could he be stunned by an electric baton?

Out of caution, Jane decided not to say more.

Because when dealing with a violent organization like S.H.I.E.L.D., you may not get any credit if you do the right thing, but if you do the wrong thing, things will be very bad if you think about it.

Don’t seek no merit, but seek no fault.

As an agent, Coulson was good at observing people's emotions and noticed something was wrong with Jane's expression, but he seemed to have misunderstood something:

"Mr. Baiye, Miss Foster, next, can I invite you to go to the camp with me to study the Thor's hammer?"

"Invite us? Why?"

"Mr. Bai Ye, you know some unknown occult knowledge, and Miss Foster is a very powerful scientist, so if you join our research, you may be of great help in solving this matter."

Colson said.

Moreover, Coulson knew that Selvig was a leading scientist in the field of gamma rays, and SHIELD was also trying to reach cooperation with him. At this moment, he could try to get in touch with him.

"Don't worry, Miss Foster. With Mr. Bai Ye here, we can't restrict your personal freedom."

Asgard, Odin's Treasure House.

Loki stood in front of the Frost Giant clan's most precious treasure, the Ice Box.

He had a hint of hesitation.

But he finally reached out his hand.

He picked up the box of ice.

"lay down--!"

Suddenly, a sharp shout sounded from behind Loki.

He didn't need to turn his head, that was a familiar voice, of course his father, Odin, the King of Gods.

Loki looked in disbelief at the arm that turned ice blue after touching the Ice Box:

"Am I cursed?"


Loki gradually put down the Ice Box:

"So who am I?"

Odin: "You are my son!"

Loki turned his head, and his whole body turned into a frost giant because he touched the ice box:

"What else?"

He goes to Odin:

"The Box of Ice wasn't the only thing you took from Jotunheim that day, was it?"

Odin was silent for a long time:

"No! After the war, I walked into the temple of Jotunheim and found a baby, a descendant of the Frost Giant, abandoned, in pain, waiting to fend for himself. It was Laufey's son..."

"Lauffy's son?"

Loki's heart was filled with a sense of absurdity. He had supported his father since he was a child and said that one day he and his brother Thor would one day inherit his throne.

He looked at his brother expectantly, and he couldn't wait to compete with his brother, and wanted to compete with his brother Thor for a high ground. The throne was not important. What was important was that Loki knew that he, like his brother, was the same.

What is valued by his father Odin is equality with his brother. Loki has actually been pursuing this for a long time, pursuing equality between himself and his brother Thor. His father's equality between the two brothers is not a preference for Thor.


But Loki thought wrong. Odin actually had no intention of inheriting the throne to Loki from the beginning. He was not qualified to inherit the throne from the beginning. Odin was partial to Thor from the beginning. This matter was in Loki's heart.

It left a huge shadow. He knew that he would always be his brother's shadow, and he would never get his father's favor, or even get the same love as his brother. Odin had always favored Thor, so Loki was black.


However, he originally just wanted to prank his brother so that he would lose the right to inherit the throne and make him become like himself, neither able to inherit the throne nor valued by his father. He wanted equality.

Now he discovered that he was not Odin's child at all, so Odin had no reason to face him and make him equal to Thor.

Odin: "That's right."

Loki was at a loss and immediately asked angrily:

"Why? You killed countless frost giants, why did you take me away?"

Odin: "You are just an innocent child,"

Loki did not believe that Odin, who had conquered all the way to become the Lord of the Nine Realms, would be such a soft-hearted person:

"No, you took me away for another purpose, what is it?"

"tell me!!"

Odin looked at Loki: "I hope that one day, Asgard and Jotunheim can unite and form an alliance to bring permanent peace, through you."


Odin: "But none of that matters,"

"So, I'm just another stolen souvenir?" Loki sneered and said, "Trapped in Asgard, waiting for one day to come in handy?"

Odin was helpless: "Why do you misinterpret my meaning?"

In fact, his love for the two brothers Loki and Thor is the same. Because he wants to train Thor to become the king of Asgard, he favors Thor, but in Odin's heart, Loki and Thor have always been the same.

Yes, it was just my fault that I should not have implemented the plan back then. Although Odin's position as God King was not prepared for Loki, he also prepared the throne of Jotunheim, which is equal to the position of God King. In Odin's heart, the two of them are

Brothers have always been equal.

"You could have told me my identity from the beginning, why didn't you tell me?"

"You are my son! I just want to protect you from the truth."

"What? Because I'm the monster that parents use to scare their kids before they go to bed?"


Odin felt dizzy and couldn't help but sit on the ground weakly.

——Odin's lifespan is close to the limit. Even after Odin enters his old age, he needs to enter Odin's Sleep every once in a while to extend his lifespan.

"Everything makes sense now. Why have you always preferred Thor for so many years..." Loki's face became extremely ferocious due to excessive anger, and he roared: "Because no matter how you say you love me, you will never

Will make the Frost Giants ascend the throne of Asgard!"

Loki saw that Odin was already lying on the steps, unconscious.

He also panicked:

"Guard, guard, hurry up, help me!"

The location of Thor's Hammer.

This place has been banned by S.H.I.E.L.D.

A camp and a temporary laboratory were set up.

When Bai Ye and others arrived at the camp, the sky became dark and it was probably going to rain.

In the camp, armed soldiers patrolled in an orderly manner to prevent stray people from approaching.

Under the leadership of Colson, Baiye and his party easily entered the camp without any search.

The sky became darker and darker, as if it had just been dyed with ink, dark and low.

But this camp was illuminated by bright lights as if it were daytime.

"I'll take you to see the Thor's Hammer first."

Colson said something and walked in front to lead the way.

A group of scientists belonging to SHIELD used various high-tech instruments to conduct research on Thor's hammer in a temporary laboratory.

But there is no use for wool.

Thor's hammer is covered by the power of Odin. Unless you have more power than Odin, otherwise, you can do nothing!

Daisy whispered: "Jane, why did the bald man really believe what the handsome guy said? Isn't he a member of a special agency? He doesn't really believe that the characters in Nordic mythology are real, right?


To be honest, Daisy was not touched at all after listening to Bai Ye and Colson's words. Instead, she wanted to laugh.

Maybe it was true that she had witnessed something magical in the past two days, but Daisy would rather believe that it was a coincidence.

Would that fool really believe that the myth has become reality?

"Don't think about it, just watch." Jian whispered back: "There are indeed some phenomena in this world that science cannot explain. Who knows..."


Suddenly, a guard ran towards Colson quickly:

"Sir, someone sneaked into the camp."

This chapter has been completed!
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