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Chapter 108 I don't want to take medicine, I'm not crazy! There are always people who want to harm me!

"No, it's impossible!" The humanoid Thor shook his head and murmured to himself: "This must be a hallucination, I must be dreaming! Yes, I should still be in the mental hospital now, because I took the medicine of that crazy woman, so

Still in a coma!"

You know, Thor's hammer is proof of Asgard's throne.

The dog raised the hammer, doesn't it mean that he is now qualified to be the king of Asgard?

A dog becomes the lord of the nine realms?

"I am Thor!"

"For the glory of the Northern God!"

Thor raised Thor's hammer high and pressed the button on his body, which immediately made a sound.

It also showed his heroic figure.

Coulson, Selvig, Daisy, Jane, and other SHIELD agents couldn't help but open their mouths, looking extremely shocked.

Who would have thought that the real Thor, the God of Thunder, was a dog?

Colson was the first to come back to his senses and looked at Bai Ye with very resentful eyes:

"Mr. Bai Ye, shouldn't you explain it? What is going on?"

He felt he had been cheated.

"Uh... I don't know what's going on. It's just like what you see. Maybe this dog is Thor, the God of Thunder."

Bai Ye said.

"Perhaps he is indeed Thor." Colson said: "But I want to know why he has been with you? Did you know Thor for a long time, so you know so much about Aspen?"

Gad’s information.”

"You are overthinking. Although he is Thor, he is still a dog!" Bai Ye said, "He cannot speak and cannot communicate."

Selvig also felt that he was dreaming.

The previously absurd speculation actually came true.

The dog named Thor that Mr. Bai Ye brought was actually Thor, the God of Thunder!

But...according to the Nordic mythology he knew, Thor should be a man. Why is it a dog?

Daisy felt ashamed for a while. She had doubted whether the handsome boy was lying before. She didn't expect that there really was Thor in this world, but he was just a dog.

Thor held up Thor's hammer, stirring up the wind and clouds, making the wind howl, and he was very proud.

By the way, he raised the hammer behind him.

In an instant.

Two majestic thundercloud vortices, centered around Thor's two hammers, unleashed their energy wantonly.

At this time, Thor can be said to have two copies of the power of the God of Thunder, doubling his combat power instantly.

He was thinking that it would be great if he took this hammer with him when he went home in the future.

"It doesn't feel right!" Selvig first noticed something strange: "It seems that except for the dropped hammer, his own hammer has the same effect? ​​But Thor's hammer is a symbol of the throne of Asgard.

, it should be unique, why are there two?”

After listening to Selvig's words, Coulson also observed carefully:

"Yes, the hammer that the dog carried earlier matched its height, but the hammer raised here is obviously a little larger and a little taller than his body shape."

"He is not the original owner of the hammer?"*2.

Selvig and Colson both looked at Bai Ye.

Coulson: "Mr. Byakuya, what is going on? Also, where is Thor, the real Crown Prince of Asgard?"

"Okay, let me tell the truth." Bai Ye shrugged and said, "This dog is Thor, but he is not the Thor of this world, but the Thor of other parallel worlds. He

Even the God of Thunder, his father is also Odin, so he also has the power of the God of Thunder, probably the same, so he can also lift the hammer of Thor. As for the Thor of this world, I really don’t know him.”

Jane's eyes widened: "Bai Ye, is there really such a thing as a parallel world?"

Parallel universes are a controversial statement, but the general consensus in the scientific community is that they are possible.

——Parallel worlds originated from physics at the microscopic scale. In the early 20th century, physicists created and developed quantum mechanics to understand the world at the microscopic scale. This theory believes that the reality of the microscopic world is blurry. Microscopic particles, such as electrons

, do not need to have a specific position, it can be in different positions at the same time. They can also have other properties that we originally thought were incompatible. When particles have such properties, physicists say that they are in different states.

Superposition state.

Experiments have proven that superposition states really exist.

"What mathematics tells us is that when a particle is in a superposition of state A and state B", the observer's measurement puts himself into a superposition of observing the particle in state 'A' and observing state 'B'. However, although

Mathematics cannot determine whether A or B is measured, but it does not mix the two. The mathematical expression describing the state of the system can be divided into two parts, each part describing a world in which the experiment

The author just sees one of two possibilities. If this is understood literally, then it must be admitted that the real world has been divided.

To put it simply, it is Schrödinger’s cat: the cat in the box is in a superposition state of life or death. According to Schrödinger’s explanation, when you open the box and observe the cat’s state, the world has split into two branches:

In one world the cat is alive, and in the other the cat is dead.

"I don't know if there are parallel worlds in other universes, but in this world, there must be parallel worlds."

Bai Ye said with certainty.

Because this is the Marvel Universe, and the multiverse is basically fundamental.

The five founding gods are the guardians of the multiverse.

Like the Phoenix Power, it also exists on the scale of the omnipotent universe.

"Then here's the question." Colson said: "Mr. Baiye, you said that this Thor can't communicate, then how did you know that he was Thor, and how did you come here under his guidance?


no doubt.

Coulson thought of it almost instantly.

It's definitely not a coincidence that Bai Ye and Thor appeared here, but Thor sensed the existence of this Thor's hammer, so he made a special trip to bring Bai Ye here.

"Colson, you have so many questions." Bai Ye rolled his eyes and said, "If you want to know, just ask Thor yourself!"

Labor and capital are not white. If you want to know anything, just come to me and speak white.

Thor was having fun playing with two Thor's hammers.

The sky was filled with dark clouds, as if the end of the world was coming.

Thunder roars.


Bai Ye was curious and jumped down from the high platform, landing in front of Thor:

"Put the new hammer on the ground and see if I can lift it."

Well, Bai Ye thinks that with his noble character and pure heart, he might be able to lift Mjolnir.

In the Marvel world, there are many people who can lift Mjolnir.

In addition to Thor himself, there are also Captain America Rogers, the goddess of death Hela, the female Thor Jane, Magneto, Rugrats, Vision, Deadpool...etc., there are not too many.

Therefore, Thor may think that his Meowth Hammer is a steadfast hammer, but in fact it is a very casual "swing".

So even the monks can touch it, but I can’t touch it during the day?

Thor was reluctant to leave.

He just got this hammer, and he hasn’t had a good time playing with it yet!

But when I think about it, Bai Ye is the shit remover after all, so I still have to give him some face.

Otherwise, after returning home.

Maybe there won’t be those delicious ones.

Thor placed Mjolnir on the ground.

Bai Ye stepped forward enthusiastically and reached out to hold the handle of Thor's hammer.


As soon as the two came into contact, a majestic thunder burst out, penetrating Bai Ye and Mjolnir.

Well, this thunder was not erupted by Mjolnir itself, but by Bai Ye using his own Thunder Fruit.

He is still somewhat self-aware, knowing that if he relies on himself alone and does not use some external tricks, he may not be able to lift Thor's hammer.

How can that work?

Doesn’t this mean that I, Bai Ye, like Colson, am a person with poor moral character?

Thor's hammer hides the power of the God of Thunder. Unfortunately, it also has the form of the animal type, the Human Fruit, the Phantom Beast Species, and the Thunder God.

Labor and management are also thunder gods.

Since Thor, the dog-shaped thunder god, can lift Mjolnir, can't I, Bai Ye, do the same?

Byakuya channeled his own Thunder God's power and made contact with the Thunder God's power contained in the hammer itself.

The hammer reacted immediately, and the two thunder gods collided fiercely.


In the sky, thunder exploded again, and layers of dark clouds came down, as if the world was about to be destroyed.

Coulson's heart skipped a beat: This guy can't really lift Mjolnir, can he?


How is this guy's inner justice and worthy of trust?

If he becomes the king of Asgard, maybe he will regain Asgard's first night rights.

Thor's Hammer, don't help the evildoers!!

Bai Ye increased the energy output of his fruit again and again, almost reaching the limit.

Thor's hammer was like a petite woman being pushed to the ground by a big man, struggling desperately, but the big man's strength was too strong, and he accidentally... got in.

next moment.

Thor's hammer was suddenly raised high by Bai Ye.


A thunder flashed, and in the sky, a rotating inverted cone formed. Soon, a tornado like a giant dragon took shape, and the majestic electromagnetic energy combined with the tornado poured in crazily. In this battle, Bitol waved two

The scene with Thor's hammer is even more terrifying.

"He actually lifted him up?"

Coulson muttered.

If Bai Ye is considered a person of integrity and qualified to be crowned king, are there really bad people in this world?

Or is it that my past impressions of Bai Ye were all misunderstandings. In fact, Bai Ye just looks like a bad person, but he is actually a good person who is deeply hidden inside?

"Wow, little brother actually lifted it up?"

Daisy said excitedly:

"I'm just telling you, how can a handsome man who looks like my little brother be a bad person?"

Jane also felt that compared to Colson, Bai Ye must be a good person.

But she wanted to study more about what the standards were for lifting this hammer. She had been here so many times before that no one could lift it, even SHIELD agents had tried, but it didn't work.

As a result, Bai Ye and Thor each raised their hammers as soon as they reached enough.

"Colson, look, I just said that your character is not good, you can't compare with me, right?" Bai Ye said: "I can lift this hammer, but you can't. This is the gap, you can't accept it!"

"Hey, Bai Ye, you have a nosebleed!"

Jane suddenly exclaimed and pointed at Bai Ye.

"Are you having a nosebleed?"

When Bai Ye touched the tip of his nose, it was indeed a nosebleed:

"It's okay, maybe it's because the food I ate recently was too dry and I got angry."

Well, the real reason is that after Bai Ye broke through Thor's hammer's lightning defense line, Thor's hammer became the main force. Countless mysterious and mysterious runes began to emerge from Thor's hammer, and the dense runes were like stars.

Disappearing and appearing, constantly changing, intertwined with the power of Thor's hammer.

The appearance of these runes shocked Bai Ye's spirit.

It's the power of Odin that Odin's old guy added to Thor's hammer.

——The power of Odin is an ability within the bloodline of the Asa clan. It is called "the power of Odin" because the strongest one known to have this ability is Odin.

The pure power of Thor in Thor's Hammer is no match for the Byakuya Animal Type, Human Fruit, Phantasmal Beast Species, and Thor Form, but with the power of Odin, it's different.

At this time, Bai Ye was holding Mjolnir. Not only did he not receive the blessing of Thor's power, but he was still under heavy pressure from Mjolnir and Odin's power.


The consonant heart that Bai Ye carries on his right hand is a magical tool that can help him relieve a lot of pressure.

"Thor's Hammer, nothing more than that!"

With a calm expression on Bai Ye's face, he threw Mjolnir to Thor.

Thor caught it immediately.

Bai Ye took out a tissue and wiped his nosebleed.

His expression is very calm.

In fact, Bai Ye's mind was a little dazed, being impacted by Odin's power.


This old thing is really unreliable.

It is said that if you lift the hammer, you will have the power of the God of Thunder. If labor and capital are raised, what about the power of the God of Thunder? Not only will it not be given to me, but it will suppress me. This is unfair.

This is totally aimed at me!

When Thor took over Thor's hammer, nothing happened and he was able to use the power of Thor at will.

The humanoid Thors were all numb.

The previous Thor's Hammer Meow Meow had always been white moonlight and cinnabar mole in his heart. Now he realizes that Meow Meow you are a shameless green tea bitch!

The humanoid Thor laughed crazily: "Hahahahahaha, all fake, all are fake, any hammer, any meow, all are fake! Don't touch me! I don't want to take medicine, I'm not crazy! There are always unscrupulous people thinking

Harm me! Hahahaha, you people all want to harm me, protect me! Protect me!!!”

This chapter has been completed!
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