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Chapter 113 I, Thor, the God of Thunder, not my brother-in-law!

A colorful beam of light pierced the sky and landed in New Mexico.

"What the hell was that just now?"

Colson quickly walked into the monitoring room and asked.

"I don't know, sir." The SHIELD technician said, "A super strong energy was suddenly detected just now, and then suddenly disappeared, about fifteen miles northwest."

Colson looked at the surveillance camera and immediately called Bai Ye.

in the room.

Bai Ye patted Jane's buttocks, asked her to stop, and answered the phone:


Coulson: "Mr. Baiye, we need your help now."

He talked about the colorful energy channels:

"Mr. Bai Ye, is this the Rainbow Bridge you and Thor are talking about?"

Bai Ye: "It should be right, it should be Asgard. Something has come to the earth again, so you SHIELD should be prepared. Maybe you will face a small-scale war next."

Colson looked solemn:

"I see."

When a powerful country reaches the stage of succession, it is indeed very dangerous. Careers will do anything for power.

But unfortunately, the source of the trouble and the legitimate successor to the throne landed on Earth.

So it is inevitable that trouble will be brought to the earth.


He has already applied to the director for support in advance.

"But Mr. Bai Ye, I would like to ask you to come over. There are some things that cannot be explained clearly over the phone, so we have to talk about them in person."

Bai Ye is helpless.

It seems that we can only enjoy the ride at night.

I just got the Rainbow Bridge, and if my predictions were correct, it should be Thor's first wife Sif, and the Three Warriors of Asgard.

But I guess we won’t have to wait long, the Destroyer will be here too.

In addition to killing the humanoid Thor, he was also beaten severely by Thor. Loki probably couldn't hold back his anger.

Bai Ye still doesn't know how far the Destroyer can reach. He can't say, it's just a tough battle.

Fortunately, the humanoid Thor seems to be able to defeat the Destroyer with one hammer, which makes the Destroyer feel awkward. So Thor, who holds two Mjolnir, should have no problem dealing with the Destroyer.

Bai Ye left Jane, put on clothes, and went to SHIELD's control room.

In addition to Bai Ye, even the humanoid Thor was also invited over by Coulson.

Colson said:

"Through the reconnaissance helicopter, we discovered four people wearing strange clothes."

Thor immediately came closer, took a look, and immediately said excitedly:

"They are Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard. They are my best friends."

After getting Bai Ye's explanation, he became extremely worried about the safety of Asgard. If Loki really died because he had to take on the responsibility of guarding Asgard for him, then he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.


Now that Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard have arrived, he can just ask about the current situation in Asgard, and if possible, ask his friends to help him think about how to unlock his old father's seal so that he can go

Help Loki resist the attack of the Frost Giants.

Coulson said: "I seem to remember...Sif, is she your wife?"

Thor was stunned and said: "Of course not, Sif is just my fighting partner. Is your Midgard myth wrong?"

Bai Ye said: "Now that Thor has confirmed that these are his friends, let's have them brought back. By the way, we can ask carefully about the current situation in Asgard."

Without Bai Ye's reminder, Coulson must have known what to do, so he immediately issued an order to the reconnaissance helicopter to bring Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard back.

As long as Thor's name is mentioned, they probably won't resist.


Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard were taken to SHIELD's base.

As soon as Thor saw his friends, he immediately greeted them enthusiastically:

"My friends, why are you here? It's great to see you again!"


Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard were also very excited.

Especially Sif.

As Thor's best brother, it can almost be said that there is almost a negative distance. During the period when Thor was demoted to Midgard, Sif was too worried to think about anything.

Now that I saw Thor, I immediately stepped forward and gave Thor a bear hug.

However, Thor didn't realize it yet. After hugging Sif, he happily hugged the three warriors of Asgard, looking very happy.

Coulson was moved when he saw this: "People like him are probably single all the time, right?"

Even after they had just met, he could see the difference between Sif and Thor, but Thor himself and Sif must have been together for thousands of years, and he didn't realize it at all and simply regarded him as his brother.

Bai Ye said quietly: "For people like Thor, he just hasn't realized what he wants for the time being. When he really wants a woman, based on his status, it is estimated that all the beauties in Asgard will be allowed to be chosen by him and he can take whatever he wants.


"All roads lead to Rome, but some people were born in Rome! Many people don't have girlfriends because they simply can't find one, and some people... just think girlfriends are boring!"

Colson: "..."

"By the way, Sif, what's the current situation in Asgard? Is there a war with the Frost Giants?"

After reminiscing, Thor couldn't wait to ask about Asgard.

Sif said: "The atmosphere is very tense now, but it has not reached the point of starting a war. You don't have to worry too much. And... Thor, this war will start in another form even without you. Don't be too complacent."

Blame it!"

In a sense, the war with the Frost Giants was provoked by Thor's random actions, but in fact, smart people in Asgard can see that what Thor did was not this.

The root cause of the conflict.

The fundamental reason is that Odin is about to reach the limit of his lifespan, Asgard will usher in a super turmoil, and after so many years of development, the Frost Giants have increased their strength, so the Frost Giants want to take this opportunity to cause trouble.

Break free from Asgard's control, and even defeat Asgard in turn, gaining the opportunity to rule the nine realms.

What Thor did only accelerated the process of the Frost Giants' resistance, which might be a good thing. After all, the sooner the pustules are squeezed out, the better.

If Odin dies and Thor truly takes over the position of King of Asgard, the Frost Giants may demand a search of Asgard in the name of "a missing soldier", and then they will have to fight.

It is estimated that the situation will be much worse than now.

Thor: "What about father? Is... is he okay?"

At this moment, Thor thought of what he said when Odin was demoted to Midgard, and he was very upset. He was indeed such a bastard at that time.

From the highlight of his life to the trough all of a sudden, Thor finally learned to reflect on himself.

"Your father fell into Odin's sleep, and his life is not in danger for the time being."

Sif said.

"Sure enough, Loki is lying to me."

Thor said with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, that's right Thor, Loki has been lying to you all this time..."

Sif was about to speak out and tell her group of people their suspicions about Loki.

But Thor was crying loudly:

"Loki, you are so stupid, why are you so nice to me? I don't deserve it! If you die, how will I live for the rest of my life!!"

Sif: "???"

"Thor, there's nothing wrong with your brain, right?" Sif looked at Thor suspiciously, suspecting that when he was thrown to the Rainbow Bridge by Odin, he hit the ground head first, which caused Thor to have a brain problem: "

Loki is lying to you, how can he be nice to you?"

Thor wiped his tears and said: "Sif, you don't understand. The reason why Loki lied to me is because he wants to shoulder the responsibility of protecting Asgard for me and doesn't want me to go to make up for my fault."

And in the battle, he was afraid that I would die, so he used white lies to keep me in Midgard."

Sif: "..."

Now she was a little suspicious, maybe she and others were too sensitive, so they misunderstood Loki's meaning?

Maybe Loki really does it for Thor's benefit?


Sif quickly rejected the idea.

Because she knew very well who Loki was.

That's a complete bastard. How could it be for Thor's benefit?

When she was a child, she was the playmate of Thor and Loki. It can be said that they were childhood sweethearts. Like most Asgardians, Sif was born with beautiful blond hair. However, when she was a teenager, Loki planned to play a trick on her.

moment, because she seemed to prefer Thor's company to him.

So Loki cut off all her blond hair while she slept. After discovering this, Sif's cries alarmed the entire capital of Asgard. Knowing that he would be punished for this, Loki hurried to the Dwarf Kingdom and

The dwarves discussed making some pure gold wigs to compensate Sif. The dwarves agreed to his request, but Loki secretly prepared for the breach of contract.

Loki stole the hair and gave it to Sif. On Sif's head, the hair grew naturally like real hair and became shinier than before. However, because before Loki stole it, the dwarf did not have time to give it to Sif.

A special potion is applied to the hair, so those hairs on Sif's head begin to darken and eventually turn completely black.

When Sif started crying again, her parents began to get tired of her vanity, so they sent her to learn to fight and become an armed girl. Returning to Asgard many years later, Sif had the costume of a warrior and accepted it.

her black hair.

So Sif has already seen through Loki's true nature, that is, he is a bad guy who doesn't like other people's good things, he is bad to the core!

Sif said: "Thor, although I don't know where you got the judgment, you will think that Loki is for your own good, but I have to tell you, from the time the Frost Giant entered Odin when you succeeded to the throne of Asgard,

The trouble in the treasure house has begun, and everything is a trap set by Loki for you..."

Next, Sif and the Three Warriors of Asgard told Thor everything in an embellished manner.

Thor was very shocked and still couldn't believe it.

He raised his head and looked at Bai Ye.

Didn’t you say that Loki did everything for me?

Why is it completely different from what Sif and others said?


Bai Yeqing coughed and said:

"Actually, I am always accustomed to thinking the best of everyone and believing in the good side of human nature."

He patted Colson next to him on the shoulder:

"And this guy has always been accustomed to thinking the worst about human nature and believing in the evil side of human nature."

"So, we both provided you with a possibility at that time. It's just that you, like me, are too kind and regard others as good people, which is why we caused this misunderstanding! Now it seems that Loki

It’s very possible that I’m setting you up!”

Thor nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

That's right, it must be because he, like Midgard's Thunder God Byakuya, is too simple and kind, so he regards everything Loki does as a good intention. But he never thought that Loki was designing himself.

Well, that must be the case, there is absolutely no control over anything, and there is no such thing as not wanting outsiders to say bad things about Ou Doudou!

I, the God of Thunder, Thor, am not a brother-in-law!

Thor said sadly: "I always thought Loki had changed for the better, but I didn't expect...how could he do this? If he wants the throne, he can tell me directly! Why do he use these dark methods?"

To be honest, if Loki told Thor directly that he must take the throne of Asgard, Thor might just give in.

Maybe Loki also knows, but what does he want? Is it really just the position of the king? Of course not, what he wants is the pleasure brought by fighting for Thor's things. If he really gives the throne directly to him, maybe he will feel better

Not challenging, not interesting anymore.

Sif said: "Thor, now is not the time to talk about this. We must return to Asgard as soon as possible. No matter what Loki wants to do, it must be a very dangerous thing. Only Thor can stop him!"


Thor lowered his head, looked at his hands, and said with a wry smile:

"I also want to go back, but... I am no longer the God of Thunder. When my father demoted me to Midgard, he sealed my divine power. Now, even Mjolnir can't help me anymore."

Lifted up."


Sif and the others knew that the hammer was Thor's true form. Without the hammer, there would be no Thor.

Then let’s play with a hammer next!

——Sif and others only knew that Thor was exiled, but did not know the specific situation. They generally believed that Thor was exiled, but Odin closed the Rainbow Bridge to Thor, preventing Thor from returning to Aspen.


In Thor's situation, even if he returns to Asgard, it will only cause chaos, right?

Sif said: "Thor, Odin is your father after all. He can't give up on you just because you made a mistake without giving you a chance! And Mjolnir is also the weapon you have used since you were born. As long as

If you realize your mistake and admit it properly, you should still have a chance to lift Mjolnir!"

She turned her head and searched for a moment: "By the way, where is Mjolnir?"

As he spoke, Thor played the game console in his hand, carrying two Thor's hammers on his back, and blindly walked into the room - it was already noon, and he was almost hungry from playing games, so he came to prepare food.


This chapter has been completed!
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