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Chapter 415 The dust settles

When masters of the same level compete, the winner should be determined by a few moves or even one move.

In a competition between top players of the same level, the result should have been decided in an instant.

However, the sun was setting in the west and the twilight was getting darker. The duel between the ghostly enchantress and Feng Chen had lasted for more than half an hour, and there was still no sign of ending.

The two of them didn't show signs of fatigue, but the heroes watching the battle couldn't stay focused.

Although the ghostly enchantress had the upper hand most of the time, the green silk ribbon never left any trace on Feng Chen's body.

Although he was in a passive situation, Feng Chen not only showed no signs of defeat, but also forced the ghost and enchantress into danger in the few fleeting counterattack opportunities.

The two have never been friends, but after thirty-five confrontations in the past ten years, they seem to have become old friends who know their opponents best.

They know each other's basics, which of the opponent's moves is real, which is false, which moves are hidden in the fabric, and which moves are interlocking. They all know it by heart, and they all have ways to deal with it in twos and twos.

Even a slight shake of one party's hand or a slight raise of an eyebrow, such subtle movements that rarely attract attention in normal battles, can make the other party guess at least 80% of its intentions and respond to it in an inseparable manner.

A sword fight is like a chess game. Every move is like every move, where money and money must be weighed, and intrigues. What is tested is not only the depth of cultivation and martial arts, but also the psychological game.

Jiang Yichen had to admire the ability of these top masters to adjust before the battle, especially Feng Chen, who was mentally traumatized in the previous battle with Ning Xiaoyao and was a little embarrassed.

So far, Feng Chen's performance has been impeccable, so he is still invincible.

But this alone is not enough to defeat the ghostly enchantress.

After all, the performance of the ghostly enchantress is also impeccable.

The two strong men compete with each other, and their stable mentality makes them indistinguishable.

The only way to break this stalemate is to change the move—a change of move that is unknown to others and unexpected by the opponent.

Do both of them have hidden agendas?

Jiang Yichen thought so.

Regardless of whether it is Ghost Enchantress, Feng Chen, Jun Chi, Zuo Feng or other gang leaders, regardless of whether they have the intention to compete for the position of the leader of the martial arts alliance, they should not waste the past year and a half.

Who will strike first?

If you strike first, the other side may have no room to fight back.

But it is clear that neither side is absolutely sure, or may not be waiting for that opportunity yet.

While Jiang Yichen was thinking, Feng Chen blocked another attack from the ghostly enchantress and forced her back ten feet away.

The opportunity to counterattack was fleeting, and Feng Chen did not dare to rely on it.

The sun-hiding knife is hanging on his right hand. He holds the middle end of the handle of the knife tightly with his left hand as the fulcrum. He holds the lower part of the handle with his right hand, six inches apart from his left hand. He uses his right arm to sweep the blade diagonally from bottom to top in front of him, bringing it with him.

An invisible blade shot through the air.

This knife does not sweep out straight down, but draws an arc in the air, and then brings the blade to the left hand side. The blade is always facing forward, so it can follow the same pattern and sweep out the next invisible blade in the shortest time.

It goes round and round, like a boat rowing an oar, except that the power point of the oar is at the middle end, and the power point of the knife is on both sides.

Compared with the broad opening and closing of the ordinary broadsword moves, this move strives to be very fast from the time the sword is released to the time it is retracted, and the swing range is extremely reduced, so the power is bound to be compromised.

But the sword wielder was Feng Chen after all. Within a few breaths, ten invisible blades had been swept out. The swords were powerful and heavy, slashing out of the ground, approaching the ghostly enchantress.

This move is the draw-sword move among the Thirteen Movements of Covering the Sun. It was created by Feng Chen to imitate the draw-sword move with a single sword, just to break the situation quickly in difficult situations.

Feng Chen is at a disadvantage, but he is not in trouble, so there is no way to break the situation.

At a distance of only ten feet, the drawn sword blade was approaching in an instant. The ghostly enchantress did not retreat, but instead charged forward.

I saw the ghostly enchantress twisting her slender waist slightly, swaying her slender hips slightly, passing between the blades, and her long hair like willows flying around without hurting an inch, which was better than strolling in the courtyard.

Although she is wrapped in a black robe, her slim figure is full of curves and charming, which makes people feel lustful and fascinated when they see it.

The ghostly enchantress moved forward and then retreated, and fully displayed her charm. Those who were watching the battle were still confused and confused. Wouldn't Feng Chen be even more affected?

The charming charm of the ghostly enchantress confuses all living beings, but Feng Chen just turns a blind eye. Although the sword-drawing gesture is ineffective, Feng Chen has no intention of stopping. He uses the sword-drawing gesture to maintain his offensive while moving back.

In a moment, the ghostly enchantress was six feet closer to Feng Chen, but she could not get any closer.

The ghostly enchantress did not use the green silk ribbon to block Feng Chen's sword-drawing move. She must have taken this opportunity to let Feng Chen spend more energy and give herself a chance to rest.

The strange scene of one party slowly approaching and the other retreating and attacking at the same time did not last long. A sinister roar came from the full lips of the ghostly enchantress.

The ghostly enchantress has put away her charming look, her eyes have become cold, and her face has become gloomy, but even so, she is still an iceberg beauty.

Unexpectedly, just by opening his mouth, a hoarse roar erupted from his throat that sounded like the tortured evil ghosts in the underworld!

Just now, I was staring at the graceful figure of the ghostly enchantress, and those who felt lust swaying in my heart felt like being poured cold water on them, my hair stood on end, and my heart palpitated!

The "Ghost Prison Wind" in "Nine Yin Magic"!

Before everyone could recover from the sudden sonic power, a powerful roar of tigers and dragons resounded through the sky.

The two sound wave skills are in conflict. Although one side is full of evil and evil energy, while the other side is full of masculine and righteous energy, they should cancel each other out. However, those who are watching the battle will inevitably suffer from the auditory and mental impact from both sides. In order to reduce the impact,

The heroes were so affected that they had to cover their ears or protect their hearts.

Fortunately, the stalemate between the two sides did not last too long, and the fighting ceased, and everyone was able to avoid being drunk and return their attention to the field again.

Obviously, the ghostly enchantress will not launch a sonic offensive for no reason, nor will she expect to defeat Feng Chen with just one sonic move. This is just a preparation for her to launch another offensive.

Feng Chen was the first to bear the brunt of the ghostly prison wind. Although he took precautions in time, he was still in a daze for a moment as he was so close to the ghostly enchantress.

Taking advantage of this gap, the green silk ribbon of the ghostly enchantress once again wrapped around the blade of the sun-hiding knife like a vine.

Just like the many attempts made by the ghostly enchantress in the past half hour or so.

Only in the previous four or five attempts, Feng Chen was able to use various methods to make Zhan Ri break away from the shackles of the green silk ribbon in a short period of time.

But this time, perhaps due to the momentary trance, Feng Chen was unable to let Zhi Ri regain his freedom first. The green vines quickly spread and engulfed the blade, and then gradually moved closer to Feng Chen's hand along the handle.

After witnessing Lu Si Sui's magical transformation many times, Jiang Yichen also understood why the ghostly enchantress was not classified as a top swordsman because Lu Si Sui had fallen out of the category of a sword in the true sense.

An army without generals is like scattered sand; a swordsman without a sword is like a broken arm!

The sun-hiding knife was bound and could not be untied for a moment or three, so Feng Chen had no knife to use.

Can Feng Chen still perform the Thirteen Sun-Hiding Styles without a sword?

Of course not.

Can Feng Chen defeat the enemy without a sword?

Not yet known.

Facing Feng Chen without a sword, isn't the ghostly enchantress sure of victory?

I see!

Jiang Yichen suddenly realized.

The plan of the ghostly enchantress to deal with Feng Chen has always been simple and clear. Feng Chen's Thirteen Movements of Covering the Sun are indeed used to block the killing of gods and the Buddha to block killing of Buddhas. However, as long as Feng Chen has as few opportunities as possible to use his sword, he can find more opportunities.

After covering up the sun, Feng Chen has nothing to fear.

Feng Chen's hand was naturally free of the sun-hiding knife, otherwise he would be entangled by the green silk ribbon, and he would have no choice but to be mermaided.

Before Feng Chen could make the next move, the ghostly enchantress had already used the spiral nine shadows in the "Nine Yin Divine Art", and transformed into eight identical figures standing in the sky, surrounding Feng Chen!

The ghostly enchantress holding the green silk ribbon only held the sword in her right hand, raised her left hand high, and appeared in the air as a phantom, grabbing Feng Chen!

At the same time, the other eight ghostly beauties, regardless of their left and right hands, each stretched out a claw and grabbed Feng Chen!

The Nine Yin Divine Claws are extremely powerful and can hurt people from a distance. The ghost energy reverberates, so you will be afraid if you don't attack!

From the ghostly enchantress sending out the ghostly wind of the prison to catching the Nine Yin Divine Claws within ten breaths of time, the situation changes so fast that it is dizzying to see. For Feng Chen, it takes a turn for the worse.

I saw a bloody claw mark on Feng Chen's right arm, which had been safe and sound before. It seemed that an artery had been injured, and blood spattered like a drop!

There were bursts of exclamations from the edge of Wujian Ping!

Jiang Yichen's heart also lifted.

He seemed to have seen Feng Chen retire with a serious injury, and also saw the ghostly enchantress suddenly disappear at the moment when she announced that she would become the leader of the martial arts alliance!

Is this the end of the two of them?

Another burst of exclamations brought Jiang Yichen back to his senses.

The nine figures of the ghostly enchantress actually fled in all directions.

And Feng Chen was indeed injured by the Nine Yin Divine Claws. There were three claw marks on his shoulders, back, and legs that stained his clothes with blood, but he did not fall, and he did not give up yet!

Feng Chen was hunched over, his arms hanging down to the ground, not touching the ground, but looking like he was on all fours.


Jiang Yichen couldn't help but think of the name of this ferocious beast.

Feng Chen is now a wolf. Although he is scarred, he still has a firm belief in winning!

Of course, four feet move faster than two feet. Feng Chen has already chased the ghostly enchantress who fled to the east, five feet, four feet, three feet...

In a matter of seconds, Feng Chen would definitely be able to catch up.

However, the ghostly enchantress did not have a green silk ribbon on her hand.

Are they defeated one by one?

Jiang Yichen quickly rejected this idea. He had already remembered Feng Chen's "Moon Wolf Heart Sutra".

Compared with the other two superior exercises, the "Moon Wolf Heart Sutra" that Feng Chen learned is only a basic internal skill. It was originally a method of strengthening the body of the northern nomadic tribes. It has been continuously improved after being passed down by generations.

Improved, but still inferior to internal strength.

Most of the nomadic tribes in the north regard the wolf as their tribal totem, and they also advocate learning the wolf's ability to work together and survive alone. The "Moon Wolf Heart Sutra" focuses on tapping the potential of the practitioner, so that he can be like a wolf, with a keen sense of smell, and resistance to hunger and cold.

, good at attacking and killing, and have extremely strong endurance.

The phantom has no real body. Even though it can express emotions and express emotions, and can still hold a weapon in its hand, it must have no smell. Feng Chen only ran towards the ghost enchantress in the east, and he had obviously locked on the ghost enchantress's aura!

Feng Chen's castration was so fast that people were shocked, and it was beyond the expectations of the ghostly enchantress.

After fighting for thirty-five times, it must have been the first time that the ghostly enchantress saw Feng Chen's beast-like appearance.

Feng Chen has already rushed to the front of the ghostly enchantress, raised his arms, turned his hands into claws, and fought tooth for tooth!

The sound of tigers roaring and dragons roaring echoed through the island again, which also made the ghostly enchantress slow down her claws for a moment!

Tiangang's righteousness broke through the last line of defense of the ghostly enchantress, and Feng Chen used all his strength to finally let his bloodthirsty claws land firmly on the slim phantom!

Blood splatters everywhere!

The ghostly enchantress fell to the ground like a kite with its string cut off. The three bloody marks on her black robe were shocking. Even if her skills were profound, it would take at least ten and a half days to cultivate.

The ghostly enchantress lost. Before she could recover from Feng Chen's thunderous blow, she felt as if her chest and abdomen were being roasted by fire. The pain was unbearable and she was unable to sit up.

Feng Chen had stood up straight, and did not take advantage of the ghostly enchantress's decline to take her life. He just looked at his opponent lying on the ground, sighed, and apologized.

Seeing that the dust had settled, Abbot Qingming hurriedly said: "Amitabha, that's so good! Master Feng's skills are superior. The Xiaoyue Alliance must have won this game, and the position of leader of the martial arts alliance belongs to Master Feng. The remaining matters will be dealt with later.

I'd like to ask you to go out and heal your injuries first, and don't waste your time."

After Abbot Qingming's reminder, the people from Xiaoyue Alliance and the various temples finally woke up, and two people from each side flew into the scene to check their injuries.

The ghostly enchantress was seriously injured and could not leave the scene for the time being, so the gods had to treat her on the spot.

Feng Chen sealed the bleeding meridians on his own, with Ruoyu and Mo Shang helping him.

While walking, Feng Chen's face slowly regained its former look, and the joy of victory finally came to his heart.

He raised his right arm high and said loudly: "Feng and the brothers of the Xiaoyue Alliance were lucky enough to win the position of leader of the martial arts alliance. In the future, they will definitely..."

Feng Chen's voice stopped suddenly, and the smile on his face turned into shock in an instant!

He seemed to be thinking of something, and his eyes scanned the crowd, but he didn't see anyone.

He felt angry, incredible, and his eyes were about to burst, but he could no longer make a sound, and his vision gradually became blurred.

At this moment, a plain-colored figure rushed in front of Feng Chen. His dignified and mature face was worried, but his slender hands that should have been calm and unshakable were placed tremblingly on Feng Chen's pulse.

The color suddenly disappeared from Poppy’s face!

This chapter has been completed!
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