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Chapter 8 Yunbo Inn

In the following days, Jiang Yichen had no more "adventures" and wandered half of Suzhou before dragging his tired body to find an inn to stay.

Today's "encounters" really hit Jiang Yichen hard. He was confused when he first entered the world, and he was at a loss when encountering problems. It was like sailing in the dark but unable to find the lighthouse that guides the way forward. He didn't know that these little things today were more complicated than before.

Considering what I will encounter and hear in the future, it is really not even a small fight.

Although he was troubled, tiredness quickly swept over his eyes. Jiang Yichen fell asleep early and was speechless all night.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Yichen still maintained his good habit of living on the island, getting up early to make some plans and preparations for today's trip.

Walking downstairs, since it was still early, there were no tea customers on the first floor of the inn. Only two inn waiters were seen cleaning the shop in preparation for today's opening.

However, Jiang Yichen felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at him from the moment he stepped onto the first floor of the stairs, just like yesterday when he first came to the hotel. However, it was already dark last night and he was too tired, so he didn't pay much attention to it.


Looking in the direction of his sight, the light reflected from his black gem-like pupils seemed to tell Jiang Yichen that it was she who was staring at him. It was her yesterday, the proprietress of this Yunbo Inn.

Her long black hair is tied behind her head like a concubine in the harem, with a red flower hairpin on her right temple. Her two big eyes are gleaming with eyes from time to time, her pink nose, small cherry mouth, and perfect melon-seed face.

Wearing an off-shoulder light red dress, Shen Xinling is a touching beauty. Shen Xinling is still charming in her forties.

Everyone has a love for beauty. Jiang Yichen was still young and in his prime, so he couldn't help but be intoxicated by such beauty. But then he realized that he had lost his composure, his face turned red in the blink of an eye, and he hurriedly turned his eyes reluctantly and shyly.

Move away.

Seeing Jiang Yichen in such embarrassment, Shen Xinling couldn't help but chuckle.

Jiang Yichen's heartstrings were ruffled by the crisp laughter, and he glanced at Shen Xinling unsatisfactorily, and immediately lowered his head, feeling confused and confused.

Shen Xinling really wanted to laugh out loud, but she controlled herself and stopped teasing the young man in front of her, "Hey! Young hero, did you sleep well last night? Is my inn comfortable?"

Shen Xinling spoke for a while before Jiang Yichen reacted and stuttered back, "Good...very, very good."

Jiang Yichen's voice was as soft as a whisper. Fortunately, Shen Xinling had already walked up to her, otherwise she wouldn't have been able to hear her. However, just one body away from her made Jiang Yichen panic.

While Shen Xinling looked at Jiang Yichen carefully, she recalled that he had seen her when he came to stay last night. Why was he not as miserable as now? Or was it that the night and tiredness made him ignore it?

The green young man in front of him is half a head taller than himself, with an unattractive appearance, light eyebrows and pointed eyes, and a slightly smaller nose and mouth. He cannot be considered handsome, but can only be considered comely. His hair, which is black and silver-white, is tied neatly behind his head, and his eyes are bright.

He kept dodging, he was really scared by himself, and he didn't dare to look directly.

Such a scene made Shen Xinling feel pity in her heart. She patted the boy's chest and said softly, "Eat breakfast in the store before going out."

Jiang Yichen was stunned for a long time, and then he turned his eyes stiffly to the landlady. She was still looking at him, and they happened to meet her eyes. There was no look at her just now, but it was a bit joking. At this moment, Jiang Yichen felt,

Where have you seen this look? I fell into deep thought for a moment.

"Hey, little pervert, have you seen enough of my sister?" Shen Xinling lightly punched Jiang Yichen's chest again before waking him up. At first, she thought he was really in love with her, but unexpectedly, he was distracted by his thoughts. She was really confused. Feeling a little embarrassed, he immediately turned around and walked back to the counter. He turned his back and said to Jiang Yichen, "There are porridge, steamed buns, and steamed buns over there. Eat whatever you want. Sister, please."

"Okay,...Okay. Thank you, thank you, boss lady." Jiang Yichen didn't know what happened to the boss lady, but she really liberated herself as soon as she walked away, but she still stuttered a bit when she spoke.

Just as he was about to go to the table where the landlady was talking, a woman in purple hurriedly ran in from outside the inn, as if there was something urgent, and her target was Shen Xinling, the landlady of the inn.

The long purple gauze skirt highlights the woman's graceful figure. Her long hair covers most of her face, and she wears a purple gauze mask. She probably doesn't want outsiders to see her face.

Jiang Yichen didn't look at the person too much and stopped to give way. Then the woman in purple ran past him, and a burst of orchid fragrance lingered in Jiang Yichen's nose.

What Jiang Yichen didn't notice was that the woman in purple glanced at him secretly through her long hair as she ran past him.

It was none of his own business. For a moment, Jiang Yichen hoped that the woman in purple was here to find him, but then he ridiculed himself and drove this inexplicable thought out of his head. He even forgot about breakfast and started a new day with it. I stepped out of the door with a relaxed mood and continued to explore this novel world.

(In the inn) "What is it that makes our little Lan'er so panicked?" Shen Xinling said to the woman in purple who was standing in front of her after watching Jiang Yichen's figure disappear on the street.

Compared with Shen Xinling's leisurely posture, the purple-clothed woman known as Xiaolan looked much more serious, "Sister Ling, I'm not kidding, Wang Dali just came back from Taoyuan Town, and when he passed by Majiayi, he noticed that Yu Tao and Hong Yue were too many. We have hired a lot of guys to move a lot of wine jars, so something should be done."

"Oh, after so many years, are we finally going to take action? We have already reached an agreement with Taoyuan Town and are starting to supply goods to Juyuan?" Shen Xinling returned with some thought.

"It should be good. Sister Ling, do you think this was my idea, to deliberately leave a way for them, and then come here to invite you to the pot and catch them all in one go?" Xiaolan analyzed.

"How can I care about this now? I wonder what Brother Qi is planning. Is the other party really okay?" Shen Xinling rejected Xiaolan's view, and then continued: "You still have to be more careful. It's best if you can Someone goes to investigate and find out what their plans are. I think the clues should be in the wine or in the wine cellar."

Xiaolan paced while thinking, "Who should I ask to check? Brother Qianli hasn't come back yet. Dali is capable, but he is too big, and he is familiar with them. The target is too obvious."

Shen Xinling responded quickly this time: "Here, the little brother you have been peeking at just now has just walked out."

Xiaolan staggered when she heard this, her volume instantly increased several times, with unconcealable disgust, and at the same time she directly blocked the first half of Shen Xinling's sentence and said: "Jiang Yichen?! Sister Ling, can you be more serious? This is terrible It’s no joke. With his three-legged cat skills and such a stupid head, if he goes there, he will either seek death or alert others. Don’t let him cause trouble! It’s better to let me go.”

"Oh haha, Xiao Lan'er is so excited for a young boy, she doesn't have any ladylike qualities at all." Shen Xinling teased Xiao Lan, but then she straightened up and said, "This matter is serious. Small, leave it to Xiao Chen'er, it won't affect the overall situation. Xiao Chen'er has just left Xishan Island, he is still very simple, and he doesn't understand anything. Liu Qi also came to take care of him yesterday and gave him some opportunities to practice, but Don’t come out to the island for nothing.”

"Besides, can our Yichun Court's red card come from Gusu? I will contact Murong and ask him to follow me, just in case. You, you can teach him more when you have time. It is hard to find such an innocent young man nowadays. "After being serious for only three seconds, Shen Xinling teased Xiaolan again.

Xiaolan cursed Shen Xinling in her heart. Since Sister Ling had already made arrangements, she couldn't say anything else.

If Jiang Yichen had been present, his jaw would have dropped when he heard the conversation between the two. How come everyone knew his true identity? How could he know that the proprietress of Yunbo Inn and the red card of Yichun Court were also his employees.

Perhaps out of love for the pure love that has long been hard to find after living in the world for many years, Liu Qi didn't bother to take any extra steps after bidding farewell to Jiang Yichen yesterday. He specifically found Shen Xinling and asked her to take good care of Jiang Yichen, and the landlady also happily accepted it. .

After leaving the inn, Jiang Yichen remembered that he had not had breakfast yet.

However, he did not dare to go back to the Yunbo Inn and face the proprietress.

After chewing roughly the steamed buns and flatbreads bought on the street, Jiang Yichen walked to Gusu West Street when he suddenly heard the sound of swords ringing in his ears.

This chapter has been completed!
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