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Chapter 556 The Beggar and the Face

There is a light in everyone's heart.

Wherever the light reaches is the warmest and softest place in their hearts.

Obviously, the Nether Cult is Lu Hao's biggest weakness under his rough appearance.

Therefore, Lu Hao did not hesitate to sacrifice his life to protect the light and warmth in his heart.

Jiang Yichen will be killed and buried.

When he took care of Lu Hao's tomb and rode General Black down the mountain, it was almost noon the next day.

The injuries on his body were only recovered by 50% to 60% after being nourished by medicine and recuperating overnight.

After another round of physical labor, not only was there no way to make a fuss, I didn't even have much energy left to take care of my makeup.

I had to keep everything simple and disguise myself as a wandering beggar and go into the village.

The purpose of his visit to the village was simple, to inquire about the latest news and to replenish food and medicine.

However, the moment he entered the village, he realized that his head was as big as a bucket.

It's not a problem for him to dress up as a ragged beggar to get information, but now he has to take out a lot of money to eat and drink and buy herbs. Wouldn't it be wrong to have three hundred taels of silver in this place, exposing his suspicious behavior to everyone?

Under the square eyeliner?

No wonder General Hei only carried him ten miles to the entrance of the village and then put him down. Not only was he afraid of exposing his identity, but more importantly, he would not be able to earn a living by following his "beggar" master.

Jiang Yichen became angrier the more he thought about General Hei's unjust behavior.

Trembling with rage.

Even under the scorching sun, my hands and feet felt cold.

The big crutch he was leaning on under his right arm made a squeaking sound.

The name of Niuxin Village has no origin.

Presumably it got this name just because it is closest to Niuxin Mountain.

There are many mountains in Guizhou, and it is impossible for every hilltop to have an unusual story and origin.

Niuxin Mountain is one of the ordinary ones.

Niuxin Village is also an ordinary village at the foot of Niuxin Mountain.

This village is generally arranged in an inverted "zigzag" shape according to the land's elevation.

There are less than forty households in the village, but the permanent population is about two hundred.

Although Niuxin Village is located in a remote area under the jurisdiction of Hejiang Town, Luzhou County, Sichuan Province, so that the government fails to control it, the small village has not become desolate or chaotic.

On the contrary, because it is close to Guizhou in the south and Chongqing in the north, it has three roads, so it is orderly, stable and peaceful.

Seven or eight of the ten households in the village are engaged in business for passing customers, and they are involved in everything from food, drink, clothing and use.

Even though there is no large-scale store, the service quality is deeply recognized by customers.

Such a place is certainly suitable for gathering information.

Especially during lunch time, when there is a lot of people.

Come to think of it, just by eating a bowl of noodles at a makeshift noodle stall on the street, you can hear a lot of interesting stories and rumors.

Two foreign hunters brought two cages of wild game from an unknown mountain. They were not in a hurry to sell them, so they chose a noodle stall and sat down on the edge of the stall.

I asked the old woman at the noodle stall for two large bowls of noodles, presumably to celebrate today's harvest.

The old woman is no longer agile enough with her hands and feet.

She erected the large tent above her head to block the sun for the diners.

Taking care of eight tables of guests at the same time does not seem hectic.

Not long after, two bowls of fragrant noodles came to the table of the two hunters.

Noodles are a specialty snack in Guizhou, Changwang noodles.

"Chang" refers to pig intestines, and "Wang" refers to pig blood.

Feicang and Xuewang are made into sausage and prosperous sauce respectively, then pork belly is used to make crispy sauce, and then intestine oil, crispy sauce and chili oil are used to make red oil.

The noodles are filament noodles with complex craftsmanship of "three turns, four cuts, and nine cuts."

A bowl of noodles has the characteristics of tender, crispy, spicy and fresh soup, red but not spicy, oily but not greasy, crispy but not raw, and distinguished by the "three unique qualities" of color, aroma and taste. say.

The two hunters were "seduced" to the table, and the aroma definitely contributed.

Looking at its color, how can one not move one's index finger?

Just when the two hunters grabbed their chopsticks and were about to have a hearty "fight", they unexpectedly paused.

The two of them are not exactly people in the world of martial arts, but they are not bad at perspicaciousness developed through hunting for a long time.

They noticed a strong and scorching gaze sweeping over them.

In other words, is it sweeping towards the Changwang noodles on the table?

Soon, they found the answer on the street five feet away.

He was a young beggar in shabby clothes and dusty from travels.

The young beggar was leaning on a big tree branch that had been chopped into half, and he was standing on the far corner of the street, glancing at the noodle stall from time to time.

Seeing someone watching, the young beggar timidly turned his head to the side and slowly moved his body, as if he was about to crutch away.

The two hunters looked at each other speechlessly, then sighed.

One of them raised his hand and called out to the beggar three or two times, called the beggar over, and then asked the old woman for a bowl of Changwang noodles with added ingredients.

The old woman did not leave immediately after serving the two hunters.

In fact, she had already noticed the young beggar.

Even though she is old, she also knows that there are not many beggars in this village.

Even with his old eyesight, it is not difficult to see that this beggar has come all the way, and the scars on his body are not easily broken.

This young beggar probably appeared in the village at noon. He had been walking back and forth from the beginning of the village to the end of the village at least two or three times. He seemed aimless, but he was undoubtedly looking for a place to eat.

The old woman's family is not rich and she has three mouths to feed, so it doesn't hurt to give away some food.

The reason why I turned a blind eye was because I was afraid of getting into trouble.

Fortunately, there are still kind-hearted people who have the compassion and responsibility to be kind to others.

Jiang Yichen could smell the fragrance from five feet away.

Then, there was a roar in his stomach, and fluid overflowed from his dry mouth.

I really don't want to move my eyes away from my head, and my feet really can't move even one step.

Although we have been eating delicacies and wild game these past few days, Senior Brother Long’s cooking skills still need to be improved.

And due to the limited conditions, there is no oil and salt seasoning to add flavor and color, so the taste is really monotonous, far less delicious than what I enjoyed a few days ago.

But the aroma of noodles wafting from the noodle stall was different.

Even without taking a bite, Jiang Yichen felt that his taste buds had been attacked.

Sure enough, he was beaten by Lu Hao last night. Not only was he injured, but he was also sick.

The disease is hunger disease.

I am so sick that my mind is unclear and confused.

Otherwise, how could you turn yourself into a beggar?

Jiang Yichen almost cried.

Just as tears lingered in his eyes, a pair of small hands, holding a big bowl, appeared in his field of vision.

"Brother, eat some noodles quickly."

The young girl said with her bright smiling eyes.

Jiang Yichen calmly took the bowl and chopsticks.

It took a long time, until the girl ran away, to realize that the girl must be the granddaughter of the old woman.

Why didn't you see it just now?

"I've been hungry for a long time. Eat quickly. It won't taste as good when it's cold."

Perhaps seeing Jiang Yichen not moving his chopsticks for a long time, he mistakenly thought he was too moved, so a hunter kindly reminded him.

Jiang Yichen leaned on crutches and held a bowl, bowed as much as possible to thank him, and then squatted down in the corner not far from the table.

Before he started eating, the little girl came to him again and handed him a hard-boiled egg.

Smiling Yingying said: "Brother, my mother-in-law said you must take care of yourself when you go out."

This time, Jiang Yichen didn't care whether his current appearance would frighten the little girl, so he responded promptly, nodding and smiling.

Watch the little girl skip away.

Jiang Yichen also understood why he only saw the old woman when he passed by this noodle stall before.

It turned out that in the empty space of the cart equipped with the stove, two children, a boy and a girl, were hiding in the small space to read and read.

Jiang Yichen tasted a bowl of noodles that was full of color, flavor and added an egg, but it was tasteless.

While eating noodles, he listened to the conversation between the two hunters and thought about the situation of the old woman and her grandson.

Apart from ordering a bowl of noodles for Jiang Yichen, the two hunters never spoke to him again after receiving his thanks.

The two of them talked a lot during the meal. Although they deliberately lowered their voices, they did not avoid Jiang Yichen who was standing beside them.

The conversation was about the few game animals in the mountains, but sometimes it was about the far-flung events that had happened in recent days.

For example, there were several operations by the Wala Army to spy on military intelligence in the northeastern part of Zhongzhou.

For example, there are many stragglers who appear in the Northland.

Another example is that there are many more merchant ships in the southeastern waters.

From national conditions to Jianghu incidents, there are many.

These seemed to be things that ordinary hunters should not know, but the two of them talked about it like chattering.

Of course, these two are not ordinary hunters, but members of the Anbu of the Justice League.

Jiang Yichen contacted them to confirm his identity shortly after entering the village.

The old man had no instructions to convey to Jiang Yichen, and a lot of things had happened recently, which could only be fully explained by oral description. Due to Jiang Yichen's appearance, the three of them decided on this strategy to convey the information.

Everything went according to plan.

Only the old woman's reaction was beyond Jiang Yichen's expectation.

He could clearly feel the concern in the old woman's cloudy eyes, but he could also feel the other party's caution.

Changwang noodles are a specialty of Guizhou.

The old woman has not lost her hometown craftsmanship.

As for why you moved to Shu?

Maybe they were married when they were young, maybe they moved here to make a living in recent years, or maybe they were hiding during the catastrophe twenty years ago.

However, the old woman seemed to have no children, leaving only a boy and a girl of the same generation as her grandchildren to support.

Fortunately, both children seem to be very sensible.

Reading, there is always a chance to change your destiny.

In the past twenty years, Zhongzhou has been in a state of continuous improvement and cultivation.

The life that most people live is not one of worry-free food and clothing, but it is still manageable.

As long as you are willing to put in some sweat and hard work, you will never go hungry.

As for some old, sick, orphaned and poor people who are either too lazy to eat or are really unable to support themselves, they will be disciplined or adopted by the almshouses set up by each county.

Therefore, no matter where in Zhongzhou, there are very few beggars gathering in groups.

It is precisely for this reason that the public opinion about the imperial court is not bad.

However, how will they feel when they know that these seemingly warm scenes are just a curtain to temporarily calm people's hearts, and that the catastrophe of twenty years is likely to strike again?

Jiang Yichen finished his last mouthful of noodles and drank his last mouthful of soup. His shoulders felt heavy and he didn't have enough strength to get up and return the bowls and chopsticks.

He was thinking about secretly stuffing a fifty-tael banknote into the old woman's cart, and made up his mind not to pretend to be a beggar again, but he was inexplicably shocked!

It is true that beggars are rare in Zhongzhou, but with the ability of the Zhongzhou court, how can the almshouses in various counties have the funds and ability to control these people?

Could it be!

This chapter has been completed!
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