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Chapter 107 My hammer is pure and clean, my meow is upright, and I, Thor, have not been cuckolded by anyone


There was a flash of thunder in the sky.

In the laboratory, electronic instruments were also impacted by electromagnetic waves and became unstable.

"Sir, the signal of the reconnaissance satellite can hardly penetrate the clouds. Due to the interference from this thing, it is difficult for the equipment to operate normally. There is also a commercial aircraft about to fly over..."

The SHIELD technician said:

"Southwest Airlines Flight 5434."

Since Thor's hammer fell, electromagnetic pulses often erupted irregularly. If a plane passed by, it could easily cause an air crash.

Silvert said: "Just like other flights, notify them of flight changes."


The technician responded and was operating when suddenly:

"Wait a minute, there's something outside the fence on the west side."

From the surveillance video, it seems that a loophole has been opened in the iron mesh.

Sylvette: "Two of us, let's go take a look at the west fence."

"Delancey, this is Jackson, west side fence, need to go check it out."

Two patrol officers teamed up and drove a car to check.


As soon as the two patrol officers started to investigate, someone punched them from behind.

It was Thor who had just escaped from the mental hospital.

After escaping from the mental hospital, Thor originally went to the restaurant to get some food, but he happened to hear a group of people discussing about a fallen satellite and a hammer that couldn't be lifted...

Of course Thor knew that this was his beloved Meow Hammer.

Only by getting back his beloved Meowth Hammer can he regain Thor's power and be able to do whatever he wants without being regarded as a mental patient!

Sylvester also heard the sound of fists and felt something was wrong, so he quickly said:

"Delancey, Jackson, please call back."

No one answered.

At this time, Thor had already sneaked into the camp wearing the guard clothes he had taken off.

The sky was as dark as ink, but the camp built by S.H.I.E.L.D. was densely lit, as bright as day.

Soldiers armed with ordnance and military vehicles patrolled the area constantly to prevent suspicious persons from approaching.

Thor felt that he was still smart, because he had put on a layer of skin, and the infiltration plan went smoothly beyond imagination.

"How can someone as smart as me be insane?"

Thor smiled proudly in his heart.

Although his divine power is sealed, Thor still has a certain connection with his Meowth Hammer, so his goal is very clear.

"Mjolnir, wait for me, I will come to pick you up!"

The hammer is his life.

More important than his wife.

He really couldn't wait any longer and needed to see his hammer immediately.

"There were injuries and the fence was damaged."

SHIELD responded very quickly, and the entire camp was under martial law.

After dodging another pair of patrolling soldiers, Thor felt unspeakably excited. Soon he would be able to regain his power and become the God of Thunder again.

"The intruder has entered the south passage."

Although affected by the electromagnetic pulse of Thor's hammer, SHIELD quickly discovered Thor's trace through unstable monitoring equipment.


Thor also heard the voice on the radio.

But he has no way out now.

We can only move on.

And as long as he can get the hammer back, everything will no longer be a problem.

Enter the south passage.

Thor found SHIELD guards blocking his way.

no solution anymore.

It can only be done forcefully.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he defeats all his opponents, then it will be a perfect move forward for him.


Thor knocked down a guard with one fist.

But soon he was hugged from behind by another guard.

Thor stomped hard on the guard's foot, and when the guard screamed, he punched him down and knocked him down.

"No, communication is interrupted..."

Because of the electromagnetic pulse, the equipment works sometimes and sometimes not.

SHIELD's command was not effective and timely enough, forcing Thor to provoke a group of people by himself and move forward brazenly.

"Send a man up high with a gun."

Colson and Bai Ye came to the control room, looked at the speed of Thor's attack, and issued orders.

SHIELD senior agent Hawkeye Barton accepted the order and quickly seized the commanding heights.

Without the power of Thor, relying on his own physical fitness, Thor was still too powerful for ordinary people. Before Coulson gave the order to kill, the guards and agents of SHIELD were almost as powerful as Thor.


"Is it that guy?"

Colson asked Bai Ye.

"How do I know?" Bai Ye shrugged and said, "I've never seen Thor!"

"Sir, that hammer emitted a strong electromagnetic pulse. Our equipment and systems are almost unable to withstand it."

The technician reported to Coulson.

Colson narrowed his eyes.

When did Mjolnir's hammer not emit a strong electromagnetic pulse? It happened to erupt just after the intruder arrived, which made him have to think more.

Coulson: "Barton, please reply if you hear me."

Patton: "Do you want me to knock him down? Sir, or send more people to be beaten down by him?"

Coulson: "No attack without my order. I will give you instructions later."

If he had given the order for Barton to kill Thor, the God of Thunder in Asgard and the son of Odin, the King of Gods, he and Barton, the murderer, would definitely be out of control. Even the director might

All have to be played.

Thor passed through many obstacles, entered the core of the crater, and came to Thor's hammer.

Looking at the Meow Hammer so close to him, he couldn't help but reveal a wanton smile on his face.


He was knocked down with a punch by a muscular guard assigned by SHIELD to guard Quake.

"You're really big, but I've dealt with bigger ones!"

The two sides started a fierce hand-to-hand battle.


Thor relied on himself to be stronger, thicker, and harder, defeating his opponent and standing in front of Thor's hammer.

Patton: "Quickly give the order, Coulson, or it will be too late."

Coulson: "Wait a minute, I want to take a look first."

Thor and Mjolnir face to face.

His smile gradually became brighter.

Reach out.

Holding Mjolnir with one hand.

After trying so hard...he didn't even mention it?

The silver smile on Thor's face immediately froze.

You must know that Mjolnir is his companion weapon. Normally, it has no weight in his hand and can move freely with his thoughts.

Didn't he actually lift the hammer?

Sensed something was wrong.

Thor's expression became solemn.

He stretched out his hands, grasped Mjolnir, and raised it hard, but it still didn't work.

In fact, this time he could clearly feel Thor's hammer rejecting him.

"How is it possible? Why is this happening?"

Thor looked in disbelief.

He seemed to remember what Odin said when he was demoted to Midgard by his father Odin...

"No, no, dad won't be so cruel. Do you really want me to be a mortal from now on?"

I still feel a bit lucky in my heart.

Thor holds Mjolnir again.


Thor used all his strength to suck the milk, the veins in his arms swelled, and his face turned red.


All efforts failed.

Thor's hammer remained untouched.

Thor looked up to the sky and roared:



"I know you can hear it, tell me why!"

He stood there, still washed away by the heavy rain.

However, neither Odin nor Heimdall gave him any response.

Thor fell weakly into the mud, his eyes dull.

He lost his hammer, and he also lost all of Thor's power!


The Three Warriors of Asgard and Sif gathered together, and the atmosphere was a bit depressing.

"We shouldn't have let him go."

Vostagg said.

Sif shook her head: "No one can stop him."

"He was just exiled, not dead." Fandral said: "What a danger. If the guard hadn't told Odin our whereabouts, we would all be dead."

"Lauffy once said that there are traitors in the House of Odin." Hogan thought for a long time and said: "If he is a magic master, he is fully capable of bringing three frost giants into Asgard."

"Loki..." Sif felt a sense of horror: "He keeps saying it is for Thor's good, but we should all know that he has always been jealous of Thor..."

Fandral hesitated and said: "Although Loki always likes to play pranks, it is impossible for him to do such a thing... This kind of accusation is quite serious."

"To analyze who is the murderer, of course we need to see who can maximize the interests." Sif said: "Who wants to see the ceremony of Thor taking over the throne disrupted the most?"

Volstagg said: "It must be Loki! As long as Thor has not officially taken over the throne of Asgard, then he will have a chance."

Hogan said: "I also think that the whole thing is too coincidental, and Rocky's shadow is everywhere, and his suspicion is too high."

Sif said: "In Thor's palace, Loki and Thor didn't know what they said, which made Thor suddenly come up with the idea of ​​taking us to Jotunheim..."

The more people talk, the more suspicious Loki becomes.

After all, everything you walk through leaves a trace.

Loki designed the entire trap to frame Thor, how could he not reveal any flaws?

"We have to report to Odin and persuade him to take back his life. We must not let Loki's conspiracy succeed."

Sif gritted her teeth and said.

In all of Asgard, there is probably no one who cares more about Thor than she does.

As for Thor, every moment he stays in the Exiled Land increases the risk.

He must be rescued as soon as possible.

Fandral: "But... Loki is the son of Odin and the younger brother of Thor. Is it really okay for us to report Loki to Odin so rashly?"

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone calmed down.

Don't be close to each other.

Odin and Loki are, after all, father and son, and they are outsiders.

"We don't need to report Loki directly. We need to provide Odin with the fact that a magic master may have sneaked into Asgard with the Frost Giant, and the fact that Laufei told us that there is a traitor in Odin's house." Xi.

Fu said: "As for other things, it is up to Odin to decide."

Think of others.

They all nodded.

This method is good.

So, the four people gathered together and headed towards Odin's temple.

"Father of the gods, we have something urgent to report."

Sif took the three warriors of Asgard into Odin's temple.


Come closer.

Sif paused as she spoke.

Because they saw that the person sitting on Odin's throne was not Odin, the father of the gods, but...Loki.

Loki wore a helmet with long horns, a golden armor, and held Odin's eternal gun Gungnir in his hand. He looked at Sif and others with a subtle smile on his face:

"My friends!"

Sif asked: "Where is Odin?"

Loki said: "My father has entered Odin's sleep, and my mother is worried that he will not wake up."

Sif said: "Then we have to talk to Queen Frigga."

Loki: "She refuses to leave my father. If you have something urgent, you can tell me."

He stood up and held up the Eternal Spear in his hand:

"I am your king now!"

The four of Sif looked at each other.

But facing the Eternal Spear, he finally had to kneel down and swear allegiance to the Eternal Spear.

Sif: "Your Majesty, we implore you to end Thor's exile."

Loki: "My first order cannot contradict my father's last order. We are about to go to war with Jotunheim. The people need to see that their sons inherit their father's orders so that they can have a sense of security in difficult times! Everyone

We must work together to fight for Asgard."

Sif stood up with an angry look on her face...

But he was held back by Fandral and Hogan.

Loki smiled faintly: "Very good, it seems that you have understood what I mean, then just wait for my order!"

Volstagg: "Allow me...I beg your Majesty to reconsider,"

Loki was impatient: "That's enough!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense to the extreme.

The three warriors of Asgard glanced at Loki for a few times, then turned and retreated.

Sif looked at Loki intently for a long time, with a faint sneer on her lips, and turned to leave.

"The show is over, ground troops, move!" Coulson looked at Thor who was kneeling and said into the intercom.

It seems that this guy is just a spy who escaped from somewhere, not Thor.

So Coulson didn't have the patience to play with him anymore.


Thor, the Shiba Inu, who follows Byakuya.

But he suddenly broke through the waterproof membrane of SHIELD, jumped off the high platform, and came to the front of Thor's hammer.

Colson was shocked: "Bai Ye, you..."

Bai Ye smiled: "It's okay, just watch it!"

Thor looked serious, completely ignoring the self-pitying Thor next to him. He stood in front of Mjolnir, took a deep breath, and reached out to hold the handle of Mjolnir.

All of a sudden.

Countless thunderbolts surged out from Thor's hammer, and light rushed into Thor's body.


Then I saw dark clouds quickly gathering in the sky. Electric charges collided in the clouds, and arcs of electricity scurried around like pythons. From time to time, there were roars, like the wrath of the gods.

Colson has a big mouth.

No way, no way.

Thor's hammer, which no one had ever lifted by the blond man, was actually lifted by one of Mr. Bai Ye's dogs?

Could it be that...that dog is the real Thor?

But isn’t Thor the son of Odin, the King of Gods?


Odin, the King of Gods, is also a dog?

Colson's mind was a little confused.

Thor could feel that this Mjolnir was somewhat different from his own Mjolnir.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, as long as it's Mjolnir, it's mine.

He held the handle of the hammer and finally lifted it up little by little.

The thunder from Mjolnir's hammer poured into Thor's body crazily.

at last.

Thor's hammer was raised high.


Winds and clouds surged in the sky, blue thunder surged, and arcs of electricity flew wildly.

The invisible air current formed a huge tornado, blowing sand and gravel all over the sky.

A bolt of lightning struck.

Falling on Thor's hammer.


And the dazzling blue light made Thor's standing figure look extremely tall...

The human Thor was dumbfounded. The Thor's hammer, which he could not lift, was actually lifted by a dog?

Then am I not even as good as a dog?


Thor yelled:

"My hammer is pure and pure, my meow is upright, and I, Thor, have not been cuckolded by anyone!"

This chapter has been completed!
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