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Chapter Nine

The sound of swords originated from the martial arts arena on Gusu West Street.

At this moment, Jiang Yichen was attracted by the exciting fight in the ring.

There were not many onlookers, most of them glanced into the arena a few times and then went about their own business. In the city of Suzhou, such competitions in the ring were all too common.

The martial arts arena is the only place in Gusu City where fighting and sparring is allowed. This was originally an unwritten rule and was later explicitly stated by the Suzhou government.

Gusu City is a safe island for all forces to temporarily stop war and truce. However, it is far-fetched to completely ban martial arts on this safe island. The derivative product is a martial arts field for competition and competition. After all, in this place where everyone is martial.

In this era, there are also many people who think they are good at martial arts and need a place to show off their skills and show off their power.

Most of the martial arts arenas involve sparring and fighting, where you have to hit the mark and don't hurt anyone's vitals or cause serious injury, let alone hurt someone's life. But there are also life-and-death fights, where each person signs a life-and-death certificate in the presence of government personnel.

You can fight to the death in the ring.

These rules can be strictly adhered to for decades. In addition to the official regulations, all parties are trying to save face and restrict each other. Anyone who breaks the rules will be pushed to the forefront, wanted by the government, and attacked by all parties.

The martial arts arena is three feet wide and six feet long. It stands on the water. About five groups of opponents can compete on the stage at the same time. Two government officials are specially assigned to be on duty here on weekdays. Their martial arts are not high, and they are only within the scope of their abilities.

To maintain order, if an accident occurs, their own life is the most important thing. Their role is mostly to bear witness to life and death fights or to report unexpected situations to Zixuan Palace.

It was still early in the day, and there were only two people competing in the ring. For passers-by who often watch fights, they have long been accustomed to it. Only those who are quite bored stop to watch. Jiang Yichen is just a curious baby and was attracted to the stage.

The fight really opened his eyes.

On the stage were a young swordsman and a middle-aged swordsman. The swordsman looked capable and mature, while the swordsman seemed to be slightly inferior in martial arts, but he was not inferior at all in terms of momentum. On the contrary, he was faintly overpowering the swordsman.

The situation on the field was like this. The swordsman failed to touch him with his fierce and powerful chops. Yes, he failed to touch the swordsman. And the young swordsman hardly got close to the swordsman and relied entirely on his sword energy.

Conduct long-range bombardment on the swordsman.

For a swordsman, being successful in sword practice, having the greatest lethality, and being able to carry out long-range attacks is undoubtedly due to sword energy. However, judging from the fact that he can use sword energy so frequently without showing fatigue, this young man

The physical strength and strength of a swordsman should never be underestimated. If my guess is correct, he should have developed deep internal skills to support him. Otherwise, it will be difficult to appear confident and calm in such a fight.

The swordsman is a practitioner who focuses on physical training, and he has a strong body, but he is really powerless against enemies that he cannot reach, so he can only continue to attack and chase. Finally, he gathered the strength and came to Zhao Suoyun.

He pulled the swordsman in front of him and slashed down with his sword. However, the swordsman greased his feet to create wind and quickly got out of the way, allowing the swordsman to miss the blow.

Over time, although the swordsman seems to have higher combat power, the swordsman is better because of his dexterity, using his own strengths to attack the other's weaknesses. As time goes on, the swordsman gradually shows fatigue, and the swordsman finally waits for the opportunity to counterattack.

Swish, swish, swish! Three sword energy streams came in succession, and the swordsman barely managed to block them, but the tiger's mouth was so numb that he could no longer hold the sword, so he had no choice but to admit defeat and accept the defeat.

After leaving the martial arts arena, Jiang Yichen was still filled with memories of the fight just now, longing for the day when he could develop the deep internal skills and strength like a young swordsman.

Alas, it would be better to have fewer distracting thoughts at this time.

Jiang Yichen cleared away his distracting thoughts and made clear his goal for today. He must visit Gusu City!

Find key information so you can plan your next move. After all, you are not here to relax. If you don't get to the old man within the specified time, you will have to go home.

Wandering in the city of Suzhou, I appreciate the beauty of the south of the Yangtze River in early spring. The beauty of the south of the Yangtze River is hazy and simple. It is playing chess leisurely under the trees, drinking wine drunkenly among the flowers, and sipping tea calmly in the courtyard. The green water is lingering in the white water. The walls, red flowers sprinkled on the green tiles, and the meandering river sang softly in the early morning. Take a small boat and walk through the green water with small bridges. The two sides of the bank are mottled by the wind and waves and the drifting of eternal tenderness. What Hongqingshui carries is the traces and vicissitudes of the passing years.

"There are caves in the beautiful mountains and rivers, and ancient buildings and small towns are leaning against the windows. The setting sun reflects the willows, and I look at the world of mortals with a glass of wine." Perhaps this is the best summary of the humanistic style of Suzhou.

Time passed by unconsciously, and at some point Jiang Yichen walked into a small alley of unknown location. A faint fragrance of orchids floated into his nose from the courtyard inside the partition wall, warming his heart and spleen.

Although he felt a little rude, but out of curiosity, Jiang Yichen still made sure that there were no passers-by in this alley, then he jumped up the wall and looked into the courtyard.

In the courtyard with blue bricks and white stones, in an inconspicuous and secluded corner, a few orchids were exuding the breath of the early morning. Jiang Yichen, who usually did not like to touch flowers and plants, was actually attracted by them. He will slowly appreciate them. At that moment, there was a sound of soft footsteps, and a woman appeared in the courtyard, seemingly to take care of the orchids. Soon, she noticed the sight of strangers, and then looked towards the wall.

At that moment, Jiang Yichen was stunned and had no time to hide. He wanted to explain that he was only attracted by the fragrance of the flowers to enjoy the flowers, but he couldn't open his mouth and his face turned red instantly. The situation was very embarrassing.

After a while, Jiang Yichen regained his courage and finally explained to others clearly. He was about to speak, but he felt a murderous aura in front of him. The woman still did not move at the same place, but the murderous aura released between her eyebrows was enough to kill several people. This is Jiang Yichen.

The woman didn't know that Jiang Yichen's fixed gaze was not out of rudeness, but out of daze.

After a while, Jiang Yichen was finally awakened by the murderous aura. Only then did he realize that the woman's figure was so similar to the woman he met at Yunbo Inn when he went out in the morning. Her clothes were also ordinary, but there was no veil on her face. The important thing was Yes, this woman is really beautiful.

The woman is elegant and elegant, with an aura of lightness and aura like orchids. Her beautiful eyebrows are slightly frowned, making her look so pleasant even if she is angry.

Suddenly, Jiang Yichen finally realized that it was rude and offensive to stare at the woman like this. His red face, which had finally cooled down, blushed in the blink of an eye. His eyes left the woman as if they were fleeing, and he dropped to the wall, leaning his back against the wall, looking around. He was looking around to see if anyone had noticed him, and he was so panicked that he didn't know what to do.

Jiang Yichen no longer had the guts, bah, no guts anymore, to check if the woman was still there. He found a direction and rushed out of the alley that made him bump into each other, and returned to the crowds of people in Gusu.

He always thought he had escaped from this flowery nightmare, but before he knew it, Jiang Yichen arrived in front of the Yichun Courtyard, which was full of flowers, wine, greenery, and spring scenery.

Distraught and absent-minded, Jiang Yichen was suddenly dragged towards Yichun Courtyard while walking on the street.

"Hey, little brother, looking at your face, you seem to be in love for the first time. Come in and drink with your sister and let her give you some advice, hehe." A woman with a plump figure in a thin blouse with cicada wings was flirting and teasing as she just turned from the street.

As a young chick, I was thinking that if I could entertain such a young kid, I would not only get a taste of it, but if I could get some money out of him, it would be a really great deal. I couldn't help but laugh out loud as I thought about it.

At this moment, Jiang Yichen, who was being led inside by her arm, woke up from a dream, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, completely losing her bearings, and her body was not obeying her orders, so she moved step by step into Yichun Courtyard.

Yichunyuan is the only Fireworks Willow Alley in the inner city of Suzhou. It occupies most of the land in the northeast corner of Gusu City. It goes without saying that its scale is huge. The layout and various entertainment methods inside are also dazzling. The most important thing is

The girls here are all beautiful and versatile, enough to make people linger.

There are many girls in Yichun Court, but most of them are performing arts rather than selling themselves. The leading oiran is Qingchen, as simple and elegant as a green lotus, like a fairy emerging from the dust. With a little application of pink and white, she looks like an enchanting country. A piece of konghou plays with the heartstrings, and a song

The flute soothes the soul, and many literati and poets put down their posture and step into Yichun Courtyard just to listen to the overwhelming sounds of nature.

Under the light dust, there are eight red cards: welcoming spring, pinellia, cutting autumn, honeysuckle, Ruolan, Ruoxun, Ruoxuan and Ruowei. They are all outstanding in their elegance. Each one leads the way, and can also attract many elegant gentlemen to miss Shu. So the rest

There is no need to go into details about the girl. Therefore, even though it is still morning, like the bustling crowds on the street, Yichun Courtyard is already bustling with people. Businessmen from all walks of life, dignitaries, rich boys, etc., everyone comes here with nothing to do.

Look for flowers and willows, and live a carefree life.

What Jiang Yichen was brought into was not a splendid and elegant area in heaven and earth, but a large mixed area with a mixture of fish and dragons and mostly ordinary people. Everywhere he walked, there were embarrassing foul language and unsightly vulgar behavior. It was easy to raise his eyes.

, unexpectedly saw a wretched old man dressed in gold and silver, and put his hands on the breast of a girl in red in a coquettish way.

Even though Jiang Yichen had never had sex before, he was blushing with embarrassment when he saw this scene. In broad daylight, there was such a disrespectful person, disrespectful to the elderly, disrespectful to the elderly, and this girl was really astray.


"Okay, okay! Hey hey hey!" The old master's face was red, but he was definitely not ashamed, but horny.

The speaker is careless and the listener is shocked!

The old master's actions and words kept replaying in Jiang Yichen's mind, a familiar scene!

This chapter has been completed!
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