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Chapter 414 Dragon and Phoenix Fight

On the sword dancing platform, a man and a woman stood facing each other.

The man is tall and tall, with majestic appearance and handsome hair.

The woman is curvy and full of charm.

The two of them were like a dragon and a phoenix among men, dazzling under the bright golden light.

If we go back twenty years, these two people can be called the golden boy and the beautiful girl.

It's just that this pair of already mature "golden boys and girls" didn't show any intimacy. Instead, they were extremely polite and respectful.

Feng Chen smiled and said: "After today, the whole world of Kyushu will be one family."

The ghostly enchantress smiled back and repeated what Feng Chen said, "After today, the whole world of Kyushu will be one family."

Feng Chen suddenly stopped laughing and sighed: "The Xiaoyue Alliance and the gods have been fighting for ten or twenty years, but you and I have not fought each other more than one or twenty times."

The ghostly enchantress was still smiling and said: "Thirty-five times, big and small."

Feng Chen smiled again and said: "Women's memories are really better. Counting today's battle, that's thirty-six times."

The ghostly enchantress said: "If it were replaced by years, it would be three small reincarnations."

Feng Chen said: "After three reincarnations, you and I have never had a glass of wine together."

The ghostly enchantress said: "It's true that we have never had a drink together."

Feng Chen said: "I have always heard that Master Ji is not only a hero among women in martial arts, but also a man who never gets drunk at the wine table. After this battle, Feng must ask for advice."

The ghostly enchantress said: "Master Feng is overly praised, but if Master Feng invites me, I will sacrifice my life to accompany you!"

Feng Chen said: "Haha, wine is a good thing to cheer up. After this battle, all the nine states will be united into one family. No matter who is the leader of the martial arts alliance, it will be a happy day. How can we not celebrate such a happy event with wine?"

The ghostly enchantress said: "What Master Feng said makes sense. After this battle, no matter you or I are the leader of the martial arts alliance, we must ask everyone present not to get drunk and not to return!"

Feng Chen said: "It should be so."

The ghostly enchantress glanced at the drunken beauty with her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "I'm afraid I'll have to trouble Brother Li to worry about this matter."

"Master Ji, you're welcome." Li Shi bowed his hand, "You two, please feel at ease. Although Zui Hongyan's store in Pinghai County is not big, there is never a shortage of wine. The small restaurant is not big, but fortunately Qingshui Town is big enough.

Li immediately sent a few brothers back to make preparations, and I will teach all my friends tonight to enjoy themselves."

"Brother Li has always been reassuring in his work." Feng Chen hugged Li Shi, then looked back at the ghostly enchantress, suppressed a smile, and said solemnly, "Then Master Ji, will we eliminate all grudges in one battle?"

The ghostly enchantress also suppressed her smile and repeated in a positive tone: "We will eliminate all grudges in this battle!"


Although the ghostly enchantress is strong, she is still a female, so Feng Chen still lets her opponent make the first move with great grace.

The ghostly enchantress was not polite and pulled out a soft willow-green sword from her waist - Green Silk Sash.

This soft sword has a narrow blade, thinner than chopsticks. The ghostly enchantress has drawn it out to a length of four feet, but the edge has not yet been seen.

I saw a cold light flash in the eyes of the ghostly enchantress, and her figure also flashed, and she was already attacking Feng Chen before the sword was completely drawn out!

The green silk ribbon seemed to be growing in the wind. When the ghostly enchantress drew her first sword, the green silk ribbon was already three feet long from beginning to end!

Feng Chen's eyes flashed, and he didn't feel any weirdness about the ghostly enchantress using this weird weapon, but only the excitement of fighting an old opponent again.

After all, Hiding the Sun is a big sword weighing a hundred kilograms. Even if Feng Chen is born with supernatural power, when the other party is also a top martial arts master, no matter how fast he draws the sword, he can't move it faster than the agility of the sword, not to mention the weirdness of the green silk sash.

The weapon is not exactly a sword, but it is not less sharp. It is not a whip rope, but it is more agile.

Therefore, from the moment Feng Chen decided to let the ghostly enchantress make the first move, he was destined to fall into the inferior position.

The sword of the ghost demon queen is not thrust out one by one. At least in Jiang Yichen's view, from the moment the ghost demon queen draws the sword from her waist to thrusting the sword, although there is only one movement, more than a hundred swords are thrust out.

With this move alone, Jiang Yichen no longer thinks that the swordsmanship of the ghost demon girl is inferior to Ruoyu, Gu Xinhun, and Yun Xiaobai. Why does no one in the world list her as one of the top swordsmen?

Or is it because of Lu Sisui's weird military style that the ghostly witch is not regarded as a real swordsman?

The distracting thoughts only lingered in Jiang Yichen's mind for a moment. He believed that this little doubt would be solved in the upcoming battle.

The more than a hundred swords thrust out by the ghostly enchantress are both imaginary and real, and each sword carries sparkling light, like willow branches pulled out from the riverside stream.

From Jiang Yichen's position, the hundreds of imaginary and solid sword shadows looked like a criss-crossing sword net.

If you are close, you can clearly see that the sword shadows have been woven into a fishing net or an overwhelming cage, and Feng Chen is the prey that the fishing net and the cage want to imprison.

How could Feng Chen dare to be careless? The sun stood in front of him, and with a flick of his wrist, it immediately started spinning like a windmill.

The sparkling light is a way to blind the eyes and disturb the enemy. Among these more than a hundred swords, which sword is a feint and which is a real move, bystanders cannot tell with the naked eye. Only by focusing on the body can one judge according to the strength attached to them.

Make accurate judgments about fluctuations.

But if we really analyze them one by one, wouldn’t we be playing into the ghostly enchantress’s ambitions?

The ghostly enchantress's move "Hundred Willows Supporting the Wind" is essentially a false move, a false move, a true move, a false move, or a real move. The next moment, a false move can be a real move, or a real move.

Feint moves, once the opponent is distracted to distinguish them, no matter what judgment he makes, he will not be able to escape the fate of being struck by the sword.

As an old rival, Feng Chen certainly knew how to break the attack, so he used the blade as a shield to keep "Bai Liu Fufeng" away.

But how could the ghostly enchantress use this old trick against her old opponent?

Unless, it is also a deception.

When Feng Chen realized this, the ghostly enchantress standing in the sky three feet away was of course gone!

In addition to the square inch of land he stood on, the already pitted ground was now riddled with holes!

The "thousands of holes" were densely packed, each one no bigger than a fingernail, but they seemed to be black holes, and they must have penetrated at least an inch deep.

These holes were undoubtedly left by the green silk ribbon. When the ghostly enchantress disappeared, so did the green silk ribbon.

Feng Chen had no time to think too much, his first thought was to leave the place, the further away, the higher the better!

Feng Chen immediately raised his sword and jumped up.

At that moment, a slim figure appeared ten feet away behind Feng Chen, and it turned out to be the ghostly enchantress!

The green silk ribbon in the hands of the ghostly enchantress is still sparkling, but it is only one foot long. But with the distance of one arm, it is enough to reach the vital point behind Feng Chen!

This sword is plain and has no tricks, but it is extremely fast and powerful. It is a fatal blow to anyone who jumps high and has a wide open door behind him, but it is a fatal blow to Feng Chen.


The moment he made the leap, Feng Chen's feet plummeted down as if they were filled with lead. His feet dug into the ground for more than an inch, and he stabilized his body firmly. Then he folded his waist, revealing a mighty and majestic body.

In addition, the weight of covering the sun is entirely supported by the waist and legs. Using it as a fulcrum, he twists his body and slashes horizontally behind him!


Swords clash.

Naturally, the sound of banging resounded throughout Baihua Island.

The ten-foot-square area of ​​land where Feng Chen stood exploded like a boulder falling into a lake, the soil flew up, and flowers and plants were buried deep!

The ghostly enchantress had retreated three feet away, but the shoes on her feet were stained with filth from the two deep ditches on the ground.

The strength contained in their respective swords is evident!

"Master Feng is always so shrewd!"

The ghostly enchantress had a smile of approval on her face, but she had no intention of giving up the right to attack to Feng Chen. She already attacked Feng Chen while she was breathing.

This time the green silk ribbon was only four feet long, and the ghostly enchantress directly engaged Feng Chen at hand-to-hand combat.

"Palace Master Ji is still as cunning as ever!"

Even though the ghostly enchantress's sword is faster, Feng Chen seems to have mastered her tricks and can always take precautions in advance, which makes her appear to be quite skillful.

"The devil is as high as one foot, and the Tao is as high as ten feet. None of my tricks can deceive Master Feng."

"Haha, Master Ji, please don't belittle yourself. It's not that Feng has lost your way, he just paid more attention and his reaction will naturally be faster."

"If there is any flaw in my body, please let Master Feng make it clear."

"Although Palace Master Ji's swordsmanship is strange and changeable, it is still precise. The sword blades of 'Bai Liu Fufeng' should have all been aimed at me, but many of them pierced the ground. Palace Master Ji was sure that Feng would be able to deal with it.' Bailiu Fufeng's method is to create a suspicious formation with false pretenses, so that Feng will mistakenly think that the holes on the ground have another purpose, and he will have to jump away from the place. As a result, Feng is in the air, and there is an empty door behind him. If you have to deal with the sudden attack from Master Ji, you will inevitably make mistakes while busy."

"Hey, so my plan failed from the beginning."

"Haha, Palace Master Ji has done a good job of interlocking all the links. If Feng were a few years older and his head turned even slower, I'm afraid there would be no chance of survival."

"Don't be ridiculous, Master Feng. After all these dozens of times, I am already exhausted. Master Feng still shows no sign of decline, let alone that he went through a life-and-death battle two hours ago. Presumably, in another ten years or two Ten years later, Sect Leader Feng is still evergreen in the martial arts world!"

During the fierce confrontation, the two of them were still talking and laughing calmly, and they could not be called the strongest men in the world.

But just as the ghostly enchantress said, although its offensive is vigorous, it only bears fruit but does not bear fruit.

Feng Chen seemed to be trapped in the shadow of the sword that filled the sky, but in fact, it was impossible to break into the shadow of the sword that filled the sky.

The ghostly enchantress was like a ghost, flying around Feng Chen without stopping, but Feng Chen's feet did not move an inch.

The two swords struck each other, their sword skills were extremely soft and their sword skills were extremely strong. One was like flying clouds, the other was strong and flat, one was like mercury pouring down the ground, penetrating into every hole, and the other was like an iron bucket, not leaking at all!

Jiang Yichen originally thought that if the ghostly demon girl's sword skills were extremely yin and gentle, she would be able to restrain Feng Chen like Ning Xiaoyao. But now it seems that whether it is yin or soft, or yang or strong, they really complement each other, and the two are mutually reinforcing. Attacking can determine who is superior and who is inferior, and it can determine life and death, but if one attacks and defends, they seem to compensate for each other, check and balance each other, and cannot do anything to the other party.

However, judging from the current situation, Feng Chen's situation of being passively beaten has not changed. His most proud sign, the most handy "Thirteen Styles to Cover the Sun", cannot be displayed. How can he defeat the enemy?

This chapter has been completed!
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